Obeymeasmodeus - Tumblr Posts
Normal style outfits: Beelzebub, leviathan and Lucifer

Asmo...lovley Asmo. He doesn’t have this one type of style, he does what ever suits his mood and look the best and even has special magic just to change the apperance of his nails. BUT his nails are pointy and ready to give whoever he touches this delicate but threatening shiver down their spine...
Obey Me! SMUT Masterlist

Lucifer x Virigin! Fem! Reader
Wolf! In heat! Lucifer x Female! Reader
Mammon x Fem! Reader
Mammon x Female! Reader
Leviathan x Virgin! Fem! Reader
Leviathan x Female! Reader again
Asmo x Fem! Reader Smut
Beelzebub x Fem! Reader Custard tart (Dating)
Beelzebub x Female! Reader
Horny? Belphie x Female Reader
Belphie x Female! Reader
In heat/Sex deprived/Horny/Pissed!? Satan x Fem! Reader SMUT
Satan x Female! Reader
Solomon x Female! Reader
Simeon x Female! Reader
Another Simeon x Female! Reader
Barbatos x Female! Reader
Another Barbatos x Female! Reader
Lord/Prince Diavolo x Female! Reader
Diavolo x chubby/Fat! Female! Reader
Asmodeus x Female! Reader x Solomon
Headcanon : how the brothers and (un)deatables react when they found out that they are gay for male Mc. (female Mc for thirteen part)
Kinda calm about it, after all these years he was in relationship with women AND men.
He only panic when he found out that he truly loves you (you have no right to be this handsome-)
Anyways after some days he accepted the fact that he is really gay for you. (he would never admit it to you or his brothers so please confess to him )
He.is.in.panic, but really in panic he would walk around his room yapping to his dear goldie about how he can't love you.(he would also do these dumb gay test)
It will take A LONG time before he accept himself and confess.(but he will still be jealous and protective even before he accept himself)
I have also the feeling that he will ask Levi about this.
Not too bothered he LOVES a lot of male characters.(specially Sasuke)
BUT he will panic when he found out that he didn't only have a crush on you but LOVED you
He will blush a lot and deny his feelings till the end.
So please make the first move.
Pretty nochalant he loves you,completly adore you and he doesn't care if he is gay or not
I have the feeling that he doesn't care that much about gender or sexuality.
Admit it very fast . gay or not he loves you no matter if you are a man or not.
Doesn't care that much.....do i really have to justify myslef? HE IS AN EVERYONESEXUEL he simp for anything who breathe in his direction.
Everyone is so fine in his opinion. BUT when he found out that he loves you not as a simple crush or some lambda man that he will dump later HE PANICS
A true drama king he would gasp and try to reject his own feelings.
That change shen he see you talking with another handsome demon.
After many gasps and scene ,he finnaly accept his own feelings and make a first real move on you.
Pretty much like Satan he loves you and that's final.
I like to think that he doesn't care about sexuality that much after all love is love right?
Really nochalant. Why? He is too lazy to think about his sexuality or something.
But it changes directly when he begin to show real interest in you(not his fault you are so fine)
Kinda hate how he is a simp for you.
But that doesn't matter he is your's and you are his you know that right?
That man was in a lot of relationships.(like lucifer) with men and women
He needs a second ruler no matter of their gender.
So when he finds that he loves you HE IS THE MOST HAPPY MAN IN THIS WORLD.
It changes quickly when he renember that you are a human who is an echange student....
But it changes quickly too.why? Well his dream is that the three worlds could be in peace,so is there any better idea than marrying you?
Same reaction as beel and Satan doesn't care.
He fall in love very slowly so when he find out he is excited and happy the only tought about your smile hair and lips is enough to make him all happy.
So gay or not he loves you.
You are his dear apprentice and he loves you no matter what.
(Will ask siri if he is gay)
Quickly catch up his feelings and immediately try to do a move on you.
COMPLETLY ADORE YOU your face,body,personality are so perfect for him.
He wants to be your's for eternity until you are sick of him being next to you is enough for him.
Even if at first he will panic.
And angel ? In love? With a human?
(It doesn't matter if you are a man or woman)
The real problem if that angel can't fall in love with a human no matter of thier gender.
(Unless you want to end up like lilith)
But he loves you more than that even if it means that he needs to left his wings and title behind.
Oh dear he is an angel just like Simeon how can he letted himself fall in love with you?
He is suprised and guilty. He can't be a traitor and betray his people.
But maybe is there hope? Maybe this RAD Is not that bad....
Maybe he could love you a human who is a man....
Pretty shocked akd ignore you for a while
(But he is so in love that he can't ignore you)
Your simple touch drive him dizzy.
No.simply no how can he fall in love with a shamless human without talent or elegance?.
Deny his feelings till the end.(wich is pretty pathetic cause HE IS SO IN LOVE)
Will completly lot tell this to his family he is arleady guilty.
He really want to hate you. but damn how can he hates you when you smile at him like that,when you talk at him with those sparkles in your eyes. He simply can't.
No matter how hard he try the truth is here. He loves you. Yes he is gay and loves you.
He would later introduce you to his little brother. And you immediately start to being friends.
Blush when his younger brother ask him if he can marry you so you can be together and play with him.
It was not a surprise? She was always a lesbian.(men where a little too much for her)
But you where the first woman that REALLY catched her interest.
Kinda annoyed that you hand out with the brothers this much.
But don't say anything.(for now)
Will talk to Candy about you.
Candy is TIRED that her little sister keep yapping about some random human.
Change her mind cause wtf you where hot.
But thirteen kinda hate that she loves a human. (she is suposed to hate them dammit)
But doesn't really matter you where her dear human.
Thank you for reading i hope that my english is not too bad it's my third langage.