Gay Fantasy - Tumblr Posts

Back in the day, Papa worked construction, naked.

Beefy daddy in the steam room. Abstract.
your ex had invited you over for a party. it had been a while since you’d seen each other; you’d dumped him and had a string of fights about him wanting to get back together. You were ready to move on; even though you did miss some parts like the sex and subbing for him, he was pretty unhelpful, messy, and didn’t pay too much attention to you unless he’d wanted sex. It was hot, but you wanted more of a connection with someone more supportive. You put up with it for a long time, never actually thinking you’d leave him, till one day you just lost it and exploded on him. And life had been so much better since without him dragging you down all the time. You felt free, finally. And you were in a much better, happier relationship now. Regardless, you didn’t hate him, were trying to get back on good terms and appreciated the gesture, even though part of you felt like you should just stay home.
The party was winding down and only a few of your mutual friends were still there. Everyone was on the couch watching tv, pretty beat after a night of drinking and smoking. You noticed your ex staring at you for a while, but didn’t return his gaze. You didn’t want it to get weird. Suddenly, he kicked off his boat shoes and stretched his leg out on the couch towards you, placing his big, meaty foot only a few inches away from you. That got your attention. Sweat broke out over your forehead. That’s what he used to do to signal he was ready for his feet to be worshipped, usually after a run or a workout or a night drinking. You loved when he stretched his manly, sweaty foot out for you to suck on, while he told you how lucky you were to be licking the glistening musk off his toes. You never could resist. But there were people here! What was he thinking?!
You looked at him finally, and saw the same burning fire in his eyes he used to look at you with when he’d dominate you. Your eyes fixed on his and he grinned smugly, knowing what he was doing to you. Knowing the gesture looked totally ordinary and harmless to everyone else in the room as it sent you into a fevered rush, fighting for control.
You looked away, but your eyes just landed on his beefy, thick calves, swelling with muscle. You remembered how the thick hair felt as you’d run your hands through it. You looked straight, trying to ignore what was happening to you. You saw him wiggle his toes invitingly out of the corner of your eye, and strained to look away. But eventually the smell hit your nose. The smell was always what got you. That’s how the tradition of stretching his leg out started. Even on nights when you hadn’t been in the mood, once you got a few whiffs of the musky, manly stench his feet let off, you’d be on all fours, naked, begging to inhale and lick them.
It started to seep into your nose and you felt that familiar, old fog coming over you. “No” part of you thought, but your body was on autopilot now, seeking out things it knew would make it overflow with pleasure. The smell filled your mind deeper and deeper, and you knew you were hungry for it. Turning back into his sub. After finally breaking up with him and holding out so long, he’d gotten you again. You’d had a chance to get away, but now he was making you his again. Being friendly had all been part of his plan. He had wanted this all along.
What was worse was that deep, deep down inside you, part of you had wanted this all along too.
He wiggled his feet again and your neck snapped over to look at his beautiful, meaty toes, glistening with a sheen of sweat where the light hit them. So delicious. So suckable. You needed them in your mouth. You looked at him again. “Miss me?” he mouthed, giving his foot another little shake.
You reflexively flew over to him, the words “yes Daddy” flying off your lips, disregarding everyone else in the room as you sniffed and kissed his big feet. Uncomfortable, everyone quickly left.
“You're gonna be my wife now. I’m not letting you get away this time. You’re gonna serve me for the rest of your life. Now lick, boy.”
“Yes, Daddy. I missed you so much, Daddy,” you said between licks, your body screaming with pleasure as it re-experienced the sweet, salty taste of his sweaty feet for the first time in a while. They were still warm from being in his shoes- just how you liked them. Nice and hot and smelly.
“There’s my boy,” he said, voice ringing with power. It washed over you in waves, activating old instincts deep inside you, guiding your tongue over his body just like the old days. His strong hand brushed your hair, sending relaxation and warm tingling through you. “Can you believe you ever wanted to leave me?”
“I’m sorry Daddy; I was being dumb and selfish. All I really want is to serve you.”
“That’s right boy,” he said, hoisting you up onto him. His strong hands moved over your body, claiming it, sending ripples of pleasure though you. “You said you didn’t want to put up with my shit anymore if I remember, right? But you do, don’t you?” His hand pinched your nipples, making you moan in pleasure as you tried to respond. “You want to put up with all my shit, forever if it means you get to lick these sweaty feet, right?”
“Yes Daddy,” you moaned out, collapsing into him, pulling him close, hungry for his familiar warmth. He held you close, your body melting into his strong grip letting his hands explore as they wanted. He whispered softly in your ear as he held you, reminding you to think about how right it felt to re-submit to him and how he needed his little sub back. “I missed you too girl,” he said, his big, manly hands moving to your ass, caressing it. You shuddered at the warmth flowing into you from him as the caress turned into a tighter grip. “I’ve had to do all my laundry, cook all my dinners. All the things I loved about you.” You slowly lost yourself in his words, in his touch, surrendering into the warmth that emitted from him and that he created in you.
“Don’t worry sir, I’m here to take care of all of that for you now,” you said, “I’m here to serve you, just like I should as your good boy. I love you. I love worshipping you. Serving you pleases me,” you said, completely broken. Any resistance you had was gone. You were his again.
He could tell. “Take your cock out boy. I want to show you something.”
You obeyed, your beta body immediately complying to orders from an alpha. He pulled his thick, strong hammer cock out too.
“Feel mine”, he said.
You did, relishing in the familiar feeling. It felt so different than yours, bigger and stronger.
“You feel that difference boy? That’s the difference between a man and boy cock. That's why you serve me. Because your body recognizes a superior and knows its role is to obey. Knows who owns it. Right?”
“RIght, sir.”
“Compared to this,” he said, his big hand closing around your small cock, His grip was so strong, not just physically but mentally. LIke he’d gripped your mind, your will, instead of just your cock. You felt yourself submitting further, becoming totally open to him. He could do whatever he wanted to you now. You were helpless, but you loved it. Loved feeling him taking control of you; loved feeling all the thoughts empty from your head, ready to be filled with new orders. Daddy’s orders.
"This is a boy cock. Cuz that’s all you’ll ever be. Even if you dumped me, you’d just find another guy to make you serve him. Because that’s all you really want. Right boy?”
“Yes Daddy.”
“Right. So you’re not going to try to get away again, right?”
“No Daddy. I just want to stay here with you now.”
“That’s right boy,” he said, giving your cock a firm tug, “Daddy owns you and this forever now. Tomorrow morning I’ll break you again, and we’ll send your new boyfriend a video of you begging and pleading to suck on my feet to let him know you guys are over, ok?”
“Ok,” you said pleasantly. You didn’t know who he was talking about, anyway.
“Now give me your hand.”
“My hand?”
“Daddy needs to put your ring on.”
“Ring?” you asked.
“Yes, ring. Didn’t you know what this party was for boy? We’re engaged now. Soon you’ll be my happy little wife for the rest of your life.”

I’ m sure he would like a tongue massage on his beautiful feet …
“Damn, that’s good boy,” your master said, chomping down the food you’d dutifully made him while he was at the gym, building up a shimmering sweat, “You’re getting good at these meal preps.”
“Thank you, sir,” you said, bowing, “Helping you get nice and big and strong by keeping you fed is my job, sir.”
“That’s right boy,” he said, rice spilling out of his mouth sloppily as he answered in between scoopfuls of food, “Now, my feet need a rubbing and a cleaning. They’re tired. Go enjoy your meal while I enjoy mine.”
He had been your trainer at first when you’d signed up at the gym for the first time, but it didn’t take long for his masculine aura to overpower you and turn you into a little begging bitch. You’d always considered yourself pretty masc, but he knew as soon as he saw you he knew what type of faggot you were and exactly what buttons to push. Your urge to serve his monster feet slowly won you over. Before you knew it, you were in an apron in his kitchen naked, happily cooking up his chicken and rice while he drank beer on the couch in exchange for your training. No matter how clean you got them, they were always dirty the next day, always coated with a sheen of salty sweat for you to lap up. Once you were done, you got to press your face into his huge, sweaty feet, licking your way up his massive muscular calves as his musky foot scent filled your brain, just in time for him to crush your head between his huge thighs while you sniffed and licked his balls like the good pup he’d made you into while he watched sports. Afterwards he’d pull you onto his pillow pecs and let you lick the sweat out of his pits while pinning you with his huge biceps.
At night you had a few sleeping places depending on his mood; stuck under his feet at the end of the bed like a good pup, or tucked under his pit, breathing in his gym pit odor or sweaty feet all night long, letting his alpha odor reprogram you, driving your obedience deeper. He’d kept you like this the first few nights when you still remembered your life before him. But after a few nights of that you were totally rewired and your only thoughts were of your new, happier life as his wife. Things were just so much easier when you let a real man take charge and make all your decisions for you. Every now and then he let you sleep with your face pressed against his meaty balls, letting you greedily soak in the pocket of warmth emanating from them and his huge beefy cock while you nuzzled against his thick bushy pubes. Every morning you woke him up worshipping whichever spot you awoke in.
Working out was so rewarding.

Oh damn
Another great example of a betaboy's true nature being revealed in the presence of an alpha. This boy couldn't even get his pants totally down before his beta instincts commanded him to drop his pussy onto his alpha's cock and grind hungrily against it, then present it to him for him to do what he pleased with.
"That's my boy. Just look at you baby. Even your body tells me you were destined for this. That long, skinny, back and plump ass were made to be presented to men like me. Made to arch while I fuck you like the little slut you are, right boy?" he said while his hands moved across your waist.
You felt the truth of his words wash over you. He had explained what your body was for in a way that you never considered before, but now it made perfect sense. Your body was designed for this. The realization of the inevitability broke you as you realized there was no escape from your fate. No escape from having your ass pounded, back arched while real men like this one called the shots and did what they pleased with you. But once his hands rubbed your waist you realized it was better this way. Your last of last bit of resistance faded away.
"Say it boy. Say you were designed to be on all fours in front of me, ass high up in the air, begging to be fucked. That this is what you're meant for."
"I was designed to be on all fours in front of you, sir, with my ass high up in the air begging to be fucked. This is what I'm meant for. My body was made to ensure your pleasure sir."
"Good boy, stand up."
You stood but mounted his leg, staying close. His broad arm wrapped around you groping your ass and sending a chill up you as his other arm relaxed behind his head in a dominant position, showing off the rolling hill of his bicep. You shuddered as he squeezed your ass. It felt so right, so natural to let this superior man grab your plump faggot ass. Just hours ago, the thought of this happening would've repulsed you.
Josh was your main rival on the football team, always a step ahead of you, always nabbing quarterback from you. You were always backup to him; you pretended to be friendly, but knew he hated you as much as you hated him. But he always seemed to win out. So you were hopeful that maybe things would get better but still hesitant when he told you he wanted to come over and help you train, help you get stronger and faster, make you like a whole new man by the end of the first day. Everything was going well at first, but after a few hours in the sun both of you started to sweat. As he got close to you to correct your movements you kept getting whiffs of his musk. Your head spun from time to time - you drank water, assuming it was the sun and the heat, but the feeling persisted. He seemed to linger by you at times, like he was trying to get you to inhale his scent. After a while you realized it didn't smell that bad though. Just the smell of two guys working out. You kind of liked it. It felt like it gave you energy. You pushed harder in the workout.
Josh complimented you again and again as you moved with renewed strength, and after the 4th or 5th time you felt so warm, so hot. You saw his eyes looking over you hungrily. Your hands moved to the bottom of your shirt, grabbing the fabric and lifting it over your head- but it wasn't the heat that made you do it. It was Josh's stare. For some reason you wanted him to see more of you, to show off more of yourself for him now. He smiled as you did that, as he noticed your gaze on him, how you were longing for his approval. He suggested you go inside for a break. You thought that was a great idea. Josh was so strong and smart. You wanted to listen to everything he said...
So you didn't think twice when he said that you should show him your bedroom, nor when he sat down comfortable on a chair he dragged out into the middle of your room. You did hesitate for a moment when he told you to come sit on his lap, but you realized how much you did want to do just that. That's when your body took over, pulling your pants down and dropping your ass to grind on his cock, starting this entire thing.
Now you stood in front of him, still feeling the firm grip of his hand on your ass and the firm grip of his presence on your mind. You were his now. You stood at attention, offering yourself to your new Master.
"It's just the order of things boy. You'll always be #2 to me. I just thought this way we could both be happy instead of me always winning."
"Yes, Master. You're right sir," feeling your cock swell even more. It felt so good to admit your inferiority to him.
"Mhm boy. Now turn around, let me see this new ass I own now."
You complied, smiling as you presented you ass to him. You moaned in pleasure as your felt his hand spank it firmly.
"Again, please Master," you begged.
He spanked you again. Again you begged for more, more as his hand smacked your cheeks again and again, turning them red. He stood up and pushed you onto the bed, whooping your ass over and over while your cried out in pain but still begged for more till you were curled on the bed begging to be his, begging for him to fuck you like the alpha he was.
"That's right boy. Just let everything go," he said, licking your ear and sending a shudder through you.
"Now we're gonna use his body the way it's meant to be used," he said, taking a small break from the ass beating he was giving you. He spread your red cheeks open and slid his cock inside you suddenly. Your vision burst into stars as he fucked and pounded your thick ass, your back arching forward as you moaned loudly.
"Remember when you thought you were competition for me? Ah, just look at you now boy. Embracing my superiority," he said, his hot breath on your ear as he leaned over you, "It's easier this way right? You're tired of losing, aren't you? Tired of fighting your natural position in life as #2 to me right?"
"Yes sir....tired of... fighting you... just want to...submit to you...Master" you said as you thrust your body against his cock hungrily. He was right. It was so much easier this way, so much easier to admit he was the alpha and you were the beta meant to serve him. Just look at how he'd turned you from his rival to his cock slave in just a few hours. You'd always lose to him. It was time to accept it, you realized and felt a weight lift off you. "I don't want to fight my nature anymore....I surrender to you... King," you said smiling blissfully and feeling like warm water was pouring over you. You turned back to him to watch him. He towered over you, muscles bulging and flexing as he as he continued pounding your hole. You continued staring, transfixed on him... your new God. He'd unlocked your new purpose in life...his dick had been the key.
"That's my boy," he said smugly, grinning as he held your legs up to get deeper in you, sending your eyes rolling back in pleasure as he manhandled you "I love watching a boy accept their role fully. That's why now you're going to beg Daddy to load you up with his cum."
"Please sir, fill me with your seed, I want it, I need it-"
You pushed against him, forcing his cock deeper into you as you felt him stiffen and a rush of warmth fill you. The moment it did you felt what was left of your mind erase, All you could think of was how his cum felt flowing into you. You dropped your chest, pushing your hips back onto him like a puppy stretching as he buckled and pumped you full of cum. When he was done, you rolled over.
"Master" was all you could whisper. You could only think in 1 word sentences now. Your whole being was just focused on getting more of Master's cum now. And forever.
"That's right boy. You liked your first day of training, right?Just like I told you, by the end of the first day, you'd be like a whole new man."

Sweatpants Johnny Bravo.

Thor and Star-Lord selfie.

Looking for these? I’d be happy to help you put them on.
Benny and the mountain (Part 3)
It had been three days since Brad had carried Benny off to his place. Since Brad had subslutted him out without even fucking him.
For the last three days Benny had worked shifts during the day at the gym and had seen no sight of Brad. The giant hunk of a man hadn’t left Benny‘s thoughts for one minute since last they met.
Not even when Benny got his face and throat fucked twice in a bathroom stall during a shift. The throatfucker was Andrew. Andrew used to be one of his favorite roid bulls at the gym. Big guy, handsome face, around 1,85m, an 18cm cock and nice cumshots. Benny couldn’t help compare him to Brad and Andrew didn’t even come close in appearance, appeal and presence.
When he sucked Andrew he could only imagine how it would be to suck Brad‘s enormous pole. Wondering if it would even fit down his mouth and throat with it’s massive thickness. Still he sucked Andrew twice in a row like the good muscle bottom he is. And Andrew happily shoved his cock down his throat making him cry as the cock forced it’s way down. Again and again he went. Filling Benny up with a huge load. Getting hard immediately after cumming the first time because as he put it: „Damn Benny your throat pussy is the best I ever had.“ Just pushing the cock into Benny‘s mouth again right after finishing that sentence. And Benny rubbed one out during the second time.
He felt quite empty doing that though. The orgasm didn’t compare to the feelings that Brad had made him feel when they were in his apartment three days ago…
Benny was so eager to do night shifts and to see Brad again hopefully. He felt really dumb for not asking for his number before they parted ways. Then again it may have been for the better. Without his contact details he couldn’t text Brad non stop and seem like a desperate guy. It was probably good to wait a little.
One day and night later Benny was so excited to work he was practically beaming from joy. He had prepped extra well for tonight. And sure enough around 3am Brad entered the gym. Benny smiled at him but was also nervous again. Brad‘s presence just did that to him. „Hey Brad“ was all he could come up with when he saw him. Brad looked at him. It was a very reserved glance. As if Brad‘s mind was completely elsewhere. „Hi“ he responded and then he walked past Benny starting his training.
Benny was taken aback. Beforehand he hadn‘t been sure what to expect the next time they met. But sure enough he expected more than this.
Benny watched Brad push through a very intense arm session. Catching himself thinking about how he came and screamed like a girl when Brad pushed him into those huge flexed arms. He got wet but at the same time also angry. He really had hoped Brad would take him home again.
But Benny had enough self respect to not approach Brad again tonight. So he got busy with the usual work and prep at the gym for the upcoming day. And wasn’t even at the service desk when Brad left the building.
The following night the five guys who had gang banged and bred him a few days ago were training. Two of them winked at him when they entered the gym. Benny knew the game was on if he wanted. And damn yes he wanted to fool around after last night and the disappointing behavior from Brad.
So just as those five guys finished up he also found himself in the locker room checking in on the status of the bathroom stalls and the showers.
They eyed him immediately. „Would you look at that. I think someone wants to join us for a cardio session“ the biggest one of them said with a huge grin on his face. He was around 1,90m, dark skinned and very handsome. His smile could light up a room. Quite hung also, as Benny remembered. Around 20cm of very thick cut cock. He had pummeled and bred his ass the hardest the last time as well.
Benny walked closer. All of them were hard already. Five roided bulls. Taller and bigger than him. Massive pumped meat heads. Very different cocks though. Ranging from smaller than Benny’s with around 14cm to the big thick one with around 20cm. All of them seemed horny as fuck. Benny guessed the roids did that to them. Especially when they all watched each other pump their muscles.
The big guy pulled him close. „Fellas, guess we‘ll have another party tonight“ he announced as he pulled down his gym shorts freeing his cock. „Suck it“ he said and Benny did. As Benny got on his knees they formed a circle around him and he greedily sucked their cocks going round and round. Two of them came quickly showering him and his face with cum. They slapped their dicks on his face so the cum sprayed everywhere. The other three increased their wanking pace after they saw that. One of the guys, a blonde one with the 14cm cock who had already finished, beckoned him to get into doggy so he could eat out Benny‘s ass. Benny quickly got in position.
„Damn you‘ve got such a great muscle pussy. So pink and smooth“ the guy said before he started to lick and suck Benny‘s hole.
„Fuck yeah he does… slurp it quickly. I wanna breed him“ one of the others chimed in still stroking his cock. „Don‘t we all“ was the answer and all the guys laughed.
The tongue around Benny’s pussy lips felt so good. He loved getting eaten out. He tried hard to just float away on the feeling not thinking about anything.
The more he was getting eaten out the more he moaned. „Yeah keep moaning. It makes me fucking shoot“ Benny heard as warm jizz hit his face and body. He couldn’t tell which one of the guys just came and he didn’t care. He could only think of the joy of being a pussy boy and the distraction for his thoughts revolving around Brad.
„Damn Paul, just fuck him already“ he heard one of the guys say and sure enough he felt a hard throbbing cock enter his hole. „Look up and suck me“ the biggest one of them said right after. Benny was getting spitroasted. They manhandled him completely using him like a toy. Throat and pussy getting fucked at the same time. No particular rhythm to it. Just senseless sweaty breeding. He heard the guy fucking him getting more shaky and his breath getting ragged. And just like that the first load entered his hole. Benny felt excitement rippling through his body. All because he was getting bred again.
They pushed him towards one of the benches, picked him up and lay him back down on top of one of the guys. He entered his pussy immediately from behind. The thick dick was being pushed in deep.
„Let me fuck him, too. Wanna feel your cock, bro.“ Benny barely heard these words between all the moans and loud breathing. He felt another cock entering his pussy. He was getting fucked by two guys now. The big fella dangled his cock in front of Benny‘s face and commanded him to open up. As soon as he did he got throatfucked as well. Now having three guys fucking him at the same time.
The other two jerked off to the show and both shot again showering Benny with more cum. He was all sweat and cum already. It covered his face, hair and body. Pooling down on the floor mixed with sweat from all of them.
The whole locker room filled with the intense smell of roided muscle studs sweating, fucking and cumming.
They started taking turns to fuck his throat and pussy. He started to lose count of the loads that entered his body. His throat started to feel numb and his pussy did as well.
Unfortunately not one of those big guys had enough talent to hit his sweet spot properly. Bit of a shame, Benny thought. But they really only were big horny meat heads after all. Benny wasn’t even sure whether they were all gay or if they were just so horny from the roids and the workouts they just needed a hole. Any hole. And Benny was sure he was much better at taking several poundings than any woman. He was also sure the longer he got pounded the more his hole turned into a pussy. He could feel how the multiple cocks were reforming the inner walls of it right now, making it softer and more fleshy. The little bud getting bigger as well until it’s rim formed proper pussy lips eager for more and more cock.
That thought was what made this gangbang worthwhile for Benny. The longer he was fucked the more he felt like his lower parts were feminized. He was a muscular guy on the outside but was turning into a soft and submissive slut with a hole like a wet, pink and supple pussy to satisfy huge manly roided hunks and their cocks. Greedily taking in their loads until the pussy overflowed with potent semen.
He could feel it right now. Each cumshot he took filled him up more. He was sure he would start to just seep it out with the next few loads.
Each of the five guys had planted at least three loads on or inside of him so far and they still went on. „Damn that pussy is still feeling so good. I can’t stop.“ he could hear on of them say and the others agreed in unison. „Fuck yeah this pussy needs to be bred the whole night. I‘m gonna …. Fuck yeah I’m filling it up again.“ Benny felt another huge load getting dumped into his pussy. „Look at that guys… he can’t hold it in. Fucking pregnant pussy now.“
They started to take turns on his ass. All of them taking him doggy. His face and upper body firmly planted on a bench. Just a muscle pussy getting used again and again.
Benny couldn’t tell how long it went on. He was drowned in cum and men sweat. But he heard and felt the guys tap out one after another and hitting the showers. He was an object to them and was just getting used. The biggest guy lasted the longest. He clapped his ass after he came one last time inside of him. „Damn such a good pussy. Make sure to work more night shifts. Me and my bros are getting addicted to filling you up“ he heard the big guy say from behind. When Benny finally got up and turned around he was already walking towards the showers without even looking back.
And Benny sank down in front of the bench. Sitting in a huge puddle of sweat and cum. His pussy completely open, raw and leaking cum. Still he hadn’t climaxed. So he started to finger himself.
Benny couldn’t help himself any longer. His thoughts drifted of to Brad. He fantasized about getting fucked by him and that did wonders. Benny came in a matter of seconds thinking about that sexy and giant hunk.
As the orgasm washed over him he felt weird. He loved how his pussy felt. How he felt. A muscle boy with a pussy. But he certainly couldn’t care less about those five guys. As much as they probably thought about him as a mere sextoy he kinda thought the same of them. He didn’t care about their names, their personal life or whatever. He just cared about his pussy getting worked out by huge meatheads. And with every gangbang he thought he just might be getting closer to a perfect pussy. Perfect for a real stallion.
He got up and got into one of the bathroom stalls waiting for the other guys to leave so he could clean himself and the locker room properly. When he had finished and was ready to end his shift he realized that Brad hadn’t come in tonight. Benny bit his tongue in anger about himself. „It was a one time thing. Deal with it, you idiot“ he thought to himself as he left the building and started his way home.
Benny and the mountain (Part 4)
Benny‘s next shift was two days after the gang bang. It was a Friday night. Fridays meant a little more work for him because many people stop by in the evening to get a pump for their night at a party or club. Mostly stupid fuckers who only did some lifting to look good in a club. They usually left the gym a complete mess. No lift ethic, no gym etiquette. So Benny had a lot of reracking, replacing and reorganizing to do. That’s why he didn’t notice Brad entering the gym around 3 am.
Benny had already put the free weights area back in order and got busy with the rooms for group workouts right after. He continued with prepping the rooms for the trainers coming in on Saturday morning.
So when Benny was finished with the rooms and got the last stray kettlebells in hand to put them back, Brad had almost finished a very heavy chest and back training. Only one other guy was on the floor as Benny entered the area to put the kettlebells back. He saw Brad immediately. He wore a red stringer complementing his tanned skin. It also did wonders to show of his enormous and now fully pumped back. Brad was sitting on a bench facing the big gym mirror. Dumbbells on each side. Probably for rows. Benny stopped in his tracks to not draw his attention. But then he felt silly. He was doing his job after all.
Benny strut through the room. He could see Brad eyeing him in the reflection of the mirror. Benny turned his back towards him. He didn’t want to give him more attention than necessary. Fortunately someone had mixed up the kettlebells again and Benny could spend a little time sorting them by weight. As Benny bowed down to pick up the last kettlebell he felt a huge warm hand on his ass. „Hey Benny,“ he heard Brad‘s deep and enchanting voice say. Benny hesitated a moment but got up and turned around. Brad had gotten so close that Benny almost brushed his sweaty pumped chest with his nose as he turned. He had to arch his neck to look up into the face of a very amused Brad. „Hey Brad,“ Benny responded as he took a step back. He realized he couldn’t draw back further as he was now sandwiched between Brad and the kettlebell rack. „Damn that fucker,“ he thought.
„Haven’t spoken to each other in a few days, right?“ Brad said. „Sorry about the other night. I was so in my head when I got to the gym. When I left you were nowhere to be seen.“ Benny wasn’t sure what to make of this explanation. „Uhm yeah, not a big deal,“ he replied in a casual tone. He could feel himself getting drawn to Brad‘s scent again. The massive pump and the sweat running down on his whole body didn’t help. Brad looked even bigger than last time Benny had seen him up close.
„Well, work‘s been a lot lately,“ Brad continued as he seemed to have noticed Benny‘s mood. „I wouldn’t mind some distraction this weekend. How about you?“
Benny felt his heart jump. He bit his tongue in frustration. Why hadn’t he been more patient with Brad? It had only been a few days.
Then again gay dating culture had taught him not to trust any man. One minute you’re in and one minute you’re out. And that’s certainly how he had felt when Brad seemingly had given him the cold shoulder a few days ago.
But no use crying over spilled beans, he thought. So Benny did the only sensible thing: Adjusting his attitude. Cause if Benny was honest with himself he wanted to have as much fun with Brad as the gay gods would allow. He simply had the hots for him.
„I actually have this weekend off. Well, after tonight at least. Next shift is on Monday night,“ Benny tried his best to not show too much excitement in his voice. Brad smiled that warm smile he had smiled when they had parted ways the last time. He pulled him close and kissed him deep. Then he slid his hands down Benny‘s shorts massaging his big buns. Benny looked around quickly. They were actually alone on the floor now.
„Your buns feel thicker than the last time. Good boy,“ Brad commented in a low voice. „It was leg day today,“ Benny explained. „Glad you like it… Daddy,“ he added bravely. Brad grabbed his ass harder when he heard Benny say „Daddy“. He pulled him even closer so Benny‘s face was pushed into the massive chest. „Yeah, Babe. I‘m your daddy,“ Brad announced, his voice sounding even deeper than before. He spit in one of his hands and then reached back down for Benny‘s ass. Using his spit he wetted Benny‘s hole and pushed his first thick finger inside making Benny moan. „Yeah, moan for daddy and suck my huge muscle pecs while I finger your little pussy until you squirt and scream.“
Benny got hard hearing that. He just loved Brad‘s presence and the way he made him feel. He emitted pure manly dominance when he was like this. And so he eagerly serviced Brad‘s humongous chest which made him leak big loads of pre.
He paused in between „Fuck Daddy, you smell and taste so good“. Brad let two more fingers enter Benny‘s pussy hearing that. „Damn that feels so good,“ Benny added to his praises when he felt that. „Yeah? I‘ll finger you until you scream, little slut,“ Brad responded. He started to flex his chest more.
The feeling of the flexed muscles, the sweat and scent of a real man, the talented fingers in his pussy. All of it made Benny feel sheer joy. As Brad increased his fingering pace Benny moaned more and more. He couldn’t control himself any longer. He was shaking because all the nerve endings in his pussy were firing. And then he came. Screaming like a girl again.
„Damn yeah baby. Cum for daddy,“ Brad was very pleased seeing Benny like this. Brad kissed him still massaging his G-spot which only prolonged Benny‘s orgasm.
„Time to take you home,“ Brad announced.
Benny and the mountain (Part 5)
Benny’s whole body was shaky after that orgasm. Brad smiled at him „You good, cutie? I’ll hit the showers now.“ Benny pulled himself together „Yeah, go on. I’ll quickly wrap things up at the service desk.“ It was almost 5 am already. Right as Benny swapped places with the morning crew, Brad left the locker rooms. He walked out ahead of him and Benny followed suit.
As soon as they entered the car they couldn’t keep their hands from each other. Brad took charge and massaged Benny‘s pecs. „I love your juicy tits, I‘ll make them jiggle real good soon,“ he said and then he kissed him. Gentle at first but he pulled Benny on his lap and their kisses got more and more intense. Benny could feel Brad’s huge boner fill out his pants while they made out.
Brad took Benny to his place. They continued to make out in the elevator and the hallway. „You looked so good in that stringer today. Can you flex for me again?“ Benny couldn’t help himself. Brad’s insane physique was like an aphrodisiac to him. „Gladly,“ Brad responded as he took off his clothes. „Strip naked. I wanna see your luscious curves,“ he commanded.
As soon as they were nude Benny circled Brad while he flexed. His pump from the training session was still very apparent. Thick veins were showing everywhere. His pecs and back looked absolutely massive. As he bounced his pecs Benny got hard. Even harder es Brad spread his lats. His back was insanely wide and crazy defined. The striation showing through the skin on every muscle when he flexed.
„Fuck. You‘re so friggin huge“ Benny exclaimed out loud this time while touching the monstrous veiny back.
„Compared to you? Definitely. You‘re muscular but tiny. A sweet boy perfect to be turned into a muscle pussy,“ he said with a devilish grin on his face. He continued on: „But I‘ll grow even bigger. A week ago I started a new cycle that a buddy of mine recommended. If the progress I’ve seen on him is any indication I‘ll pack on quite a few more pounds in this bulk. Strength levels will go through the roof as well. You like that, don‘t you? I know you’re hungry for daddy‘s huge muscles. I‘ll grow them fucking gigantic for you,“ he exclaimed with pride and lust in his voice. „I‘m also getting hornier than usual,“ he added slapping Benny’s butt. Benny‘s pussy twitched so much hearing that and feeling the slap.
„Hot damn, yeah I’d love to see you grow even bigger. The bigger you get the more I wanna sub for you,“ Benny answered with excitement.
„That’s how it’s supposed to be. We‘re a natural pair after all. Huge muscle stallion and a small boy ready to be a muscle mare. I‘ll pussy you out good.“ As he finished that sentence he grabbed Benny and lifted him up. He placed Benny’s legs on his hips making him feel his cock growing under his ass. He kissed him again and again. Playing with his tongue. Brad was a great kisser and as much as he seemed to enjoy the kissing he must have thought similar of Benny.
When they paused, Benny sung more praises: „It feels amazing to make out while you lift me up. I hope I‘m not to heavy for you?“ Brad laughed „I could carry you the whole night. Even while grinding your little pussy, Benny. Don’t worry. I’m glad you like it. Cause I‘m getting fucking hard making out with you like this in front of the mirror.“ He turned a bit so Benny could see. It looked fantastic. His short muscular body interlocked with Brad‘s huge physique. The huge cock fully erect, leaking and throbbing with excitement under his bubble butt. And Brad‘s arms looking crazy huge from getting a little workout in. „Holy shit Brad, your size is so fucking hot.“ Benny‘s voice was an exhilarated whisper now. „I know it is,“ Brad replied confidently. He was now holding him with one arm and flexing the other. The view of that monstrous veiny biceps made Benny feel all the good feelings once again. Brad noticed that „Good slut getting wet and horny over my strong arms. Don’t you worry, you will worship them and the rest of my body the whole day.“
He walked down the hallway and through the apartment with Benny. They entered the bedroom and Brad set Benny down on a king size bed. „Let‘s see how talented your mouth and throat are.“ he said. Benny hesitated. „Uhm, I‘m not gonna complain but your cock is bigger than any cock I had before. Might not be possible for me to take it all.“
Brad smiled mischievously „Aw Babe, you’ll see what’s possible with your body soon enough.“ He kissed Benny and stroked his head gently. „You’re not the first guy I’ve slutted out. Trust me, it will fit. And soon you’ll have a proper throat pussy able to take my huge meat any time. But we‘ll start slow. Suck my balls first.“
Brad was so tall that Benny’s head was already facing his cock and balls as he was sitting on the bed. He started to touch the big nutsack with his soft hands and continued with cupping and kissing it passionately. His tongue and mouth joined in making Brad sigh in pleasure. „Yeah, worship my huge hairy balls,“ Brad said es he pushed Benny’s head into them. They smelled and tasted amazing to Benny. Brad‘s pre dripped down on his face as Benny continued to suck and massage the balls. Benny loved it but was still a bit worried about the monstrous size of that cock.
Brad pulled him up again. Kissing him and playing with Benny‘s pecs and nipples. He hugged him tightly. „I can feel you’re nervous. Concentrate on my deep voice instead of racking you’re brain, babe.“ Benny tried to do as he said. „Yeah, relax. Rest you‘re cute face on my huge hairy chest. Listen to my heartbeat.“ Brad requested as he ran his big hands down Benny’s back gently and continued to kiss him. He really made an effort making Benny relax. That sweet tenderness went on for quite a bit.
As Benny relaxed more and more Brad slowly pushed him downwards again so he could sit. He took Benny‘s head in his hands and guided it to the fat mushroom tip. Benny kissed it and licked it all over enjoying the salty precum. That tip was the thickest part of Brad‘s cock. Benny tried to put his mouth around it but couldn’t fit it in on the first try. Brad carressed his head, jaw and his ears. „You‘re doing good, babe,“ he said. His reassurance felt like a warm embrace to Benny. Brad bowed down and kissed him „Yeah, loosen up…just like that.“ Benny tried again while Brad was still carressing him. Brad‘s deep voice still echoing in his mind and the rhythm of his big heart joining in. Benny loved that sound and the feeling when he rested his head on Brad’s chest. Floating away on these thoughts he opened up his lips again. Ever so slightly the big mushroom head started to fit in until it had entered Benny’s mouth completely.
„Fuck yeah, good little slut. That was the hardest part,“ Brad cheered. He could go from gentle to dominant in a split second. He pushed his cock in a little more. Benny’s mouth never had been filled up like that. He could feel the mushroom head push against the back of his throat.
He usually considered himself to be a talented sucker who didn‘t gag anymore while sucking. But now he gagged. Tears welled up in his eyes. The cock wasn’t going down yet. But Benny was happy to be sucking it at all. So despite the gagging and crying he made a big effort to slurp it good. Judging by Brad’s low moans Benny did a nice job. But Brad grew a little impatient. „My cock is maybe down in your mouth a third of it‘s size. Be a good slut and take it all in.“ Brad slapped him and pushed the cock in harder. Benny felt his cock and pussy twitch hard. But he gagged even more as the cock forced it‘s way down. Brad pulled the wet and rock hard cock out and whipped Benny‘s face with it. Benny loved this show of dominance. „Damn Daddy, slap me again with your monster cock,“ he begged. A „Fuck yeah“ and an even harder cock slap was Brad’s answer.
Immediately after he pushed Benny on the bed completely and rotated him so his head was turned towards the the wall. „Just stay there on your back,“ Benny was told. Brad also got into the bed climbing behind Benny‘s head. As he saw Brad moving it dawned on Benny. Brad would get on top of him now and facefuck him. Benny felt so eager to please him. „Open up, you little slut.“ Brad commanded as he got down. And the huge cock entered Benny‘s mouth. Brad pushed harder and Benny‘s throat got overwhelmed by sheer force. His monster cock broke the throat in hard. Brad let his cock rest in there a bit without moving while Benny gagged and cried. „Fuck yeah, that’s it. Gag and cry for me, tiny bitch. I‘ll turn your throat into a wet and sloppy pussy now.“ Brad was fucking excited. Benny could feel the monster cock grow even harder inside his throat. „Bet you never had a man treat your throat like that before. I‘ll make that throat my fucktoy,“ Brad yelled. And he was right. Benny had never experienced a facefuck like this.
Brad continued on and started to push his cock in and out of Benny. He only slit out long enough for Benny to catch a quick breath. No one had dominated Benny like this before. His cock was limp but leaking loads. It was a crazy weird new feeling to him. He felt even more submissive and slutty than the last time he had been with Brad.
„Fuck Babe, your throat is still so tight. I‘ll break it in like a good virgin pussy,“ Brad said while moaning deeper and increasing his pace. „God, I love me a virgin throat pussy. It’s mine now.“ The excitement and lust in Brad’s voice was intoxicating for Benny. As Brad pulled out completely Benny had to cough and gasp for air. Brad climbed over him and rested the wet monster cock on Benny’s juicy tits. Brad looked down. His expression full of lust. He slapped his donkey dick on Benny’s chest repeatedly. „You‘ve been a good little muscle slut so far. Want me to dick down your throat pussy? To fuck it till you can’t take it no more? Yeah? Of course you do.“
Benny‘s throat was super sore already. The desire to please Brad was greater than any soreness though. „Please daddy. Please use my throat like a good pussy,“ he croaked.
As an answer Brad pushed his little body around until Benny’s head was resting at the edge of the bedframe. Brad got up to stand in front of his face. The huge throbbing cock almost touching his mouth. Again, Brad slapped Benny‘s face with it. Precum and spit sprayed around. Benny wimpered like the good little slut he was.
„I‘m gonna fuck the shit out of your face and throat now. Open up.“
And Brad didn‘t lie. He entered the throatpussy brutally. „Damn, I can see my fucking horse cock sliding in and out of your throat, little slut. So hot.“ Benny‘s throat expanded enormously whenever Brad entered. The outline of his cock clearly visible through the skin. With every deep thrust Brad’s big hairy balls swung into Benny’s face. The throat and face were getting fucked good and hard. Benny felt feverish experiencing this. This kind of domination was feeling beyond amazing for him. It almost was like his cock and balls grew smaller while still leaking. He fantasized about them turning into a pussy completely.
As Brad’s thrust got quicker he moaned louder and deeper. „Fuck, gonna fill that throat pussy up good now,“ he yelled out. Huge loads were pumped down Benny‘s throat. His throat had given up any and all gag reflexes. The semen just washed down in big waves filling him up. Benny swallowed it all. He loved Brad‘s potent hot cum. He was getting addicted to it. Addicted to the taste of a real man.
„Fuck yeah, such a good little muscle slut. Taking your muscle daddy’s horse cock and huge loads all in deep,“ Brad said with passion in his voice.
As soon as he was done breeding Benny‘s throat he got into the bed again and pulled Benny to his side. Benny‘s throat felt violated but he also felt deeply aroused. He clung tightly to Brad. „Let me taste that freshly fucked throat pussy,“ Brad said as he kissed Benny. They continued to make out. Kissing and massaging each other’s bodies.
Benny was horny as fuck from the treatment of his throat and the loads that had been pumped into him. He wanted to get dicked down so bad. „I want your cock inside me. Please, break in my hole like you did with my throat, daddy,“ Benny almost begged him.
Brad grinned „Getting addicted to my horse cock, huh? Want me to pussy you out real good, yeah?“
„I‘m so horny after the throatfuck… my hole is practically screaming for cock,“ Benny confessed.
„Just how it should be. Go on, place that delicious bubble butt on my face. I wanna eat you out,“ Brad told him. As soon as Benny sat down on his face Brad got to work with his mouth and tongue. Brad‘s beard tickling his plump cheeks. It felt fantastic. Benny loved to get rimmed and eaten out. While Brad loosened up his hole, Benny kissed, sucked and licked Brad‘s cock and balls again. Not that Brad needed it. The enormous flesh rod was fully erect again and ready to go any time. Benny still couldn’t believe that he had taken this huge thing down his throat. Brad really was doing an amazing job of slutting Benny out and he loved it.
The rimming made Benny relax and moan even more. „Fuck, I need you inside me, daddy,“ he said. Brad didn’t need to hear that twice. He turned Benny on his back ready to start in missionary. He lubed his monster cock and Benny‘s hole up real good. „Your hole should take this a little easier than your throat. So I‘ll just do as I please cause my cock is so fucking hard right now. A hole of your size is like a virgin hole to me. Fucking love that. I‘ll break it in good and hard,“ Brad was pulsating from lust and heat. And he didn’t lie. He placed the huge tip of his monster cock on Benny‘s hole. It had never experienced this size before and it wasn’t letting it in easy. Involuntarily Benny drew away a little because of the pain. But Brad just pulled him close again and pushed it in with brute force. „No way back no. You‘ll take my fucking horse cock,“ he said in a commanding tone. Benny‘s pain mixed with undeniable arousement. He screamed as his hole gave in. „Fuck yes.“ Brad yelled. He slapped Benny again out of sheer excitement. The sudden change of attention for his thoughts made the cock go in even easier. And then the cock was all the way in. Brad went down on him like a bull in heat: „That‘s it. I‘ll pussy you out like no other. You‘re my little bitch. I‘ll drill you until your hole is a soft and open pussy ready to be used and brutally fucked by me for hours.“ Benny could only moan in agreement. The feeling of that enormous cock inside him was almost overwhelming. Brad fucked him in a tight missionary position. His giant body overpowering Benny hard. Brad pushed Benny‘s legs apart and behind his ears so he could plow him as deeply as possible. His huge cock reached farther inside his hole than Benny had ever felt any other cock reaching before.
The enormous size filling out his pussy hit all the right spots. And how could it not given it’s proportions. Brad‘s pace was ever increasing. He pumped Benny‘s pussy hard making his whole body move which each thrust. Benny‘s juicy muscle tits jiggled good. Brad‘s sweat was flowing down over them both. Benny felt amazing feeling and smelling it. His pussy twitched even more. It was practically getting destroyed by the intense fucking. Each time the massive cock pushed deeper inside Benny he let out a high pitched moan which made Brad fuck even harder „Fuck yeah, you moan like a girl losing her virginity. Such a good little muscle bitch. Moaning for daddy.“
Brad sucked and squeezed Benny‘s tits while fucking him. He plowed Benny‘s pussy like no one ever did before. The view of that pumped and sweaty muscular body, the feeling of the big hands squeezing his tits, the monster cock hitting the his G spot over and over… Benny’s breath got quicker and his moans louder. He started to shake violently because Brad hit his pussy so good. „Fuuuuck yeah, cum for me little bitch. Make that pussy squirt.“
And Benny came. The orgasm washed over him in hot waves. Every thrust from Brad provoking another wave that made him shake harder. His half hard cock just leaking cum.
Benny‘s orgasm fired Brad up even more. He just continued to brutally fuck the shit out of Benny’s newly formed pussy. The orgasm slowly subsided but Benny‘s pussy was still tingling crazily since Brad didn’t stop. On and on Brad went. „Don’t you think I‘ll cum anytime soon. Takes fucking ages after I shot once. But all for the better to reshape your pussy with my donkey dick,“ he exclaimed with fervour. Benny lost all feeling for time while Brad pussied him out like a raging stallion. And sure enough Brad‘s relentless pounding made Benny cum again. „Ohhh daddy I‘m cumming again…“ he said almost crying with a shaky voice. And then he screamed even louder and shook even more violently than the first time. Brad couldn’t contain his excitement hearing and seeing that. The pounding got even harder. „FUCK, fucking horny little slut. Fucking cumming again for daddy. YES,“ he shouted.
While Benny was still shaking Brad scooped him up, his cock staying inside Benny. He lifted him up, held him with his strong arms, placed his legs on his hips and continued to fuck him. Benny was almost losing his mind experiencing this. He had always dreamed about getting fucked like this and it was finally happening. Benny’s exhilaration was matched by Brad’s who feverishly smashed him up and down on his giant flesh rod. It didn’t take long for Benny to cum a third time in a row. That third orgasm pushed Brad‘s buttons as well. He drilled Benny even harder extending the fireworks in his pussy. And then Brad came too. He pushed Benny against the wall. He was roaring like a beast and flooding Benny‘s pussy with huge amounts of cum „Fuck yeah, take it. Take daddy‘s potent sperm. I‘ll make you fucking pregnant, slut.“
Benny moaned hearing that. But as Brad’s loads ran dry he started to feel exhausted from the intense pounding and the multiple orgasms. Brad still held him in his arms as waves of cum started to subside. He kissed Benny softly and carried him over to the bed.
„You did good for the first time being with a real man, Benny.“ Brad assured him. „We‘ll work on your ability to take my poundings,“ he winked at Benny saying that. „Yeah, I wanna be able to take your cock any time you need me to,“ Benny whispered back. „You will soon,“ said Brad as they started to spoon. Brad held Benny tightly in his arms and Benny drifted off and fell asleep.
Average Neighbor Orc Dungeon -

Rule34 - If it exists, there is porn of it / average neighbor, mr x, samuel jordan / 7618534
Animation: Sam x Mr. X by Average Neighbor - MyReadingManga
Brad and Chris thought to show the pics to their neighbor Luke. Sure enough, yes he had a brother Darth Jr. Turns out the man is plain cool and understands he looks good.

"You're fine. I'll take it."
Brad hung up the phone. What exactly was his boyfriend after? It was then and there in month two of the relationship Brad begun suspecting Chris was gay. Boy oh boy. That would be a bonus!
Brad would begin suspecting his own gayness about five minutes later.

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Try reading and stroking to Bareback Ops: Nubian Prince 🔞↙️
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Thom Austin

Thom Austin