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6 months ago

Immortal Nox: The Lost City

Stretching her arms over her head, Astra swished her tail and laid her ears back with a yawn. She’d been feeling odd since getting up from an unexpected crash hours earlier. It was the first time she’d ever had that happen while playing a VR game. “Maybe it’s an update?” she wondered aloud and squinted through the tree canopy at the sky’s golden hue.

Tiredness was a new sensation to her while playing Ashguard. She’d been gathering herbs and materials for hours in-game. Long enough for the sun to begin dipping down behind the mountain range that bisected the main continent. To the north were the three major cities of Aesir, Vanaheim, and Nifelheim, and Astra Diane’s current location was three months’ worth of in-game travel into the unmapped Southlands.

Being a Healer Class, it was a miracle she’d made it this far by herself. Usually, she had her Porter, Xander, but she’d sent him back to Aesir to sell some things in hopes that he wouldn’t catch the plague from her.

The plague plotline had come out of nowhere for a game with very little story. But attempting to find a cure for it had been a fun use of the Crafting Skills she’d spent so much time leveling up. Unfortunately, she’d caught it too, and while Players respawned at the Soul Stones in the three major cities, NPCs did not.

Astra Diane pulled her Menu out of her pocket. “I should check on him,” she muttered. She hadn’t been feeling the plague symptoms since her crash earlier. Her Menu, a Scroll that always existed in her pocket, was a touch screen once unrolled. Swiping through the tabs, Astra selected her teleport list.

As for the symptoms, they were miserable. It was similar to having the flu, but in her mind, the tiredness and aching in her body lingered even after logging out. Earlier that day, she’d collapsed in-game and woke up several hours later. Astra felt fine now, so she supposed the plague had run its course, and she was free to return to town.

Being in the Southlands for so long by herself was lonely. She was, after all, a squishy Healer Class and tended to rely on the fact that she could heal herself to get through fights with monsters more than an actual strategy. She knew she wasn’t a very good Player.

She glanced top left to see her and Xander’s health bars. The Porter was at full health, as was she. Top right, she could see the in-game time, which only showed hours and minutes of the day. That was the extent of Ashguard’s HUD.

If she wanted to use a Skill, she had to remember and activate it. There weren’t easy buttons that stayed in view to remind Players of what they had, and the Skills didn’t organize into trees. A Skill simply got stronger the more it was used, and there were rumored to be hundreds of Skills out there to find. She did have a menu that listed all her Skills, but battles required quick thinking, and Players tended to have Skills they relied on more frequently than others.

She’d left a daisy chain of Soul Stone Shards, small, single-use devices, on her way through the Southlands.

They weren’t very durable, as other Players or monsters could destroy them, but they lasted a week in real-time. The most frequent complaint about them was that Players couldn’t respawn to them. They were available as teleport locations in the list, great for a quick run back to one of the major cities for a minute, but that was it.

Astra stared at her empty list.

What the heck?

She was some distance from the last one she’d dropped, and the others were older, leading up to the Player town at the edge of the Southlands, but that didn’t explain why they were all gone.

“Ugh.” Backing out of her teleport list, she moved to Inventory to get a Soul Stone Shard. That all of the ones she’d dropped in the last four game-time weeks were gone was only an inconvenience if she died. She wouldn’t have a quick way back to her current location after respawning at the last major city she’d been in. The faster she got one activated, the better.

Astra activated the item and dropped it just as she heard shuffling in the bushes.

Looking up from her Menu, she met the eyes of a Razor Boar mid-charge. “[Dodge]” died on her lips as the two pairs of tusks ripped through her midsection. Pain like she had never felt before overwhelmed her senses. She collapsed to the ground. Her armor, which was as high-quality as she could make it, had protected her a bit from the attack, but the Boar continued to slash at her as she lay helpless on the ground, unable to think past the pain.

A tusk caught her in the throat, and a terrible coldness descended upon her.

Her consciousness hung suspended in darkness; before her were the options to Wait or Respawn. Choosing Respawn, her body exploded in sparks of light, teleporting back to the last Soul Stone she’d attuned to.

Astra wheezed out a moan of residual pain as her feet touched the pavement. Gripping herself, she shivered. Her pain setting must have gotten changed. Had they updated the game? Maybe that was why she’d passed out earlier.

She now stood in the Soul Stone Plaza of Aesir, a city built on the mountainous shore and sprawling onto an island within visual distance of the rocky beach. The architecture resembled ancient Greco-Roman, giving it an air of philosophical sophistication. It was her favorite city, and it looked gorgeous in the setting sun’s light. However something was off.

Why was it so quiet?

Turning away from the Soul Stone, she found that the plaza, usually bustling with Players coming and going, was filled with market stalls and a crowd that was just trying to get their last bit of shopping done before it got too dark. While physically, Players and Non-Player Characters were identical, the system showed Player names to other Players in text hovering over their heads.

There were no Players in the crowd.

The stall owners and their customers stared at her, pale, jaws agape. A Human grandmother had dropped her basket of apples directly next to Astra. A Lycanth woman clutched her cub to her chest.


Want to find out more? Check out the story on my Patreon

The Lost City (book 1) | Collection from K. E. Ireland/Kaira Loi | 55 posts | Patreon
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4 years ago

Top ten worst anime tiddies

just off the top of my head


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1 year ago

megumi is a mean dom. and you can't change my mind. but dont worry, he does it unintentionally. every little mean words just flutters your little cunt and makes you even more wet than you already were. you were on his lap, making out when your hands started to roam around his body, tracing his abs and soft skin. you slowly start to grind on his boner when he gives a sharp slap to your ass. "you're so horny, aren't ya? my sweet little whore." he would whisper as he trails soft open mouth kisses from your jaw and go lower and lower. soft moans and whimpers would leave your mouth but he would stop and look at you, whining you pout. "megs.." you whimper, "be a good girl, and stay quite for me? yeah?" he would ask as you nod. but it is hard to control yourself when he is so good. just in a few minutes both of your clothes are on the ground and his hands are playing with your sweet cunt. "megumi!" you moaned as he put his free hand on your throat, "shut it." he whispered in your ears. of course, he would make it up to you for being mean with the sweetest dates and chocolates and maybe even help you with your jujutsu homeworks. my man's a keeper.

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1 year ago

jealous (megumi x fem!reader)

you had always been a friendly person. greeting everyone as you entered the class, hugging everyone before you left. it was one of the reasons why megumi fell for you in the first place. he loved that you smiled everytime someone would make eye contact with you, he loved that before you had combat training you would always strech, your soft whimpers and groans music to his ears.

he did not like the fact that your kindness attracted people. he was very possesive of you. he would stare everytime some guy would hug you, and how you would get uncomfortable and push them away before looking at nobara, signaling her to help you. he would later punch them in a dark alleyway, making sure they learn to not touch his girl.

so when he found out that were going out with some guy, he was not thrilled. "So, now you're whoring yourself out?!" he asked, running his hand through his dark hair. instead of getting angry and ruining the mood, you got up from your chair in front of the vanity mirror and cupped his face, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "It's just a hang out, megs. I'm going cuz he's my project partner. I will be back before you know it!" you'd say with a huge smile.

he wasn't going to do any of those, he knew it. deep down you knew it, too. he tracked you down, putting on a cap to camoflauge himself. joe goldberg style. and would drag you out. "MEGUMI!" you yelled, "What are you doing?!"

"Taking what is mine."

his voice would send shivers down your spine. that deep, husky voice, making anyone get on their knees for him. you felt yourself getting soaked by his behaviour when you should be alarmed by it. your hands began to sweat as he dragged you to his car, and drove off. no words the entire ride. his spare hand squeezing your thighs as he kept mumbling petty reasons to why he doesn't like you hanging out with guys all alone.

arriving at your dorm, you were furious. "What was that, 'gumi?!" You screamed, he didn't answer. he simply kissed you to shut you up. you tried pushing him away but his large hands grasped yours harshly. he kept kissing you till your back hit the study table. he raised you so you would be sitting on it, and pulled your panties down, raising your skirt above your waist. without any hesitation, or any waiting, his lips captured your cunt. "Megs..." you moaned out, grabbing his hair with force, "Stop..." You mumbled out, whimpering and moaning as his tounge swirled around your cunt.

"How can you expect me to stop when you sound so good whimpering, and moaning and, begging for mercy? All those noise..." He said, his fingers circling you, as he leaned in, his face inches away from yours, "All these lewd noises. All for me." He said, placing a soft kiss and pulling away quickly, making you whine. "How sweet..." He taunted.

You bucked your hips to feel his touch as he'd laugh. "Look at you, telling me to stop and then begging for my touch." He laughed at your ears, his voice creating goosebumps all around your skin. you moaned at his means words. "Do you want more?" He asked, "Answer, my love." Unable to form any audible words, you just nodded you head and he clicked his tounge. "Beg."

"What?" you asked, confused. megumi never did this, yes he was dominant, but he never asked you to beg.

"Beg for it." he repeated. you felt yourself growing wetter by his lewd conduct. your pussy clenching at his words.

"Megs... you're being mean." you said, and he clicked his tounge again. His hands grasping your throat as you felt your lack of air. you gasped as he placed soft kisses on your jaw.

"Beg, Y/n." he said, and you did as he asked. begging, pleading, and whimpering so he would touch you more. his fingering pumping in and out of you in a painfully slow pace.

"Megumi, more! Please." you cried out, tears forming in your eyes as he smiled. he started moving his fingers faster, incredibly fast. your legs shaking as you felt your stomach form a knot. your orgasm incredibly close as he pulled his fingers out.

"Do you think I will let you come after you went out with a guy even after I said no?" he said, you whined and turned your face, burrying it in the pillow as tears fell from your face. your hair a mess, sticking to your face from the sweat and tears. "Shame, you look so pretty this fucked up." He said, tugging your hair behind your bag, he stared into your eyes as he smiled again. "Be a good girl, and I will let you come, deal?" He asked and you nodded your head vigorously. "Good, good, my good girl." He kissed your forehead before caresseing your cunt with his pink tip.

you moaned loudly. "Yes, yes, keep making those noises, love." he whispered. your leg placed on his shoulder, as he pounds into you. his length never seeming to surprise you.

"Megumi!" you screamed, feeling your orgasm coming close. he used his thumb to circle the bud on your pussy making your leg twitch. unknowlingly, you came all over his cock.

"Tsk, such a messy girl." he remarked, leaning in towards you. your legs instictively wrapping around his waist. he kept on going, pounding onto you with so much strenght, with all his weight. your insides felt violated, but so so good.

"Megumi, I can't. I can't anymore, please. It hurts." you sobbed on his shoulder, as he interwined your hands together.

"Not untill I finish." he whispered on your ear. you moaned so loud, you're pretty sure nobara and yuuji heard you two. your legs began to shake as you felt your second, well third, orgasm near. and just like the last time, you came all over his cock. which was good considering your orgasm triggered his and he came shortly after.

his moans filling your ear, as his come filled your cunt, as well. he stood up from the table, seeing you all messed and fucked up. your skirt riding high as some drops of his come leaks out of your sore, swollen, pink cunt. he stared at you, all fucked up because of him.

"Could he do this to you?" he asked. tugging a peice of your hair behind your ear. "I'll draw you a bath, then help you with your project, okay?" he asked and you smiled, nodding.

note to self : don't piss him off again, or do.


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1 year ago

oh, who is she? (f1 driver!megumi x fem!reader)

megumi was the latest and the hottest f1 driver in the paddock this year. with a world title in his pocket, he got offers left and right, but things have been complicated since he moved from first driver in one of the most prominent teams, to a reserve driver.

when things were tough he could always count on his favourite media manager to make his day okay. bad race? y/n. bad day? y/n. he would find a reason to see you, to be touched by you to hear your voice. he would intentionally crash the car so you would patch him up in the motorhome, in that tiny driver's suit with all the other engineers and drivers and team principals around.

"shh, do you want people to know that you're a little slut?" megumi whispered behind your ears. his hands pressed against your hips as you bent over to the small work out table. your ass pressed firmly against him as you moaned again. you quickly put your free hand on your mouth, biting it, sucking it— doing anything to be quiet.

"so good, so tight..." he whimpered. he looked down at your figure, bent down, your back arching as your nails scratched the table. those quiet whimpers that left your mouth only for the two of you to hear. you twitched when he slapped your ass, "so pretty, so pretty." he mumbled kissing your spine as he slid in and thrusted so deep in you.

"megumi!" you moaned out, he laughed as his hand slowly traced your body. trailing from your hips to your stomach, to your boobs where he pinched your nipple— making you shake as the knot in your stomach tightened— his long slender hands gripped your throat.

"mine." he growled against your ear before thursting back into you. his long, deep thurts making your knees bent as his hands gripped you tighter, preventing you from falling over. your legs shook as you moaned again, "wait, wait, i'm coming too." he panted in your ears.

your entire body vibrated as you came on his thick, long cock. the sight of you all messed up and freshly fucked made him all hard again. he looked down to where his dick was still placed on your ass, both of your come dripping down his thighs and to the floor. you turned around slowly.

his jet black hair was sweaty, his pale face was flushed with a pink hue and his lips slightly parted where saliva dripped down the slight corner. you felt your cunt throb at his scene as he lowered his face to kiss you again. you wrapped your hands around his neck before he pushed you back down on your knees.

"should i make you clean up your mess?" his low, domineering voice spoke as he caressed your jaw. you closed your eyes feeling his touch, taking a brief break before his hands roughly grabbed a handful of your hair making you look up at him. "clean. your. mess. y/n." each of his words made your cunt flutter.

you leaned down, licking the come off of his thighs, then his calfs, and then his dick. licking ever little drop clean as he groans. you stare at him with big doe eyes before you shoot him a smile.

"so pretty," he whispered, placing the tip of his dick on your lips. you grabbed it with both of your hands, making your large hands look small as you held the twelve inches. you kissed the tip, kissed the veins, the edges, he groaned, pulling your hair roughly, "y/n dont tease, fuck."

and with no warning, he shoved himself in your mouth. he pushed so far to the back of your throat where the tears formed in your eyes, you massaged the part of the long dick that didnt fit inside your mouth as you looked up. he threw his head back, thrusting his hips into your mouth as your teeth slightly grazed on his dick.

he moaned looking down at you, "such a slut. but," he moaned, "but, so so good." he whimpered, his movements getting sloppy as he held the workout table for support. with one big thrust that made you gag, he came all over your mouth and face. he took a few deep breaths before he looked down at you, his cum covering your face as a few droplets dripped down your chin.

"filthy girl..." he whispered, wiping your face with a towel as he kissed you, his tounge tasting every inch of your mouth.

"says the guy who was in the grovel." you joked, making him glare at you.

"i have to punish you for that foul tounge." he paused, wearing his black fireproofs as his eyes checked you out, bent over picking up your clothes before wearing them swiftly. "hotel. 9pm. be late, and you won't get to finish."

part two soon!!

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1 year ago

oh, who is she? (f1 driver!megumi x fem!reader) part twooo

it was about 10 pm before you went to megumi's hotel room. the race went overtime and you needed to rest. qualifying was one of the most hectic days and you thought you deserved that bit of rest after all that running around you do for the team and megumi alone.

you wondered how long it will take him before he is bored with you and finds a new toy to play with. of course, not all f1 drivers were like this, most held class and perfectionism all the way through— of course megumi was like that, too— but they also needed a way to take all that furstration away. the pain and anger for crashing, the hatred for their fellow drivers/team mates, most driver chose golf or alcohol but megumi? he chose you.

and you complied. you offered yourself to him. who wouldn't? with those deep set eyes, full lips and toned abs, anyone would throw themselves at him. single, rich, and good looking— he's megumi fucking fushiguro.

you stand in front of the mirror as your heart throbs at your chest, you look at your pretty little outfit, school girl skirt with a simple white button down shirt, and your signature gold necklace. you breath out as you add some last bit of mascara and strawberry lip gloss. you were late on purpose, the anticipation of what he might do if you were, the punishment— your mind wandered— it got you aroused as you clenched your thighs together.

as you went up the elevator, you played with the hem of your skirt, breathing lively as the elevator dinged to your destined floor. your heart practically lept off your mouth as you knocked on the door.

as much as aroused you were, meanwhile megumi was jacking off in the bathroom thinking you won't be coming to see him tonight. he wouldn't admit it to you, but it made him sad. what?! sad?! megumi is never effected a woman, but you weren't just a woman to him, you were his dream woman. with your perfect curves, and tanned skin, lucious brown hair and sweet eyes, he practically crashed his car just so he could talk to you. of course, one thing bigger than megumi's dick, was his ego, so he would never admit.

but he didn't have to, because his actions did. while you were getting ready to be fucked senseless, megumi was pouting about why you weren't here at 9 exact, like he said before. he groaned as he checked his phone, 9:10 no you. 9:25 no you. 9:40 no you, instead of sitting on the chair and thinking of you, he went on the shower and thought of you.

with his gorgeous dick in his hand, he carresed over his pink tip, a soft whimper leaving his mouth as he tightened his grip. going faster, and harder, his pace getting sloppy as his hips buck and his come is released with a loud moan to your name. he pants as the cold water trails down his body. he hears the knock as soon as he gets out of the shower, thinking it might be his team mates on their way for a drink, he opens the door with the grumpiest expression, just to see your flushed face.

"you're late." he said through grittened teeth.

"race ran late. m' sorry." you said, with a smile on your face as he moves away from the door to let you in. your eyes first scan his entire body, he was entirely naked except for that slim towel covering his slim waist. his broad waist on display as the small bruises on his back make an appearance, making him even more hotter. his black hair is wet and dripping— just like the fire between your thighs— and his cheeks are slightly flushed.

"i don't like late, y/n," he said, his hands slowly sliding to your waist as he closed the hotel door, guiding you inside. "i thought you knew me better." his breath hit your ears as he kissed your collerbone, "and that skirt...oh, y/n," he moans in your ears as his hands gripped your breats and his thumb ran over your peaked nipples over your shirt, "is this on purpose?" he asked.

"no," you breathed out. he smiled against your skin before—in a quick and swift movement— he bend you over the bed, your knees pressed against the firm mattress and your ass in the air, you groaned at his rough movement.

"i don't like liars, either." he said, before spanking your ass loudly. you moaned as he took both your hands, pinning them to your back, your face pressed against the mattress now. "now, again. was this on purpose?" he asked, "y/n,"

"yes! yes, it was!" you said loudly as he smiled. his hand caressed the area he spanked, the stinging sensation burning through his warm fingertips as you whimpered. his finger gently pulled your underwear to the side, his other thumb holding it in place. you twitched as soon as his fingers glided over you wet clit.

"so sensitive.." he whispered. you felt his breath on your cunt before you felt his lips. his soft, yet firm, lips pressed against the lips of your cunt as you moaned out loud. his tounge traced all of your folds before his index finger rubbed your bud. your legs shook as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten. instantly, he pulled his finger out, and parted his lips from your cunt, "not yet." his low, husky voice reached yours, "you made me wait, and hour. it'll take you a while before i let you come."

he flipped you over so you would lie on your back now. your ass hit the cold wooden surface of the bed as he caressed your knees. he pulls your underwear off as he leaned down to put a soft kiss on your lips. it wasn't like normal, it was soft, sweet, almost intimate but primal, carnal. as if he needs this, he needs you. the kiss made you confused, dazed, as he pulled out. his blue eyes gazed into yours before he kissed you again. this time fast, hungry and not at all sweet. this kiss was fierce, bold, he bit your bottom lips as your teeths grazed. you moaned when you felt this knee rub against your bare, wet core.

"megumi..." you moaned, feeling his teeth graze over your clothed nipples. he opened his mouth, filling his face with your breasts in his mouth. he moaned, the vibration making your back arched, he practically ripped the shirt away from you as you giggled and threw his towel away.

"eager, are we?" he gave you a low chuckle that made your stomach flutter.

"always for you."

he smiled before his lips glided down to yours again. his dominant hand slided up your throat as you moaned on the kiss. his other hand slided down your stomach, creating goosebumps on the way to drop to your glistening clit. his finger grazed over your bud as you whined in the kiss.

"megumi, please!" you said, throwing your head back. he chuckled, his fingers slowly drawing circles around your sex. you whimpered as his pace went quicker and quicker. suddenly, without any warning he shoved two fingers inside out. his hands going faster than his car. you clenched around his fingers but this time he didn't take his finger away, and you squirted (i hate this word, im sorry, but idk what else word to use????) all over his fingers and sheets.

"tsk, tsk, tsk! the glorious media manager..." he taunts, "why did no one record you coming all over my fingers like that?" he kissed your cheek before pulling your skirt down. you shut your legs together but he grabbed them forcefully and opened them, "don't. you're perfect."

he lowered himself so his face would be level with your wet cunt, and his eyes looked up to you. "i can smell you, sunshine." he moaned, "so wet..."

he took in a slow yet careful lick, from your slit to your clit. Tasting your arousal. I licked y/n again, this time her folds, each and everyone of them. you shook under his touch, feeling her thighs close up on my face, he forcefully separated them with his hands, again. "stop doing that." he giggled. your face flushed as you covered your face with your hands.

he licked and sucked on her cunt as long as he could, eating you like a starving man, he put your left leg on his shoulder, yanking you closer. you gripped his hair, grinding on his face shamelessly. and then for the second—oh well, third— time you came today. he looked at you, his chin dripping from your slick and come.

he hoovered on top of you. his warmth exageratting from his body as he send you a soft smile before tugging a strand of your hair away from your face. "tell me to stop," his eyes searched for yours, "and i will stop, okay?" you hummed as you kissed him again. he got your answer as he pushed his hard length into your sex.

he moaned at how tight you always were. he fully let his length get inside you as you moaned and gripped on his arm. "too deep, too deep..."

"shut up, you wanted this." he said breathlessly before he got up, his knees bent as he grip your hip and slams into you again. you moaned as he fastened his face, his ball hitting your ass your toes curled and your back arched. tears formed in your eyes as you felt your come leaking all over his cock. your hands pushed him away from his abs as he threw your hands away, "not over, till i come." he said, you groaned, your hands gripping the bed sheet as you felt your fourth come arising. "fucking whore." he whispered.

his mean words adding fuel to the fire as you twitched and frailed around. you clenched around his dick as his hands bucked, he got ontop of you again, thrusting into you from angles you didn't know existed as you came again. your come erected his as he came shortly before you. he panted in your ears as he got up again, pulling himself out of you, causing you to moan.

his eyes lingered at your glistening cunt, his come dripping down from your sex as he traced his come. you twitched, still sensitive as he spread his come all over your sex. his eyes stayed focus on your cunt for a second, before they found your already closed and panting ones.

he laid down beside you, folding the wet patch of the sheet so it wouldn't bother you before pulling the blanket over your chest, your eyes lazily fluttered at him before he brought you closer to him. your legs getting interwined as he sighs deeply, inhaling your scent.

"so, what's new with the account?" he'd ask, listening your sleepy voice getting fumbled as you both fell into deep slumber. only to wake up and do this all over again, before he went to race. winning, and collecting his prize : you.

this was a bit long, sorry bout that :(

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1 year ago

making out with them as the kiss gets more rough, more fast. tugging and pulling each other more and more even though there is barely any space left. panting in each other's mouth, as you grind on their kness, your movements getting ragged and unsteady as his hands grip your waist tightly.

"stay still other wise we might have a problem."

— 𖦹. megumi, eren, gojo, jean, daisuke, geto, kageyama (i can also see a few book boyfriends doing it... maybe cardan, dante russo?? )

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1 year ago

too hot. a game where the two players kiss without stopping and touching each other. if one player touches the other, s/he loses. the winner gets to do whatever they want with the loser.

megumi x fem!reader

on a regular day, you wouldn't indulge in stupid games with your best friend-- megumi. specially at a party. you were a sloppy(-horny-)drunk, and you kept the horny to yourself.

"come on, y/n!" yuuji whined, dragging you as megumi stood behind you. you turned to look at him with a pleading look so he'd help you with yuuji. but he just looked away.

as much as megumi hated you being drunk, he kind of secretly loved it. how you would bat your eyelashes at him, how touchy you would get, kissing his jaw, going lower and lower till he has to forcefully stop you. the only thing he hated was how you forgot everything the next day because of your bad tolerance.

"megumi! tell him i can't!" you whined, yuuji wheezed, dragging you in the private room. nobara, maki, inumaki, yuuta sat in a circle, waiting for the three of you. "guys!" you whined.

"there they are!" nobara said, angrily. " 'bout time!" you groaned as yuuji pushed you. you sat down beside nobara as megumi sat opposite you. you smiled at him sarcastically as he smiled back at you.

"we have an exam tomorrow!" you whined, the group boo-ed as you raised your hand up, signalling peace. nobara put the bottle in the middle and leaned back.

"so, we're playing too hot. whoever the two people lands on, must kiss untill one of them breaks it, or touches the other. winner does whatever the fuck they want with the loser." nobara smirked, "and i mean... whatever."

naturally, your eyes went to the raven haired man in front of you. his eyes were already focused on you. his blue eyes now almost seeming black, with lust, greed and hope. you took in a breath, blinking, hoping you imagined that. his eyes, however, stayed focus on you. how you squirmed under his gaze, your nervousness as the bottle spinned. you watched yuuji and inumaki kiss awkwardly and inumaki telling gojo to flash his abs at the new freshmen students as punishments. you were actually having fun.

as everyone settled down again, the bottle spun. your heart beating inside your ears as the bottle stopped. shit. everyone "ooh"ed as you looked up to see megumi. the boy's cheek crimsoned as maki nobara nudged at you.

"kiss!" she cheered. you looked at her with wide eyes before you looked at megumi again.

"he's my best friend!" you protested. megumi's heart cracked everytime you said something like that. he's just a friend. you're my best friend, megs. but when you were drunk, you'd just blabble the truth. you're so kissable. i wish you would let me kiss you more often. can you rail me, please? he knew you never really meant that, but you did. drunk words are sober thoughts.

"tuna mayo." inumaki said.

"yeah! he had to do what he was said, we even kissed!" yuuji groaned, "you have to as well!" he pulled you towards the center as inumaki pushed megumi to the middle. "inumaki's breath smelled like swiss cheese." he mumbled.


"NO I DID NOT LIKE IT!" yuuji screamed. you looked at megumi who didn't say a single word since you two arrived. you breathed as you brought yourself closer to him.

your lips hoovering over his before he inisiated the kiss. nobara from behind brought your hands to your back, saying something. but the sounds stopped. everything stopped when your lips crashed with his. his tounge swirled over yours as you bit back a moan. moaning in front of everyone while you kissed your best friend would've been an embarassment you couldn't live with.

unconciously, your hands went to his hair, pulling him close as the buzzer rang in your ears. "y/n loses!" yuuji grinned widely, winking at megumi. "fushiguro! you're the winner, what's her punishment?" his blue eyes went to yours before you blushed brightly. your mind still processing the kiss that happened.

"i'll take it from here." megumi said, standing up as he dragged you with him. your eyes wide as the other "ew"ed at you. he dragged you through the various rooms, till he found a good one. he opened the door, pushing you inside before he locked it. your back was still turned to him while your mind ran scenarios of what could happen right now.

you turned out to face the raven haired boy. he just looked at you, savouring every inch of what he was going to destroy. his hands cupped your face, his eyes scanning yours. "not drunk.." he mumbled, taking your hands as he checked your pulse, "not drugged." his eyes went back to yours, but you stared at the two of your hands connected. his large hands practically absorbed yours.

you looked up at him when his hands slowly went higher, caressing you in the slighest way. "megumi..." you breathed out, "what are you doing?" you asked. he didn't answer right way, his hands snaked to your neck, and then the back of his hands caressed your cheek before you leaned in his touch. closing your eyes, letting the dim purple light beam through your eyes.

"what i should've done years ago." he said, before pulling you by your neck and crashing his lips into yours. you moaned at his rough movement before you moaned in his mouth before he guided you to the bed. you slammed on your back before you pulled your sweatpants down. you didn't a chance to breathe before his lips was on yours again.

"megumi..." you moaned as his lips nibbled at your neck, your jaw, your earlobes. his hands roamed around your body, pinching, rubbing and caressing every bit of free skin he could find. his hands went inside your hoodie, pinching your nipple. "ah!" you moaned in his mouth. he groaned as your hands went to his buldge, palming it over his sweatpants.

with one swift movement he took of your skirt, leaving you only in his hoodie and your panties. he pushed you into the bed, the matress sinking as he lowered himself right in front of your pretty cunt. his long slender fingers rubbed you over your panties, you bit your lips, trying to calm the moans that were in your throat. the loud chase atlantic music coming from outside, the loud thumps making your heartbeat faster than it already was.

pushing your panties aside, he ran his fingers through your slick folds. you whimpered, your legs spreading unconciously. he looked up to see your face, head thrown back, hair sticking to your face from the sweat, your face red and mouth slight agape. you felt his gaze as you lowered your head. your eyes hazy and vision blurry.

he pulled your panties and threw it somewhere with your skirt on the floor. wrapping his arms around your thick thighs he yanked you closer to him. you yelped at the sensation. his tounge flickered over your bud, licking, kissing, sucking. doing anything to make you feel good.

you arched your back, pushing yourself further into his mouth as you felt your orgasm near but he stopped. you panted as you opened your eyes, your mascara smudged from the tears and your lipstick anywhere but on your lips. "this is a punishment, remember?" he smirked, you whined. a sharp slap to your pussy. you jerked up from the sensitivity, tears welling in your eyes as you moaned as he rubbed your cunt. "good girls don't whine, y/n. they take their punishments, and get rewards..." he lowered himself to your ears, kissing your cheek as he whispered, "do you want your reward, y/n?"

you never saw megumi like this. truth be told, you barely acknowledged that he might have feelings for you. but seeing him like this made the knot in your stomach tighten, "yes." you said, breathlessly, almost panting.

he sent you a mocking smile before he got up again. his hands running through your hair, letting your bun fall loose. he kissed the top of your nose as he pushed your hoodie upwards and your bra downwards. his thumbs gazed over your peaked nipples as you shuddered at his touch.

he kissed your nipple. rolling his tounge over your bud as he gently grazed his teeth over it. you turned your head to your side, trying to stiffle the moans but he roughly turned your head to him. his hands still wet from your slick, "i want to hear you, okay? dont be quite."

he made it impossible for you to be quiet. his fingers went in and out of you, knuckles deep, at such a fast pace, you felt your entire body shake. and just as you were going to come, he would stop. making even more tears fall from your eyes. the sound of your sobs and his fingers squelching in and out of you filled the room.

"megumi please..." you sobbed in a shaky breath, he laughed, taking his shirt off, his perfect tonned and tanned abs in display for you. "please let me come." you cried, he ran a thumb over your tears and brought it to his lips, licking your tears as you inhaled shakily.

"aww... you wanna come?" he taunted, you snuffled, nodding your head. "fine, butterfly." he cooed, running his hands through your hair as he pushed his sweatpants down with his free hand. "i'll let you come this time, hmm?"

he tapped the tip of his swollen dick to your pussy, making you jerk up again. a soft smile placed on his lips as he kissed you sloopily. his dick slipping inside you perfectly because of how wet you were. he thursted all nine inches of him side, you arched your back, feeling him up your throat as you shook your head.

"too full, too full, too full!" you mumbled, curling your toes as you felt your orgasm near.

he brought his face closer to yours whispering praises as you cried at his girth, "doing so well, butterfly." he kissed your cheek, leaning back to see his cock slide perfectly in and out of your pussy. a ring of arousal coating each thurst. he started going harder, rougher, deeper, "so tight.." he mumbled, grabbing your leg and throwing it over his shoulder.

he used his free hand to rub circles around your swollen clit. thats all you needed to come all over him. hot liquid gushed all over his thighs, your leg and the sheets. he smiled cockily, "i made ya' squirt?" he chuckled, drool slipped from your mouth as he flipped you over, so you'd be over on your stomach.

he pushed you down and arched your back just the right way before he entered you again. you screamed as he hit your g-spot. the second orgasm almost coming minutes later. he wrapped your loose hair around his fists and pulled you up. saliva dripping from your open mouth, tears streaming down your face. a smirk formed on his lips, "have i fucked you dumb, y/n?" he chuckled.

you cleched at his words, squeezing his dick as he lets go of your hair. your head thumping into the pillows as he thursted into you sloopily. bruises started to show on your hips as he gripped you tightly.

you gushed out all over him again, triggering his come to squirt all over your thighs, your stomach and your boobs. he panted on top of you, both of your breathing getting lost into the music.

"i should come to parties more often." you joked, he chuckled, still panting as he laid a soft kiss into your mouth.

"yeah, you should."

Tags :
1 year ago

Babee I'm OBSESSED with your work omggg

And ofc I'm in love with Megumi

So if you're taking any requests can I ask for one?

Imagine gamer!bf megumi (live streamer also to add a little spice) who is only obsessed with 2 things



But lately he's not giving you enough attention so you take matters in your own hands

Okayyy this is kinda cringe but I'll let you do your magic on it!

Also sorry if you aren't taking requests you can just ignore this<33


it's me or the ps5 (megumi x fem!reader)

recently your boyfriend, megumi, wasn't paying that much attention to you. first into your relationship, the two of you couldn't get your hands off off each other. but recently, your romance fizzled out. you heard about romance fading away in a relationship, but you didn't expect for it to happen so fast.

megumi was never really that affectionate. yes, he was, but not as affectionate as you. and recently, whenever you'd decide to spice things up, he'd just ignore you. even if you're in lingierie, or a hoodie, it doesn't matter. you would get shut down.

now, he was streaming on twitch, playing genshin as you just scrolled through tiktok. and a certain one caught your eye,


your eyes lit up as you looked at your boyfriend streaming from the living room to his secret gaming room. a knowing smirk creeped up on your face as you went to his gaming room. leaning against the door frame, just enough so the camera can't pick you up.

"if i don't get childe now, i'm burning this house down." his deep voice echoed in the sound proof room as you got on your hands and knees and crawling down to his little table. his eyes were focused on the screen before your hands started to rub his knees. his eyes widened as he looked down. his pretty little girlfriend, on her knees for him, but he's too deep into the streaming. the music started playing on the screen as he looked in it, "oh... i got childe." his voice was monotone, as he gulped, feeling you palm his already hard and huge erection through his sweatpants.

the chat went balistic from his reaction, but he doesn't care. he's too busy on what you're doing. thankfully, he suddenly got a text on his phone and picked it up. something from idatori about his left pinkie being cut off by nobara for experiment, but it was the golden excuse. "guys.." he said, his voice breathy, "need to go. family emergency." family emergency, yes. since he was going to fuck a baby into you right as the stream is fucking over.

you pulled down his pants to free his cock, wraping your hands around it as you slowly work it up and down. his slick spreading all over your palm, some even rolling down to your elbow. you heard some typing and then felt a harsh tug into your hair. he pulled you by your hair, dragging you in front of him as you winced, holding your head in pain.

"what the fuck?" he asked, his hands snaking down to your chin, forcefully grabbing it, making you look up. "you're playing a dangerous game, y/n." he said, his voice low and raspy. a small smile was creeping up on you but you decided to cram it, since he was piissseeddd. "what are you going to do now, hmm?" he kissed your jaw, slowing nibbling against your skin. your hands found their way to his cock again, slowly going up and down like before, but this time your circled your thumb over his tip. he shuddered, feeling his orgasm nearing.

but he pushed you away. you frowned at him. "off." he demanded, pointing at your clothes. you did as he asked, standing naked in front of your fully clothed boyfriend. he pulled you by your arm, making you sit in his lap as he slowly incerted his eight inches into you. you whimpered, feeling him fill you up.

you started bouncing on his cock. his mouth captured your tits, nibbling against the sensitive skin as you twitched. jolting at any simple touch. he lowered his hand to circle over your clit, making you clench around him as he groaned against your ear. his whimpers and moans filled your ears as you did to his. "your doing so good." he said in pants, his dick twitching inside of you. "such a pretty slut," he slapped your ass making your legs shake as you felt your orgasm near.

you came all over his shirt and sweatpants. he tsked as he ran his hand through your hair. "you came all over me." he said in a soothing voice. "how're you going to apologize?"

you didn't need anymore hints. you got off of him, your knees bucking as you kneeled against him. you took his cock in your mouth, sucking it as his hands wrapped around your hair. pushing it further in. you choked, gagging on his dick as he looked down at you. tears falling from your eyes, a soft coat of pink flushed against your cheeks. you felt his cock twitch inside your throat as he came.

you both panted, regaining your breath as he looked at you. "what was that about?" he asked.

you picked your clothes up, wearing your oversized t-shirt as you looked at him with an unreadable expression. and just left.

"y/n!!" he called out, and got no answer. he turned to look at the time, but his eyes widened as he saw the little light behind his camera being turned on. "OH HELL NO!"

Tags :
1 year ago

nerd!megumi x fem reader

nerd megumi who always sits in a corner of the library and never talks to anyone except yuuji and nobara. your best friend, nobara, who constantly works you up to megumi. "she's so smart!" "she loves maths, star wars and reads like a bajillion books! you should talk to her. she's a nerd like you!"

truth be told, megumi always kept an eye on you. how you'd always be second or third in school even though you were so popular and were barely seen studying or even with a book in hand, except for your story books maybe. but he was always scared to talk to you. and you were too. he was always first in school and got great grades, was good in sports, and was like the hottest person you've ever seen. his black rimmed glasses looked so hot resting low on his face and how his biceps would almost burst out of his compression t-shirt that he hid by wearing a thick hoodie on top.

one day you decided to work up the courage to speak to him. you went to the library for a short study session but got distracted by seeing megumi in the corner with his head burried in the book. your breathing hitched as you observed him-- long slender fingers, slightly flushed on the top, veins on his forearm as his usual hoodie sleeve is rolled up to his elbow. his dark hair was unkempt and messy, falling over his eyes and his glasses. oh, his glasses. you pictured him on top of you with his glasses on, fogged up and pounding you to heaven as you screamed his name. you clenched your thighs as you picked your phone up to see the time then walking up to megumi with fire between your legs.

"hey.." you whispered, bending at the waist to meet his eyes as he straightened his back and you mirrored him. "you readin' star wars?" you asked cheekily, pointing at this book as he looked down at his book. his cheeks flushed as you pushed his glasses up.

"uh, yeah." he said, "wanna sit?" he asked, you nodded softly, sitting in front of him and leaning closer to see the book but he just flipped so you'd see. "it's last in command, "

"oh! luke and mara!" you said, he flushed smiling as he nodded. you guys talked for hours. sometimes he would lean in to show you specific lines and you'd get the soft lingers of his scent, the smell of old books and leather. you clenched your thighs harder everytime his fingertips would graze over yours. but eventually he had to go because he had class, "hey, i loved talking to you. i'm-"

"y/n. i know." he said, smiling as he offered his hand to shake yours. you wheezed lightly before you shook his hand playfully, giving it a large shake.


"megumi. i know." you smiled back, as his grin reached his eyes. he left as you stood there, watching his tall figure dissapear as you sighed and looked at your hands, to feel the lingering warmth of his hands. saddness engulfed you as you realized he may not feel the same way towards you like you felt for him. to be honest, you didn't know how you felt for him.

your eyes would always search for him as a habit everytime you entred a room. and your heart would slump if you didn't see him, and flutter if you did. how you would imagine him doing the most filthiest things to you and the most romantic things known to man. maybe he felt the complete opposite way towards you. maybe he thinks you're obnioxious, or lazy, or dumb. your mood worsened as you leaned in to cross your elbows to rest your head but your eyes shifted to the table to see megumi's book in the table.

you looked up to see if you could find him but he wasn't there. you slumped back to your seat as you texted nobara.


Hey, send me fushiguro's number


ooohh mama's getting some actionnnn


just give it to me


444-781 get laid, your uptight ass really needs it. i hope the sex is as good as they say

you frowned as you saved his number. "as good as they say...?" you mumbled, as you texted nobara again. apparently, there were rumours and back-talking from the previous girls that megumi slept with that he was a bit too rough. a lot of hair pulling, grabbing and the fact that the girls couldn't walk for hours or days after they 'did it'. you blushed furiously as nobara texted you those things.


didn't you say you like those kinds of dom sub thing?


OH MY GOD! NOBARA I regret sharing anything with you


I will tell him hehehe Anyways, listen. Get laid, and text me how it was.


you get laid. mother fucker


love you too babes <3

you looked at the book for a brief second before you snatched it and walked to your class. you waiting till the dormatory closed up and sneaked into the mens dorm. you slithered to the check room to find megumi's room. fushiguro 444, you kept whispering as you went through the dorm numbers. you found the dorm room as you sighed, fixing your oversized t-shirt and shorts and hair. you knocked slightly standing there in the dark as you shifted on your feet. you went to knock again, but before your knuckles touched the door it flew open.

a naked megumi, dripping wet and only a white towel wrapped lowly around his waist, his v-cut dripping through and a tattoo showing through the towel around his lower torso. "y/n?" his voice snapped your eyes back to his blue ones. your breathing hitched as you looked at his face. slightly flushed and his glasses fogged up and wet, dripping like his perfectly chissled abs. "what are you- how did you get in?" he whisper-shouted, the spare towel drying his hair.

"i sneaked in." you whispered back, "you left your book," you said, extending your hand and presenting him his book. his eyes lowered to your hand, and then to your bare legs and slowly got up, checking you out. his gaze lingered on your breasts before they went to your eyes and your bright red cheeks. "take it." you said, shooving it in him.

"you came all the way here for the book?" he asked, leaning against the doorframe as he cleaned his glasses and put the spare towel on his shoulder. a small smirk placed on his lips as his slender fingers gently caressed his chin. his slight subtle showing from his wet face. "speak up, y/n."

your mind jumbled as you opened your mouth but no words came, you closed your mouth with a tick from your jaw, so you tried again. "i couldn't sleep with it in my mind." he leaned closer, his face inches away from your eyes as your eyes shifted from his eyes to his lips nervously. you gulped as you tried to back up but your feet wouldn't buldge.

"that's it? that's all that was on your mind?" he whispered, his hot breath hitting your lips as you closed your eyes, taking a deep breath and praying this was a dream.

"that's all." you said turning away and walking away with a huge pang in your chest. you flinched as his hand grabbed your wrist making me turn, "megumi!" you whisper-shouted.

"that's all?" he asked, his mouth inches away from yours. your breathing hitched as your eyes travelled down to his full pink lips, his adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed deeply looking at your flushed face and eyes which were focused on his glossed lips. "nothing else?" his voice barely a whisper as you flinched when the lights suddenly flickered from the storm outside.

"i have to go." you said in a shaky breath, "they will close the dorm gates." he frowned looking at your stilled face. his hand squeezing into your arm creating a small bruise, "megumi..." you whimpered, your hands overlapping his as you squeezed it, trying to loosen his grip. "let go of me."

his eyes snapped to your arm and he let go, clearing his throat and taking a few steps back, scratching the back of his neck he looked at you with a different look. before his sapphire eyes always trembled when they found yours, but now they held a darker shade and stilled, focusing on you with his pupils dialated.

"i'm sorry," he mumbled, "see you in class." he said, turning away with a pang in his heart, and a mutual one for you. for the next few days, you avoided megumi like he was the plague. whenever you would see him in a room, you ran to a different one. your hands shook if you two were in a close proximity, even with friends. you didn't understand if it was attraction or something else.

you looked in the mirror before you went to class, you got a letter from the dean regarding a complaint and you had to see him today so you dressed more appropriate and formal than your usual hoodie and dark washed jeans. the short plaid skirt, matched with a white blouse and a leather jacket and a lose tie to add everything together, you sighed pushing your dark hair away from your face.

back in the dean's office, you opened the door with shaky hands to see the older man. another person sat in front of him, megumi. your heart beat fastened up as your eyes widened. "mr. yoshinobu," you said, sitting beside megumi who looked even hotter with his red star wars hoddie and black sweatpants. you clenched your thighs as you looked at the dean.

"there was a rumor that you broke into the men's dorm, ms. y/n. is that true?"

about thirty minutes of lying and denying you and megumi were finally out. your heart was beating so fast from this, megumi, how the heat between your legs were spreading and you could practically feel the slick drop down your thighs. you breathed heavily, standing in front of the massive doors to the dean's office and just blankly stared at the wall.

"come with me." he said, pulling your wrist again. you yelped as he dragged you to the storage room on the opposite side of the hallway. he yanked you inside and closed the door, locking it with a swift movement of his hand, your eyes widened as you frowned. "a trick satorou taught me. nothin' special." he said, leaning against the door. "now tell me, why have you been ignoring me?"

"ignoring you?" you scoffed, "no! i've just... been busy." you shrugged, crossing your hands over your chest as you got pushed into the wall by his tall stature.

"hmm." he said, leaning down to look at you deeply, his nose grazing against yours as he bend at the waist, "y/n... you're gonna ruin me." you couldn't process his words before he smashed his lips into yours. your eyes widened as you melted into the kiss, your hands wrapping around his raven hair as you moaned into his mouth, making his groan and push you further into the wall, his large hands taking your leather jacket off. it fell on the ground with a cackling noise as you catched your breath.

"megumi... not here!" you whisper-shouted as his fingers worked your blouse buttons.

"yes here." he said breathlessly and kissed you again. this time softer and more passionate, he slowly pulled your bra down, making your boobs pop out as he gently massaged them. he broke the kiss off, admiring your assests for a while before his lips latched onto your nipples. his teeth grazed on as you whimpered, your hand wrapping around his hair as you bit your lips.

his spare hand went up your thighs, sliding your panties to the side before he gently circled your wet cunt. your hips bucked to feel his touch more. he let out a dark chuckle as he inserted a finger inside, slowly pumping in and out. his thick rimmed glasses already fogging up at the bottom. he increased the pace as your moans got louder and quicker, he added another digit making your legs shake as you screamed into his chest, muffling the sound as he kissed your cheek. "shh... shh... it's okay, let it out, y/n. let it out." he cooed, letting you ride his hands as your slick and come dripped down his hand. "let me take care of you." he whispered, his thumb circling your bud, you whimpered, gripping onto his arm for support as you breathed heavily.

"next time, we're doing more." he whispered as he placed a soft kiss in your cheek before leaving the storage room. you stood for a moment buttoning up the rest of your blouse as you took in a deep breath.

what the fuck just happened?

sorry this was a bit too long! but yeah, hope you enjoy the little star wars references in there too haha. lmk what you guys think! g'day<33

Tags :
1 year ago

nerd!megumi x fem reader part two

since the storage room incident, you kept getting distracted in class. looking away, zoning out, picturing megumi's hand choking the living hell out of you as he pounded into you like he was tearing you in half, doddling. you were a mess.

but then again, who wouldn't be? this was megumi fucking fushiguro. who finger-fucked you in the storage room right after the both of you got in trouble for breaking in the mens dorm. huh.

you stood in front of the parking lot waiting for your friend - inumaki, to pick you up but as usual, he's late. always getting under people's skirt and at the end making you walk home in fourteen degree celcius. you sighed, taking your phone out, but before you could turn it on, in the midst of the darkness a face appeared behind you. yelped you turned to see megumi.

"oh, sweet luke!" you sighed, putting your hands over your chest. "megumi! you fucking scared me!" you said, practically panting. you stared at him, now in a much less unflatering lighting but he still looks so fucking good. his raven locks fell in front of his black rimmed glasses, his sleeves were rolled up and his veiny forearm were a sight for sore horny eyes. his tie was rather loose and laid low in his neck and his silver chain shined in your eyes from the light reflection. those beautiful black slacks with the absolute epitome of playboy black nikes didn't help either.

"what are you doing here so late? it's almost seven p.m." he said, checking his watch. you shrugged, looking behind you to the valet to see if inumaki pulled up but then again, no luck.

so instead you decided to pass time with megumi. and it was something you thought about often, passing time with megumi and having fun, playing and goofing around instead of being the toned-down self that you have to be in front of people.

"my friend, inumaki was going to pick me up," you sighed, "but i guess not. what about you?" you smiled politely, for a brief moment your eyes almost played the cruelest tricks on you and you saw his jaw tick from... jealousy? but you didn't say anything, just kept your calm and mentally told your body to shut up.

"driving you home." he said, dragging you by your arm. your eyes widened as you stumbled as he pulled you to his car. " you could've just asked me instead of standing in the cold, y/n." he mumbled, a small smile crept up on your lips as you walked with him. hands interwined.

he opened the door for you, helping you get inside, and you sat down, feeling his warm hand on yours as he closed the door.

"i'm glad you're here with me tonight, y/n." he whispered into your ear, making you squirm with delight. "the women's dorm is south of the outskirts, right?"

driving to the dorm you kept bouncing your thighs, nervous and... impatient. he told you he was going to do more next time, and now the two of you were alone, in a confined space, in the dark, and barely in contempt. you sighed, feeling your anxiety grow to why he's not doing anything. maybe you were just one of his side peices. can nerds even fucking have those? isn't he too hot to be a nerd? why does he have to be so fucking beauti--

all your thoughts and worries were shattered away when he gently placed his free hand on your thigh, stroking it with the most gentle touch ever. you turned to look at him, all flushed face, but he kept a straight face and looked ahead on the road.

you felt his hand guide up, so slowly and so painfully. his long fingers just touched you so slightly, yet it made you twitch in your seat. he started to circle your clothed cunt, making you whimper as you gripped onto his hand like it was the only life suppport in this car. he quickened his pace on your clit, sliding your lace panties to the side. your slick dripping down his hand and onto the leather seat as your legs twitched. He spread your legs apart, slightly glancing a look as he focused his eyes back on the road. Your baby hair damp from your sweat, your mouth slightly agape as you bit your lip to stiffle moans, the way your hands gripped his arm, riding his fingers. Blood circulated to the tip of his cock, he could come just by watching you.

"megumi.." you moaned, he added another digit, taking them off breifly before shoving them inside again. this time faster, rougher, harsher. making your hips float as you twitched, your come getting closer and closer as you whimpered and moaned and made all kinds of lewd noises. your mind going blank as you came all over his leather seat and fingers. your legs twitched, and shook for a breif moment before you calmed yourself down.

your pants filled the car as you dragged your head down, looking at your damp skirt and the wet seat. megumi pulled over at the empty parking lot, "megumi where-" unable to finish your sentence, as megumi's lips were crashed onto yours. he pulled you in front so you'd be on top of him, your legs on either side of his torso. "megumi!" you moaned, feeling him unzip his pants and pull his member out.

slowly you began to grind against his dick. you moaned loudly, your moans making his dick twitch, the movement poking his tip at your entrance, you moaned as your body twitched, you moaned again, louder this time. he took his hands and caressed your soft back. slowly the car was filled with the sounds of skin clapping and loud moans. megumi whimpered in your ear, dark deep grunts, straight from his chest as he bucked his hips upwards, pushing his eight inches in you as you trembled, shook and squirmed on his lap. unable to take so much, tears streamed from your eyes, mixing pleassure with pain as you threw your head back, coming all over him again. making his pants wet, as he came inside of you.

you panted against his chest, groaning as you sat back on your seat and used a tissue to clean yourself up.

"you look very pretty freshly fucked." he said, you glared at him with a death stare as he gave you a dark laugh. "we're doing this a lot, k?"

"oh, a lot. for sure."

oKAY! a little note; thank you so much for all the messages <33 they were so fun to read and i was gonna wait next week to post this but noooo i want to spoil ya'll so enjoy!! there will be a part three cuz i aint done with nerd gumi.

Tags :
1 year ago

nerd!megumi x fem reader part three ↝ feeding you horny ppl because this is one of my most liked and requested one! hope you enjoy <3

nerd!megumi who always tutors you before every major exam. teaches you in a more effective method. "listen, y/n," he grabbed your attention, spinning you around in your chair so you'd face him, his hands on both sides of your handrest, trapping you, "let's play a game, shall we? everytime you get an answer right, i take a particle of my clothes off. and if you're wrong, you take them off."

a sly smirk would be plastered on his face by how hard you were trying to get all the answers correctly. by now, you were just in your panties and matching bralette, and he was in his sweatpants, frurstrating tears welled up in your eyes from not being able to remember the simple math formulas that were so easy for you before, but now you need help to learn.

nerd!megumi who cooes you, strokes your hair and calms you down as you cry about your math struggles. you hugs you tightly and doesn't let go till your breathing and heart rate is normal again. but it's difficult to slow down your heart rate when you're on his lap, his large long hands under your hoodie calming you down as he whispered the softest, nicest compliments into your ear.

"'s okay, it's okay. it's just a math problem," he laughed airly, as he hugged you tighter, "your too smart for it, butterfly. come on, clean yourself up," he said, leaning back to look at your red swollen face, and puffy nose, your lips glossy from drool and your eyes bloodshot, "then we can cuddle, watch star wars, and have ice cream, hmm?" you shot him a small smile as you wiped your face with the back of your hand. "you look so pretty when you cry..."

nerd!megumi who sends you nudes in the middle of your lecture.

Megs <3

Attachment : 1 image. do you like it? sent 11:05am

him shirtless, with wet hair, his glasses fogged up and he's only covered by the thin towel that hangs lowly on his waist, showing his v-cut. your eyes trailed down to his abs, water droplets coat him and you hope it was you.


I'm in class!! sent 11:10am

Megs <3

you don't like it? Attachment : 5 new images. sent 11:25am

this time the towel was gone. his pink tip was wet and his cock huge. one of his large hand covered his cock and you closed your eyes, feeling the heat grow between your thighs.

"ms. y/n, can you repeat anything i just said, or is your entire syllabus written on your phone?"

nerd!megumi who goes to the dean demand that your teacher stop being so unprofessional and rude towards you. megumi who asks you to step outside, and threatens the dean, "i'm your top student, aren't i?" he pushed his glasses up, the dean shifted nervously on his seat. megumi stayed quiet, waiting for his answer.


"then you know if i say something out in the public, how deeply it would effect your college. teachers would get fired, i wonder if you will even stay. especially with your affair with the assistant teacher of mrs. passwater." he smirked, the dean's eyes widened as he opened his mouth but megumi put his finger up, shushing him, "who is fifteen years younger than you. keep mr. suguro's gaze out of y/n, and i will keep my mouth shut." megumi, who comes out of the dean's office with the most unreadable of expression, "wanna get waffles, butterfly?"

nerd!megumi who is so nervous when he's metting your parents. "do you think they will like me?" he sighed, "maybe i should've worn the suit. maybe the hoodie was bit too casual." he mumbled, fixing unknown creases from his hoodie as you held his hand. "i love you so much, you know that?" you smiled at him, kissing his temple as he blushed furiously, "i hope you love me like the way i love you." he sighed, his deep blue eyes growing a little sad as you kissed his cheek.

"i love you, too, megs. you don't have to doubt my love, be like anakin." he smirked, as you smiled cheekily. your parents definately hit it off with megumi. they ate every joke, every observational comments, and they, of course, loved the fact that he was so good at his studies... and that he was rich. "they love youuuuu!" you said happily, hugging him, "we should get married." his eyes widened as you gasped, "after we graduate. and have our careers on the ground."

"i'd marry you any day." he said, mumbling against your lips, "i love you."

"i know."

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1 year ago

PLS PLS PLS make a part 2 of gamer bf gumi 😭😭 i really love your stories and this one made me cackle

gamer! megumi x fem reader part twoooo <333

megumi's twitch was blowing up. he was trending on twitter, youtube, and all the other social platforms because of what happened last time. he had to clarrify on his channel that what happened was a mistake and people ate everything he said. from his appology to his new videos, everything. the comments were now filled with, "bring the hot girl back," "she's so hot, makes me gay," "i could let her get me pregnant," yk? usual internet stuff.

"megs, look at these comments," you said, laughing your ass off as you read them out loud. "i bet she's with him because of his big-" you snorted mid sentense, clutching your stomach as your bent forward, laughing so loudly that it echoed through the big apartment. "your fans are amazing."

megumi kept a good job at keeping a straight face, but he's the most monogomous person ever. he would get mad if a guy just stared at you, and now that they were commenting all kinds of stuff just made him even more... furstrated. "yeah." he sighed, his face burried in his phone, reading the statistic reports of his account. you frowned, crawling to him and plopping your legs on his lap that he covered with his hand, caressing your thighs with his thumb.

"is something wrong megs?" you asked, twirling your fingers in his hair, and gently massaging his scalp. megumi wasn't nesessarily the most affectionate person. it took him two months to even kiss you, and even longer to have sex with you. the most affectionate he had even been was just cuddling you when you're on your period, or hugging you when your sad. other than that, his idea of affection was sitting on opposite side of the bed while you read a book, and he played call of duty on his phone.

he sighed, looking up from his phone to meet your gaze. he just nodded, looking at his phone once again. your eyebrows brunched together as you snatched his phone. "hey!" he groaned, you placed his phone on the coffee table as you stradled yourself on his lap. his hands automatically going to your waist and resting lowly, barely touching you, just grazing ever so slightly. his chin was tilted up to meet your soft brown eyes, his jawline sharp, almost slicing through.

"what's wrong?" you asked again, your hands wrapped around his neck as he sighed into the hollow of your neck. his cheeks flushed as his lips pursed into a thin line.

"it's a bit embarassing..." he sighed, you frowned, leaning back to look at him with concern and worry in your eyes, "no no, not that kind of embarassing." he stopped again, sighing deeply before closing his eyes and looking at you again. "i just don't like how everyone is fawning over you. it makes me..." he paused, "i dont know. it makes me uncomfortable, and very furstrated. i don't mean to be rude, but you are one of the smartest person i've ever met, but sometimes, you're so oblivious it makes me laugh." you gasped, making him chuckled as he wrapped his hands around your waist tighter, "but... this... it.." he sighed, his words not forming in his mouth. "i just dont like it when people just say things about you. it's rude and impolite."

you smiled at his words. megumi was usually very mean to you during sex, more dominant and rather aggressive and seeing him like this was new and... nice.

"it's not embarassing," you said, feeling his warm breath hitting your neck as he nuzzled closer to you, "hey, look at me." you sighed, "have you been feeling neglected lately?" you asked. his cheeks darkened as his eyes widened for a brief moment before his expression went back to normal. "megumi!" you said, stretching the vowel to immitate a mocking whine which made him tsk and push you off of his lap.

"stop, y/n." he said in a firm voice, "you're making fun of me and i don't like that. i'm trying to be open here, and you're..." he trailed off, making you sigh, "i don't know." he breathed out, running his hand through his silken raven hair. you got up, walking to him and hugging him from behind, tip-toeing to kiss his shoulder.

"i'm sorry, megumi. come on, i will help you feel a little... less neglected." you grinned. he turned to look at you with a frown, you bit your lip and kissed him lightly before you dragged him to the sofa. "sit here, and come in when i call you," you instructed, "okay?"

"what are you up to?" he asked with a big grin. you had a little something planned. it wasn't something special but just enough to make the both of you happy. you decided to wear your favourite lingiere to surprise him and then you brought your phone, setting it on the tripod and turning the camera on.

"megumiii!" you called him. your heart throbbed against your chest as you looked around the dimly lit room. the candles added a beautiful romantic vibe to the room. the sheets were clean and the room looked fairly beautiful, and with you in the center, it might as well be called heaven.

"y/n, i swear if it's something-" he swallowed his words as soon as he saw you. the seductive pose you striked was in no way shape or form seductive, to be honest, you felt funny in that position, but the outfit, matched with the light innocent make-up and loose hair. he was going insane.

"you said it made you feel furstrated that they were so focused on your girlfriend, right?" you asked, leaning in to grab him arm and pulling him onto the bed, but he just stood there. his legs encaging you, "why don't you take your furstrating out on me?" you whispered, your voice trailing up his ear, leaving goosebumps as his hands gently caressed your arm. "and show it to them." you pointed at the camera recording, and his eyes followed. his cheeks reddened as he looked back at you. he tilted your face by his fingers, placed firmly under your chin and kissed your deeply. your elbows behind you for support.

you felt his hand push you down onto the bed as he hovered on top of you. his hands slid beneath your thin lace dress, making you gasp from his cold touch, he took it to advantage and explored every inch of your mouth that was his. you pulled back for a second, taking his sweatshirt off as he panted again, his raven hair falling on his face, covering a slight bit of his flushed face. you breathed out deeply before you kissed him again, this time the kiss slower. more passionate. more intimate.

you moved your hands to trace his abs and bring his body closer to yours by pulling him with the strap of his pants. he breaks the kiss, looking at you with lust in his eyes and his mouth practically drooling at the sight of his pretty girlfriend all dressed up for him and the fact that it was recording, just added fuel to the fire. god knows, how many times he will jerk off to it.

"this is going to be a long night, sweatheart."

ending in a cliff-hanger because i like it how it is and also cuz i'm lazy. sorry for not posting a lot lately, i've been busy with my finals :( i hope u guys liked this 💗 (p.s. thank you for all the messages!!! they make my dayyy!<33 and plus also, i love the star wars memes ya'll sended 😭)

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1 year ago

I would let Nerd Megumi spit on me, run me over, finger me to hell, make me cry, slam me, choke me, pull my hair, literally obliterate my holes. And I would still love him.

Thank you

gurl... this gave me an idea and.. therapy is optional, and i might need to go after this ahhhhaa double post today!!

"she's a virgin. they get wet so... easy." megumi x fem!reader

it was your twenty birthday and you felt so excited to celebrate it with the people you most loved, your family and your boyfriend, inumaki. it was a normal day for you, nothing special even if it was birthday. your boyfriend needed to go for some important meeting and here you were, sitting in your room all alone, eating the huge cake meant to serve so many people but now it belongs all to you.

a single tear left your eyes as you frowned, looking at the cake you just kept eating it. it was your party, and you'd cry if you want to. your eyes moved slowly towards the phone as it pinged, alerting you that a new text appeared in your phone. you sighed, picking it up, thinking it was another text for inumaki apologizing because he was going to be late but it wasn't it.


happy birthday, butterfly. 01:23pm. thinking of you... 01:24pm. *one attachment sent.*

your breath hitched as you looked at the photo. his glasses were fogged up and he was shirtless, his hair wet and drapping over sea blue eyes, water droplet coated his abs and his dick was springed free. the tip slightly red, and the you could practically feel it throbbing from the screen.

you and megumi had a strange relationship. after everything that happened, you two decided to go your seperate ways since he was more focused on studies than you. an evening with your now-ex megumi, was him studying and you just looking at him hoping he would just pay the littlest bit of attention to her.

plus there was something else you wouldn't discuss with megumi, sometimes his actions were a bit... possesive. yes, like everyone other girl you liked it when your man was a bit protective of you, but megumi was different. what he hid behind those glasses and baggy dorky clothes, he made it up at night wearing a hood with a baseball bat in his hand, beating the hell out of your classmates who flirted with you.

it scared you. how easily he could do this, and how he could live with it. how he could commit these crimes and go unnoticed, and everyone would be scared to even file charges since his guradian was gojo fucking satoru, crime cindiate. so i guess, what more did you even expect? being that nerdy kid, it was the mask he wore to hid the actual man that he was.

a bad, bad man.

and you were worse, for wanting him even after all this. knowing all of it, knowing he was the one who beat them up, put some of the kids into hospitals with broken ribs and arms, your heart ached for them. so he stabbed it. broke your heart, and you broke his by breaking up with him.

you closed your phone, shutting your eyes tightly before you sighed, wondering how low can you get from here before your phone pinged again.


*2 new attachments sent.* Are you lonely, butterfly? 1:44pm.

You didn't need two seconds to reply. Now, you're lower.

I Would Let Nerd Megumi Spit On Me, Run Me Over, Finger Me To Hell, Make Me Cry, Slam Me, Choke Me, Pull

megumi was deep inside you, the tip of his cock poking through your lower stomach. you whimpered against him, your back pressed against the hard wooden tables. you put your elbows behind you, trying to help your back but megumi pushed you.

"the fuck do you think you're doing, hmm?" he winced, pushing you roughly. you groaned at his rough touch. this was his way of taking revenge on you, making you wait, holding your come in and never. when i say never, i mean it. it has been two hours, and you still haven't come once, but megumi, he hadn't either. if you were hurting, he was too.

"m-.." you whimpered, "my back-"

"what?" he snapped, "it hurts?" you nodded, and in turn you got a slap in return. it stung, badly. your cheeks heat up as his hand roughly grasped your neck, making you look at him, all teary doe eyed and beautiful.. all for him. his heart warmed for a second, before he snapped back to normal.

the humility, the embarassment, the feeling you felt at the moment, hatred? anger? no, that's not it. arousal. you liked it, and that was much, much, worse.

"open your mouth." he ordered. it was a weird thing to ask, even for you. you frowned, not doing as he asked, making him slap you again. you cried out this time, he was being rough, and you cried because you liked it. "open. your. mouth." you did it without question this time, he gathered some spit in his mouth and threw it in your mouth. your cheeks warmed up as he looked at your face, "swallow." you followed as he did, making him smile. "my sweet girl, m'sorry for being so rough."

this was the other thing with him. all that pent up competitiveness from studying so much and the constant pressure of winning and being first, it made him rough with you in bed. too rough. and you weren't complaining, it's just sometimes you wished he was... nicer.

"its okay." you whispered out. the knot in your stomach tightening. he groaned, pushing him inside you with such force, it made you scream. he pulled your hair to bring you closer to him even though you were facing him, he was out-of-control. his mind was gone and this was all his body's doing.

"god... sqezeeing me so tight, s.. s-sweet girl," he groaned. "come with me." he repeated constantly as he came. his mind leaving his body as he came inside you, and you came all over him, ruining his pants that were by his ankle and your birthday dress.

"so pretty, so sweet, my girl." he whispered in your ear as he cooed you from your high. your breathing was ragged and barely there. your hands went to his waist and brought him close to hug him. "happy birthday, butterfly." he whispered.

"thank you, megs." you said, hugging him closer. the door opened abruptly as your eyes widened. you pushed megumi away, brining your dress over your chest to cover yourself.

"happy birth-" inumaki stopped, his eyes moving to the both of you. "what freak show is this?!"

I Would Let Nerd Megumi Spit On Me, Run Me Over, Finger Me To Hell, Make Me Cry, Slam Me, Choke Me, Pull


inumaki stood in the middle of the door as you sat on the chair with your hands on your neck, nervously fidgeting with yourself as megumi stood opposite you, towering over inumaki as he smoked a cig.

"how long has this been going on?" he asked, looking at you. you sighed.

"this is the first time we connected after we broke up, i-" you stuttured, running your hands through your hair. "i never wanted this to happen. you can break up with me if you want to, this is... you don't deserve this, i'm sorry." you apologized, humiliated with your behaviour. but megumi doesn't say anything, just look at you.

"we will break up, but how could yo-"

"cut the crap, toge." megumi snapped, making your head look up at the two men in front of you. "aren't you cheating on her with nobuko tadaka?" your eyes moved to inumaki and he looked at you, his cheeks all red.

"i- how did you know about-?" you stood up, ready to leave. "no, baby, i can explain!" you looked at them with a boring expression.

"no need." you said with your hand in front of you as he approached you. by now, you've had enough of their bullshit, enough of men being.. well, men. not being treated right and still going back to them. knowing your worth, you deserve better than these two knuckle heads here. "why dont the two of you fuck each other? since that's what you two do anyways!"

you left abruptly, slamming the door. megumi smirked, taking the cig from his lips and blowing it in inumaki's mouth.

"she's a peice of work, isn't she?" he smirked, half-scoffing as he left the room.

"she sure is." inumaki sighed.

GURL... THESE MEN SUCK (real) also my birthday just passed by!! june 29th, and it sucked so bloop bloop

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1 year ago

megumi boyfriend headcanons!

— when you guys first started dating, he was no where near the touchy-feely boyfriend. all you got were hugs, kisses on the forehead and sometimes, if you were lucky long deep passionate kisses that came out of nowhere. all in private of course, megumi likes to keep things that is between you guys between you guys, he doesn't tell gojo, yuuji, nobara, anyone.

— when you guys had your first fight, he was super furstrated. screamed a bit and let his hidden anger issues show (you can thank toji for that). in the spur of the moment, out of furstration and pent up sexual-anger he ran his hands through his hair, making you flinch. he immidietly stopped talking and just left the room. the topic you guys were fighting about wasn't cleared up, you both were obviously angry, and now with this, you both were going to have a conversation that none of you wanted.

— the next few days of the fight, megumi would try to talk to you but you would give him the silent treatment. it was a no-win situation, if you tell him you flinched for nothing, he'd feel horrible to even make you think that he was capable of hitting you. if you told him the real reason, a dark looming thought in your mind told you that maybe he wouldn't accept you for who you are. maybe he would leave you. people started to notice that you and megumi weren't together as much.

"meeeegumiiii" gojo cooed, making megumi roll his eyes, "did you and y/n have a fight? you can tell me. im basically your second father. not that im gay. i mean i could be, but like the sex-" "no." megumi stopped gojo, putting his hand in front of him, "we're not in a fight. and its a disagreement. we'll be fine." he'd already said too much for someone who says nothing. but he had too much in his mind, so the words just spilled out.

— after the intial conversation, at first, megumi didn't know how to comprehend what you just said to him. he never had to comfort someone and he was never comforted either, so he based himself on your position and did everything right. my man. he was sweet, gentle, and never judged you.

— megumi got comfortable with affection about seven-nine months into the relationship only because you were so touchy, other wise would've taken four years or smth. and his level of affection is holding-hands in public, and holding your hands above your head in private, if you catch my meaning...

— when he met your parents, he was PROPERRR. mans was dressed in a fucking suit, styled his hair right instead of the spikey usual hair, and showed the barest amount of physical affection to assure your parents their daughter is in the right hands.

— but when you met his, it was CHAOS lmaooo. toji was showing you all the embarassing baby pictures of megumi on purpose to embarass him. his step-wise called him embarassing nicknames like bubbles or pineapples or something and you couldnt believe why megumi was the way he was when they were like this.

truth be told, megumi was made for you (and me).

Megumi Boyfriend Headcanons!

NSFW cannons.

— i said this once and i'll say it again. MEGUMI IS A ROUGH DOM!!! man-handles you every chance he gets, whether it's spreading your legs apart so roughly that there are bruises on his hands on your thighs, or flipping you over to pound you from behind. he will do it all.

— favourite position, anything where he can see you. missionary, to some extent matting press? he loves to see you squeeze your eyes, arch your bag and whine inconsistent pleas. he loves to see the full of personality character that he's so into just dissappear as he pounds into you mercilessly. the perfect smart girl becoming a bimbo that he loves to use and fuck.

— has a thing for eye-contact. BEFORE U THROW TOMATOS AT ME... LISTEN OKAY..1!!1!! when you're giving head, he grips your jaw so he can see your eyes as he fucks your mouth, tears streaming down your face, getting mixed with the tastes of his arousal. when its you recieving, he is adamant about eye-contact.

he has been inbetween your leg for hours, absolutely devouring you while making you watch. your eyes are sore, your legs are sore, everything is sore. you cant move an inch without feeling sensitive and your entire body just shakes as he laughs at you, looking at you with his blue eyes. "look at me." he said, the vibrations from his throat hitting your soaked cunt as you whimpered, opening your eyes just enough for new tears to leave your face. making a thin smirk place on his lips. his tounge circled your bud, making you shut your eyes again. "eye-contact, or this stops."

— dirty talker. and not just any dirty talker, the sweet praise ones. "my little slut," "taking me so well, baby. you're such a whore, but.. you're my whore," FHBYIEDWUSOKPX

— ending on a positive note, he's good at aftercare, too. after an intense session, he will draw you a bath and just sit on the edge of the tub, drawing mindless circles on your arm as you rest in the warm bath. ocasionally stealing kisses from you as he watched you take a bath. he's just... perfect.

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9 months ago

i want to sit a boy in my lap and handcuff or tie his hands behind both our backs while i edge him relentlessly, keeping his legs open with mine

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9 months ago

Reblog if you want to be hypnotized into a brainwashed bimbo, a horny pet, or just a needy, helpless mess. Or if you want a hug!

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8 months ago

i was jerking off for him and he literally said “good boy. that’s my cock, my cunt. stroke that fucking cock for me. show me how you play with what’s mine”

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7 months ago

turn around for me. good puppy. close your eyes, let me blindfold you. now stay. stay.

whistle - come here puppy. whistle - come here. you can do it, you can find me. just listen to my voice, come here. you look so concentrated and adorable. come. such a good puppy, just follow my voice. there you go. oh you’re all wet and ready aren’t you. grinding on my fingers like you can’t help yourself, with your legs shaking, you can hardly keep yourself up, poor thing.

i got a new toy for you, go find it. fetch. getting warmer, good puppy, go on. colder now. warmer, warmer, colder, warmer, burning hot, there you go. now bring it here. no no no, in your mouth. make it fit. now drop it. good puppy. show me how you’d play with it. don’t be shy, show me. oh it just slips right in. get it all in like we’ve trained. listen to you whine as you take that knot deeper into you. keep it all in.

whistle - come. oh no you don’t get to walk anymore so your toy doesn’t slip out. be good and get on all fours. look at you, all whiny and pathetic, crawling on the floor. you’d be bumping into furniture if it wasn’t for me. heel. sit. sit pretty. does it feel good when you sit on it? you poor thing you’re all wet, even your thighs are soaking. keep it in and open your mouth. such a good puppy deserves a treat

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