My Ocs Are My Children - Tumblr Posts

Name: Sight/See
Age: ??
Gender: Trans 🏳️⚧️ Demi-Boy
Pronouns: He/They/It
Sexuality: Pansexual Asexual
Speedpaint if curious:
Lenwood When He Started Possessing His Doll Body
Lenwood: Where's my bone structure? *Bends Backwards And Touches His Ankles* How does one bend and buckle like that? *Accidentally Rips His Right Arm* Ay! *When Customers Came Into Zombra's Café The Next Morning*
Lenwood: Y'all ever seen a smile like this? *Laughs* That's so funny! *Laughs* Why the fuck can't I open my mouth..? *Turns Towards Zombra And points At His Stitched Smile* Bitch I got 0% interior mouth 100% smile..
Hhhhhhh so I got a mostly shaded oridujonu front ref sheet. Enjoy.
I think I'm keeping this design she's pretty like this UwU

Drew my Ice Lycan and my Fire Lycan boys by using a new method of getting the outlines... I'm proud of how this came out honestly

I erased all of the paper and kept the line work and then just colored it. I feel proud of how well this turned out because of the wrinkles in the paper were making me kiss the dust I swear

Decided to draw the 4 eyes squad together today during school when I was done with all of my work and we'll this is how it turned out!
So the original got corrupted on my phone AGAIN. just like the comic I tried making years ago for amino and now I'm kinda mad.
So I tried redoing it and it doesn't look half bad. Though I wish the chains on top could move back upwards but that's how the whole file corrupted so...
Click for more details!

So anyway here it is.
A fusion between some of my ocs cuz why not. And because I just felt like drawing another clown.

Haven’t posted art in awhile- so let me show you some of my ocs that Ive finished in a line up so far!
I have around 30 or so ocs that have never been digitally drawn or given color palettes so I took it as a challenge to draw all of them!
I thought I should start off with some of my favorites, and work my way from there. ☺️
So here are my first seven!

Aaaaaaaaaa FUCK this took me like four days I’m tiiiiiired. I guess I’ll call it uh, “The First Listener”? Yeah, that sounds ok. It’s for an art showcase with the theme “THE JOY OF CREATING” or some shit like that. The thesis of this piece is like showing off something you’ve made to people you care about, and the joy and nervousness that comes with it.
got the oc autism who wanna learn bout em
@sin-cosin-tan I hope you don't regret tagging me cause deAR LORD- I will dump every single info I can about my MC and theres no turning back now.
Portrait: (keep in mind I did this drawing when I first started playing Obey Me, around April)

Phoebe (yes I'm that type of player who uses their first name don't judge meh-)
Courtesy of Satan who accidently calls her that while chatting with her but just yeets the Phoebe all together and calls her Phoenix.
You have Levi to thank for this one. When she was trying to befriend Levi he'd call her Phobia to leave him alone. (Eventually he just calls her by the nickname when he's mad at her)
Age and what age they act like:
Likely 18 and usually acts mature for her age.(theres also the occasional childishness whenever she's with Mammon,Levi or Solomon)
Normal Outfit:
Your girl loves her jackets,
Usually pairs the jackets with highcollar shirts and turtlenecks, never goes out without wearing tights. (She's semi conscious about her legs). Boots and sneakers all the way.
Favorite Color:
Definitely Navy Blue and Gold.
Did they have pets?:
Does her aunt's pet turtle count-
What's their favorite thing to do when none of the brothers are available:
Istg this girl is an avid fan of anime and will binge watch an entire season for the heck of it.
Probably hangs out at Purgatory Hall where she sometimes bakes with Luke.(then there's the occasional humour only she and solomon have-)
Sometimes draws when she's REALLY bored.
Any favorite memories in the Devildom?
Definitely that time they encountered Henry 1.0
That time when she made a pact with Mammon.(more or so because of the face he had that time was priceless-)
Do they try and stay in the Devildom when the exchange program ends and if they do then whats their plan to stay?
Surprisingly she decides to go back home since she still has a life there.(however I have this tiny headcanon that mishaps happened with her and Solomon so they were kinda forced to go back to the Devildom)
Do they have someone or something waiting in the human realm for them?
Her family and friends of course. Her squad means a LOT to her.
Any special Talents that might impress the brothers and undatables?
She and Satan can debate about any topic for hours on end and neither of them back down (usually ends up with Luci having to stop the discussions since its a school night-)
Secretly good at card games but was found out during game night
Three Random Facts:
She almost never puts her hair down. (Mammon at one point tried to hide her hair ties which didn't end well)
Asmo called her a hermit once and ended up having no make up for a week.
Pretty friendly with the demons in her class,especially the sucubi.
In general tho my MC is just me but cooler I guess😅
Imma tag @replicagems @3005jpg @divinity-infinity @purplehumanshoegoop but feel free to ignore this 🙌 hope you wonderful people have a nice day.
Let me know about your OBEY ME OCs and MCs!
Portrait or what they look like:
Nickname and how they got it:
Age and what Age they act like:
Normal outfit:
Favorite color:
Did they have pets?:
What's their favorite thing to do when none of the brothers are available?:
Any favorite memories in the devildom?:
Do they try to stay in the devildom when the exchange program ends and if they do what's their plan to stay?:
Do they have someone or something waiting in the human realm for them?:
Any special talents that might impress the brothers or undatables?:
Three random fun facts:
I would love to see any OCs or MCs come one come all! I don't start tag stuff and I don't know how it works but can I see some from
@lord-diavolo-is-watching @sin-cosin-tan @a-cup-of-nightshade @sat-soft @smokeshelters @melon-pocky @lui9040 @hailstn @mystic-obeyme @the-derp-zone
Really just anyone. Lemme see please. 🍓🍓🍓🥺🥺🥺

FINALLY I managed to find clothes that suit Laurence! He looks very pretty, I can see why Mikhail fell for him…

Work in progress
Mikhail & Laurence, Laurence seems to be introducing his “friend” Mikhail to someone else…

𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐯𝐬
ocs art dump + old ones lol


I can't stop posting silly things of Brolly, I love my new son sm
here's the website btw:
Cryas Chronicles Characters
Since I got that fancy new logo for my OC mythos, I feel it is time for me to talk a bit about it. More specifically, some of the characters!

So, the thing with Cryas Chronicles is that since it is my OC mythos, some things are bound to change, and more characters will be added. At the very least, I'll introduce characters that so far play a big role in the first story. First story you say? Yeah, I so far in mind have two main stories in the mythos, though the second is still in need of a lot more work and thought. The first story is so far known as 'Cryas Chronicles: Vicissitude Journey'. The best way to summarize the first story is a road-trip between best friends that eventually becomes a race against the clock to prevent a natural, global catastrophe. Fun stuff.😎
With that said here are the main protagonists of the story:

Auron Compallado (Male, Age 20, Umbrian)

Nym Elapimae (Female, Age 19, Umbrian)

Esuna Sanadora (Female, Age 49, Umbrian)

Taylor Tigrise (Female, Age 14, Illumin)

Remaru Crisofil Arcana (Male, Age 53, Umbrian)

Valkyrie Aren (Female, Age 30, Illumin)

Dalibor Viacido (Male, Age 32, Illumin)

Ulric Zorrosune (Male, Age 16, Illumin)

Norocier (Female, Age 543, Corrian) (Credit: @masterartlocked)

Zembaairos Chaarland (Male, Age 1998, Jrukoshn)
Apologies for the wildly different forms of art of each character. As of right now, the only art of a character I have personally drawn that is their official design is Nym. Auron, need to maybe be updated with a few small things. Norocier is one I need to get off my tush to draw her updated look, which is why I used a commission my friend Nicole made to show her. Everyone else needs to be heavily updated in some way, shape and form of varying degrees. Beyond that, yeah! Here they all are. 😁✌️

This is mine Rise of the Guardians OC: Sarah Raven
 🎃The Guardian/ Spirit of Halloween 🎃

Rise of the Guardians fan art + My Oc Sarah Raven 
I have so many and my sister listens! Don't know if I'd still be writing my novel without her. Love you, Dani!

A few more of my Picrew art pieces...