Obey Me Ur Card - Tumblr Posts
4 years ago

♠️-So was no one gonna tell me that apparently it IS possible to get a UR card from a FREE pull or was I just supposed to find that out myself-
Tags :
The only reason I'm bringing this up
is because this is my FIRST EVER UR card
and I've been playing the game since april
yes I know it's not that long ago but still-
anyways I was just REALLY caught off guard
obey me
obey me shall we date
obey me swd
swd obey me!
obey me one master to rule them all
obey me solmare
obey me lucifer
obey me nightmare
obey me ur card
obey me cards
om! lucifer
omswd lucifer
rras’ rants
rras' shenanigans
rras’ shitpost
rras cries
rras is confused
4 years ago

I was aiming for the ssr but nani-

I can smell the theater kids a mile away from where I’m standing
Tags :
i am looking 👀
I got him on my second pull-
rras’ shitpost
obey me shall we date
obey me
obey me swd
swd obey me!
obey me one master to rule them all
obey me screenshot
obey me event
obey me nightmare
obey me cards
obey me satan
obey me ur card
obey me ur
om satan
omswd satan
rras cries
Henry And The Seven lords