Nudism - Tumblr Posts

He should have never left his clothes that close to the water. The tide came in ans washed them out to sea.

So after taking a break from Tumblr, it looks like they are finally cool with nudity again and not banning everyone. Let's hope they stay cool this time.

The Orcs of the southern Dusian wastes have a practice known as “sun tempering.” To strengthen their bodies, they spend hours or even days naked among the burning dunes.
From Vivid Shadows 2022
This is an alt version, original has too much 🍆 for tumblr.
Well, stated moodyhue. I can only mirror or expound on your sentiment. I love this picture set. It has an oddly aesthetic appeal to me. Yet, it vividly demonstrates the tortures nearly all of us will put our bodies through in an attempt to appear beautiful or, at the very least, be socially appropriate. One could view this set out of context and easily construe that nearly all humans are masochists. Could there possibly be a more compelling case for the practice of nudism? ~ Textile Free, Trabue Gentry

This is the best thing on the Internet. We undress everyday and it shows us how confined we are. Those imprints show how uncomfortable we are throughout each day just to impress other people. We create prisons in our own clothes. We are a prisoner in a socially constructed idea of what is beautiful.

the water's fine

Brother walked into kitchen pants free this morning while I am sitting at the table playing with my phone. Could not have asked for a better perv moment.