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TTPD is about IWTV
(Part Six)
This is a thread connecting Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles to Taylor Swift’s most recent album, The Tortured Poet’s Department. Part One will be linked at the bottom, if you want to start from the beginning.
11.) I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
Loustat? Lesmand? Armaniel? This song could apply to all of them.
But, let’s dedicate this one to Loumand. My first instinct was to say that Louis would be the narrator of this song - needing to “fix” Armand’s gremlin, manipulative ways. But I actually think a more compelling take on this would be having Armand play the narrator, and Louis being the one in need of “fixing”.
Take, for instance, Louis’ mental breakdown after Claudia’s (and Lestat’s) death. He’s so numb and despondent that Armand starts acting increasingly more and more desperate to get his lover to feel something - to “fix” his depression.
Armand even admits to killing Claudia in an attempt to ignite something in Louis - to no avail, of course.
Armand then tells Louis that Lestat is actually alive in NOLA, hoping that’ll bring some light to Louis’ eyes. But, it doesn’t.
He continually tries to pull Louis from his anguished spiral, trying his best to “fix” Louis’ problems, but in the end he has to admit to himself that he can’t “fix” Louis.
You can also totally look at this through the lens of Louis thinking he can “fix” Armand - make him a better person, be his moral compass so to say.
“He had a halo of the highest grade, he just hadn’t met me yet”

“They shake their heads saying God help her when I tell ‘em he’s my man”

“I can fix him”
“No, really, I can”

“Woah, maybe I can’t”

12.) loml (aka loss of my life)
Nicki and Lestat, duh. I think Lestat would consider Nicki to be the greatest loss of his life. And so many of these lyrics fit them. The way Nicki grew to resent, and then hate Lestat is just so heartbreaking.
“If you know it in one glimpse, it's legendary”
“You said I'm the love of your life”

“When your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fakes”
“Well, you took me to hell too”

“Our field of dreams engulfed in fire”

“Your arson's match, your somber eyes”

“You’re the loss of my life”

Part One:

Part Seven:

TTPD is about IWTV
(Part Seven)
This is a thread connecting Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles to Taylor Swift’s most recent album, The Tortured Poet’s Department. Part One will be linked at the bottom, if you want to start from the beginning.
13.) I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
This song legitimately applies to everyone. TVC is just a bunch of angsty, existential vampires who have to keep carrying on, despite all their trauma and heartache, bc they’re immortal.
But, I want to shout out Claudia, specifically, bc that girl HAS BEEN THROUGH SOME SHIT. She endures immortality despite the many misfortunes she’s had to face: losing Charlie, losing her chance to live a normal life, losing her adulthood, always feeling second-best, and of course, being brutally killed bc Armand is jealous and petty. (Still love you Armand… it’s okay, I can fix you - no really, I can).
“Cause I’m a real tough kid, I can handle my shit”

“Lights, camera, bitch smile, even when you wanna die”

“I’m so depressed I act like it’s my birthday everyday”

“I can hold my breath”
“I’ve been doing it since he left”

“I cry a lot but I am so productive, it’s an art”

“Cause I can do it with a broken heart”

14.) The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
This is the only song I actually feel guilty (as sin?) about assigning to someone. I’m going to look at it through the lens of how Lestat may have felt about Nicki after they broke up for good. Lestat turned him, and once Nicki was a vampire, he hated Lestat. And then Nicki’s true feelings came to light - how he resented Lestat’s capacity to endure, how he’d gone to Paris with Lestat in hopes that they both would fail.
I don’t think Lestat would feel this bitter for long, but it’s not crazy to think that he might’ve had a period of sulking after all he went through with Nicki.
“Was any of it true?”
“You gazing at me starry eyed”
“Who the fuck was that guy?”

“And I don't even want you back, I just want to know”
“If rusting my sparkling summer was the goal?”

“I would've died for your sins”
“Instead I just died inside”
“You kicked out the stage lights”
“But you're still performing”

“And I'll forget you but I'll never forgive”
“The smallest man who ever lived”

Part One:

Part Eight:

Armand: He's watching us
Lestat: He should be watching his sheet music
Nahh bro I just know Armand was giggling and kicking his feet when he came up with this line 😭
People are too weak to handle nickistat and armandstat but NOT ME. I'm about to live my dream in s3 no one can tell me shit

I liked a Nicki and Armand fanart bcuz I love Nicki and I like Armand and now fanarts of them as a appearing are showing up STEP BACK YOU GET ME WRONG DNI ALSO LEAVE NICOLAS ALONE WEIRDO


a gift for madmenandmayhem :D Lestat and Nicolas <3 Happy Valentine’s Day! <3 From: sheepskeleton
an instrumen that I can break

//”Oh, hush now. Be a bood boy, open up and drink.” Armand decided that it was time for Nicolas to take a break from composing, since the musician tends to forget to feed and then proceeds to breaking havoc in the streets of Paris once he realizes he’s half starved. Of course, the Grand Maître can’t have that and, out of the pure kindness of his heart, shares some blood. He doesn’t need an excuse to pin him down, okay?
For @musica-artium-optima-est, who asked me to draw something (even if it didn’t turn out to be cute and I’m afraid it’s not to their liking) and @echo-de-la-lumiere.
PS.: I’m thinking bout taking commissions. Anyone interested?
“No, no, don’t let my vulnerable heart share in this sacrifice to lust! Let him disgust me before pleasing me! Let him be what others have been, an instrument that I can break before becoming the echoes of its vibration.” ― Rachilde, Monsieur Venus: A Materialist Novel
I just read this seen. With this drawing. I am now crying.

Scene from “The Vampire Lestat” where he visited theatre once again but this time as a vampire. And met Nicolas de Lenfent.
*Sob* Everything about this character is rather depressively sad but yet so little words about his thoughts. I’ll never get through my grief about Nicolas. Why in the hell am I reading this book again? Why it ended up this bad for Nicolas? May be this time I’ll be able to find the real answer. (but I suspect life of Nicolas could be… less doomed if Lestat wasn’t both selfish and good-hearted)

Made a basic reference for myself of these three young men with dark curls. (Quinn is based on that one handsome hardcover book art.)

Quick sketch of Nicki in his "mute to mania" moment, one of my favorite scenes in The Vampire Lestat! (For the Vamptember prompt "Metamorphosis")