News Letter - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

A great caw can be heard over head.

A Great Caw Can Be Heard Over Head.

A letter flitters down

11/21/2022 The First News Letter

Wizard Wonderwyrm turns to rubber to defend against attacks

A skeleton and wizard fight, this turns into a game of tennis with a skeleton head for the wiffle ball, the head's feelings are unknown about this development.

Wizard council approved blunt force with magical staffs as a "spell", local non-magi question whether or not the council knows the meaning of the term spells.

Wizard gets outsmarted by a skeleton who left an explosive skeleton head in a gift wrapped box

Peasants question what the "Wizard Council" is. Some feel unsafe knowing these folk may be working in high positions of power such as tax collector and other government positions.

The peasants of the kingdom ask; what set off this war, how long has it been fought, and when we might see an end.

The Academia and the High Council fight over whether or not archeology digs for information on the war should be legal or if it goes against the laws of the kingdom.

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