Thousand Sons - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Reblog If You Cant Live Without Coffee

reblog if you can’t live without coffee

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5 months ago
It's Monday.

It's Monday.

Marine Meat Monday.

And for all the new fans, who have joined the fandom recently because of Space Marine 2 - here's Imurah for you.

I made him Pyrae, because he's throwing Warpfire and has neither shown any particular insight into possible futures nor any desire to hit his opponents in melee or twisting their insides to the outside.

But I am not a real Thousand Sons expert, so that's absolutely open for discussion.

(I am using this angle way too much. But I just love it! Like, hey giant guy, down here!)

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1 year ago
gremoria411 - Side 5 Galleries

This idea harassed me since morning ;- ;

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My headcanon for Magnus is that he never actually goes anywhere. He's a strong enough psyker that he just sends an automated projection anywhere he's needed in battle, and himself stays in his tower on The Planet of The Sorcerers.

This should be reflected in the game tbh. Magnus should be slightly underwhelming as a daemon primarch but have like a 100 point wargear option that basically says This Is Actually Magnus The Red He's Here For Real and it should make him insane to use.

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11 months ago
Tier List For The Possible Safeness Of Traitor Gene-seed Being Used To Make Loyalists! Besides Ain't

Tier List for the possible safeness of traitor gene-seed being used to make loyalists! besides ain't it confirmed that mars has access to pure gene-seed for all 20 legions?

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1 year ago

So I have a thousand son, best thing that has happened to me, but my neighbor has a small pack of space wolves and I’m worried they will eventually fight. Is there any preventative action I can take?

Ooh this one is tricky. I would recommend collaborating with your neighbor on routines and schedules. Take care that your marines spend as little time as possible around each other! Thousand Sons do NOT get along with Space Wolves, and I have rarely seen a meeting that didn't eventually turn violent.

There ARE loopholes though! Space Wolves have an adorably brief short term memory, and very little object permanence. In a span of about three to seven days, those lovely Wolves likely won't remember ever encountering your Thousand Son, and are thus returned to square one!

The opposite is true for the Thousand Son, however. They have a frightening memory, and the trick to avoiding outbursts is--as much as it pains me to say--propaganda. Enforce in your Thousand Son that Space Wolves are beneath them (they aren't!!!) and that by interacting with them at all, even in thought, the Thousand Son are put at risk for corruption and mange.

Combined with coordinated, controlled distance, things should be kept civil. Hope this helps!

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2 years ago
Wanted To Draw Magnus The Red, But He Turned Out More Like Magnus The Bisexual Lighting

Wanted to draw Magnus the Red, but he turned out more like Magnus the Bisexual Lighting 

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2 years ago
My Custom Thousand Sons Warband`s Leaders. Two Space Wizards Were Lonely And Desided To Steal A Psyker

My custom thousand sons warband`s leaders. Two space wizards were lonely and desided to steal a psyker sororitas from the inquisitor she was working for, she got better and now she is a birb.

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2 years ago
Sororitas Before And After Being Promoted By Tzeentch.
Sororitas Before And After Being Promoted By Tzeentch.

Sororitas before and after being promoted by Tzeentch.

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2 years ago
Rameses, The Dreadnought Who Was Too Cool To Die And Became A Daemon Prince Instead, His Twin Brother

Rameses, the dreadnought who was too cool to die and became a daemon prince instead, his twin brother Radames, who may or may not have a soft spot for traitorous sororitas, and Samira, ex battle sister with only 1 brain cell she shares with Radames.

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