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4 years ago

Overwatch/OW2 Theories: 2021 Archives Event

Sorry this is a really long post, I had a lot of fun with making this post, more fun than most of my other posts! Hope you like it! ~ Nova

Alright! The 2021 Lunar New Year event was one of the best so far. It was so hard to choose a favorite skin when we got Pale Serpent Widowmaker, Tiger Bob, and Kkachi Echo, but I am more excited for the 2021 Archives Event that will be coming up in the next month/month and a half. So, I’m going to be talking about what the event is, for anyone who doesn’t really know what the whole point of the Archives event is, and what skins I want. 

What is the Archives Event: basically, it is the event with the best challenge missions and some of the best skins(I think Halloween has best skins, fight me, but Retribution is the best game mode, Blackwatch is like a grumpy family and it’s great). Really the Archives Event is all about the lore of Overwatch. The skins are all based in the story, and we usually learn more about the story during the event. As an example, Orisa and Bastion’s Null Sector skins tie into the Omnic extremist group, Null Sector who shows up in the Uprising event. 

What skins I want:

D.Va Shooting Star Skin: in D.Va’s animated short Shooting Star, we get to see Hana in an Esports uniform and a Mechanics outfit. Either would be good, it would probably be an epic skin though. 

Sigma Scientist Skin: I want his outfit from his origin story when he was writing on a whiteboard... see-through-board... the name of the board doesn’t matter! Just give me a Sigma skin that has him in semi-normal clothes. 

Brigitte Ironclad Skin: Torbjorn has an skin called Ironclad and I think Brigitte should also have one similar to it. We know that both Torbjorn and Brigitte have Ironclad Guild tattoos on their outer shoulders, Brigitte’s is on her left while Torbjorn’s is on his right. 

Zenyatta Shambali Skin: I want this skin because of fanart I saw in a video about possible Archives Event skins. I think it’s cool because we know that Zenyatta was part of the Shambali Monastery with Mondatta, so it would be a good way to relate back to the lore and create a awesome lookin’ skin. 

Ashe Deadlock Rebels Skin: the Deadlock Rebels novel by Lyndsay Ely that will come out in June 2021 has a really cool color with Deadlock McCree and Ashe in a cool lookin’ red, white, and black outfit. So yeah, I want it.  

Echo Null Sector Skin: like I mentioned early, Orisa and Bastion have Null Sector skins, so I think it would be cool of the Overwatch Devs. to also make Echo look like she is in Null Sector. 

Symmetra skin: I don’t know what type of skin would work for her, she already has Viskar skins for her basic legendaries and she got a Marammat skin for her special event, so I’m not sure, but she hasn’t gotten a lootbox legendary skin since the 2018 Winter Wonderland Event and I would like more Symmetra content.  

Also, if you want to learn a little more about what this year’s Archives event might look like, check out Master Ian Gamer’s video about the 2021 Archives Event - Start date, New Skins, and other predictions. 

Anyway, I think that I’ll either make a post about Ana or Hanzo next. I’ll also put together a couple master lists of all of my post to not just make it easier for anyone interested in my theories to look at the different posts I’ve made, but to make it easier for me to find my old posts.

TLDR: For the 2021 Archives Event, all about the Overwatch lore, I want a D.Va skin based off Shooting Star, a Sigma Scientist skin, a Brigitte Ironclad skin, a Zenyatta Shambali skin, an Ashe Deadlock Rebels skin, an Echo Null Sector skin, and a Symmetra skin of some sorts. 


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4 years ago

Overwatch/OW2 Theories: Storm Rising Mystery Omnic

Since the 2021 Archives Event is probably a couple weeks away, I was thinking about the challenge missions, Uprising, Retribution(my favorite one), and Storm Rising, and what theories I could come up with. I came up with two, but if I took more time to think about it I can probably come up with more. Anyhow, the first one I thought off was, “Who is the mystery Omnic talking to Doomfist at the ending cutscene of Storm Rising?” I’m going to talk about my theory and another theory that I found while researching. 

Basic Information: He is an Omnic with red eyes(Are they eyes, sensors?). His voice actor is most likely Ramon Tikaram. He is seen with a hooded outfit. It looks like you can see his wiring in a similar way to Blackwatch Genji. 

My Theory: I think that the mystery Omnic is from Null Sector. Doomfist says, “ fight for your kind...” which would make sense for a character that is part of an extremist and violent group. Both Bastion and Orisa’s Null Sector skin show them having glowing red eyes(will go with eyes) just like this Omnic. This would work with my idea that Talon is attacking Zenyatta to kill him because he is a proponent of humans and Omnics living in peace, so Null Sector would want to work with Talon to kill him. 

Mondatta theory: Please go read exactly what was written, I’m adding to it. So, I like the idea that a Shambali Omnic turned bad would be a good enemy for Zenyatta, but I feel like it can’t be Mondatta. It is really reinforced in the Alive animated short that Mondatta is dead, he shouldn’t be able to come back (it would be an interesting twist, but I feel like it shouldn’t happen). But having a Shambali monk that Zenyatta knew would be a really good way to give us more Zenyatta lore. In my post about Talon attacking Zenyatta, one photo I show has an image of a Null Sector Omnic that looks a lot like the Omnic from Storm Rising. They both have the hood and have the red eyes.


Anyways, I’m going to make a post about the MEKA Squad later. Then, I’ll make a post about a specific member of the MEKA Squad and what connections they might have to another known organization, it’s going to be a kind of out of there theory, but it is also kind of fun. I’m also going to do a post on Fio, Blackwatch’s pilot that saved Reyes, Moira, Genji, and McCree during Retribution. 

TLDR: I think that the Mystery Omnic from Storm Rising is a member of Null Sector who might have been a brainwashed Shambali Monk. They might have been the one to ask Widowmaker and Sombra to attack Zenyatta in India. 

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3 years ago

Overwatch 2 Theories: Possible Old Guard Team

While thinking about theories I could make, I chose to rewatch the origin stories and cinematics. In the Recall cinematic, I zeroed down on something new. After his fight with Reaper, Winston chooses to recall Overwatch, and we get to see a bunch of old guard Overwatch profiles (actually, I was inspired by one of the profiles to write my Blackwatch tank post). So, I am going to talk about some of the other profiles you can see in the Recall cinematic.

TLDR: In the profiles from the Recall cinematic, there are four images that make me think the people in them were part of a strike team. They all have similar black and blue outfits. We only know one of the characters, the woman, Kimiko. Also, one of the characters, the man with the Overwatch beret, was probably the strike team leader. They probably have 2 DPS, 1 tank, and 1 support.

Based on the Image: Like the Uprising Strike team, these people look like a four-member Strike team, 3 men and 1 woman, because their outfits look similar. They all have blue shoulder pads with a black or silver armor piece around their neck. We only know the name of one of the characters, the woman. Her name is Kimiko and she took part in the rescue operation that ended up with Ana losing her eye.

Speculation: Since we know that Kimiko worked under Jack Morrison and Ana Amari before Ana lost her eye, I would assume that Kimiko was put into this strike team after the Ana Legacy comic mission. In the image, we can see that the man on the left has a beret with the Overwatch logo on it which makes me think that he was the strike team commander/strike team captain. They might have gone on missions specifically against Null Sector, or maybe Talon, similarly to the Uprising strike team. I haven't been able to find any information on any of the other characters, but I am going to guess what their role would be. From left to right: DPS, DPS, Tank, Support.

Overwatch 2 Theories: Possible Old Guard Team

Anyways, I will be working on another possible character post soon, but I am going to be making a correction to one of my other posts first. While researching for this post, I learned some new information about a photo I used before. The correction will be out, probably, tomorrow.

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