Now. Hear Me Out - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Act a Fool

street racer!yang jungwon [enhypen] x member's little sister!reader [afab]

genre: smut

concept: this new street racer is far, far from the kind of guy your older brother wants you to be dating, but you can't help it. there's just something about this guy, yang jungwon, that draws you in. [heavily inspired by fast & furious]

w/c: 7.3k

warning: street racing au, reader is heeseung's little sister, terms of endearment [babygirl, beautiful, good girl, etc.], excessive language, probably inaccurate descriptions of cars and street racing, light mechanical descriptions; sexually explicit content, car sex, fingering, unprotected sex*, cream pie

You really shouldn’t be entertaining him. You really, really shouldn’t be, especially since your brother’s not here and you don’t know when he’s going to be and he’s going to be pissed if he shows up and finds out that you’re serving Jungwon again. He’s going to come unglued if he walks into your family diner and sees Jungwon sitting at the counter, finishing his lunch with that knowing glint in his eye, but you can’t help it. You look away from his knowing look, tossing your hair over your shoulder shyly. God, you just can’t help yourself when it comes to Yang Jungwon. 

You look up at the windows that line the front of the small snackbar when you hear the sound of revving engines. Jungwon stands up, pulling out his wallet and you rush to the side of the counter, hopping it to get to him. He looks at you in surprise but you just shake your head, tugging him towards the back. He goes with you, stumbling over his feet. The two of you slip into the back of the store just as Heeseung walks in with Jay and Sunghoon at his back. 

“Yo, Y/N!” He calls out, leaning on the counter. You cover Jungwon’s mouth with your hand, lifting your free one to your mouth, pressing a finger to your lips to indicate he stay quiet. His eyes crinkle, amused by your antics, but he nods. “Yah, Y/N, where are you!?” He hops the counter, walking towards the door. You step out just before he gets there. 

“What?” You ask, putting your hands on your hips. 

“The hell were you doing?” He asks, nodding to the back of the store. 

“A girl can’t fucking piss in peace?” You ask and Heeseung scoffs. He shoves you gently in the shoulder, making you roll your eyes. “What do you want?” You ask, following him as he walks around the counter, back out to meet his friends. Riki and Jake come in the doors, Riki’s sunglasses at the back of his head and Jake’s arms streaked in grease. All day in the goddamn garage with these idiots. 

“Could you make us lunch?” Jay asks. You narrow your eyes at him, while Sunghoon jumps up to sit on the counter. You shove at him, knocking him back down to the ground. “C’mom, Y/N, we spent all day in the garage. Please?” He says cutely, batting his lashes at you. 

“Oppa,” you say, turning your attention to your brother, who’s sitting on the edge of one of the tables. “Are you being for real right now?” 

“Please, babygirl?” Jake asks, leaning on the counter, smiling at you. Heeseung’s eyes glance to him but then, just as quickly, back down to his phone. “Promise we won’t just dine and dash, I’ll totally pay. We’d really appreciate it.” He winks and you sigh. 

“Sit,” you say, pointing to a booth. “I’ll make it and you’ll eat what I make,” you warn them, walking back towards the doors. 

“Yes, ma’am,” Jake agrees. You scoff, pushing your way back into the kitchen. The door swings shut behind you and you glance back to make sure they’re all sitting at the booth. When you turn back to the kitchen you see that Jungwon has already gone. You huff to yourself, leaning around the counters to see if he’s hiding somewhere but he’s completely gone. He must’ve gone out the back. You frown to yourself, looking back at the door to see a flash of color out of the corner of your eye. 

A post-it note is stuck to the wall, which you unstick, smirking at the words. 

Thanks for the save. Tell your brother I said hi, babygirl. Hope to see you at the races.  ^-^

You tuck the note into your back pocket, biting the corner of your lip as you get started on the boys’ lunch. 

Your older brother has always been obsessed with racing. It’s his favorite thing in the whole world. When he was young, he wanted to drive for Formula 1 but rules… they’ve never been his thing. Heeseung’s problem with authority meant that the strict guidelines to being an F1 driver quickly extinguished that desire. So, he turned his attention to something else. He still wanted to race, so he dared to do things a little differently. A little more dangerously. 

Your mother said his obsession with the Fast & Furious films was gonna get him in trouble and you can’t even deny that. Your brother’s been in and out of holding cells since he was 16 because he can’t keep away from cars. He and all his friends, the idiots that they are, obsessed with cars. Building them, customizing them, making them perfect racing machines. They all work at the same garage now, which is great, except that the garage owner is a friend of a friend that stows their illegals in the back for them between races. Now they have all the reason in the world to never stop working on them. 

Being Heeseung’s younger sister means that everyone “knows” two things about you. 1) You’re dead off limits. No one is allowed to even look in your direction the wrong way or your brother can and will run them over just for fun. It’s frustrating the way that everyone just bends underneath Heeseung’s will, turning away whenever you walk past. The only guys allowed to even glance in your direction are his dumbass friends, including Jake, who might be the only guy in the world stupid enough to try and push Heeseung’s patience. At least, he was. 

The second thing is that you’re a car girl. But that’s not true. In the street races being a car girl means that you’re into guys in the cars, you’re the kind of girl that hangs around races and likes the thrill of being close to a racer, the idea of being in them. You stand back with a white rag in your hand and wave it around to start the races, a little flag in hand to wave around and sway your hips. But the thing is, no one’s just ever given you the chance. 

You can race with the best of them. You’ve been listening to your brother spit car facts at you since you were old enough to follow him into the garage. You know everything there is to know about a car, he taught you how to drive a stick when you were 14 because, “no sister of mine is gonna rely on an automatic, get in the fuckin’ car.” You could smoke most of these guys if you wanted to, if anyone let you behind the wheel of a car, but no one has. Just because you’re not driving doesn’t mean you can’t. 

So you stand back by the sidelines, watching with a bland expression as guys from the racing scene talk about the engines and transmissions. You share a look with Riki, both of you know half of these suckers are gonna blow their engines if they so much as touch their nitro. Amateurs that think they can take on the veterans around here, like they know a damn thing about what they’re doing. You’re leaned back on the front bumper of Riki’s black Mazda, silver racing stripes up and down the sides, watching as the regular players mill around, talking with your brother and his friends. 

Someone honks their horn and the crowds start to part, revealing a bright orange Mitsubishi Evo driving through. You smile to yourself, your eyes scanning over the outside of the car. Shined to a polish with chrome accents and rims, the car moves through the crowds and swings into an empty parking spot across from your brother’s Nissan GT-R. Heeseung sucks on his teeth, crossing his arms over his chest as the lights turn off. 

You push off from the front of Riki’s, walking over to look at it closer up, standing next to your brother as the driver gets out. Jungwon looks over, a smirk on his lips causing his dimple to dig into his cheek. Heeseung clicks his tongue, nodding to the front of the car. Jungwon walks over and pops the hood, revealing the engine. 

“No shit,” you breathe. You cross the walk way first, leaning on the front of the car. Jake stares hard at Jungwon and then you, watching the way you marvel over the engine. Bright blue pipes run alongside the shiny silver of the engine, outfitted with a turbo 4-cylinder. “That an I4?” You ask, as Jungwon leans on the side of the car, hand resting on the top of the hood. 

“Best engine for an Evo,” he assures you. 

“You’ll get a better response from the V6,” Jake calls out and you glance over your shoulder to see him staring hard at Jungwon’s ride. “No way you’ll reach 60 in less than ten.” 

“Doesn’t matter if I can maintain it,” Jungwon retorts, smirking. “What kinda stamina you got, Sim?” Jake narrows his eyes while Heeseung wanders over to look over your shoulder.

“Nice ride,” he comments. “Look better in my shop though.” He lifts a brow. “What do you say, Yang?” 

“No one said anything about racing for cars tonight, oppa,” you warn him, putting a hand on your brother’s shoulder. “Stop it.” 

“You stop,” he says, shrugging your arm off. “Mind your own, baby sister. This ain’t your business.” You scoff, walking away from him. Jungwon watches you go but Heeseung steps in front of him. “I see your shit, Yang. You got a thing for my little sister?” Jungwon meets Heeseung’s eyes, causing him to lift a brow at him. “I saw this shitty Evo at the back of the parking lot the other day. I know what you’re going to the diner for. Don’t fuck around with my sister.” 

“Who said I was fucking around?” Heeseung narrows his eyes. “You wanna play cars? Let’s fucking play cars,” Jungwon shoots back, leaning towards him. “My Evo for your GT-R. We’ll see how good your fucking V6 is.” 

“You’re on,” Heeseung agrees. 

You watch from the sidelines as Heeseung and Jungwon both pull their cars out onto the street, people pouring out of the parking garage and onto the asphalt. Riki nudges you in the shoulder but you simply roll your eyes, already sick to death of your brother. He can’t stand the idea of someone showing him up on his own turf, you knew it was only a matter of time before he tried to take Jungwon’s car from him. All you can do is watch as the both of them rev their engines, Sunghoon calling out for the crowds to calm. You’re jostled out of your reverie by someone taking your hand, shoving a white flag into it. 

“All you, babygirl,” Jake tells you and you huff, shoving him out of your way. Jake laughs as you walk out onto the street. Sunghoon gestures for you to go ahead and you walk out in front of the cars, standing between the front bumpers of both vehicles. 

“Straight circuit race,” you remind them. “Car,” you point at Heeseung, “for car,” you point to Jungwon, who smirks at you. “Ready?” You ask. Heeseung revs his engine, ring clad fingers wrapped around his leather wrapped steering wheel. You roll your eyes and turn to Jungwon, who nods to you. “Set.” You raise your hand, white flag hanging from your fingertips. “Go!”

You drop down into a crouch, taking the white flag with you and they both take off like a shot. You’re left behind in a cloud of smoke, watching their tail lights. 

“What do you think?” Sunghoon asks, walking over to you, arms crossed over his chest. “Jungwon or hyung?” 

“I dunno,” you admit, “but no matter who wins it’s all anyone’s gonna be talking about.” 

The narrow busy streets of Seoul make even straight circuit races more difficult than anywhere else, forcing both the GT-R and the Evo to weave through traffic. People honk and short stop to let them through, Jungwon shifting gear with steady feet, trying to keep up with the GT-R. Even he can’t deny that Nissan makes great cars, especially if Heeseung changed over from auto to stick. He whips his Evo in a slick drift when they both take the corner, being forced to go wide when Heeseung keeps close to the inside, blocking him out. 

“Gotta drive better than that,” Heeseung laughs, seeing Jungwon in his rearview. He stomps the clutch, yanking on the stick to change gears, revving the engine ahead into the next gear as he pushes the gas to drive even faster. Jungwon hisses to himself, turning the wheel harshly to get on Heeseung’s outside lest he keep getting boxed out. 

“Cop patrol on the straight circuit!” Jay calls out, and you look over to see him, hanging out the window of his car. “Tell hyung, he’s gotta take the next street over.” 

“What about Jungwon?!” You ask.

“What about him?” Jake replies, leaning against the backseat door of Jay’s car. “He’s behind anyway, he’ll figure it out.” 

“That’s fucked!” You say, pointing a finger at Jake. 

“That’s street rules, babygirl,” Jake tells you with a smirk. You scoff, looking at Riki, who simply shrugs. Sunghoon is already on the phone, calling out the cop patrol to Heeseung. 

He pulls a hairpin in the street, cutting two SUVs off and swerving wide around Jungwon. Jungwon turns to look as Heeseung takes a different street. He clenches his jaw and changes gears, still heading straight. He’s not going to play these games, not with Heeseung.

The flashing lights appear ahead of him but he simply jerks his car to the side, darting down a series of side streets, too narrow for the cops to keep up. The walls crowd in around his Evo, sending a shower of sparks behind him, destroying his paint job but Jungwon doesn’t pay it any mind. He swings his car around as soon as he breaks out of the alleyways, out onto the main street, his car jumping the curb and crunching loudly as it lands. Heeseung leans forward, his mouth falling open as he sees the neon orange Evo jump out in front of him. 

“No fucking way,” he curses. He pulls on the steering wheel, driving around to the outside of Jungwon’s car. He gets a good look at the destroyed paint job but Jungwon simply grins at him, and then changes to the last gear, punching it. He drives ahead of him, taking the last turn sharply, drifting around the curb. Heeseung swings his car around, his GT-R burning rubber around the turn and then he’s reaching over for the switches on his dash. 

“Not tonight, Yang,” he mutters, flipping two of the switches. 

The nitro bursts out of his system, throwing him back into his seat and propelling him further ahead. Jungwon strikes the button on his own steering wheel, kicking him into high gear as well. The both of them are neck and neck as they approach the final destination, the parking garage looming ahead of them. 

“No fucking way,” Sunghoon says, seeing both the orange Evo and the purple GT-R approaching together. “How the hell did he keep up?” 

“He must be one hell of a driver,” you say, smiling as they both approach.

Heeseung makes a last ditch effort to get ahead, turning the wheel, slamming his front end against Jungwon’s door, throwing him against the wall. You gasp, watching as Heeseung pulls ahead as Jungwon attempts to adjust for the body slam, Heeseung’s car burning rubber as it comes in first. You scoff, watching as smoke rises from your brother’s car as he stops, Jungwon coming in just a couple of seconds behind him. 

“Fucked up!” Jungwon calls out, getting out. Heeseung smirks at him, sitting on the sill of his window. “You knew you were gonna lose! You slammed my car!” 

“Street rules,” Heeseung replies. “What’s wrong, Yang? Didn’t know what kind of game you were playing? I thought you said you wanted to play cars.” He climbs out the window and walks up to him. “This ain’t no kid’s game.” 

“You are so full of shit!” Jungwon insists, poking him hard in the chest. “You fucking cheated!” 

“Hey! Cheated?!” Heeseung says, pretending to be aghast. “In an illegal street race? No fucking way!” He mocks him. “Now, I believe we agreed on playing for cars?” He says, putting his hand out. “Keys, Yang.” 

“Over my dead body.” 

“Yo, yo, yo!” Jay calls out, leaning out his car. “Cops! This way!” 

All it takes is one word and suddenly everyone is scattering. Riki has you by the arm, pulling you towards his car while Heeseung yanks open the door to his, climbing back inside. Jungwon slides into his own driver’s seat and the street is an outpouring of brightly colored street cars as flashing lights and sirens approach. Riki pulls out onto the street, burning rubber to head back to the house. You look over your shoulder to see the tail lights of the GT-R in the distance, your brother already hitting the streets. You’ll see him at home. Hopefully.


You’re in your room, ignoring the sound of the party going on downstairs when you hear a car pull up to the front of the house. You climb out of bed, looking down at the street to see a familiar orange Evo parking at the curb. You watch with wide eyes as Jungwon climbs out, your brother getting out of the passenger seat. They exchange words over the top of the car, Jungwon waving a hand but Heeseung points to the house, jerking his head towards it. Jungwon closes the driver’s side door and walks around the car to meet your brother, Heeseung swinging an arm around his shoulders. The two of them walk up and you look at yourself. 

You’re in a hand-me-down t-shirt of your brother’s and sleep shorts. 

“Shit,” you curse, turning away from the window and peeling the shirt off. 

When you get down to the first floor the guys are playing nice with Jungwon, but just barely. You lean back against the railing of the stairs, watching from afar as Heeseung tries to facilitate an understanding. Jungwon must’ve really saved his ass if he’s changed his opinion of him so quickly. Still, Jake and Sunghoon are clearly not so willing to be agreeable. Jungwon glances to the side and sees you so you flash him a little smile. You turn and head down the hall, away from the living room. 

“Yah, you got a bathroom?” Jungwon asks, nudging Heeseung in the side. 

“Yeah, down the hall,” he says, nodding towards the stairs. Jungwon gives Jake a look, Jake sneering back. Jungwon leaves them to it, Heeseung reaching over to shove Jake’s shoulder as he walks down the hall. He walks past the bathroom, towards the back of the house, where he saw you go. 

The hallway ends in the kitchen, which is where Jungwon finds you, away from the press of the party in the main living spaces. You’re leaning against the counter with a smile on your face, waiting for him. He sets his beer down to get to you, caging you back against it. You look up at him, curious. 

“What the hell did you do to get my brother to like you so fast?” You ask, lifting your hands to adjust his jacket. Jungwon smirks down at you. 

“Just did ‘im a little favor. What can I say, I’m a helpful guy,” he says and you breathe a laugh. “Be a shame if he still didn’t like me, especially since I’ve been waiting a long time to get you alone like this.” He leans in to kiss you but you stop him, hand on his chest. 

“You don’t get it,” you tell him. “You still owe him a car and now you saved him from the cops. You’re not a friend, Won, you’re an accomplice. He owns you now.” 

“Baby,” Jungwon laughs, “I don’t belong to anybody.” He steals a kiss, taking your breath with it. And you let him, his hands leaving the counter to curl his long fingers over your hips, fingertips pressing into the skin revealed between the end of your tank top and the waist of your jeans. You should stop him. You should push him away, if any of the guys walked in, they would try to beat him to a pulp. If your brother saw you, God help the both of you. 

But instead you fist the front of his jacket, tugging him in closer. Jungwon hums into your mouth, slipping his tongue between your lips to kiss you deeper.

Jungwon starts to come by the garage, after reluctantly handing over the keys to his Evo. Heeseung tossed them back over, telling him to keep it. He trashed the outside anyway. Jungwon laughed, fingering the keys. 

You watch him help your brother and his friends customize a new Nissan, Heeseung’s having been trashed by the cops that Jungwon all but saved him from. No wonder Heeseung likes him so much, you figure to yourself, watching Jungwon fix up the engine, car pieces and parts strung all over the garage, strewn on counters and on the floor. When he looks up from the engine, arms and tank top streaked with grease and oil, he finds you every time and lifts a brow, making you smile. He might be good with a car but he’s shit at being subtle. 

“You know I don’t like you dating car guys,” your brother says when it’s just the two of you in the garage one night. You’re both elbow deep in a car, he’s in his new Nissan and you’re working on your Corvette. She’s yet to see the street but she’s painted a cherry red, V8 engine, 6 speed manual transmission, your baby. She’s just not perfect yet, but she will be. You look up from under the hood, taking your hands out to wipe them on a rag. “Not even the guys. Jake knows better.” 

“Jake’s a dumbass,” you inform him and Heeseung chuckles, retracking his hands from the engine, wiping the sweat off of his brow with the back of his wrist. “I wouldn’t date him anyway. He’s known me since I was in pigtails.” 

“And Jungwon?” He asks. You hesitate. “What’s that about?” He turns around leaning against the bumper. “I don’t want you getting involved with guys like him. What if you get hurt?” 

“You’re a car guy,” you point out. “And I’m a big girl. I can handle myself.” 

“I’m gonna have to kick his ass if he hurts you and I think I’d lose,” Heeseung tells you, making you laugh. He smiles as well. “I know you’re not a little girl anymore but you’re still my baby sister so don’t fuck around with him, okay?” 

“I don’t fuck around. You fuck around,” you say, pointing a finger at your brother, making him laugh. “If I start dating him, that’s between me and him. You stay out of it.” 

“Long as he doesn’t get any ideas,” Heeseung relents. “I don’t appreciate guys looking at my younger sister like she’s a piece of meat. That doesn’t fucking fly with me.” 

“Don’t worry, the first time he tries to treat me like that, I’ll smoke his ass before you can touch him,” you assure him. Heeseung grins, pushing off from the front of the car. He wraps an arm around your shoulders, tugging you against his chest. You groan, trying to shove him off of you but Heeseung simply holds you tighter, kissing the top of your head. “Get off of me, you freak!” 

“Love you,” he says, finally letting you go. You scoff, shoving him further away.

“You’re sick in the head.” 

It’s the only time Heeseung brings it up but you know he doesn’t forget about it. His eyes watch the two of you in the garage, you’re hardly ever left alone with Jungwon. You try to convey with your eyes that you want him to leave but he just sucks on his teeth and ignores you, going back to his work. Having an older brother is such a pain in the ass. 

The scant few moments you get with Jungwon are worth it though, he’s a hell of a mechanic. By the time the next races come around the car is nearly up to snuff, just missing a paint job. Jay’s been suggesting Heeseung try something new, the purple was sleek but will certainly set off the cops if they see him. Riki’s a fan of the silver on black motif, like his own, but Heeseung disagrees. 

“Yah, baby sister,” Heeseung calls out to you while you’re running the dinner. You hop the counter, meeting them at the booth. The diner is quiet, a couple of patrons but not many. Jungwon’s eyes watch you as you approach and you rest a hand on the back of one of the booth seats, the other on your hip. You look at him and Jake slides a car mag over to you, already open. “What do you think?” 

“I think if you steal my thunder with a cherry red paint job, I’ll be pissed,” you tell him, sliding the mag back over. Heeseung laughs, catching the mag. “But the gold on white is pretty sick.” 

“Gold’s a bit much, don’t you think?” Jungwon comments. 

“Hyung didn’t become the king of these streets by being modest,” Jake informs him and Jungwon laughs, shaking his head. “Gold stripes running down the body, flame decals on the spoiler.” Jake nods, leaning forward on the table. “Suits him. What you think, babygirl?” He asks, looking over at you. 

“I think my brother couldn’t look any dumber than he already does when he drives,” you comment and Heeseung nods to himself, used to your commentary. “Fuck it, go big or go home, right?” 

“Spoken like a Lee,” he says, leaning over to offer his fist, which you bump your own knuckles into. “When you gonna get that fucking Corvette outta there, huh? You gotta show these punks what’s what or they’re gonna keep acting like you don’t know what you’re doing,” Heeseung tells you, leaning back. “It’s practically perfect.” 

“When she’s done, get off my ass,” you warn him and Heeseung raises his hands in mock surrender while Sunghoon and Riki laugh. “You guys need anything else?” You ask but they all wave you off. You turn back, stepping behind the counter. Jungwon follows you though.

Jake reaches over to nudge Heeseung, who looks at him with a raised brow. Jake nods to the counter and Heeseung looks over, watching Jungwon sit at the counter in front of you. 

“The fuck’s that about? I thought no one was allowed to be that close to your sister,” Jake points out.

“I can’t gatekeep my baby sister forever,” Heeseung points out. “Or she’ll just start acting out and dating shittier guys than the likes of you.” Jay slaps him in the shoulder, making him laugh. “Leave it alone. You’re not her type, Jake.” 

“Fuck off,” Jake retorts. 

“You got a Corvette you’re hiding from me?” Jungwon asks, sitting in front of you at the counter. You shrug a shoulder, hand on your hips. “I gotta see it. Those things are slick.” 

“It’s not much, but she runs like a dream. Manual transmission, V8 engine,” you tell him and he grins. “Come by the house sometime, it’s in the garage.” 

“Nah, I wanna see it on the street,” Jungwon tells you. You tilt your head at him. “I like girls who can drive. You’re Lee’s sister, you gotta know how. Bring it to the next race.” 

“It’s not perfect.” 

“Cars aren’t perfect, beautiful, they’re not meant to be,” Jungwon says. You purse your lips and he reaches over, taking your free hand in his. He turns your fingers over, running his own calluses over yours, years of car work turned your hands rough no matter how much lotion you use. “Hands of a mechanic,” he comments. “Nothing sexier than that. A car’s perfect once it’s burned a little rubber. Once it’s been driven over asphalt a time or two.” He presses a series of kisses to your fingertips and you snatch your hand back, glancing over at the booth. No one is looking at you, not even Jake. “Don’t let a beautiful machine rot in a garage. I know you know better than that.” 

“You know you’re just gonna see tail lights if you take me on, right?” You goad him and he smiles, tongue between his teeth. 

“It’d be a damn honor.” 

You roll up to the races in your cherry red Corvette, chrome accents and rims. You pull in right next to Heeseung’s ride, his Nissan all dolled up in white and gold, as he promised. The crowd murmurs with surprise as you park it, only for you to get out and walk to the front. Heeseung bumps his shoulder into yours while Jungwon gives it the long up and down. You pop the hood, revealing a custom V8 build, nitro rigged through and through. 

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, beautiful,” Jungwon says, leaning on the hood to look at it. You look at him over your shoulder. “This ride’s got everything to it. It’s begging to get raced.” 

“You want to race?” You ask, straightening up. Heeseung snorts while you stand chest to chest with him, Jungwon glancing over your outfit, short skirt, long boots, crop top. Between you and your car Jungwon’s already having a hard time concentrating. “What you got for me?” 

“Oh, I got something for you,” Jungwon quips. 

“Either put down some money or jerk it by yourself, Yang,” Heeseung comments. “Don’t waste our time.” 

“3Gs,” Jungwon says, reaching into his jacket, procuring a wad of money. “What do you say?” 

“I say find us a couple more cars and you’re on,” you agree with a smile. 

Finding a couple more drivers willing to put down cash on a race with you isn’t hard, especially when Heeseung’s already said he’s not racing tonight. Everything’s on you, you who’s never raced before but just rolled up in one of most souped up V8s anyone else in the neighborhood has ever seen. A few of them surely think that just because you’re Lee’s little sister you’re not nearly good enough and you relish the opportunity to bring them all down a peg. You all roll up to the front line, your Corvette right up next to Jungwon’s freshly painted Evo. 

“12Gs on the line,” Sunghoon announces. “Straight circuit race. Street rules.” He looks over to you. “Racers ready?” He’s smirking and you flex your fingers around your wheel, revving the engine. “Set.” He raises a hand and someone wolf whistles from the sidelines, making you smile. “Go!” He brings the flag down and you step on the gas, pulling ahead of everyone else. Your engine works overtime, pulling you ahead of all of them, even Jungwon’s deadly orange Evo. 

Everything you’ve ever learned about racing comes back to you and you step on the clutch, switching gears hard as you push the limit. Everyone else falls away as you pull forward into traffic, weaving in and out of other cars, the main streets thick with run-of-the-mill traffic. You glance up to see the other two falling away, leaving just Jungwon right on your tail. 

“Didn’t think so,” you mutter, stomping on the clutch and throwing it up in gear. Jungwon revs his engine behind you, swerving around a minivan to get into the lane beside you. You glance over to see him smiling at you, neck and neck with your bumper. You wink and then pull ahead, turning hard on your wheel to send your car around the corner, burning rubber through the drift. 

“Fuck,” Jungwon breathes, watching your car drift tightly around the corner. “God, I think I’m in love.” He jerks his wheel righting his car from the turn, straightening himself back out to keep close to your bumper. You keep him blocked out though, swerving to keep him behind you, not allowing him the room to change lanes and get ahead. “Damn, you’re as bad as your brother,” he laughs, stomping on the clutch to change gears. He pulls out wide to get into a different lane, while you swerve through a side street, losing him entirely. “Where you going, beautiful?” He asks as he watches you disappear from the rearview. 

You pull down through the side streets, the alleyways narrowing in on your sides. Your Corvette is sleek though, it doesn’t take a scratch as you push the limits, pedal to the floor, fingers white knuckling the wheel. You rip around corners, tearing through alleys, breaking out the other side to get back on the main roads. Your wheels screech, rubber burning as you come out, wheels ripping against the asphalt and sending up smoke signals. You’re a streak of red in front of Jungwon, who’s mouth drops open as you pull out ahead of him. 

“No fucking way,” he mutters, a smile pulling at his lips.

“Hello, handsome,” you quip to yourself. “See you on the other side.” You reach over, flipping up the cover on your switches. You flip two, activating your nitro. 

It throws you back into your seat once it hits the engine, propelling you forward. Jungwon switches on his own nitro, but he’s too late. Your next drift is tight, controlled, better than most people working off nitro, that’s for damn sure. You use the momentum to your advantage, righting yourself to go screeching right past the finish line, turning out into streaks of burnt rubber on the asphalt. Jungwon comes in behind you, unable to keep up. 

“That’s fucking right!” Heeseung calls out as you climb out. He pulls you into a hug, squeezing you. “That’s a fucking Lee!” 

All 12Gs paid out to you and you turn to see Jungwon climbing out his car, the sorry suckers that came in after him rolling in slowly. They weren’t even close. Jungwon walks up to you, hands in his pockets while you go to meet him. The rest of the crowds of racers are cheering but it’s nothing to you as you meet Jungwon at the back of your car. 


“So, I saw tail lights,” Jungwon admits and you laugh. “Hell of an engine, you got. I’ve never seen anyone take a drift on nitro like that before,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. “How’d you learn that?” 

“Self taught,” you tell him. “I can show you sometime, if you want.” 

“How about right now?” He suggests and you grin. 

“I don’t know that your Evo can take a drift like that.” 

“Jay!” Jay turns and Jungwon tosses him his keys. “Don’t wreck her.” 

“Heeseung’s gonna have your ass,” he comments but doesn’t stop him. Jungwon breathes a laugh but turns back to you when you grab him by the front of his jacket. 

“Get in the car.” 

The front seat of your Corvette isn’t spacious enough for this but you don’t mind when it’s Jungwon who’s on top of you. When it’s Jungwon who’s pinning you down in your reclined, kicked back seat, as much space as possible between you and the pedals and it’s still not enough. His legs are tangled with yours, his jacket is discarded to the footwell of the passenger side, your arms looped around his neck. He’s got his hand up your skirt, panties pushed aside so he can finger fuck your pussy. There’s not enough fucking room but you’re gonna make it work because Jungwon’s about to make you come. 

“J- Jungwon,” you moan, trying to rock your hips down to meet his frantic fingers. He kisses you quiet, the street lights on the backstreets of Seoul casting glowing orange shadows over the two of you, the rest of the city a distant thought. Your panting is met with the silence of the streets, your breaths echoing around the cabin of your car, mixing with the wet sounds of his fingers inside of you, your lips meeting again and again. 

“Come, beautiful, come for me,” Jungwon whispers into your lips. “Come all over my fingers.” You’re basically dripping all over his hand, down his wrist to pool on the leather of your seats. “God, you’re so wet. C’mon, you’re so close. So fucking close for me.” 

“Wonnie,” you whine, gasping as he curls his fingers up. “Fuck,” you gasp, your orgasm shaking right through you. You come all over his hand, adding to the mess of slick on your seats. Jungwon rubs his fingertips against your walls, working you through it. When you’re coming down from your orgasm he pulls his fingers out, resting a hand on the headrest so he can hover above you. He slides his fingers into his mouth, sucking your cum off of his fingers, watching your glazed over eyes watch him. 

You pull him down with your hands cradling his neck. He brings his other hand down to the seat, falling into you when you tug him in. His mouth lands on yours, lips open, tongue on yours, dragging and tasting and licking. You can taste your cum on his tongue, making you moan needily. Jungwon moves his hand from the seat to your shoulder, pinning you down so he can kiss down into your mouth. He spreads his legs, pressing his hips down into yours so you can feel the heat of him against your hip, the hard press of his erection against your skin. 

“Fuck me,” you gasp into his mouth. “Fuck me, right now.” 

“A car?” He asks, pulling away to brush his fingers over your cheek. “You want me to take you right now in your pretty Corvette? Take you apart on my cock in the driver’s seat?” He presses a brief kiss to your lips, which you chase momentarily. When he pulls away he nips softly at your lip. “Well, that’s not very romantic.” 

“If you fucked me for the first time anywhere else I’d be disappointed,” you tell him. “Take me like a real racer.” 

It’s all Jungwon needs to hear, reaching down to unbutton his jeans with one hand. You fumble to help him, pulling down the zipper and pushing his jeans out of the way. His hard cock slips out, slapping up against his stomach once freed and you pull your skirt up further, out of the way. Both of you are panting, fumbling and frantic to get to one another. Your panties are still pushed to the side, allowing Jungwon the room to slide his tip over your slit, gathering your wetness on his cock. 

“Take me,” you whine in his ear, tipping your hips up as best you can in the cramped space of your driver’s seat. “Fuck me right now. Fuck my tight pussy. I want it.” 

“Fuck,” Jungwon bites out. “I thought you were such a good girl, always listening to your brother.” He slips his cock between your folds, prodding at your entrance. You gasp when the tip finally breaches you. “Not such a good girl now, are you? Begging for a racer to fuck you in the front seat of your car? Like a desperate little car slut.” He grabs you by the thigh, forcing you back down into the seat, angling your hips up so he can slide right in. You groan, your cunt stretching to accommodate his size. “Yeah, that’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? So fucking desperate to get fucked.” 

“Yes,” you sigh. “Yes, please. Please.” You arch up into him and Jungwon leans down to kiss your throat, your head tipped back against the back of the seat. In the minimal space the two of you have he can only fuck you shallowly, rocking his hips in hard, short thrusts, keeping him most of the way inside of you. It shakes you, shakes the car, every time he fucks down into you. You whine loudly, wrapping your arms around him again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” it comes out of you mindlessly, desperately. 

Jungwon groans into your throat as he fucks you, his cock keeping you split open around him, pressing right up against your walls, constantly fucking the tip right into you. He shifts you further up his hips and you gasp, a high pitched whine escaping you as he finds the right angle. He holds you down at that angle, your leg hooked over him, your other leg halfway pinned underneath his body as he starts to fuck you as a feverish, erratic pace. It bleeds out of him, the need to have you, the desperation in his every movement. 

“God, you’re so- so- tight,” he bites out. “I’m gonna come- come inside of you. Gonna- gonna fill you. Make you m-mine.” The words are clipped, cut off like he’s also dancing on a thread. You’re edging closer and closer to the end, the constant pressure on your g spot, the heady feeling of his cock rubbing back and forth over your walls. 

“Please, please,” you beg. “Yours, yours, just yours,” you pant into his ear, trying to fuck yourself back on him. “Close, oh fuck.” You grab his hand from your thigh, guiding it between your bodies. There’s hardly any space the way you’re pressed together but he gets the idea, shoving his hand back beneath the spare fabric of your skirt to touch your clit. It feels like an electrical current running right through you as he rubs and rolls it between his fingertips. “Jungwon,” you whine out, back arched almost painfully against him. 

“Come on,” he groans. “Give it to me. Give yourself to me, beautiful.”

You come as he rubs roughly over your clit, cock fucked deep inside of you. You shudder and shake through it, walls clenching down around him. Jungwon chokes a moan into your throat, hips stuttering as he comes inside of you. You hum through the feeling, his cock throbbing inside of you as he fills you with cum. You’re so wet with cum and slick it drips out of you, running down his cock and your thighs, onto the seats beneath you. 

“Fuck,” you gasp. “Fuck, Wonnie.” 

He pulls back from your throat, tilting your head up so he can kiss you again. You kiss him back as best you can, sated with your orgasm, heavy with satisfaction. Jungwon holds your face in his hand, your arms still wrapped around him.

You have to pop open the door to untangle yourself from him, Jungwon stumbling out of the car so he can tuck himself back into his jeans. You wriggle out of your panties, Jungwon’s cum dripping out of your cunt. His eyes fall to it, lip between his teeth and you smirk to yourself, reaching over for the glove compartment, hopeful to find something to clean up with. 

You drop Jungwon off at his apartment, and he gets out, coming around to lean in the window of the driver’s side where you’re still sitting. Your panties are in his jacket pocket and you’re still wet inside. You lean towards him, meeting him in the middle when he leans down to kiss you. He takes his time, mapping the inside of your mouth and pulls back with a self satisfied smirk. 

“You sure I can’t tempt you?” he asks, nodding to his apartment building. 

“I’m sure Heeseung will fly off the handle if I’m not home tonight.” Jungwon tsks, shaking his head. “Another time, maybe.” 

“I’m holding my breath,” he tells you and you giggle. “See you soon, beautiful.” He steals another kiss and then walks away. You sigh to yourself, putting the car in reverse. You peel out, Jungwon glancing over his shoulder to see you tear out, pulling back onto the street. 

“Oh, I’m definitely in love,” he says to himself and then heads into his apartment building.

a/n: *insert my normal schpiel about safe sex, wear a condom, be careful, don't be dumb, etc. i think at this point you guys get it. safe sex saves lives. ; this one was so self indulgent because i love the fast & furious movies, especially the first two. old school racing cars are so cool and honestly? jungwon in a mitsubishi lanevo? so sexy. and i had to give heeseung the gt-r because i'm obsessed with gt-rs, no one does it like nissan. lmao, i don't even drive. but i hope you enjoyed my sheerly self indulgent dive in street racing, love you!

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9 months ago

dean winchester with piercings dean winchester with piercings dean winchester with piercings (im trying to hypnotize them) dean winchester with piercings dean winchester with piercings dean-

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9 months ago
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.
Magneto Became One Of My Favorite Characters Of X-Men 97, Everything About Is Him Is Just Incredible.

Magneto became one of my favorite characters of X-Men 97, everything about is him is just incredible. His VA's performance, the awesomely terrifying display of his powers and the absolutely brilliant theme by The Newton Brothers.

The writers have done a great job capturing his complexity and tragic motivations making his actions pretty justifiable.

Every time he appears, he basically steals the show and the audience's attention and it's amazing! From where he talks to the UN in episode 2, to him, Rogue and Gambit fighting Master Mold and the sentinels in episode 5, to every chilling monologue by him in the series.

Not only he's one of the best omega level mutants, He's also an top-tier character, I can't wait for more of him in season 2.

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