Not A Drawing - Tumblr Posts
Don't make my work go to waste pls :'))

Don't make my work go to waste pls :'))

i keep drawing little doodles of mike but whenever i go to do a full on proper drawin of him i lose motivation. i don't know why. im drawin peter again, he feels much easier to draw as a full on art piece.
i feel like i like mike too much to draw him, i stress out over it not bein good enough more, while as much as i love peter it doesnt feel as important. i do hope to draw a proper drawin of mike soon :) after all he is my favourite. but i don't wanna force myself, ill just get art block and wont do anything.
i think you are cool :)
I- sodhsofhox TY?????? Idk who you are but you seem pretty kool too :3
sugar free drinks or no?
doing this poll because i want to see. anyone can answer not just autistic, system all that shit!
about this blog!
hello! im sage-draw or sage! this blog is ether an art blog or a shit post blog! this is my main blog system blog is @the-rockstar-system anon sign off is 🎸 feel free to talk to me/us (this is also a singlet persona blog aswel lol)
feel free to send asks! (We love to answer asks!)
don’t ask why I deleted our mogai blog
nothings better then a art styles crisis /sarastic
…. Seriously, what is this art styles why don’t it change?
small vent.
The meds I’m taking for my anxiety is only making it worse. It’s making me feel empty and everything I like is horrible or “bad”. And I’m not even listened to when I say something about it, if I say smth like “it’s making me more dissociated” I’m meet with “oh you just have to get used to it”
random question:
should I make a species sheet for one of my oc’s? *it will be a open species ofc!*
quick information about the species: they are a cross between Enderman (Minecraft) and some sort of neather (Minecraft) creature. I can explain more if needed :3
would would you guys be ok if i post more fanart type of art
im feeling every autistic and the brain says we only need hermitcraft
also send asks!!!!!!
me me when a Randon person i followed follows me back

Hello, I am from Gaza, due to the shortage of medicine in Gaza, my mother who is a type 1 diabetic and was supposed to undergo urgent eye surgery, has not been able to get insulin or any medical care for the past three months. . Some members of my family fled to the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. But my parents and sisters have nowhere else to stay. They are forced to stay in the Nuseirat refugee camp, which has been bombed since the beginning of Christmas. "I am on my knees asking for your donations. Please help me. where you can, Goal: $700
Sorry I don’t support scammers trying to scam people who want to stop the genocide. 

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