Obey Me Belphie - Tumblr Posts

4 months ago


I finally hit fuck it.



The one that just stares at you intimidatingly and has no clue why people are scared of him

He's kinda just there watching in the background to make sure everything is fine

Plays Violin instead of Piano

Night Owl

Likes Hanging around Matt


Named after the main character of House Of The Scorpion

also very angry

fights his dad more than Satan fights Lucifer

Morning Person

Gets along well with Miranos


Oh boy, Belphegor's child

she is more subtle than her father

do not entrust her with taking care of a child, she will tie up the child so she can sleep

Surprisingly a morning person

Because Matt and Miranos are the quietest she deems them her favorite people.

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4 months ago

Incorrect Quotes #3

Lucifer: "Mc, must you hold my hand while I work?"

Mc: *plops themself in Lucifer's lap* "Must you be so sexy??

Lucifer: *verbal keyboard smash*

Satan: *standing in Lucifer's office because Mc taught him a new trick* "Dad, dad, dad, I want a book, can I go pet the cats, Daaaaaaaad"

Lucifer: *doesn't know if he should be annoyed or grateful that Mc's plan to get Satan to call him "dad" actually worked*

Mc: "I hate you"

Mephistopheles: "The fuck did I even do??"

Mc: "you were born."

*Levi and Mc were playing An off brand version of Overwatch because fuck Blizzard*

Mc: *to some fuck in the chat* "Listen here you piece of shit, the only reason you're dad left is because I gave him a child he actually loves"

Levi: "Should I be scared or impressed??"

Solomon: *exists*

The bros: "Shady Mfkr."

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4 months ago

Incorrect quotes part 4

Satan: *giving Lucifer a coffee*

Lucifer: "is it poisoned?"

Satan: "yes." *leaves*

Lucifer: "good" *drinks it anyway*

Belphegor: "Zzz"

Mc: *draws on Belphegor's face as he sleeps out of spite*

Mc: "C'mon Belphegor, this way"

Belphegor: "you know you could just call me Belphie right?"

Mc: *smiles darkly still mad about it* "I know."

Mc: "Solomon."

Solomon: "yes Mc?"

Mc: "You do understand you look like Gideon Gleeful from Gravity Falls right?"

*From that point on, Solomon was no longer seen wearing Bolo ties*

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4 months ago

Incorrect Quotes # 5?

Mc: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Lucifer ? 

Lucifer : … No.

Satan : I do! 

Mc: I know, Satan. 

Satan: I Hate Lucifer

Mc: I know, Satan.

Levi : Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million grimm?

Mammon: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house. 

Mc: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. 

Mammon: Good thinking.

Lucifer : Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night. 

Mammon : You were flirting with Mc. 

Lucifer : So what? They're my partner. 

Mammon : You asked them if they were single. 

Lucifer : "..."

Mammon : "And then you cried when they said they weren't."

Solomon : Hey, Mc? Can I get some dating advice?

Mc: Just because I’m with Lucifer doesn’t mean I know how I did it.

Satan : Why are you on the floor?

Belphie : I'm depressed.

Belphie : Also I was stabbed, can you get Beel, please

Mc: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? 

Mammon : The car takes a screenshot. 

Lucifer : For the last time, get the fuck out.

Mc: *subtly breaking the fourth wall* "I have now fed the fandom like throwing meat to the sharks."

Lucifer: "Dafuck?"

Barbatos: *who canonically breaks the fourth wall in the manga* "Good job Mc, should keep them distracted for a little longer"

Solomon: "?????"

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4 months ago

Leviathans Tub Headcannons

Leviathans Tub Headcannons

If Lucifer's licked a sorcerer's staff them I am fairly certain he's passed out in Levi's tub before

the brothers would throw snacks in Levi's tub as sacrifices to make sure he's taking care of himself

Mc is the reason the tub sacrifices are now called "Snack-rifices"

Asmodeus once put red nail polish in the tub and Levi didn't notice until he filled it up and thought it was blood

Satan will throw some manga in there

it's really just a tub of sacrifices to Levi

Leviathan cleans out his tub on the sabbath to spite God and the brothers started cleaning on the sabbath as well following Levi's example

there's a space under the tub where Levi hides his anime porn and a tablet with the accounts he uses for smutty fanfics

almost everyone has taken a nap in Levi's tub to see if it was actually comfortable

Satan was once caught sleeping in the tub curled up like a cat

Belphegor and Beelzebub throw blankets in there, just in case Levi gets cold

When Lucifer and Mammon add stuff It’s more nest shaped since they're two silly birdbrains

Leviathan is very happy that his brothers give him stuff to make sure he's ok

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7 months ago

I was wondering, are there any Obey Me Commissioners to do a Beelzebub (Ror) in Belphies Bunny suit

I Was Wondering, Are There Any Obey Me Commissioners To Do A Beelzebub (Ror) In Belphies Bunny Suit
I Was Wondering, Are There Any Obey Me Commissioners To Do A Beelzebub (Ror) In Belphies Bunny Suit

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2 years ago

the three brothers

The Three Brothers

Lilith, belphegor and beelzebub

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1 year ago

Fuck sake, this is getting annoying

When will writers realise that calling your piece 'Genderneutral' than slapping us in the face with "Good girl" or "Good boy" isn't yk AT ALL GENDER-NEUTRAL, how would you like it if I wrote something and called it 'Female reader' than called you everything gender related under the sun that wasn't at all close to female? You'd hate it wouldn't ya? Cause at this point, ya'll wanna fight istg.

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7 months ago

Headcanon that the demons and angels don't have that instinct when somethings wrong.

MC *feels the hairs on their arms stand up*: Somethings wrong

Solomon *feels a pit in his stomach*: I agree

Demons and Angels: What the fuck

*Something goes wrong*

The Demons and Angels: What the F U C K 🤯😱🤯

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1 year ago

Belphie Headcanon

Belphie Headcanon

My inspiration came from Beelzebub (record of ragnarok) so what if Belphie ear was chewed or got hangry by Beel

Belphie Headcanon

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2 years ago

How Obey Me Charaters would react to you mispronouncing their names.

Reader is Gender Neutral of course.


"I can see that you have been paying attention in class, look no more. You and Mammon are going to be spending the entire night separated and focus on your school work untill you can speak Hebrew"

He doesn't even give you the correct pronunciation, he wants you to learn by yourself. Like when your parents are helping you with math homework.


"Tf did you just call me? Nah nah nah, listen it is pronounced ma•muhn or ma•mon, you can just be screwing around like that. You could summon a demon like that".

You two spent the whole night trying to learn how to pronounce his name correctly, which ended up with him just teaching you demonic language because "your language is difficult".


"Um, I didn't know that we are on a first-name basis... this is awkward. Please just call me Levi, no point in trying if you're going to say it wrong. It's also pronounced, luh•vai•uh•thn. Get it right normie"

He was really jealous, this wasn't the MC moment he wanted with you, especially when you are first watching anime together, "oh you can pronounce (random anime character name) but not mine?"



"Oh okay, (butchers Y/N)! Yeah it isn't that nice to be called the wrong name, especially if your going to be in MY ROOM ON MY BED. Anyways, it's pronounced, As•Mo•Dee•Us".

He would never let this go, "sorry what was that I thought my name was "Assmadayus"". He is a fucking bitch.


"I see you are failing your studies in Hebrew and Latin, seriously, did your species just decided to stop speaking universal languages? Not everyone speaks English you know. Sound it out with me, Say•tin"

You two didn't talk for a week, he wanted an apology, like, he wasn't letting that shit go.


"Huh what?"

He genuinely didn't noticed, it wasn't untill Bephine pointed it out.

"Oh, it is actually pronounced Bee•El•Zuh•Buhb. It's okay I understand your some of your species got rid of some of the ways you pronounced things"


"Please don't even try, I don't even go by that. It's kinda the equivalent of your parents calling you by your middle name. If you really want to know it is, Bel•Fuh•Gor".

Bruh didn't even care, y'all went back to sleep.

Hey guys I really enjoyed writing these for y'all, especially with all the new free time I have! (Lost my job!)

Anyways since I am not busy you can ask or request anything!

Fandom I will write for,

Obey me

Twisted Wonderland


Chainsaw man

JOJO Bizarre Adventure


Genshin Impact.

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1 year ago

I really like the idea of Satan being born like a literary a baby but growing fast like Renesmee from twilight.

Mammon: "Lucifer!! I lost the thing!!"

Very exhausted Lucifer: "that thing, is above you".

Que toddler Satan hanging off the ceiling like a cat .

Asmo: "does this mean we gotta go clothing shopping again this week?"

Lucifer trying to pull Satan down, que screaming, growing, feral child.

"Lucifer, he is growing again".

"Am very VERY much aware Belphine".

"Maybe he is hungry?".

"Not everyone is hungry every 30 minutes Beel".

"Uhhh, Lucifer do you need help?"

Lucifer being attacked and bitten for the ninth time, again.

"I'm fine.".

"Yeahhh, why don't we take Satan for a bit while you sleep?".

Lucifer literally throwing his brothers out of his room being he is never going to waste an opportunity to get away from his feral son.

"Maybe we should ask Diavolo for extended maternity leave....".

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11 months ago
Dont Be Shy Haha Bring It In

dont be shy haha bring it in 😁

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1 year ago

I have to many problems to explain why this is so accurate

me, (about 12 different characters): I love one man.

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11 months ago

Do y'all remember how there was this trend where girls would mess with their bf's or smth by putting liquid latex or smth on their faces, and just say it's their monthly shed to mess, and get their reaction? Imagine MC being a menace they do the same thing with the demon brothers and even has Solomon backing them up like:




MC: Oh, it looks like my monthly shed has come.

Mammon: Your monthly wha!?

Levi: Y-you mean like a snake..?

Solomon: Yeah, it's something humans get, we monthly shed.

Lucifer: I have never heard of that before...

Satan: I've never read that before..

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11 months ago

I sort of wonder if MC has ever thought of the demons, or angels as lucky for being demons/angels, yk for having powers and stuff like that, tbh I don't know which one I'm jealous of more, but I do wonder what y'all think and what you would prefer, either stay as human, or would like to be an angel or demon.

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