Max Eisenhardt - Tumblr Posts
Ok, I gotta get something off my chest. PLEASE don't take this as a 'well actually' post, because it's not. I am just expressing how that particular scene in Episode 8 made me feel.

I've seen A LOT of people thirsting over the shots of Magneto in the last episode (for understandable reasons, all you need is eyes and good tastes). And hey, outside of the context, but also as a result of the intention behind the shot - a fetishized display - I'd be 'I see what you did and I appreciate what I see'. If anything, this is an indication that there had to have been queer people involved in the production of the show, because there is a fine line to walk here and queer creators know how to do that better than anyone else.
BUT I need to speak about the levels of discomfort those shots made me go through. Magneto is depicted as EXPOSED, disempowered, and humiliated in all those moments, and it's terrifying. It's like a punch to the gut each time we revisit his condition, but it's also meant to inflict guilt upon the viewer for well... enjoying the sight. He is shackled and collared, his prisoner number is on display, and he is crucified in front of screens! In front of watchers! In front of nations and in front of people that are turned on by a power dynamic that would see those that they fear or hate in chains.
I cannot express what power those moments hold. Once he is freed, his anger, his pain, his thirst for blood feel personal, feel well... justified. You see him sending the world to hell and you can't do anything but say 'good riddance'.
How do you think Erik would react to seeing Hogan's Heroes? Would you laugh with Charles at seeing how the Nazis are ridiculed or would you instead be annoyed that a prison camp was portrayed as if it were some kind of very harsh boarding school?

there is something so heartbreaking about the fact that magneto has always tried to prevent history from repeating itself but he never actually succeeds every few years something happens to mutants that completely proves him right
hot take but cherik being canon wouldn’t solve shit

magneto haters will always say that his backstory doesn’t explain his actions but personally i think it does because if i went through all of that i would become so much worse than he did tbh
magneto in his inner monologue: i really want to keep mutants safe and i wish there was a peaceful way to do so that was effective
random people online: magneto is a nazi


Magneto became one of my favorite characters of X-Men 97, everything about is him is just incredible. His VA's performance, the awesomely terrifying display of his powers and the absolutely brilliant theme by The Newton Brothers.
The writers have done a great job capturing his complexity and tragic motivations making his actions pretty justifiable.
Every time he appears, he basically steals the show and the audience's attention and it's amazing! From where he talks to the UN in episode 2, to him, Rogue and Gambit fighting Master Mold and the sentinels in episode 5, to every chilling monologue by him in the series.
Not only he's one of the best omega level mutants, He's also an top-tier character, I can't wait for more of him in season 2.

🧲👁️🗨️ Knowing the power that these two have, they whole be an unstoppable team!👁️🗨️🧲

I believe that Magneto from Age of Apocalypse is one of the best Marvel heroes, and these panels are solid evidence of that claim. In this part, Bishop confronts him and basically asks how he can just stand by while his X-Men are on different missions. And Magneto explains that he's saying goodbye to his son Charles. Let's remember, the X-Men's goal was, following Bishop's instructions, to restore the universe to the normal 616 canon and end the era of Apocalypse. This would mean their own universe would disappear, taking away both the bad and the good.
For Magneto, taking away the good meant his marriage to Rogue and his son Charles—neither of which existed in the 616 universe. So when the X-Men would fulfill their mission, Charles would cease to exist. But still, Magneto didn't hesitate for a moment and led the X-Men to restore the normal universe.
Magneto made the greatest sacrifice one can ask of someone: giving up love and family for the greater good.
I'm currently on my reread of Age Of Apocalypse and these panels still impact me as much as they did when I was a kid and read the story for the first time.

Young Charles (my old X-Men fanart)

Having a taste (my old X-Men fanart)


Dancing ダンス
stop making characters with important historical backstories immortal or completely changing their backgrounds so they're "young"
charles and erik keep their original birthdates but continue to fight, argue, and age as the years go on eventually figuring out who they are and that they love each other in the early 2010s they foster children (there are so many mutants who have estranged parents)
being disturbingly powerful, they live into their early 100s, and one dies first with the other following a few years later. their children, of all various ages, must deal with the power vacuum and legacies of their foster parents. plus all the issues that come with living in the 2020s/2030s- climate crisis, current wars, rise of authoritarianism, etc.
see how easy it was to keep their backstories and let them age? see how there are new problems that naturally arise? Marvel could never