Bleach Fandom - Tumblr Posts

I'm totally normal about them

Ikkaku "The Goat" Madarame
a tiny little semi infographic on the best shounen animanga.

BLEACH is an animanga released by TITE KUBO in the early 2000s which tells the story of 15 year old ichigo kurosaki, who is both blessed and cursed with the ability to see ghosts. when his family is attacked by a hollow (the very scary manifestation of a lost soul) he becomes a soul reaper, dedicating his life to protecting others and helping these lost souls find peace. the story details his adventures within the world of the living and his transcendence to the spirit world.
available on hulu, funimation, and most anime streaming sites.

the THOUSAND YEAR BLOOD WAR ARC, seemingly the final arc in the bleach manga is scheduled to begin airing in october of 2022, there's no better time to play catch-up on the anime or manga than right now!
you can view the trailer for TYBW → HERE !
if a great story wasn't enough, BLEACH also has impressive character design, as seen through both the characters appearances themselves and the clothes they choose to wear. even within the mandatory uniform soul reapers donn, you can see individual personalities and style reflected through their wear. this also applies to espada, fullbringer, quincy, etc.

BLEACH isn't one to have characters at a stand still, throughout the progression of the story the viewer/reader gets a really good look at a character's transformation not only through development of skill but also as individuals. as seen in the fullbring arc where ichigo (debatably) undergoes some of his greatest developments as a character so far.
BLEACH IS ALSO NOT SHY OF STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS !!!! women in this story are not afraid to fight men and aren't depicted in a way where their character is put second to their femininity. we can see great examples of this through characters like unohana, yoruichi, soifon, etc.
BLEACH brings the VIBE when it comes to it's anime openings and endings, it's soundtrack ranges from bubbly upbeat pop to mellow rock and a whole number of genres in-between. you can find a playlist of some OST/ED → HERE!
05. MISC
ACTION PACKED, FULL OF GREAT COMEDIC FUN, SUPER ENTERTAINING. BLEACH will make you laugh, cry, and is guaranteed have you at the edge of your seat for sure. it's easy to follow/understand and if there ever is a moment you're confused the FANDOM WIKI is loaded with information to keep you up to speed.

THE BOUNT ARC / FILLER — where people tend to lose a lot of interest in the series because of its slow pacing, the bount arc isn't imperative to watch however we do get to see the bonds of characters and their individual abilities shine through in this arc! watch/read if you want and skip if you dont, you will still be able to understand the rest of the series if you chose not to.
SOME FAN SERVICE + CLIQUE — remember that this is an early 2000 shounen animanga, everyone's tolerance to animanga bullshit is on a spectrum so this is really up to your personal preference, however bleach does feature some amounts of fan service and clique within its tale. i personally didn't find it to be to a point where it ruined the story or got in the way of important moments. once again based on preference so i'll include this bit for your decision!

overall, bleach is truly a classic and has set the stage for tons of your favorite new-gen shounen animanga. tite kubo's influence is easily found in so many of today's animedia and bleach will definitely be remembered as one of the greatest stories of all time. WATCH/READ BLEACH !!!
Been awhile since I posted :">

I got carried away 😣

Some Magma stuff!!
(I was with a friend LMAOO)

Some Magma stuff!!
(I was with a friend LMAOO)

Just call me Kitty!
Hi, internet land, and welcome to the (Hell) Butterfly Garden! This blog will be dedicated to all things Bleach. We’re talking imaginings, headcanons, GIFs, you name it! I’m super excited to be here and to eagerly await hearing from y’all. Oh! Before, you ask, though, pop on over to the Need To Know section, so you can learn my basic rules.
Enjoy yourselves
Kitty <3
Starrk, Ichigo, and Grimmjow going grocery shopping?
Ahhhhh! First ask, and it’s with
three of my favorite guys! ♥♥
· First of all, please share your secret to how you got him out of bed.
· He is definitely going to grab a
cart, even if the trip is just for a few items. Why? So he has something to lean on while he’s walking around.
· He definitely likes to have a list, so he can be in and out to return to lounging as soon as possible.
· He can definitely be trusted to shop alone.
· If he’s shopping with you, he’s not really helpful for making on-the-fly decisions.
o “What do you think? Should we get a rotisserie chicken?”
“’Cuz they’re tasty!”
“It’s not on the list…”
· If it’s not on the list, it doesn’t exist.
· Super essentials-driven. Milk? Bread? He’s all over that.
· Buuuuut, if there is one thing he will splurge on, it’s minimal effort/microwave meals that he can have when you’re not there to cook
o The freezer is full of microwavable taquitos. FULL.
· He about died when he discovered Costco.
· He prefers buying in bulk simply because it limits the number of times he’d have to leave home, which often leads to some confusion on your part.
o “Coyote…darling…is there a reason we needed 144 packs of instant ramen?”
o “Why is there so much peanut butter?!
· Fair warning: do not get sidetracked and start talking to someone. He will likely go from slouching on the cart, to leaning heavily, to falling asleep standing up and subsequently falling to the
· You brave, brave individual.
· This is the one you have to keep close by at all times. Why? Because he will put anything and everything that tickles his fancy into the shopping cart if you aren’t looking.
o 5 pounds of steak
o Random sodas
o 3 different types of Trojan lubricant (“I mean, why the fuck not?”)
· If, by chance, you end up losing him, the best thing you can do is to look for the free sample lady
o Chances are he’s gonna be arguing with her because…
o “Hey, give that back, young man!”
“You said they’re free!”
*frustratedly pointing at the tasting cups* “The little cup’s worth, not the whole box!”
“Fuck that!”
· Due to the above interaction, chances are you will have to leave the store in a hurry because he will have grabbed all of the product out of spite and run
out of the store.
o He will absolutely be laughing maniacally.
o You will absolutely be writing an apology letter for him.
· Do not—absolutely do not—release him unsupervised into the
supermarket. You are better off calling someone else if you can’t leave the
o He will not bring you what you asked for.
o Worse yet, he will have probably forgotten that you had even asked him to get you something in the first place.
o Just bags and bags of literally nothing you asked for bought with your credit card.
· I don’t know you would think Grimmjow + grocery store would equal anything good. You have no one to blame but yourself for whatever shenanigans ensue
· Ah, the perfect specimen of human man
in a store.
· Since he has two sisters and—let’s be honest—he’s the responsible male of the house, he’s pretty used to grocery shopping.
· He is very used to making the grocery run and can do it in record time.
o Shopping with him is fun because you can probably convince him to make it into a fun
· Like Stark, he doesn't like to go without a list, but you could probably convince him to go off-list with just the right amount of puppy-dog pouting.
“S-stop making that face! No means no!”
*pouting intensifies*
“…Okay, one ice cream. But this is the last time!”
· He tackles the store methodically, trying to avoid any double-backing or turnarounds.
· And, good grief, is the man the
master of the powerwalk
o “Ichigo, slow down!”
“Nope! Remember, in and out. That was the plan.”
· This is, of course, him shopping as a brother/significant other.
· If it’s for his kid, I feel like he would go nuts with all the health food and baby needs.
o Like,
all the baby food and formula
o And healthy stuff for you so that, if you’re breastfeeding, the baby gets only the good stuff
· He’s not one to indulge often, but when he does, it’s usually something ordinary like chocolate milk or juice boxes or maybe two eight-packs of
· What a man
Kitty's Confession Corner
I am unabashedly in love with a certain blue-haired arrogant bastard of an Espada for some reason lolz. It's just a fact of life. Mr. Fiancé Man used to tease me about how I'm probably never gonna change my wallpaper. Well, joke's on him cuz I did change my wallpaper!!
Sort of.

My favorite part is how he's not even fazed by this anymore😹😹
"I watch Bleach for the plot!"
The plot:


I present the manwhore™ himself,
Sousuke Aizen

。₊˚⊹♡ "You should go to bed, honey..." ♡⊹˚₊ 。