Not Sure Where This Came From - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

a world full of laughter and light

a woodland bustling with life

oh how everything seems so bright

before the coming of strife

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2 years ago

I don't know where this plot bunny came from and it's probably the only thing I'll ever write in this particular vein of Bebop continuation fic. I just... Something about Spike says he'd enjoy a team scene 🤷‍♀️ so... Why not give the boy a chance with all his loves at once?


Spike entered into the apartment silently, pulling the door quietly shut behind himself before he began ghosting through the rooms in search of the occupants within.

A murmur of voices led him to his targets, though he found himself thrown off by what he discovered in the tidy little office in the corner room. He stopped in his tracks, a frown marring his brow and his mouth ever so slightly agape.

A crinkle of newspaper drew his eye briefly from the women occupied by the desk to the pale man seated in a massive leather-backed chair, one leg up to cross over the opposite knee loosely, and hands folding together the paper as he regarded Spike before tossing the news rag aside in disinterest.

"Oh don't look so betrayed," Vicious said, casting his eyes towards Faye and Julia. "You knew exactly what you were asking for and there's no room for jealousy in a polycule." Those pale eyes dipped back over to trace Spike from head to toe with appreciation gleaming in their depths before reverting to the women again. Spike found his own gaze brought back to them as he followed Vicious's attention.

Julia sat with her legs spread in a plain ladder back chair that was pushed against the wall and next to one drawer-laden leg of the desk upon which Faye was partially perched. The bounty huntress had one hand down in the sliver of a gap in Julia's leather catsuit, cupping and tweaking at the breasts contained therein.

Julia's own hands were on Faye - one on Faye's left thigh and disappearing under the edge of the booty shorts to help keep the con artist in place, the other hand using the thumb to rub against the vinyl material covering Faye's crotch. Faye spared Spike no glance at all as she kept her glorious green eyes raptly focused on Julia's svelte form and heaving bosom.

Even though it had been his idea, Spike still felt off kilter about what was happening. He'd initiated the entire crazy stunt, "killing" off all three of them and the Red Dragon Syndicate itself just to finally obtain true freedom. Yet he hadn't been able to give up his comrades on the Bebop. The affection they'd awarded him over the years, the endless hours spent adrift in space simply seeking satisfaction together… it had been impossible to cut those ties.

Seeing his worlds smashing together like this was something he'd dreamt of in a way he'd known was impossible and yet now it was playing out before his very eyes. Well, not entirely though…

Clearing his throat, gaze still bound to the panting women, Spike revealed his concern over the missing member of his heart.

"Jet," he rasped, striving to overcome the arousal that was taking him over. "Where –"

Golden laughter spilling from a familiar throat. Julia's hauntingly beautiful eyes sliding over to catch his.

"Ohh that man…" She breathed as Faye continued her ministrations. "Such dedication… what a strapping figure… and paired… with that… devotion, and… boldness, so clever and playful… and protective!" With a sudden outcry at the end, Julia stiffened before positively melting as Faye hopped down between her legs to cradle the blonde against her own midriff as she eased the other woman down from ecstasy.

"Well hell," Faye said in a gloating tone of voice, "I'm not sure if I'm responsible for that orgasm or if it was thanks to Jet… but I'll take it either way." Her grin was fierce and proud. Julia tilted her own head back to look up at Faye with a Mona Lisa smile.

"What can I say? You make a good team," Julia uttered then, prompting a bark of laughter from Faye before the purple haired bounty hunter leaned down to capture Julia's lips in a kiss.

The sound of a throat clearing made Spike - pants tight - turn towards the pale devil still sitting nearby.

Vicious gave him a slow smile. "Your other partner was concerned with the child. Apparently…Edward… is planetside and wanted to make a return to your ship. So Jet left to meet her and get her settled in. He… was not quite as comfortable as Faye in being here in our company without you."

Out of the corner of his eye Spike saw Faye shiver. Julia, eyes trained now on the gambler, drew her to sit on her lap and put her mouth to work on Faye's breasts to distract her from whatever fear remained from Faye's own previous exposure to Vicious's brutality.

"Vicious…" Spike spoke his name in an exhale of emotions that he couldn't begin to organize or file away. "It's been so long…"

"You've made me quite convinced that what we once had was gone." Vicious replied plainly, nearly pouting.

Smirking, Spike sidled forward towards the other man. "I came to you every time you beckoned." He answered. "I kept my zip craft, kept my name, kept my appearance exactly the same. I never hid from you. You just… believed I'd perished? Or trusted that I escaped and never bothered to chase me down? Not very proper syndicate behavior," Spike chided. "You both seemed content to let me run away on my own. I assumed our bridges were burnt. You had plenty to keep yourself occupied…I had nothing. Until Jet took me in and forced me to care about someone else again, stitching me up every time I fell apart, holding me together when I would have gone to pieces. Until Faye showed up and reminded me of what living was for, challenging me to want to wake up every day. And still - I went to you anytime you made yourself known. What more could I do?"

"I was in a dangerous spot." Vicious said then. "I lied about your continued existence to the Van. I ensured only men I trusted - or who I intended to have killed - were aware you were out there. I tried to draw you back so we could be together again in the only way I knew to live. It was soul-deadening. Watching those fools waste away everything we'd ever gained. It made me miss you all the more. And gradually I realized you might have been right to flee. We could have ruled that world together, all three of us, but we would have been trapped by duty and power and obligations." With a careless gesture at the mediocre apartment around them, Vicious continued. "In death we have no responsibility to anyone. Freedom to remake our lives as we see fit."

"And…where do you fit, Vicious?" Spike breathed, standing now before the other man and raising his hands to trail through the pale hair.

Viper-quick, Vicious lashed out and caught Spike's wrists in both hands. His smile was lustful. "Where I've always fit…"

"Oh for heavens sake, enough with the melodramatic foreplay," Faye whined from across the room. Both men looked towards the source of interruption to see her straddling Julia, the vinyl top hanging open to expose breasts that were marked with teeth and lipstick and flushed with passion, as she gyrated against the other woman while they both stared unabashedly at the men in suits. With a wicked grin, Faye went on. "All your words aren't getting me as wet as the thought of watching you strip each other of clothes. Stop dawdling and get b-u-s-y dammit!"

"Something of a voyeur, I take it?" Vicious murmured to Spike.

"Oh she's all about the action too, but yeah… watching definitely gets her motor going…" With a sly wink at Faye and Julia - who'd always appreciated the showmanship between the syndicate men - Spike broke Vicious's hold and brought his hands to the other man's collar to tear open his shirt, sending buttons flying.

"Jet will be back soon," Faye announced then, drawing her hands into Julia's wealth of golden tresses and tugging lightly, making the other woman mewl with delight. "I'll have him spank you both for being naughty." She looked down at Julia. "For all his patience normally, Jet's feisty and demanding in the bedroom. He'll dominate those boys in the best ways…"

Spike chuckled. "Don't threaten me with a good time!"

From further back in the apartment came the sound of the front door banging open. "Honey I'm home!" Jet bellowed brightly. There were sounds of progression through the small space. "What the fuck? Why are none of you naked in the damn bedroom?!"

"Ooooh," Julia gasped. Her eyes were bright with pleasure. "We're all gonna get it now!"

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