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Just call me Kitty!

Hi, internet land, and welcome to the (Hell) Butterfly Garden! This blog will be dedicated to all things Bleach. We’re talking imaginings, headcanons, GIFs, you name it! I’m super excited to be here and to eagerly await hearing from y’all. Oh! Before, you ask, though, pop on over to the Need To Know section, so you can learn my basic rules.

Enjoy yourselves

Kitty <3

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“That’s Life” headcanons!

How would the Gotei 13 and the Arrancars go about doing normal things that have nothing whatsoever to do with combat? Y’know, the dailies. What shenanigans will ensue??? Send me a topic and some characters and we shall see! Kukukukuku~

🎓 Substitute teacher

🚦Driver’s ed

🎢 Amusement park

🚕 Public Transportation 

🐾 Zoo


👻 Haunted House



🧦 Laundry day



🎮Video games

🍎Grocery shopping

🎈....ahem. Feminine errands



**Please read the “NEED TO KNOW” before requesting**

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Smokin’ Hot Headcanons

As quoted from the Smoking Is Cool page on TV Tropes, “If you’re badass, you smoke.” Smoking can either make someone look bad to the bone or someone is actually is bad to the bone look even more so. I think the Espadas are all pretty badass, soooooo here’s some headcanons spawned from a convo with my bro!

“Which Espadas do you think would take up smoking as a habit?”

Starrk: When we talk about “habits” with this man, you know it has to be something that requires minimal effort. For crying out loud, his favorite hobby is being asleep! Smoking would be a yes because it would not really require him to move from his favorite position (laying down/half-laying down) that much. At most, he’d have to move his arm towards the ash try to tap the stray ashes off or put the cigarette out, but then it’d be right to his lips again, dangling idly from his lips as he blows lazy whiffs out from his nose. He probably wouldn’t do it much around Lilynette, though, just because he wouldn’t want her pestering him for one (which he would never agree to. She doesn’t need to pick up any bad habits).

Barragan: This one is an immediate “yes” in my mind. He’d look like a cool mafioso type, just sitting on his throne surrounded by smoke. I see him with a cigar or a pipe. Y’know, something associated with old well experienced people. As a man who plays chess, a game that requires patience and time, he would appreciate a good cigar. It’s something to enjoy over time, something to be savored. In fact, I can see him with one clenched between two fingers while he plays a game with Tousen.

Harribel: I honestly can’t see her smoking. For one, the logistics of it. I can’t see her wanting to go into her resurrección form every time she wanted to light up. For another, I think she would think it was kind of pointless. I can’t see her ever letting something stress her out enough to do it, nor can I see her doing it just because. She’s not the type to do something without purpose, so she will decline.

Ulquiorra: If anyone ever offered this one a cigarette, I can practically feel that empty stare as he asks, “Why?” Like Harribel, he doesn’t do things without purpose. Most likely, after you explain that it’s something humans do to unwind, conveniently leaving out the fact that it can develop an addiction and be slow torture for the lungs, he maybe might try one. Just one. And somehow, he would manage to finish it all in a single drag. He would look unbothered and uncaring like always, but it will be pretty cool to watch the smoke spew from his mouth as he reiterates the fact that he doesn’t understand the activity while he walks away.

Nnoitra: Um. Yes. Definitely yes. He’s more likely to do it if he sees someone else doing it, and he’ll probably do it “better.” You know how obsessed this guy is with being the strongest. If he sees someone smoking one cigarette, he will have two lit up and smoke them at the same time. He also wouldn’t take filtered cigarettes. Not a chance. And no menthols. Only the smoggiest of cigs will do it for this guy and he will actively laugh out anyone who provided those as an option when he’s bumming a cigarette off somebody. He’d rather go smokeless! (He’d probably still take it, but complain the whole time)

Grimmjow: Catnip bud. Ahem. So, this is a bit tricky and could go one of two ways. 1) The idea can be off-putting to him because of that keen feline sense of smell. Smoke smell clings to clothes and hair for a long time after the cigarette is gone, so I can see that being overwhelming. 2) It would be something he takes up because anything that makes him look like even more of a badass, he’ll jump on it like a ball of yarn. It’s one of those things I can see so easily in a human!AU, the cool guy with the awesome outfit (I LOVE that post-time skip outfit) leaning against the wall and silently watching/judging passersby.

Zommari: Eh…nah. His favorite way to pass the time is doing his meditation thing. He seems like the type of guy who would always want to be super in control of himself. He will most definitely judge you if you are smoking around him and will prove himself superior by not engaging in such activities.

Szayelapporo: Thiiiiis dodgy summamabish. You see, this one would be more of a social smoker. And not just any social smoker, the type of social smoker that will do it ten times more flamboyantly than you. He will be there in the midst of it all, obnoxiously long cigarette holder in hand, twirling it around it a la Cruella DeVil while he prattles on about some lofty subject or other, while they pretend to listen. He certainly loves to strut.

Aaraoniero: Again, logistics don’t seem to allow much for this. Granted, he could put on one of the many faces he has taken over the years to get the job done, but that wouldn’t change the fact that he’s two weird floating heads in a jar, sitting on top of a borrowed meatsuit. So that’s a no.

Yammy: I...honestly don’t know. I feel like, despite calling it stupid/weak, he would at least try it. There’s honestly no telling what that guy will do next. If he does continue with the habit, I feel like it would be something done to pad gaps of boredom. He’d complain about being bored the whole time he was doing it.

~thoughts by Kitty ♥

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I feel like Orihime’s pregnancy must’ve been a godsend to Ichigo. Why? Since she has VERY weird taste in food, I bet her “cravings” actually ended up being normal food combinations XDD

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Coming home from a long day of work/school/whatever gets you out of the house and flopping down in exhaustion, swearing never to move again. Then, you smell something sweet, and out comes out the baker himself... Kensei. With no shirt and a fluffy piece of your favorite cake. He says you can have some....for 50 squats.

You frown, for you have been cakeblocked.

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Shh, shh...Hear that?

Shh, Shh...Hear That?

It's the sound of a lonely ask box. I would have loved to have already had OODLES of content for you guys, but inspiration seems to have taken a vacation and not invited me 😭

Musings, headcanons, gifsets, send them all! *laughs a la Don Kenonji*


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I Am Convinced Aizen Actually Needed Those Glasses He Broke And That's Why He Has His Eyes Narrowed All

I am convinced Aizen actually needed those glasses he broke and that's why he has his eyes narrowed all the time. You can't convince me otherwise 😂

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