;;No Matter What We Tried; We Could Never Win. That Also Should Have Been The Case.... [No. 21 Musings] - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

                             this   ( W O R L D )

                                                 …….. it isn’t  worth  the  s a v i n g

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6 years ago

                              S C R E A M I N G   at the ones we  LOVE                                         like we forgot who we can trust                            S C R E A M I N G  at the top of our  LUNGS                                       On the grounds where we feel safe

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6 years ago

         just because you are  b r o k e n  

     doesn’t mean that you can’t stand tall

               just because your voice  c r a c k s 

      doesn’t mean you can’t roar with a lion’s heart

                                just because you are  b e a t e n 

                              doesn’t mean you have to give up

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4 years ago

tag dump 2.

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;;I'm able to ignore my appearance and keep going because of you. I'm weak and sad and lonely; But somehow you make me strong! [Emil~Visage] ;;For so long; All I could do was destroy. But now I have a chance to save something. [Emil ~ IC] ;;That’s not true. It was an error of judgment on my side. [Grimoire Weiss Musings] ;;I am a being of incalcuable importance and yet you approach me as a common cockroach! [Weiss Visage] ~That was as seen from the depths of darkness....As though it were...a single star shining its light. [Kuroi & Mashiro] ;;Hey. Get up. I still haven't killed you yet. For you to leave a scrape on my face! I wonder what kind of pain would suit you! [A6 Musings] ;;I’ll never forgive you…… I’ll NEVER forgive you! [A2 ~ IC] ;;Well....I can't get my nails done now.... [Botan Visage] ;;If this was the battlefield; I would've killed you already in my first hit! [No. 3 ~ Visage] ;;Why……why must we feel such emotions? We’re just androids……but we are so human. [A2 ~ Musings] ;;Even if I did; What then? There's nowhere we could go! [No. 4 Musings] ~Don't disappear! Please don't disappear! [Weiss & Rubrum] ;;'Cause we're gonna shout it loud. Even if our words seem meaningless. [Music] ;;But you know....I still haven't killed a single thing yet. [No. 6 ~ Headcanon] ;;Even if our fates are wrong; We can't stop. Because that is the meaning of our existence. [2B Musings] ;;No matter what we tried; We could never win. That also should have been the case.... [No. 21 Musings] ;;The time I was able to spend with you...It was like memories of pure light. Thank you. [9S] ;;Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. [2B Visage] ;;You know; Actually taking hostages and stuff....I just love fights where you play dirty! [No. 6 ~ Aesthetic] ;;I never quite realized...how beautiful this world is. [A2 ~ Visage] ;;Why don't you try to think a little and try to understand; Use your empty head for once in your life. [No. 4 ~ Headcanon] ;;Report: Relevant records found. Scanning for vital information. [Asks]