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Cryas Chronicles Characters
Since I got that fancy new logo for my OC mythos, I feel it is time for me to talk a bit about it. More specifically, some of the characters!

So, the thing with Cryas Chronicles is that since it is my OC mythos, some things are bound to change, and more characters will be added. At the very least, I'll introduce characters that so far play a big role in the first story. First story you say? Yeah, I so far in mind have two main stories in the mythos, though the second is still in need of a lot more work and thought. The first story is so far known as 'Cryas Chronicles: Vicissitude Journey'. The best way to summarize the first story is a road-trip between best friends that eventually becomes a race against the clock to prevent a natural, global catastrophe. Fun stuff.😎
With that said here are the main protagonists of the story:

Auron Compallado (Male, Age 20, Umbrian)

Nym Elapimae (Female, Age 19, Umbrian)

Esuna Sanadora (Female, Age 49, Umbrian)

Taylor Tigrise (Female, Age 14, Illumin)

Remaru Crisofil Arcana (Male, Age 53, Umbrian)

Valkyrie Aren (Female, Age 30, Illumin)

Dalibor Viacido (Male, Age 32, Illumin)

Ulric Zorrosune (Male, Age 16, Illumin)

Norocier (Female, Age 543, Corrian) (Credit: @masterartlocked)

Zembaairos Chaarland (Male, Age 1998, Jrukoshn)
Apologies for the wildly different forms of art of each character. As of right now, the only art of a character I have personally drawn that is their official design is Nym. Auron, need to maybe be updated with a few small things. Norocier is one I need to get off my tush to draw her updated look, which is why I used a commission my friend Nicole made to show her. Everyone else needs to be heavily updated in some way, shape and form of varying degrees. Beyond that, yeah! Here they all are. 😁✌️
Cryas Chronicles: Explorers of the Darkest Days
Been on my mind again, so I wanted to finally write something down in regard to this story idea I have been on and off about. As the title suggests, this story is in regard to my OC mythos. However, Crays Chronicles: Explorers of the Darkest Days is meant to be an AU focusing on my OC Norocier as she ends up in a world of Pokémon.
What is the premise you may ask? As stated, this is set in a world of Pokémon. However, this world is like a pseudo mystery dungeon like world in the sense that there are no humans: only Pokémon inhabit this world. While Pokémon do have some semblance of societies, none talk in the way we would assume. Primarily, they communicate as many animals would with varying means to communicate. Of course, with Pokémon there more magical/fantastical means of how they can, but still in the realm of not really 'talking'. With no humans around, there is the interesting aspect that Pokémon don't refer to themselves by the names that we as readers would know them by. And that is a key thing to keep in mind. In the following paragraphs, I'll give a synopsis in regard to the setup of the story and setting.
The colossal known as Eternatus awakens from a deep slumber as an unknown, but powerful source of energy beckons them from their millennia long stretch of rest. Drawn to what had awaken them, Eternatus happens upon a pond of a violet, thick liquid substance that lay before them. While the titan had never seen such a substance before, they can feel the incredible almost intoxicating energy emitting from the alien liquid. In no time, Eternatus feasts on the liquid, voraciously absorbing it into their energy core. Upon the completion of their meal, the creature could feel a great high of energy as the liquid empowered their core. However, as quickly as they enjoyed this rush of energy, something unpleasant was noticed by the giant. The energy levels in them were rising without any sign of stopping. As the continual rise in energy flooded their senses, Eternatus began to feel pain. Seeking to relieve this excess energy, the colossal would unleash beams of energy from their core to help with the extra energy. They have had incidents like this before, so no worry. But this was futile as the chain reaction of this substance with their energy core still continued unabated. In fact, it was getting worse as the energy levels continued to rise to painful levels that the dragon had never felt before. Again, they would unleash powerful beams of energy one after another with greater ferocity. But again, the reaction kept going. Not only was the titan panicking now from the pain, but the energy levels began to force the dragon to assume their true form. Not only was this in response to the unfathomable amounts of energy in their system, but it was also a means to relive themselves of this excess energy that they so desperately were trying to stabilize. However, the form was not only different than what they recalled eons ago, their energy core continued to grow wildly out of control. Dwarfing the hills and mountains in the immediate area, the legendary colossal unleashed a barrage of beams of unstable energy from their core and many orifices. With the ever-escalating energy in their very essence and the many beams tearing through the sky and land, the fabric of space-time was beginning to bend to the cosmic level amounts of energy being unleashed in the given vicinity. And this wouldn't go unnoticed.
From their domain in a realm between the threads of reality, the violent hermit known as Giratina would come to attention as they felt powerful shockwaves come out of nowhere. While these waves would not come to harm the beast, they did cause aspects of their Distortion Realm to be forever damaged and warped beyond recognition. This unprovoked attack upon their domain absolutely enraged the demon. So enraged were they that they immediately sprang into action to not only find the source of the shockwaves, but to make the source pay dearly with their life as retribution. It took mere seconds to find the source: somewhere in the main realm of reality, coming from an incredibly powerful source unlike anything Giratina had ever witnessed or felt in their primordial existence. Despite this potentially dangerous foe, it did not falter the renegade's absolution into making this malefactor pay dearly for what they had done. As they flew through the boundaries of the nexus, they entered main realm of reality to bear witness to their colossal foe. But not only that, but the renegade also caught sight of two other beings they had not seen for aeons and not ones Giratina was particularly pleased to see. The embodiment of the fabric of space and the flow of time respectively, Palkia and Dialga had also come from their homes in the realms beyond. Due to the near cosmic levels of distortion and bending of the aspects of reality going on in this single area, these primordial dragons had also come to not only investigate but put a stop to it before it reached apocalyptic levels. Despite their hatred for their siblings, Giratina set aside their feelings toward Palkia and Dialga in order to take down the current target of their ire. The trio of creation would unite for the first time in countless eons to take down this threat to reality.
Each dragon made use of their primal force of energy at full throttle in order to take down this energy dangerous titan. Palkia with a motion of their arms rend the fabric of space. Dialga roared with such a ferocious battle cry as it disrupted the flow of time. Giratina coated in the shadows of the nexus would attack with deadly force against the titan. However, while their attacks would damage the titan, it did little to stop Eternatus as it continued to unleash beam after beam, crying out in pain as they had at this all but lost control of their body. Despite this, the trio would continue their assault with steadfast resolution. For what felt like an eternity, the trio would continue to fight, here and there dodging and tanking hits from the pained titan. Despite the damage they would sustain, they would fight through the pain and continue to attack the titan. When they all but seemed like they were each at their near breaking point, the foe they all rallied against suddenly stopped. No longer did they hear the cries of pain, no long was there the storm of beams that laid waste to the land. It all just stopped. The trio witnessed the mountain sized titan change form into a relatively smaller form than what they fought against. While Giratina still in their mind sought to kill the creature in front of them, something else beckoned them to leave. It wasn't just the sheer exhaustion and pain that made them leave, but something else they nor their siblings noticed during the fight. As Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina all left for their respective domains to rest and recover, something would fester in all three of them. Unknown to them since the moment they came to fight Eternatus, they had been exposed to a form of energy radiating from the titan's core that begun to mutate, nay... corrupt their bodies. Not only would they be influenced by this intoxicating alien energy, but others would as well as the ripples of space-time during the colossal's desperate attempt to save their life would echo far beyond the immediate area. The giant would once again slumber, their form forever changed.

In another realm far beyond the reaches of the current crisis, Norocier had been going out for a stroll among the trees in a forest in the realm of Umbralus. She was taking this nature walk as a chance to relax from her daily life with her family. Ever grateful to have those she could not only call kin but communicate with in their own way, she did sometimes enjoy a bit of time to now see the wilderness in a new light. No longer was she just another beast out in the wilderness only seeking to survive, but now she was truly living and had been doing so for the better part of the last decade. Finding a nice spot to sit against a tree and allow her mind to contemplate many thoughts, she would eventually find herself dozing off to the sounds of the gentle breeze that snaked through the trees. With her eyes closed and her mind further drifting from consciousness, the Corrian would fall asleep; A nap to relax amongst the foliage before heading back home to her family. But unknown to her now sleeping mind, fate had different plans for her. Having awoken from her sleep, Norocier would realize very quickly something was wrong. The scents of the area were different to anything she ever smelled in Umbralus. As she looked at the sky, the alignment of the stars was not to what she was used to. Not only that, no crystal in sight for as far she can see. Norocier would come to a grave conclusion: she had somehow ended up into another realm while she slept. Perhaps a portal or distortion in space-time caused this to happen. But the matter at hand was not to figure out how she got to this unknown land, but to figure out a way home. Wondering for some time, Norocier would eventually catch the scent of something that caught her attention. While it was a familiar scent, it was one that filled her mind with dread. Upon finding the source, she was beyond all reasonable doubt at what she was looking at: Corriyami.
A general set up for the story. Effectively, Norocier via space-time distortions ends up in a world of strange creatures she has never seen before. Beyond that, she also happens to arrive as this world has been ravaged by the effects of Corriyami that somehow ended up in this world. Likely a result of those space time distortions. While that is an issue, her main problem is getting back home as she has somehow ended up in this alien realm. Eventually, she will come across and fight many of these strange creatures. Some of the ones she faces are those who have fallen victim to Corruption while others have been mutated by it. As she eventually befriends some of these mutated Corrian creatures, Norocier and her pack embark on a journey with several goals: aid those they come across, help her pack as they come to grips with their mutations, and find her a way home. I have more stuff in mind but hopes this gives a good idea of what to expect with blogs regarding this Cryas Chronicles AU story. :)

Art made by @masterartlocked! Give them a big thumbs up for helping make art for this project and just being there for me to throw ideas and get feedback. Thank you Nicole! 🥹