Notkin Pathologic - Tumblr Posts

пожалуйста, берегите себя вы очень важны и нужны другим

I have a little headcanon that the doublesoulers are a bit of a cryptic and chthonic. Maybe even a little creepy. You know, because…Their base is actually located on the border of the Town with the Steppe.
And I always liked to think that the Steppe has a strong influence on the human psyche and flesh(?), especially children
By the way, I made a mistake in translation. Notkin's gang actually this is “Soul-and-a-Halves” and not “Double-Soulers”…The ways of translators are truly inscrutable
Non-GIF version

just inherited the earth. not too thrilled about it tbh.

playing around with some +5 years character designs concepts and headcanons...

quatre milliards de pitchouns orphelins dans cette ville c'est vraiment terrible. dans quel monde vit-on.

happy new year from town-on-gorkhon ⛄️

we don't talk about [the painful and almost immediate dissolution of our respective gangs as enemy entities following the end of the world-as-it-once-was, the harrowing re-conceptualization of ourselves as intricate to the town and not strangers within it, and the needed peace to be made with the place(s) we now have to inhabit as the world spins on regardless of our grief]. ride's a can of vegetable soup or a breadloaf pay up.

to the hills, to the hills, to the hills we go! bring all of your fog and smoke, bring all of the friends you know!

Before and after!

more twitter doots!!!
the patho kids get their own post~~
