Nordic Bunny Shred Force - Tumblr Posts
OMG THANKS SM ๐ญ๐ญ these headcanons are so cute!! I love them, itโs just how Iโd imagine Scarlet and Nordic ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
Can I have some Nordic Bunny and Daughter headcanons, itโs just I really like the idea of Nordic Bunny being a father figure ๐ญ
Okay, I'll get to the other ones soon enough, but I just need to do this one because Nordic is such a girl dad,,
Nordic Bunny with a daughter headcanons ๐ธ ๐
โฅ As stated, Nordic Bunny is a girl dad. He will absolutely gush over a daughter;
โฅ He will spoil her, give her gifts, and get her the best of things. Anything she asks? He will give her no questions asked;
โฅ But he is also protective, really protective. No way she is going ANYWHERE without bodyguards;
โฅ Nordic will teach her to defend herself too, absolutely. Fighting moves? He's got it. If she doesn't inherit his powers, he's building her a laser gun;
โฅ Will worry anytime she's not around him, especially on earth with the Shred Force. He's just so protective;
โฅ He is a really fashionable guy, and his daughter has got to follow. They'd rock matching styles;
โฅ Teaching his young daughter to use platforms. Yeah;
โฅ Absolutely will teach her to hate the Rock Gods and the Shred Force. He trusts her to carry on his legacy;
โฅ Overall, he might be too protective and worries too much, but he is a good parent and is doing his best.
Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)
(Sorry in advance ;-;)

TW: Swearing
Honestly this isn't your best moment. You kinda got scammed out of 20 bucks for what you thought was a cheap cosplay of an alien soldier and when you put on said costume you got screamed at to "get back to the ship" and got kidnapped by some purple fish looking creatures. Next thing you know you're in outer space in, what you can only assume is, some sorta Ren Faire for space dorks. It looked pretty cool, but people kept trying to put you to work and getting you to larp with them, talking about some "Ruler of the Galaxy" and "Nightmare to Humanity". It was all really charming but right about now is when you were starting to get the munchies, so naturally you went on the prowl for some poor vending machine and/or food cabinet.
Without any helpful signs around to guide you through this maze of Star Wars ride at Disneyworld and Metallica's love child, you got lost. After walking for a while you start to hear shouting. A sign of life, and perhaps snacks (or at the very least water. Because GOD DAMN was it getting hot). Walking closer the shouts got louder and you could make out some words.
"Um, you did... sir."
"SHUT UP, DUM DUM! Are you calling me STUPID?!"
You reached the door and it automatically slid open, just in time for you to see one of your fellow cosplayers get zapped and turned into feathers by an extremely tall guitar monster. In this life or death situation you know it is important for you do react with dignity and poise, as to survive and stay alive. So you respond in kind,
Your panicked state causing you to just freeze in place, stuttering and mumbling utter nonsense.
The guitar man struts closer, is it wearing platforms??? He (???) Raises his hand, the one that shot the guy before you (rest in piece). You stumble back and scream,
He falters, and in this moment you take in his appearance. He had a dark robotic and skeletal build, donning some sick ass platform boots, a leather cap, a red tie, and huge shoulder pads. His face was that of an electric guitar, rocking red eyes and scarlet lipstick, and... wait is he just in his underwear?
"What the- You're a human?!"
He lowers his hand and you let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah... I'm a human. What about it?"
"How did you get up here?! Into my IMMENSELY IMPENETRABLE EVIL HEADQUARTERS?!"
"... I walked."
You both kinda sat in awkward silence for a bit. The issue from before had presented itself once again when your stomach let out a noise that even Godzilla would be jealous of.
"You uh... got any snacks man?" You asked, the fear from before subsiding and your fallen brother in arms forgotten (R.I.P Nathan). Guitar manโข looks at you quizically, then turns around and whispers to himself (you could still hear though because he isn't a very quiet person).
"Sooooo... is that a no?"
He turns back around and smiles wickedly,
"Come now human! I will grant you snacks and in return you will become my friend, hang out with me, tell me all of humanities weaknesses and how to defeat Shred Force!"
"Yeah ok." You shrug.
He grabs your arm and just about drags you with him as he strides down the hallway. You stumble but manage to keep pace.
"Hey what's your name anyway?"
"You, my fair accomplice, can call me Nordic Bunny. RULER OF THE GALAXY AND NIGHTMARE TO HUMANITY"
"Cool cool."
What the hell have you gotten yourself into (Seinfeld credits play)
(Sorry for the bad grammar, here's a little doodle for compensation)

Pt 2 Nordic Bunny x Reader WP (W.I.P.)

Part one:

Here you are sitting in a sad break room chowing down on a bag of cool ranch doritos, because for some reason they didn't seem to have any other flavors. As you're munching Nordic Bunny tries to fit himself into one of the small break room chairs. They were obviously not meant for him but he seemed insistent on trying to sit there.
After a while he got himself awkwardly squished in the chair and triumphantly looks up to you.
"So huuuman, seeing as we are now friends AND hanging out. It is my right as your BESTEST BUDDY IN THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!!!... to be asking you some... bonding questions!"
He laughs off to the side and mumbles something about being so clever and tricking us into handing over our "planetary secrets", whatever that means.
"Oh yeah sure man, shoot." You reply between chews. Nordic Bunny grimaces then shakes his head.
"First question! What are Shred Force's weaknesess?"
You ponder that for a bit. No one really knew anything about the two rascals that called themselves "Shred Force". They kinda were just... there. Every now and then there would be some sort of monster and then they would show and blow up half of the city you lived in. But you really didn' know anything about what they dealt with and who they were, being more preoccupied with your own life and problems.
"Hmmm, I don't really know. I've never really interacted with them."
You shrugged, grabbing another chip from the bag.
"Wha- You gotta know SOMETHING! Ugh... Ahem, well then what, pray tell, is the weakness of EVERY SINGLE HUMAN? AND DON'T YOU DARE THINK OF LYING TO ME!!!"
"Uhhh... Well, everyone is kinda different so I wouldn't really be able to say..."
Nordic Bunny scowled at this. Trying to save face you make something up on the fly. Those improv classes you took during highschool better not fail you now.
"Buuut, most humans are weak tooooo-" You look around quickly looking for "HuManIty's gReatEst WeakNess".
"-uhhhhh ranch?"
"... Liste-"
"You humans have MOUNTAINS of that stuff! You just can't live without it! OH, how did I not see it before?!"
He abruptly stands up, knocking over his chair, and grabs you by your arm. Dragging you behind him once again.
"What scheme?"
He laughs to himself, and you can't help but smile along with him. He has quite a nice laugh, in your opinion.
Walking back down the halls to his strange war room, the reality of your situation sinks in. You are stuck in space with a crazy 10ft tall guitar man who wants to take over the Earth... Hey, we'll at least you aren't hungry anymore!
You both make it back to the "war room". This time you get a good look around. It was filled with all sorts of tech, including a medium holo-Earth that Nordic Bunny seemed to gravitate towards. Towards the back end of the room was a huge window that made up most, if not all, of the wall. Around the sides were extra doors, lights, and tubes that you had no idea what they went to.
"Muahahahahaaa, oh yes I can see it now! We can even make little ranch stealing ROBOTS to do our bidding. AHahahahooo!"
He pulls you aside and starts rambling on and on about his plan, and you listen intensively. He just seems so passionate and creative! You can't help it!
A couple minutes later he calls over some of his minions to bring over blue print paper and a table. When they arrive they are heaving over a big metal table with some paper and pens on top. The two minions let it down with a bang and Nordic Bunny rushes over to it enthusiastically. They seem out of breath, how long have they been carrying that?
After they collect themselves one of them turns over and sees you. They turn back around and nudge their partner whispering to them, they both are now just staring and talking to each other.
Nordic Bunny takes notice of this and spins around, looking back and forth between his minions and you. You honestly could care less about what anyone thinks, but you don't really want to get caught up in whatever space drama is going on right now. So you're feeling, reasonably, a small bit uncomfortable at the moment.
Before your eyes the two are blasted away by Nordic Bunny's hand and are now nothing but feathers.
"Wha- What the HELL?!"
You look incredulously at Nordic Bunny.
"Oh not to worry my dear compatriot! They are simply clones. Of MY design, might I add!"
He poses pridefully, looks back over to you then looks away awkwardly.
"Huh, uh cool."
Taking a breath in you walk over to the work bench he had been working at before to see unfinished sketches of what looks to be robot eels designed to steal... ranch. It does look super advanced though. At least more advanced than you could understand.
"Wow, you did all this?" You gesture to the blue prints and look up at Nordic Bunny.
"W- Why yes! I did!"
"Geez, this is some high level stuff. Super smart, and it looks so wicked!"
He appears to be taken aback by the compliment, donning a shocked expression on his face, then replacing it with a look of smug satisfaction.
"Of course it looks cool! Only the best made by yours truly!"
You snicker a bit at that and he grins then perks up. Grabbing you by the shoulders and pushing you towards the huge windows you saw before.
"AND! AND! The robots will be produced over there! In my very own factory!"
Your eyes widen at the sight before you. Through the windows you are greeted by a production line of sorts, all kinds of machinery moving rhythmically and in pace with each other. You squint and look past the factory and can somewhat make out... a city?
"Impresive!... right?"
You look over to the validation seeking guitar and nod, stars in your eyes.
"This is so freaking cool, dude."
You turn back towards the window to keep gawking at the machines. Unbeknownst to you, the overlord beside you doesn't look at his factory, but at his new partner in crime. With just the same amount of fascination.
(I will be crossposting this on ao3 here's a link:
(Here are some doodles B))

Nordic Bunny x Reader WP Pt3 (W.I.P.)

The rest of the day went by relatively quickly. You listened to Nordic Bunny rant about Shred Force, his amazing plan, and how awesome he is. Surprisingly, you didn't get tired of hearing him talk. He had interesting things to say! You didn't have to justify your actions. You simply liked listening to him!
You did, however, get sleepy. It's safe to assume Nordic Bunny noticed because he made it known, loudly.
"Quit dozing off! Is what I am saying not INTERESTING enough for your HUMAN BRAIN?!... Do you need more food? Are you broken?!"
For a moment you could've sworn he was worried and was fussing over you... nahhhh
"Yeah I'm good, just tired."
You yawn and sluggishly shrug of his questions.
"Go ahead and tell me more about uhhhh... robots?"
He moves his face closer to yours and stares at you for a split second, as if to inspect it for lies. After finding nothing he smiles and leans back, you didn't notice the small bit of blush on his face.
"OF COURSE! I knew that!!"
You both sat in silence for a bit. Ultimately, you broke the quiet atmosphere with a yawn,
"Hey not to overstep, but like, do you got... a bed or something?"
He looks puzzled and goes off to the side, talking with himself.
"Hmmm, well... there's... uhh no no... hmmmm."
He turns back around to face you, looks you up and down.
"Hmmmm, I guess I'll just have to get one of my minions to make up somewhere for you to sleep!"
You sleepily nod, not entirely aware of what's going on around you. Nordic Bunny strides to the exit to leave, presumably to get one of his minions to do his bidding. As he's walking away he notices the lack of your presence next to him. Having dragged you around all day he had unconsciously moved to grab your arm only for it to not be there. Turning back around to where you are now dozing off he picks you up around your torso and carries you with one arm on his side. Your arms and legs are dangling a couple feet in the air, given his height. But despite that you are actually quite comfortable.
In time you find yourself falling asleep, not being able to fight off the exhaustion you had.
You wake up to the "peaceful" uproar of shouting and a lazer being blasted.
Ah, Nordic...
"CAN'T YOU SEE THEY ARE TRYING TO SLEEP?! How can I get intel if my human isn't rested up, because you NIMRODS are being TOO LOUD?!"
The yelling is followed by a couple more blasts. Being fully rested, you get up and take in the new room.
Kinda similar to Nordic Bunny's war room, there is definitely a huge red them going on. Different kinds of circuit boards and tubes line the walls, no visible windows, and it sorta looks like they just cleared out a walk in closet and set up a bed (no galvanized steel or eco friendly wood veneers anywhere). Speaking of, the bed you are resting on is a standard twin sized bed with cherry red sheets with matching pillows and a scarlet comforter. Nice.
"OH, you're awake!"
You turn your face to see Nordic Bunny's face wayyy too close to yours.
"Uhhh, hey?"
"GOOD MORNING! As the humans say. I'm quite knowledgeable about your human culture, and EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE UNIVERSE!"
"Hm? Oh yeah, good morning."
Is it morning? Oh well, you wouldn't have anyway to check anyway.
"SO!... Uh, how do you like your room?"
Nordic looks to be almost a bit shy when waiting for your approval.
"Oh yeah, no it's cool. Thanks by the way, real nice of you!"
You give him a soft smile and he flusters a moment before proudly posing and standing a bit taller. How can he get even taller?!
"Ah yes well, I AM THE BEST! And I provide only THE BEST for my... friends?"
He seems to think momentarily for that word. Looking to you seeking a reaction.
"Sure, nice going, uh- friend?"
His face lights up and he virtually lunges at you, scooping you up and spinning you in a tight hug.
He stops abruptly and sets you down. You nearly fall over from the dizziness.
"Oh OH! I have something for you, because my AWESOMENESS KNOWS NO BOUNDS."
Oh, and there he goes running down the hall, leaving you alone with your thoughts... You've been getting pretty comfy here. Heck, you even got your own room now. But what about you lofe on Earth? You didn't have much, but the things you did have were yours. Will you ever see your cramped apartment again? Your extremely rude boss? Your friends? Do they even know you're gone?... Do they even care?
Your thinking is interrupted by the sound of shouting and frantic running. Nordic Bunny bursts into the room with a... PHONE?!
You look up and see Nordic Bunny parading around a small smartphone in his hands and then presents it to you.
"Oh my god! This... this is great! Thank you so much!"
You're not tearing up at all. Nope, nuh uh.
"OF COURSE! You can go ahead and tell me how great and amazing I am!"
He looks smug as you praise him and thank him profusely for everything he's given you... you god damn cornball.
(Thank you so much for reading and to everybody giving positive feedback and interacting!!! ;^;)
(Sorry this part is a bit late. I had a bit of trouble thinking of what direction I wanted this to go. I got it now tho!!!)
(And now for your designated doodles)

Nordic Bunny x Reader pt4 W.I.P.

Two weeks.
Two whole weeks had passed.
To be fair your stay in space with the megalomaniac guitar hadn't been that bad. You had food, water, company, and you were spoiled rotten. Every 5 minutes you were practically showered in presents. Mostly Nordic Bunny merch (how the hell he was able to make marketable plushies of himself was beyond your understanding), but he also gave you little trinkets that came from Earth (you also had no idea how he got these).
You had made up a nice routine for yourself as well. After Nordic gave you a phone, which you had figured out was an outdated Iphone, you were able to tell the time and set a nice schedule for yourself. For being such an energetic guy, Nordic Bunny slept in till noon. You had also learned very quickly not to go into his room before he had loudly announced that he was awake, after an incident where you caught him having a tea party with a bright pink stuffed rabbit. That day you had vowed yourself to secrecy and to just wait for Nordic to get out of his room to start the day.
Before noon came along you usually just wandered about, got food, and occasionally helped out with any tasks the minions had around the headquarters. Getting familiarized with the place you learned that you were straight up on a completely different planet. You werenโt really interested in exploring the rest of the planet, not really knowing if it was safe or not.
When Nordic did wake up, he would go looking for you. He wouldnโt act like it or ever admit that he was, but you could tell. And whenever he thought you werenโt paying attention, his eyes would follow you. No matter where you were, across the room or just straight up right next to him.
From that point in the day he would drag you around the factory, talking about his evil plans, how production was going for the โranch robotsโ, and so on. Your conversations also started feeling a little less one sided, he would ask for you input sometimes and listen. After โworkโ (you didnโt really do anything), you shared some down time with Nordic. You introduced him to some stuff that you could do with your phone, like angry birds, prank calling (he was really fond of that one), and reluctantly some social media. Not wanting to see anyone you used to know on the internet, you stuck strictly to cat videos, epic fails, and pranks. Yฬถoฬถuฬถ dฬถiฬถdฬถnฬถ'tฬถ wฬถaฬถnฬถtฬถ tฬถoฬถ sฬถeฬถeฬถ hฬถoฬถwฬถ wฬถeฬถlฬถlฬถ tฬถhฬถeฬถyฬถ wฬถeฬถrฬถeฬถ dฬถoฬถiฬถnฬถgฬถ wฬถiฬถtฬถhฬถoฬถuฬถtฬถ yฬถoฬถuฬถ.
Towards the end of the day Nordic would walk you to your room to sleep. Crawling onto your bed and throwing any of Nordicโs gifts gently to the floor, you cozied up in the scarlet sheets you have grown fond of and recounted the events of the day. Right before you drifted off to sleep, to dream about penguins or talking waffles, you heard a conversation right outside your door. Time to eavesdrop!
Nordic Bunny stood outside your door for a bit after you went inside. You had certainly made your place on his planet, and in his head. You intrigued him so much. You were kind, you were fun, you feltโฆ safe? He felt like no matter what you wouldnโt ridicule him or make him feel like a loser. You made him feel happy.
He would do anything to keep that feeling around. To keep you around.
โLord Nordic Bunny, sir!โ
โAHHHHHHโ, Nordic Bunny startled, letting out a shrill scream.
โApologies, sir! I didnโt intend to scare you, Lord Nordic Bunny, Ruler of the Galaxy and Nightmare to humanity!โ, the minion saluted.
โY-You didnโt scare me!!! Just!- What do you want, moron?!โ
โI am here to report to you that the โRadical Ranch Eelsโ army is complete!โ
Nordic Bunny smiles at that. The army was done! Soon he could invade Earth, with you by his side! He canโt wait to tell y-
โAwaiting orders to dispose of the human prisoner, sir!โ
โฆ what?
โWhat did you just say?โ Nordic Bunny startles, then scowls at his minion.
โW-well, the plan was to just get intel from the human. We did that, so why would we keep them around?โ
Nordic falters. They were technically right, the goal was to get information out of you. Butโฆ things are different, you were his friend! He couldnโt just get rid of you like that! But then everyone would think he was soft, a loser, weak. He couldnโt have that. He was the STRONG and FEARED Lord Nordic Bunny, RULER OF THE GALAXY and NIGHTMARE TO HUMANITY! He needed to find a way to keep his reputation and his friend.
โAre you questioning MY leadership?โ
โN-no, I-โ
โQuestioning MY plans?! Trying to tell ME what to do?! We are keeping the human around!-โ
โ- BUT, we will get rid of them AFTER the success of the invasion!โ
โSir, yes, sir!โ
โNow GET OUT OF HERE!โ Nordic Bunny zaps the minion and storms away.
โWe will get rid of them AFTER the success of the invasion!โ
Oh. Oh damn. He's going to get rid of you. You feel cold, your lungs feel heavy, as do your limbs. You knew from the beginning that Nordic was trying to get information from you, but you thought that changed. Or at the very least you meant a little more to him than a human informant.
You shuffle back to the bed and fall. You feel heavy, tired, and fucking stupid. You always seem to get ahead of yourself, getting super attached to anyone who gives you the slightest bit of attention. Seeing someone as a close friend when they only really see you as an annoyance or an obstacle.
Turning over, you sigh. Mentally preparing yourself for being thrown away by someone you care about and for a restless night of sleep.
In the morning you were woken up by Nordic Bunny. Announcing proudly that the eel robots were done and that a ship will be prepared and set on course to invade Earth. You groggily sit up and acknowledge him with a grunt, grabbing your things (which is just your phone). Nordic Bunny looks you up and down skeptically, probably because you look like shit.
โAre youโฆ Feeling ok?โ He asks, uncharacteristically quiet.
โMhm, awesome. Never been better.โ You snap back. Stretching a โsmileโ across your face, it turns out looking more like a grimace.
Nordic waits for a bit, possibly for a real response. You donโt say anything to him. He moves to walk down the hall, to the invading ship. You both pass the dining hall on the way and Nordic stops, perking up and turning to you with a smile.
โDoes my loyal companion need something to eat, before wreaking HAVOC on humanity?!โ
โMmmmmm, not hungry.โ You mumble. You feel nauseous, โloyal companionโ my ass.
He frowns slightly and continues on. Finally, you both make it to the ship boarding area. You can see many of Nordicโs minions, carrying cargo and serpent-like robots. Following Nordic Bunny onto the ship, you look back, then board the ship
(SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! it is one of the longer parts. It was originally going to be bigger, but I didn't want to wait any longer)

THE FANFICTION IS IN THE WORKS. Fully prepared to be pulling my hair out over this/j. This will be published to wattpad, my user: @SliceOfBleach (c0rpsecVnt). STAY UPDATED YOU THIRSTY LOT.

Okay so, I've published the introduction thus far. Part 1 is of a quarter percent complete. I'm having fun writing it, I feel like I've been too critical of myself however, but I hope you all enjoy it.
The book is called 'Electric Love / Nordic Bunny x Reader'
You'll find it on Wattpad ONLY, my username is SliceOfBleach (c0rpsecVnt). The cover is goofy asf but I'll keep it as that until I can make something more suitable ๐ญ

Honestly I would've let this stir for a while but I'm too impatient for that, so you all are getting it now. It's on wattpad, named:
Electric love / nordic bunny x reader
My username: SliceOfBleach (c0rpsecVnt)
In case you cannot find it, here's the link:

What if Nordic bunny was called ๐๐ป๐ฎ๐ช๐ด๐ bunny, and instead of wearing boxers he wore a thong?
(I was thinking about this all day at work, Iโm totally drawing this)

Sorry for the delay, I've been experiencing writers block for some time (a feeling I certainly have not missed.)
Should I publish this to other places? As a means for those who cannot access wattpad of course.

I did an art trade with @brunofakepeppino1745 , and I drew their wonderful Shred Force OC, Death Moon!
This was super fun ๐ค