Next Relationship - Tumblr Posts
SINGLES: Your Next Relationship (2022) cartomancy & intuitive reading.
Finally, long ass PAC readings, what I was put in this earth to do.
IMPORTANT: Please, please, while choosing a pile make sure you're not distracted or stressed, otherwise it won't resonate. This is an intuitive reading, so it's okay if it doesn't resonate with you, after all this is just for entertainment purposes!
Please leave feedback 🤧🙏🏻😭

keep reading!
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞
People who chose this pile are incredibly ambitious and look for a partner who can follow their same rhythm, it's difficult for you to like a person just because, there is always something negative that makes you not want to be with them. In all honesty, is difficult for you to not judge people for how they present themselves, how they treat people, how they think and how others talk about them; you have very high standards. Even though you can have an intimidating personality when people first meet you, it doesn't mean that's your true personality, you are a very generous friend and feel a responsibility to help people always, this attribute can make people in your life feel entitled to your time and your energy; never questioning if you have something else to do. I see you are a direct and honest person who's weakness is their friends but mostly their family, and family can need your help a lot.
Now, on the topic of the person you will meet (if you haven't met them already) can seem like perfect match in terms of ambitious and class and attitude, they might have the same goals and dress with certain modesty, using suits or dresses, this person likes fashion and looking good a lot, they, regardless of gender, can take care of their face with a lot of products and buy the best clothes; they way they look is important for them, impeccable and neat. And this is something that calls your attention, this person knows how to talk, and can be known by s lot of people, they like socializing, more so they like being liked by people, This person seems to depend too much on how they are perceived by others, that's how they called your attention, but sometimes it can get obsessive, you probably don't care what other people say about you and seeing your partner unfold with strangers opinions can make you mad a lot.
This relationship will form very quickly, I can see they charmed you and made you curious to know more about them just from the first meeting, and you did this with them as well. When you met them your career must've taken off, you were —are— gaining more money, recognition, reputation, etc, etc... This potential person could've seen how well you were doing and got immediately interested in what you could offer them. This relationship can be very fast and impulsive, as this person could be very impulsive and lead by their emotions of the moment, they'll have you going from one place to another at all times, it could be very exciting but also turbulent and tiring after some time. If you are currently single (which i presume you are) be careful of people who look too good to be true, because they might be lying! You are not a person that needs a partner but this year you would like some company, be sure to notice red flags, even if they are minimal! Since you will be gaining a lot of popularity this year through your job or your projects, you can attract a lot of good opportunities like you can attract a lot of envious people that want to use you for their own gain.
You could meet this person through friends, at work, at a party or social gathering, you could start as friends with benefits or the instant attraction will be there from the start. This person can be younger than you or less experienced in your work field, they will have little to no family and try to make your their own? This person is super charismatic and attractive, they don't like being told no. Possible signs in your or their chart; Capricorn, Libra, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius, Leo.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠:
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐰𝐨
People who chose this pile are sensitive, artistic and extremely moody, they love the feeling of being in love but can get it too far to keep their own fantasies, you go after not so good people, ignoring the obvious red flags in the name of potential. You are a lovely person that is well liked by everyone and has a tendency to wear rose-colored glasses with people, naive and sentimentalist. Your truest passion is anything related to art and creating, but you have a lot of mood swings that are constant and most likely give people the dies that you are an unpredictable person who's emotions can be, not erratic per say, but very changing and it leaves no space to feel one emotion, that you are already feeling something else. Your personality is more on the extroverted side or a loud introvert if that makes sense? You tend to see the good in everyone, specially in suitors, a lot of your ex partners might've been very questionable from the start, and it's hard for you to think logically when in love, your friends could see how you bent over backwards for people who don't deserve it and have no good intentions with you.
Now, onto your potential next partner, if you haven't met this person yet, (which will probably happen very soon) they will be very similar to you, artistic, shy and pretty, with an eye for art or books or photography, they are very involved with those kind of things, they make their appearance and overall the way they present themselves very low-key, so people don't mind them or look at them twice, they are calm most of the time, try to stay out of the spotlight since they are very shy, but when people do get to know them is easy to fall in love. Don't get me wrong, this person doesn't have a player personality, but they carry themselves with elegance and modesty, with calmness and a more quiet confidence, super protective, they feel the need to take care of people all the time and at the same timr of protecting from people, since they have a fragile heart and when they like a person they can get obsessive and possessive. I keep seeing they like reading or writing a lot and might be keen of writing and publishing books one day.
This relationship won't start as soon as you two are presented, it will be something slow, which, in your world light be tedious, since you like doing things fast specially when it comes to love. It's very possible that you won't like them at first, at least not that way, and they will like you as soon as you two exchange words, but see you are not interested so, because this is a very shy person, they will do nothing about it. Funny enough, you won't know how much they like you until some mutual friends bring it up; like little details this person does to call your attention or dumb excuses just to talk to you about trivial things. This will be one of the few times you will 100% not see it coming, as you will meet them in a point in your life when you will be more focused on yourself and how to process your last relationship, gathering more to your own emotions instead of the emotions of the partner you could have at the moment. In all honesty, you will be super focus on the last relationship you had since it was very toxic or changing and made you rethink a lot of things about yourself and self-worth, and you will feel not fit to be in a relationship at the moment, which they will agree to being just friends, after a while.
You could meet this person from a friend, a one on one conversation, you won't like them romantically at first, they will feel like finding light at the end of the tunnel when meeting you. They could be a different ethnicity than you, same height, they have diagnosed depression or some sort of physical disability. Possible signs in yours or their chart; Virgo, Pisces, Taurus, Libra.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠:
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
People who chose this pile exhibit clear traits from a martian or plutonian personality, they are chaotic but mysterious, interesting and complicated. You are a magnet, when it comes to romantic relationship, it can be met with a lot of intense relationships one after the other, your friends might tell you that you like hiding things until the situation becomes too bad or it gets resolved, quick to anger and can come off as arrogant. You are different from the rest of the piles when it comes to calling the attention, you don't have to try, it's granted to you when you walk in a room. You're a control freak and can come off as a bitchy person, detached or unpredictable, while all of these things can be true, you are a caretaker and like taking care of people and like being needed by other people, even when you try to hide it going after cold lovers that are neglectful, you like being the only one, you are extremely possessive and it's something you need to work on. You are high maintenance but so sweet.
Now let's talk about your next partner! This person is someone you've already met once or twice, or maybe had a fling with a few years but it was never something really serious, right? Well you left this person in shambles, and they might be very similar to you when they like someone, they get obsessive and possessive, and this person couldn't find it in them to let go and move on from you. They follow you on all social medias, stalk you, ask your friends how are you, who are you seeing, is apparent, they are head over heels for you. I do feel like there are a lot of things both of you share, the way they love, communicate, express your emotions and your opinions are the same most of the time, weirdly enough I can't grasp on more specific things, like what kind of personality they can have, or get inside of what childhood they've had, their energy seems to be protected as they can be spiritual people that are very private and don't like others reading on them without their permission (hehe) but what I am sure of is they share a lot of things in common with you, maybe mutual friends? A past ties you two together and it could be a karmic relationship, it seems very spirituality supported, and they probably know they had a life with you, that's why they are so obsessed to be with or see what you do at all times?
Talking about a relationship seems.... Complicated? This person seems to already be dating someone or that's you, since I am getting some sort of betrayal but this is, as i said, complicated. I am not actually getting an actual, formal relationship but yes a reunion of some sort where you will be curious to know this person's intentions with you, forming a really intense relationship or connection that can be like friends with benefits. This person will be offering a lot, promising a lot of things and while they'd do it actually believing their words and believing they can satisfy all of your needs; they will just break those promises, trying to have everything, I aaaammm going for this person having somebody else already and wanting both of you, or feeling like they are at the top of the world with you on their side, and the adrenaline will have them saying things they don't actually intent or are able to do. There is a lot of sexual chemistry for sure, and this person will try to do anything to please you or to keep you, since it could've been something they wanted from forever, or you were hard to get. But your emotions in this relationship could be of apathy and such, resigned to whatever happens and resigned to the ending of the relationship if it has to end, you will not be there half of the time and you will probably settle with this person out of boredom or because you've been lonely for a long time, I don't see the feeling of being in love here, and it's not because this person is not good or they're boring, but you will feel like you could do better, or be so unhappy with your own life outside romance that it will affect this relationship negatively.
You definitely knew this person but briefly, dealing with a lot of low self-esteem and impostor syndrome, sex is great, wanting to be super private about this relationship. They see you as the love of their life, Joe Goldberg vibes, older but acts a lot younger, inclination to spirituality and mysticism. Possible signs in yours or their chart; Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Cancer, Gemini.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠:
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
People who chose this pile are quiet, easygoing and a people pleaser to a fault, they attend to other's needs to forget their own and have a tendency to never speak up or talk about their own issues. You are introverted and so shy, people will describe you as a sweet, shy, with your head in the clouds, never seeing things for what they really are. You get tired really easily and could have some sort of physical condition or chronic fatigue, you feel like not a part of this world and like you can't fit in with your friends, since you tend to attract extroverted and outgoing people into your life that bring a little bit of balance to it. Maybe you should also check pile two too! Family life is not bad, but very complicated and it could be something that puts a heavy lift on your shoulders, they might depend on you a little too much. I see you're a professional pesimist and it's easier for you to expect the worst of everything while at the same time hoping for someone to come save you, you have an eye for photography or visuals, it's important for you to feel connected to people around you, and you hardly do nowadays; stop isolating please.
Now, let's get into your next partner, this person doesn't seem like they're here, their face seems blurry to me, as if they haven't decided what to do with you. This person is serious, they are cold-hearted and can be too harsh with words, but they are very intelligent and important in their job, they posses some sort of power as the boss or superior. This person is very conscious of everything around them, painfully aware of everything they do and they know by meeting you they've found a very special, unique individual, that's what they liked about you; their life feels forever changed since meeting you. They are controlling and like having the best, they like to show off their material wealth, this person seems to be very wealthy, and completely focused on their job. Dresses in suits or have a perfectly short hair, clean face, when they're around you it's easy for them to unfold, the tension in their shoulders lifts as this person finds absolute comfort being around you; they see you as a house. This person could also deal with having little to no family in their childhood, growing up, so they find something endearing in your personality. I see they haven't felt this comfortable around a person ever in their life, and it's very scary for them to feel so dependant on you. Their personality, even after months of having met this person, can be a complete mystery to you, as you can never really figure them out.
The relationship with this person doesn't seem like something that's going to happen, I know I've said only singles, but it seems like you and this person are already dating, and it's been going on for years even; or is an on and off relationship, where your person can't accept their feelings for you so they walk away, sometime last year this could've happened too, maybe at the beginning of the year, and they've been trying to get over you ever since. It doesn't seem to be like a really healthy relationship for what I gather, you two make each other really happy but one is always cold and the other hot, and vice versa, you can never meet halfway and your emotions are not the same at the same time. You could've even felt this was unrequited love, but it isn't, this person has a difficult time expressing what they're feeling specially when it's about you, because they think you are so special; but they are not willing to work for this to work out. I believe if they ask you for another chance, and you accept it, they will leave again. As soon as things get complicated the relationship ends as they don't have the emotional maturity to deal with it, but they can't stop thinking about this love as a wasted opportunity; so do you. And then you two try again, and it fails again. This relationship is meant to teach both people how to process their feelings and how to love themselves enough to walk away when they've been badly hurt.
You met this person years ago, changed your life instantly, feelings of unworthiness and pessimism makes you stay in bad situations for too long, they feel a special connection with you they don't feel with their other romantic partners, twinflames. They're too detached to give you what you deserve and they know it, hopes you don't hate them, serious but charismatic, a lot of anxiety and loneliness from their part, they liked your flowers. Possible signs in yours or their chart; Capricorn, Pisces, Libra, Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠:
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
People who chose this pile are the epitome of extroverted, they like spending time with friends the most and are always surrounded by people somehow. You love being with your friends and friendship is the most important thing in your life, it's like a second family to you, others might think you're detached as you almost always fail to answer back or never give more information about yourself than needed, leave people always wanting more without doing it on purpose, they might get obsessed with getting to know you. You are a private person, specially in the sentimental part and few people know your past relationships or any of your flings, is something you've kept hidden or you avoid talking about it because it makes you uncomfortable. Your personality is of someone with a positive mindset, almost too positive, using socializing and partying as a way to not think about emotional things, but at the same time trying to get to know yourself better in that aspect, although you try to be more vulnerable and accept new people in your life, it's a super difficult thing to do. You have some serious trust issues after being led on or betrayed by past relationships and you pretend it doesn't have a big effect on your personality, but it does. Your friends see you as the life of the party, super honest and super cheerful; you try extra hard to keep this personality at all times.
Nooooow, into your next partner, you've obviously met this person in a party, at a club where the music was super loud, this person doesn't seem to be your type, they probably don't like going out as much as you do or have fewer friends and enjoy silence more than anything, they can be just as spacey or detached/forgetful as you since they also have too much in their mind at all times, they're relax and don't tend to draw much attention to themselves as they like being more discreet and quiet, unlike you, they don't find being at home on a weekend boring, your personalities can clash sometimes but both of you like a challenge and this is what it is for you. This person might be interested in science or biology and they are know-it-alls, they for sure have beautiful eyes or get complimented for their eyes a lot, they get people attention's easily, there's a lot of characteristics you two share even if it's not noticeable at first, they like how different you are to them and this person could have a lot on their plate as their job is very demanding or they have a family that depends on them probably financially. They are more introverted, but like participating in conversations that are deeper and such.
The relationship you two could have is a more give and take relationship, it tends to be unequal because you are never really on the same page, the things you like about each other can also be the things you resent each other for. This person seems to be captivated by the way you are and you liked how there was something so mysterious about them, but neither of you like or know how to be vulnerable with your emotions and talk about your needs, so in turns you end up right where you started, as time goes on this relationship could become more tedious as you don't know how to communicate properly and, for a relationship to work out, it's important to know how to talk about serious things. Your partner can have a "player" kind of vibe on them as they are pretty good looking and people get interested on them for no reason, like you did; and you might always think the worse of a situation while trying to paint everything with optimism, contradicting yourself, thinking this person might be cheating on you? I do feel you can feel guilty when you dislike or aren't comfortable with something and don't want to let people know, hoping you might change your mind, and this could be what happens in the relationship, you aren't direct when talking about what bothers you and expect them to just... Know, which is very frustrating for them as they aren't good at reading emotions and are in their head a little too much. I see this relationship could work beyond issues you two might have if you improve your communication together. You need to stop avoiding feelings!
You definitely met this person at a party, you have toxic positivity and refuse to see bad things as they are. They were in a corner looking at you the entire night and it made you feel good, they think you are too smart for them sometimes and it makes them feel insecure, they are really good looking but shy, you two love the same movies, you like their eyes, this person likes your hair colour a lot. Possible signs in yours or their chart; Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo.
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠:
that's it y'all if there are any mistakes I'm sorry I did the last one in a hurry 😭🙏🏻
📱Love at First Text📱

This is a pick a card reading meant to predict if you'll find someone you're compatible with through online dating, and this will go into depth about the dynamic of your relationship, how it would be if you guys met for the first time, and what the first date would be like. If your pile gets a no, then don't worry, I'll just channel one of your future partners, the dynamic of your relationship, and the first date.
Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll down for its corresponding message.

♡ Pile One ♡
I'm getting that for this pile, yes, you will get success in finding someone that you're compatible with through online dating. You could've had stingy romantic interests in the past that breadcrumbed you a lot and made it seem like you were asking for time, communication, and dedication in general in showing that they care for you was too much. This person, or these persons were gaslighting you. Connections are a two way street, and partnerships are about complimenting each other and reciprocation, your time and love is so valuable, and you've always had so much to give to your significant others, yet they had no problem just taking it from you, for granted and while leaving you high and dry. If you ever thought the issue was that you weren't worthy enough for their love and that you had to fight in order to get scraps, then that's not true. You were just too much for this person and they couldn't handle that nor did they ever have anything that they could provide for you. They were insecure, hiding behind this arrogance thinking that not acknowledging you would make themselves feel better, but I'm seeing that eventually you put a stop to this and decided to no longer milk yourself dry trying to fill this person's cup and took some time away to heal and refill your own, and I'm so proud of you for that. It's time to put yourself out there again, and give dating apps a chance to find a person that won't play around trying to act like they don't know your worth. I feel like you've made so much progress but still feel a little defeated here and there because the people that hurt you really broke down your confidence, but understand that you ARE the prize, a whole bundle, package, TREASURE CHEST with so much to offer to someone, and there is someone on this earth that can reciprocate that.
The Dynamic
When you connect with this person, this will really highlight how deep your issues with trust is. On another hand, it shows what you've learned in your solitude and the boundaries that you'll place the next time that you get into a relationship. I feel like you're used to drama with people and mistaking their haughtiness as a normal trait to tolerate, this person is more calm and collected, but you may see this as a red flag and assume that they're being nonchalant, so you might discontinue the conversation and think that's the end of it. It might even make you even more discouraged with your journey of hope in ever meeting someone positively meaningful, but this person is going to shock the hell out of you, and swoop you off your feet with the way that they come back and assert that there was miscommunication and seriously leave you astonished with they way that they're actually putting in effort. It's going to be an awakening inside you that feels so warm, because your past partners did such a number on you, that you're in awe when being met. When you guys reconcile with this conversation, you're going to be vulnerable with this person to let them know that you're still hurt from a situation and they're going to understand and let you know that it's okay, because they went through the same thing.
You guys could be culturally different. One is more traditional while the other is modern, both of you are meant to put each other on to new stuff that will challenge your beliefs or enlighten you to things that resonate with your identity better. This doesn't have to be a divine connection, but just know that your ancestors highly approve of you guys being together. You guys really balance each other out even if with your differences, it ironically makes the attraction stronger. You may feel like you're not attractive enough for this person, but little do you know that you absolutely SEDUCE this person with both your personality and your looks, and this could be why they have their guard up too a little bit, because I'm seeing that this person is financially well off. They're not stingy, they're just protective over giving their assets to people who don't deserve it, but once their guard is down with you, they're going to spoil you to death! This connection has so much potential to make it to something long term because you guys are damn near perfect together when it comes to creating a domestic life, this could definitely be the one that you marry and have kids with.
The Date
This is giving me beauty and the beast vibes. I feel like you could've been imagining a lot about what the first date would be. Maybe a fancy dinner date in a nice golden victorian setting, but this isn't why I'm getting beauty and the beast vibes. Don't panic, but the first date won't be anything like that. I feel like somewhere down the line you guys got into a huge argument that turned into a separation that you thought would be an ending, but fate once again is bringing you back together to let you guys know that this relationship is worth taking a chance on. The first date will be made as an apology by either you or them (can be both!). It won't be fancy and reserved, but you won't even care because I see this date being really fun, you guys could go bowling, or a video game arcade like Dave and Buster's or something. It'll be awkward at first, because one or both of you are still pretty tense part what happened, but that's what makes you guys good for each other, because the connection and chemistry will be strong enough that there's nothing that you guys can't work out, as long as you guys communicate with each other. You guys will have a heart to heart conversation and will be so ready to forgive each other because this encounter will make you realize how much you don't want to let each other go. I definitely see this date ending with a kiss. A beautiful union.
**I am open for PAID services such as readings and reiki, you can check them out here ==> 🌌
Before, I gave people the option to tip a minimum of $10.10 for a personal recreation of my pick a card readings, but I realized that it was too complicated so I just added it as an official service on my site!
♡ Pile Two ♡
The outcome for this pile is a no, you will not find success through online dating. Now, here's why. I'm getting that you guys are bit lost when it comes to finding what your true taste in partners are. I'm getting a series of disappointments. What you think you might have wanted in a person is not at all what you truly want nor is it healthy for you. I feel like this group has a habit of being drawn to emotionally unavailable people with questionable personalities, it's hard to decipher who these people are as a whole because of their distance with you, but you get attached to them anyway because of your tendency to try to fill in the blanks by creating a version of them that doesn't exist. I feel so much heartbreak in this pile of longing for a solution to your matters with love, but there's this agony, because you don't even know how to pinpoint the problem. The thing with online dating, is that the apps give you the option to choose your partners. I'm getting that there is a lack of experience with finding traits outside of the frogs that you kissed in the past that you feel will work for you. But don't fret, you are not unlovable, so don't give up. The best part is that your person will be coming to you and you won't ever have to chase anyone again because you never needed to in the first place.
The Dynamic
I love this pile because of the outcome and the synchronicities that I'm picking up on. Your future will come to you after a period of healing and a gather of confidence and enough comfort to open your heart again with hardly any fear. You guys could either be in high school, college, or already well off in your career because I'm getting this will happen when you're heavily focused on other areas of your life, I know that sounds like such a cliche, but trust me, it really DOES work out like that. In the past, you could have felt like you weren't desirable but that's far from true, and that love drought that you're experiencing at the moment? Be prepared hun, because I'm seeing that you're actually going to be caught up in a love triangle, where the scenario is you having to choose between two people. I'm strongly channeling Twilight where Bella had to choose between Edward and Jacob because I kid you not, the oracle cards that popped up in this spread was she-wolf and vampire. It sounds exciting on the outside for people not in your shoes, but I see this really overwhelming you, maybe making you feel angst again over the universe sending you something different or crazier than what you asked for. I'm not getting that these two options are bad people, but I do have some specific guidance for this situation. You will strongly have to rely on your intuition on this and going with how you feel, I know because of the past, this could be horrifying for you but you CAN trust yourself. You've did your time and spent so much of it being in alignment and connecting with yourself, getting to know you all over again to know what works and what doesn't. I feel like both of these options are very protective over you, but one could be flighty out of fear of not being enough for you or potentially hurting you, while the other totally simps for you and just wants to give you so much of their love and time. I need to tell you that although, these are not bad partners, it's ok to have standards pile two. Never make anyone feel like you have to lower them to please anyone or feel like you have to ever settle. You do not. What you truly want is out there and meant for you to have. I see you going with the other person, because I feel like you had enough of flighty people, but I feel guided to tell you that you're not wrong for your decision. You strengthen your intuition and ability to make the right choices
for yourself the more that you respect your feelings.
Your Dates with Them
Regardless of who you choose, I see you feeling very protected and warm by them. No more of that coldness that those jerks in the past gave you. These dates will be adventurous and will surprise you and make you feel elated every single time and so blessed with the fact that you're finally being shown the love and adoration that you deserve. I see this creating such a glow in your skin, I feel like this pile has always been bubbly, but the hurdles in receiving love in the past kind of took that from you. But listen, you ARE getting it back, both your power and time by surrendering those that aren't for you and being open to letting the universe do its work. This will truly feel like a happily ever after that your younger self dreamed of, and I love that for you. Hang in there lovebug.
I am open for PAID services such as readings and reiki, you can check them out here ==> 🌌
Before, I gave people the option to tip a minimum of $10.10 for a personal recreation of my pick a card readings, but I realized that it was too complicated so I just added it as an official service on my site!
♡ Pile Three ♡
This unexpectedly turned out to be 18+ so here's your warning.
I'm getting a yes for this pile. You will find success in finding someone you're compatible with on a dating app, but this is different. You will definitely find compatibility, but it will mostly be in a sexual aspect. I feel like you're at a point in your life where you just simply don't have the time or space to have anything serious with someone, but I do see you being worried about not getting the most out of your youth. I feel like this pile is in a dry spell. You're craving passionate and fun rendezvous. New experiences with dating before you settle down, but not just with anyone! You know what you want and the kind of person that you want it from. And you are definitely going to get your wish.
The Dynamic
Someone's mind is going to be blown when it comes to these sexual encounters, at first I thought it would be you, but it's actually the other way around. Heavy bdsm energy here, you could thrive on being dominant and taking the lead in the bedroom, and this person is strongly willing to pass that role over to you. What makes the chemistry here, powerful, is the fact that you feel comfortable expressing your wants and laying down your boundaries, and this person whole heartedly respects it and is content with letting you have that control. They're fascinated by your assertiveness, independence, and your values that they share with you when it comes to having fun. There's never a dull moment with you and you guys understand each other's humor intimately. They love the way that your mind works and your ability to effortlessly please them and you love the way that you can trust them. You don't ever have to worry about this person being deceptive or overstepping your boundaries, like for instance, they'll take extra measures on protection and will never try to conceive with you without your consent. This person completely adores you and you'd never take advantage of that. The respect goes both ways.
The Date
Do I really need to say more? 😂 Every single second that you guys spend with each other IS THE DATE. You'll never be bored with this person.
I am open for PAID services such as readings and reiki, you can check them out here ==> 🌌
Before, I gave people the option to tip a minimum of $10.10 for a personal recreation of my pick a card readings, but I realized that it was too complicated so I just added it as an official service on my site!
♡ Pile Four ♡
I got a yes for this group, you will find someone you're compatible with successfully through online dating, but the energy here is so cloudy. I feel like this group is inexperienced in the love department. You may have always longed to be in a relationship but commonly dealt with situations where the love was unrequited or with people who didn't want to give you commitment. You could have also been raised in a strict household to where dating was forbidden. You could feel misunderstood about your situation because everyone looks at your status as where it should be. You could be very young. I'm getting older people around you or even your peers in your age group telling you to be grateful that you're single and to embrace it, which is unfair, because they're speaking from a point of view that you haven't really experienced yet. I'm sorry that your feelings get dismissed by people who aren't in your shoes and I understand how it feels to be impatient with wondering when is something romantic going go ever happen for you. You could even feel discouraged because the options around you are not very good, so this is your greenlight to definitely go for online dating to venture out to find that person that's going to be your match. I already mentioned that you will find success in this, but I'm doubling down on giving you the confidence to try this route.
The Dynamic
There won't be anything that you can't tell each other. This relationship will be emotionally supportive and stable. I feel like this person will be a bit more mature and experienced than you. There will be ups and downs because of it being your first time dating, but you'll be really lucky to encounter your partner because they'll be patient and someone that you can grow with. They will give you space to express your wants and speak up about what you like or don't like, and really make you feel safe because if you're a person that's very apologetic, even apologizing for saying sorry so much, they're going to gently condition you to move past that mindset of feeling like you have to be careful or scared of communicating with not just them but everyone else in your life. This person will really motivate you and make sure that you're loved and cared for and will never make you feel like you're a burden for sharing your feelings. You guys will be an excellent team together, but most importantly, this will be the best start in love for you, because the foundation won't be built on codependency and allow you guys to be independent as you're both complimenting each other as a couple.
The Date
This will take place outdoors, but definitely where water is present. This could be at a beach but I'm also getting this image, of you two spending time together under a gazebo near a lake, maybe going on a ferry, I'm also getting that scene in the little mermaid where Ariel and Eric were on a boat with the song "Kiss the Girl" playing in the background. This person is going to be very attracted to you physically and won't hesitate to reassure that to you.
I am open for PAID services such as readings and reiki, you can check them out here ==> 🌌
Before, I gave people the option to tip a minimum of $10.10 for a personal recreation of my pick a card readings, but I realized that it was too complicated so I just added it as an official service on my site!
𝔭𝔞𝔠 | 𝔴𝔥𝔞𝔱’𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔨𝔢𝔭𝔱 𝔥𝔦𝔡𝔡𝔢𝔫 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔶𝔬𝔲…

𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔨 𝔞 𝔤𝔦𝔣 ::::::::::::::::::::::> ✧*:・゚✧

𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔬𝔫𝔢 ✧*:・゚✧
there is a person who has feelings for you but does NOT want you to know. in fact this person may be the in the process of making a plan to come towards you, but they reallllly don’t want you to find that out. this person a very deep fear of rejection… in some ways, it controls their lives & how they operate. they’re used to dealing with this in most scenarios, but whenever they develop feelings for someone new, their normal coping mechanisms seem to become ineffective. this person cravesss stability with you. they want to know what it feels like to lie next to you, cohabitate with you, and be the primary source of your emotional & physical comfort. they believe you two share a destiny together, but their heart is filled with grief from the past. they’re still healing, but their fantasies of you give them hope and serve as a guiding light. the thought of you provides them great comfort.

𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔴𝔬 ✧*:・゚✧
another love reading… lol. what’s being kept hidden from you is that love is just over the horizon. the energy i’m picking up here is someone who is burdened by the absence of love in their lives, so if a romantic relationship is at the top of your manifestation list, then this pile is definitely for you. the first message i’m seeing is that love will come when you least expect it (cliche ik but that’s what i’m reading). the person you’ll end up in a commitment with may be someone from the past… not necessarily someone that you dated, but someone that you noticed (or noticed you) from a while back. you may have first interacted with this person during a period where you were fiercely independent, committed to self-development (or that could have been their energy). you’ll run into this person again unexpectedly… there will be something random abt how you two reunite. there will be strong sexual chemistry right away, this won’t be someone that has to grow on you. in fact, i think this relationship might end up stressing you out bc the feelings will be very strong, leading to confusion abt the pacing of this connection… esp if moving quickly is not your style. i don’t think you’ll be able to hold yourself back from this person. cheers to new love!

𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢 ✧*:・゚✧
what’s being kept hidden from you is that you haven’t even stepped into your life purpose yet. you may have a stable job/career but this is not the end of your career path. in fact i ultimately see you leaving your current job/career trajectory in favor of something new. this new thing will reveal itself to you in time… but it looks like self-employment/entrepreneurship to me. there’s something abt being fooled or deceived into thinking that you enjoyed something, but you don’t really enjoy it as much as you were led to believe. maybe you’ve committed yourself to so much work to get where you are now, but you just don’t feel the way you thought you would? don’t worry, a new opportunity is already on its way. whatever your dream career is, i’m seeing that you really shouldn’t give up hope… bc that career is 100% attainable for you. of course there will be a obstacles, but this dream of yours is indeed possible. 555.

𝔭𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔣𝔬𝔲𝔯 ✧*:・゚✧
someone has a crush on you! (yet another love reading LOL. i did not expect this to be the energy, i was really going for a more sinister vibe… oh well). this person, could be an earth sign, libra, or leo, is definitely crushing hard! they’re literally about to message you any day now… like the energy feels super imminent. this person just wants to get it over with and reach out. they’d rather be rejected by you than be too scared to message you, wondering “what if?” bc of that, i’m getting that this person is confident & very sure of themselves… they have a strong presence. one thing i see that is different than the other two love readings is that there is a LGBT+ energy present here, so if that’s you then definitely take that as confirmation (if not, that’s okay too). if you feel like you’ve struggled with an imbalance inside of your relationships, stemming all the way back to childhood, then this is your message. i’m seeing that this person will effectively end the life-long cycle you’ve been in regarding a lack of reciprocity inside connections. this person will fill up your cup and then some… in fact they may be prone to over-giving themselves (something you two may bond over). this person will be very bold and make you feel truly desired, this person enjoys demonstrating their love (gift giving may be their thing). they won’t leave you wondering abt how they feel. this person may have a lot of wisdom in the love department, they may be a serial monogamist. they may also enjoy being in nature as well.

𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 ? tiktok: @yinz_yang ☯️

🦋Destined Person’s Character Development—Timeless Tarot Pick A Card
Whoever they were before YOU was them being a caterpillar🐛Meeting you shifted them into the chrysalis phase (spiritual awakening, self-query, inner child healing, etc.)✨And Life after knowing you becomes true spiritual liberation~🦋May you live happily ever after with The One destined for your blessed Life~🎎
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I’ve just noticed that the songs accompanying this PAC are all sung entirely in one language (English), in spite of being performed by artists of various native languages, skin colours and bases (countries). There’s this meaning…
That you and your Destined Person are gonna speak the same language from the Soul. In spite of all kinds of background, cultural differences, age gaps or whatever else, you easily recognise each other’s divinity and that mutual respect binds you for the rest of time. You will always understand each other, see each other clearly the way nobody else does~🪗
Pile 1 – I Woke Up to the Real Colours of Love

DP’s caterpillar stage – Queen of Wands
Your Destined Person is someone passionate who thought they knew what Love was all about. They had heard or read plenty of expressions of Love spewed by the majority of people—writers, artists, and everyone else. They thought Love had to be passionate and forceful. They thought Love was fire that consumes your entire being. They really delighted in the idea of a whirlwind romance!
Some of you, your Destined Person might really have been a playboy/playgirl. They’re hot and attractive and know how to utilise that charisma (plus, they’re smart). Some of you, your Destined Person might simply be easygoing about Love and romance. It’s not that their view on Love was childish (far from it) but it was nevertheless a little less than pure and mature. They like the idea of romance, OK? All the warm and fussy flutters.
They thought, romance equals Love. Not realising that they were always operating on infatuation. That shit has little to do with real Love. The ‘love’ they knew was a variant with a non-capitalised L. That, was before they woke up to your essence~
VIBE: Affection by Cigarettes After Sex
DP’s chrysalis phase – XIX The Sun
*this phase for your DP could start before or after you’ve met. If before, it was your aetheric spiritual connection that had led them to chrysalise themselves😉*
After being touched by the essence of you, your Destined Person woke up to the real colours of Love. For the first time, they’re really pondering the idea of selfless sacrifice. The idea of you brought them to the desire to become of service. First of all, service to you; they want to be your protector and provider. And I sense, due to what you do or believe in as well, they also develop a desire to be of service to the world.
At this point, they are realising that true happiness is just delighting in the little things, simple things Life has to offer with the person who means the world to them. Before you, they wanted and dreamt a lot of grand things because the people they had ever fallen in love with (or just crushed on) were not complete enough. They were all just fragments of what you are as a person~
Now they believe in destiny. You are their Destined One. And they feel super glad about it, because you’re simply YOU. They envision a family with you, and they want to give you and your children the best Life has to offer. Little best things; big best things; all best things. Suddenly, they’re clear as day as to the reason they were born. It was to be with you and be of service to you~☀️
VIBE: Unstoppable by Lianne La Havas
spiritual liberation by YOU – 9 of Cups
Complete spiritual fulfilment. Before knowing you, your Destined Person was just passionate and gung-ho, but they never really felt emotionally or spiritually satisfied. There was a pang of emptiness in their heart no matter what passionate pursuit they indulged in. No riches, no status would fill in the spot reserved just for your presence in their Life. For such a long time they had prayed for someone just like you~
When you appeared, all the puzzle pieces fall into place ever so neatly. Out of the monochrome and into technicolor in an instant!🌈Suddenly, Life has meaning on such an elevated level! Nothing else matters but Love. Real Love with a capital L. It is Love beyond most other people’s destructive concepts. Because this is a Love that is free, independent, unselfish. Your Love for your Destined Person doesn’t use manipulative tactics nor does it seek to overpower.
When they are with you, they breathe more easily because they know your Love is pure. You are so kind and compassionate—unselfish and genuinely giving. You’re a precious existence that has taught them the real name of Love. Your Destined Person is so grateful for you—sometimes, just the sight of your face vibrates their heart, bringing them almost to tears. Words alone cannot express how much they Love you🌷
VIBE: Colors by Sakamoto Maaya
The Future They Envision🔻💛
DP’s sacrifices for YOU – Green Historian (Herodotus)
DP’s hopes and dreams with YOU – Priestess of Abundance
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Pile 2 – You Helped Me See What’s Truly Important

DP’s caterpillar stage – Knight of Pentacles
In the beginning, your Destined Person didn’t have a very healthy outlook on romance. To some extent, it’s like they were dragged by desperation—maybe something to do with their childhood (trauma) and how they grew up seeing adults not having great relationships themselves. Thought they were careful, cautious… somehow they still got themselves involved in unhealthy relationships. It was because their own worldview, as well as desires, was already unhealthy.
When in a relationship, they wanted to show off their significant other. They were dramatic in their expressions of affection. Super extra. They wanted others to see that they’ve got something good now—unlike others whose relationships were shallow and toxic, they thought. They were dreamy, positive to a point of being delusional. Not realising the person they were with was just taking advantage of them. When all of the truth was revealed… they matured, yes, but they became scarred, too.
They became too afraid of being fooled again, so now their guards are up way too tall. Either they’re never serious about dating anymore or even when they’ve found someone they genuinely like, they can’t bring themselves to approach that person. They can’t allow themselves to feel too deeply lest they risk getting broken again. Their heart has crumbled too disastrously before.
VIBE: Cigarette (feat. Tablo, MISO) by OFFONOFF
DP’s chrysalis phase – 6 of Wands Rx
*this phase for your DP could start before or after you’ve met. If before, it was your aetheric spiritual connection that had led them to chrysalise themselves😉*
Your Destined Person’s spiritual evolution was probably a painstakingly slow and lonely process. When your essence touched their being, they were whirled into (probably) years of isolation meant to purify all of their worldview. Your Destined Person is highly likely psychic or they may have significant Pisces or 12th House placements. They’re a natural empath, so they had taken up a lot of bullshit beliefs from their environment their entire life. These years were a meditative period to say the least, even if they didn’t feel that way.
During this phase, they learnt a lot about the root causes of all of their heartbreaks and their dizzying anxiety to fulfil societal expectations. They purified a lot of their worldview and became more in tune with spirituality. Your Higher Self was constantly showering your Destined Person with messages of hope and Love from the aether. They gradually woke up to the few little things that are essential in Life.
And they made peace with everything that had ever happened to them since the day they were born. It was because your Love promises them a beautiful future, made them believe in divinity incarnate; that is YOU. Even if they haven’t met you, because they’re psychic anyway, they’ve always heard you from the other side. They feel you, they know you’re out there somewhere, and they’re already in Love with you, and they’re looking forward ever so tenderly to the day you’re unified in the physical.
VIBE: What You Don’t Do by Lianne La Havas
spiritual liberation by YOU – 4 of Pentacles
When you and your Destined Person meet for the first time, you may be a little awkward with each other. Not really knowing how to extend warmth or friendliness, this is mainly from their side, due to all the traumas and fears. But you blanketed them with your special kind of warmth that they couldn’t help but learn to trust you. It could be a slow and gradual process, but they’re healing themselves~ Slowly but surely, you carry them to safer, calmer waters.
With you, they feel certain and secure. Even if the whole world crumbles they’ll always have you and they’re happy with just that. This isn’t someone who needs a lot in Life. Just your company, affection, warmth; that’s all that matters in Life. They will love to cuddle and sing soft songs to you. Caress your hair on the sofa whilst watching your favourite movie. Holding your hand under the blanket whilst sipping on hot chocolate. They can be rather clingy, quite seriously😝
They will make a cosy home with you. Irrespective of the size of your house, it will be the warmest place on Earth to come home to. It’s always gonna be clean and taken care of; there’s always gonna be warm food on the table; a home that smells nice and peaceful. Even with just simple things, you and your Destined Person feel like all your material needs are more than met. A simple, peaceful Life that honours only the important things~🏡
VIBE: You’re The Only Good Thing In My Life by Cigarettes After Sex
The Future They Envision🔻💜
DP’s sacrifices for YOU – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
DP’s hopes and dreams with YOU – Priestess of Opulence
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Pile 3 – I Finally Grew Up Because of Your Light

DP’s caterpillar stage – Ace of Pentacles Rx
Your Destined Person is someone mature beyond their years, but not for the good reasons. They’ve been traumatised a lot in Life, which forced them to grow up real quick as a means for survival. Because they grew up too quickly, they often deal with a sense of being stuck in a rut. The problems they deal with are beyond the comprehension of their peers. Somehow, they find it really difficult to find help from anybody around them. They suffer from analysis-paralysis frequently.
When they were growing up, they were never crystal clear about where they were going or what they’re meant to do in this incarnation. They could’ve been erratic or had many dreams, goals, and started projects they could never finish. Because along the way their spirit became dejected after pursuing something unrelated to their heart’s true desires.
Your Destined Person is a walking paradox. There’s an element of wisdom and keenness developed beyond their years, but at the freaking same time, there’s a part of their psychology that’s heavily stunted. The skills and knowledge they possess were acquired as part of survival, so beyond that… there’s a lot of practicality they’re failing to grasp because they were never taught properly by a reliable adult. They literally had to learn everything themselves. They practically parented themselves. But how good of a parent could a child have been?
VIBE: Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell
DP’s chrysalis phase – 8 of Pentacles
*this phase for your DP could start before or after you’ve met. If before, it was your aetheric spiritual connection that had led them to chrysalise themselves😉*
Being so lost practically their entire Life, your Destined Person only learnt to mature (the really hard way) after being touched by your essence. It was for you that they had decided to get their shit together. That now there’s something tangible, practical, reliable they could focus all of their Life Force upon for the sake of their own psychological maturing. It was deeply important for them to do this because they wanted to match your divinity.
During this chrysalis phase, every bit of their being was literally obliterated by God. Every cell had to melt and evolve into something majestic (a butterfly). They worked really hard to heal from the past and ready themselves for a future with you. It caused them so much heartache and physical pain. But it was all worth the trouble because you’re worth every cut on their heart.
This was a period they started the foundation of their personal goals and dreams. Might have distanced themselves from a lot of people who burdened them with a lot of negative energies. In the deepest corner of their heart, they knew nothing in this world is worth keeping if it ain’t bringing them to YOU. Whilst being in a chrysalis phase, they kept dreaming of you, yearning for you, praying for you, manifesting you~🎂
VIBE: Opera House by Cigarettes After Sex
spiritual liberation by YOU – 2 of Pentacles
Coming out of chaos to find balance. Your Destined Person is now able to stand confident on their own two feet. Through their own hard work, they’ve learnt a lot and quantum jumped into a full-bodied human being, if that makes sense. Your Love quite literally saved their sanity. You infused hope into their blood system because you believe in their innate goodness and natural capabilities. You may have heard them whisper through the aethers, ‘You saved me, my Love.’
2 of Pentacles being a baby energy gives me this feeling that they’re looking forward to so much more in a future with you. When they meet you for the first time, they know it’s only the beginning of a journey of a lifetime. They know they’re meant to build something together with you. Maybe an empire, a family, a legacy of sort. It may not always be peaches and cream when you’re building, but…
They levelled up as an individual and now they’re ready to take on the world. They’re literally ready for anything, really; as long as it gets them closer to a union with you. And whatever challenges are in store, they know they’re always gonna be able to weather whatever, because you’re right next to them, giving them that confidence boost. They’ve ceased being so unsure about themselves.
VIBE: M.I.A (feat. Jackson Wang) by Afgan
The Future They Envision🔻💚
DP’s sacrifices for YOU – Silver Physician (John Dee)
DP’s hopes and dreams with YOU – Priestess of Inspiration
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Feel free to support me on Patreon if you love this kind of content🍑I create stories and tarot readings that calm the mind & heal from within🍒
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