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More AU lore, who cheered?
We already know a bit about Casper's childhood thanks to Charlie, but I wanted to add a bit more spice to it, as well as what happened after Casper moved!
(quick note: I've seen people color-code names so I'm gonna try and do that, though I don't know if specific characters have specific shades, so bear with me here! :])
First off, Cas' parents weren't the best. They were very absent, preferring to spend their time and money on alcohol and drugs instead of on their child. This is why Cas spends so much time with Charlie, he was the only thing they had.
Then, Casper's dad lost his job, and they had to move back in with Casper's grandparents who lived hours away. That last week with Charlie was horrible, knowing that they had to leave the person that they held closest to their heart, the person who they loved, all because their stupid dad couldn't hold a job.
They didn't stay at their grandparents long. Or rather, Cas didn't stay there long. They got a job in the new town, and saved money till they had enough to get an apartment. It was old and broken down, but it was better than the crampt, smoke-filled house they were forced to move to.
Life was hard for a while, Cas had to get a second job in a shady area. It was scary, but to Cas it was worth it. Everything came to a head, thought, when they were jumped one night.
They were just heading home from their second job, when a group of thugs jumped them for their wallet. It was the scariest moment of Casper's life up till then, they didn't know if they would stop at their wallet, if they would hurt them.
Then, they heard some shouting from the distance, and before they knew it, the thugs that had jumped them were gone.
And in their place stood someone else. A well dressed man who helped them up from the ground and made sure they had their wallet and everything. This was strange to Casper, as no one has shown them real kindness in a long time.
The new stranger offered for him to walk Casper home, and Cas agreed.
While they walked, Casper got to know the stranger a bit. His job was to gather intel for his boss (thought he never said who) and that he was walking back from another mission when he saw Casper in distress. The stranger felt bad for them, so he decided to help.
It was nice talking to the new stranger. When they got to his apartment, the new friend surprised them once more.
"Is this your place?" He said, surprised by how run-down the building was.
"Yeah," Casper sighed, "it's not great, but it's the best I can afford"
"Best you can afford? Do you not have a good job?" The man turned to look at Cas.
"No, I work at the convenience store down the street and the food counter in the bowling alley down town" Casper looked down at the ground as they kicked a rock "they don't pay much, but it's all I can get for now."
"Really?" The stranger looked in shock before they began to think a bit. "What are you good at?"
"Huh?" Cas looked back up.
"What are you good at? Can you fight? Are you really smart with numbers? Can you talk to people well?" He listed a few things out.
"Well, I was really interested in computers when I was in High School. I hacked the school Chromebooks so I could do whatever I wanted on them" Casper smiled at the memory, it was one of their greatest achievements in school.
"Well then," Casper's new friend smiled "how would you like a job as a hacker and intel agent? You seem like you'll do perfectly"
"Wait, really?" Casper stood in shock, had this stranger really offered him a job? As a hacker no less?
"Yeah, it pays really well. Thought, there are a few details that might make you rethink it-" the man began but was cut off by Casper.
"Yes! Yes! Oh my gosh yes!" Casper jumped, smiling wide "I know you're probably in some shady business, but I don't care if I have to hack some rich guys computer or whatever, I'll do it!"
The man just smiled at Casper and laughed. "Well then, I'll come get you tomorrow to meet the boss then."
Casper just smiled as they watched their new friend walk away. "oh, by the way" Casper called out, "what's your name?"
The man turned and smiled once more. "Rook" is all he said "can't wait to start working with you, Casper"