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This time we’re looking at publicity photos from “The Man Trap” with Sandra Gimpel in and out of her costume. Ms. Gimpel was originally a dancer who learned to perform stunt work and had already been on the first Star Trek pilot “The Cage” as one of the Talosians in the background. One last round of publicity photos from “The Man Trap” on Sunday.
Gulf seeks to assure Tehran of neutrality amid rising tensions: Report | Al Mayadeen English

Article in a local paper about Dreamgirls, the play I’m playing keyboard in.

Another article about Dreamgirls!
“Dreamgirls, which is very loosely based on story of the 1960s hit group The Supremes, took six Tony Awards after its 1981 Broadway opening, and may well be the most complex show Live Arts has tackled in a very long time. With 22 performers, most of them new to the stage, 30 musical numbers, and several subplots, this show required hard work, enthusiasm and dedication. And it shows.”
~Clare Aukofer

Aw, hell naw.
Tried my hand at writing satire. :D
Written by a Gazan author: