Bleached Thoughts - Tumblr Posts

I feel like Orihime’s pregnancy must’ve been a godsend to Ichigo. Why? Since she has VERY weird taste in food, I bet her “cravings” actually ended up being normal food combinations XDD

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Coming home from a long day of work/school/whatever gets you out of the house and flopping down in exhaustion, swearing never to move again. Then, you smell something sweet, and out comes out the baker himself... Kensei. With no shirt and a fluffy piece of your favorite cake. He says you can have some....for 50 squats.

You frown, for you have been cakeblocked.

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I Am Convinced Aizen Actually Needed Those Glasses He Broke And That's Why He Has His Eyes Narrowed All

I am convinced Aizen actually needed those glasses he broke and that's why he has his eyes narrowed all the time. You can't convince me otherwise 😂

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Bleached Shower Thoughts #1

If Grimmjow and Harribel had a baby, he would literally be Shark Boy from Shark Boy and Lava Girl.

Bleached Shower Thoughts #1

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So, When I Talk To Most People About Bleach, They Say The Most Surprising Thing Was That Aizen Was Evil.

So, when I talk to most people about Bleach, they say the most surprising thing was that Aizen was evil. Me? I knew he was EVIL from the beginning. How you ask? I am attracted to bad guys (hence why I'm such Grimmjow trash. Ugh that man 💙). Ahem..anyway!

I felt nothing for Aizen. Like, absolutely nothing. Is he conventionally attractive? Yeah. But if he doesn't stoke Kitty's fire, he's too evil.

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

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Grimmjow x shy!SO

This request was made by the lovely @tinyoinklover​! This took a bit of thinking, since I have never really written a non-combative character in my life XD

Writing with a female SO, since that’s the perspective I know!

First off, let’s remember that Grimmjow’s experience with females is…limited

Females in Las Noches range from emotionless to prickly to downright wrathful; shyness doesn’t really exist there

Perhaps he was drawn to you because you’re the complete opposite, with your soft smiles and your active desire to quell any conflict; being with you is a whole new ball game

The quietness of your voice took some getting used to, so much of the early stages of your relationship was filled with, “Out with it, woman!” and other such admonitions

He’s surprisingly protective of you, in his own way (tugging you into his lap when he sees another guy eyeballing you, unceremoniously tossing you over his shoulder and dragging you away from situations where you’re visibly uncomfortable, standing at your back on public transportation and glaring at anyone who looks at you funny…Y’know, boyfriend stuff!)

Grimmjow will absolutely go apeshit if someone wrongs you, no matter how small the offense.

“Hey, dipshit!”

“Grimmjow, please don’t…”

“Are you fucking deaf?! She said she didn’t want pickles on her damn burger!”

*hides rapidly reddening face in shame* “Grimmjow, no…!”

While he has come to accept who you are, that doesn’t mean he’s content to let you stay there; he wants you to be able to stand up for yourself (but he’s not gonna tell you that outright. Way too sappy)

His methods could be anything from making you practice talking loudly at yourself in the mirror, to making you practice trash talk in videogames (hilariously unsuccessful), to mysteriously disappearing right before the waiter comes, forcing you to order the Korean BBQ, to making you call in the reservation for Korean BBQ on the phone…I’m sure you’re sensing a theme here

While it’s true he wishes you were more confident, there are times Grimmjow enjoys your shyness, if nothing else for your reactions

He smirks in satisfaction at your startled squeak when he pinches your ass unexpectedly and absolutely lives for the way your blush extends to your ears when he whispers something absolutely filthy in them

He may have trouble getting you to speak up with others, but he knows you and he knows your body and by now has learned all of the delightful ways to make you veeeeery vocal

The day you test the waters of your growing confidence and answer his flirtations with a sexy quip of your own, he will be over the fucking moon. He will be so thrilled, in fact, that you will absolutely be bent over on the nearest surface and be so thoroughly ravaged you won’t be able to walk for a couple days. I hope you don’t have plans 😉

I hope you enjoyed these! ^w^ 🖤

Also, major shout-out to Admin A of @sexintheseireitei for getting the idea of Grimm & Korean BBQ in my head! It just fits too well 😂

Grimmjow X Shy!SO

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Bleached Shower Thoughts #2

**Potential Spoilers for non-manga readers. Continue at your own peril**

Has anyone ever noticed that when Toshiro and Matsumoto are in the World of the Living (specifically IN HIS HOUSE), Isshin is mysteriously absent? Can he sense their spiritual pressure? Is it because he feels guilty? Does he not want them to know he's Ichigo's dad?? (I mean, c'mon he looks just like Kaien; how do they not know?) These are the answers I need answered!!


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Just Asking What We're All Thinking.....
Just Asking What We're All Thinking.....

Just asking what we're all thinking.....

Who is Yumichika's lash tech, cuz he is slaying✨️✨️

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"If Ichigo had senzu beans, he'd be more of a menace than he already is.

.....Wait, he does. His wife. Orihime is a senzu bean"

Husband: *looks up from his phone* ".............WHAT?"

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Y'know Whenever I Watch This Part (specifically What Happens Immediately After), I Always Just Find Myself

Y'know whenever I watch this part (specifically what happens immediately after), I always just find myself like... "Chad. The lights are on. There are people in there. What have you done? What will the night cleaning crew say?"

The amount of property damage Karakura Town has endured is insane, y'all😅

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"and they respect that (except for when they don't lol)"

If that isn't a whole mood, I don't know what is lmao

Uryu: I swear to god I'm the only one here with a braincell.

Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, Chad, and Renji: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred braincell!

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Taking care of an injured Grimmjow be like:

Taking Care Of An Injured Grimmjow Be Like:

You cannot convince me otherwise

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There is nothing more inconsistent in the Bleach anime than the size of Loly's boobs

There Is Nothing More Inconsistent In The Bleach Anime Than The Size Of Loly's Boobs

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So I'm sitting here watching Forensic Files and investigators were examining bone fragments under extreme magnification under a microscope to examine the osteon (the building blocks of the bone essentially) to check whether the bones were animal or human. Basically it boils down to this: human osteon tends to be rounder and evenly spaced out and animals tended to be closely arranged in a row-like structure. (There's a picture below the cut, for anyone interested. TW: bones, trypophobia)

All this got me thinking: If an Arrancars bones were taken under a microscope, would they show human osteon or animal osteon? Would it be dependent on their evolution at the time they became Arrancars? They were all transformed at different stages, it seems, so would that potentially affect the results?

So I'm Sitting Here Watching Forensic Files And Investigators Were Examining Bone Fragments Under Extreme
So I'm Sitting Here Watching Forensic Files And Investigators Were Examining Bone Fragments Under Extreme
So I'm Sitting Here Watching Forensic Files And Investigators Were Examining Bone Fragments Under Extreme
So I'm Sitting Here Watching Forensic Files And Investigators Were Examining Bone Fragments Under Extreme

(Pictures taken from the Bleach Wiki)

These are the things that keep me up at night lol. Worse yet, I can only theorize instead of doing research because they aren't real😭😂

What do you guys think?

(Again, picture below the cut, for anyone interested. TW: bones, trypophobia)

So I'm Sitting Here Watching Forensic Files And Investigators Were Examining Bone Fragments Under Extreme

Screenshot from the Arizona State Museum. Click the link if you want to learn more about human and animal bones!

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