Obsessed With EAH And Other Fandoms - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

Thanks for the tag @feline17ff

Nickname: Rae, Fifu, *flower related stuff in general*

Zodiac: Aquarius

Height: I legit dk. Pretty tall. 5’10 (imma edit to the exact one that this bracket will be gone when it happens)

Last movie I saw: Oof I watch so many movies that I was stumped but in actuality perfect timing. I sat and watch Disney’s animated Beauty and the Beast with my little cousins yesterday! It was their first time and kinda perfect time was I was in the fairytale mood and I was working on my EAH fic bout Brair and Rosabella’s grandparents who are from the tales Sleeping beauty and Beauty and the beast!

Last thing I googled: I had quite a few tabs on cause I was researching for my fics yesterday. But just now I googled Tumblr to get here cause I don’t have the app cause storage cause of my numerous photos and my writings and fics

Fav musicians: I bounce around a bit so I don’t have any fav. Got back to music cause inspo and background for my fics and ships (plus ambience helps too)

Songs stuck in my head: Problem by Ariana Grande (the ‘Got my head in the clouds got no weight on my shoulders. I should be wiser and realise I got one last problem without ya’ part)

Other blogs: N/A, this be my one and only blog here for far

Blogs following: in the twenties right now but defo gonna get higher cause there’s so many amazing people on here!

Sleep patterns: Tragic. Kinda nocturnal ish nowadays. Chilling in the night is very fun and I get a lot of needed me time. Gap year so ayeee but also nerves if I am utilising my time well. Fluctuates. I got my sleep schedule right a few weeks ago but got it wrong again cause of having to go somewhere.

Lucky numbers: l really don’t have one. My favourite numbers are 2,6,7,9 (idk something noice looking bout em)

What am I wearing: long maroon comfy gown that goes till my shins with 3 black stripes on the half-sleeves (gives it some athletic vibes) and with POCKETS! Oh and black slacks. And clear blue glasses (the colour of Ashlynn Ella’s glass slippers in her normal wear coincidentally )

What would I do if capitalism didn't exist: Probs stress less, have less pressure and worries and have less things to cry about.

Dream trip: Hmm, Turkey (heard it’s an amazing place and also the foodie part of me is like Turkish cuisine be great!). Me and my friends want to travel together one day. Maybe going to Morocco, to the Philippines, to Indonesia!

Fav food: a foodie so a lottt. Ice cream- cookies and cream. Mango milkshake! Pinna Coloda (the general combo of Pineapple and Coconut both together and apart!)

Love Indomie (they nostalgic and great ramen noodles! Obv not sponsored or anything (random YouTuber-like clarification)

Chocolate milk!


Love pastas

Languages I speak: English, Urdu/Hindi, Arabic. Tiny bit Turkish cause has quite a few words in common with Urdu!

learned French from 2nd to 4th grade but forgot it again

Instruments I play: My bro plays the guitar and I don’t (unless my voice/singing which ain’t that good can be counted as an instrument, looking at you

Barbie:Diamond castle for that analogy)

Fav song: Quite a few. Both in English and in Hindi and Korean ones.

In English ones, everybody talks (currently cause of this one ship and how it plays out in my head), Levitating! Killing me softly, I’m still standing, I will survive, once upon a December from Anastasia, lots of old songs like Dark horse without the pointless added rap that doesn’t match or harmonise (went offffff)

Wanna One’s Energetic is my fave. Korean drama osts be bops. The show Goblin’s theme was kinda ethereal. The entire soundtrack of Cinderella and the four Knights is nostalgic. Loved the main Theme of Kill me, Heal me and it’s called auditory hallucinations.

Love the songs Khamoshiyan, Dhakak’s title track (though I never watched the movie and heard people say it was eh (tea)),

Childhood shows’ themes be nostalgic and hit hard. The ‘We are W.I.T.C.H’ will never not slappp.

Random facts about me:

Love writing and have a lot of Work in progress fics from so many fandoms. Love ships! Idk how I sometimes land into rare pair territory tbh.

Up for friendly fandom discussions, (respect our diff opinions too obv) they are very fun. Feel free to dm me btw, I don’t mind and it’s nice making some more friends.

Was a literature student, and loved musicals cause I love reading between the line and analysis. Youngest child of my parents but one of the elder cousins ish. Love the colour blue, pink, a lot of colours tbh.

Have a lotta hobbies.

Love shoes and currently watching Hilda which I recommend!

love games!

Got a haircut a few days ago in layers and digging it!!

Have cats and love em. Have had pets all my life.

I rambled on for too long! Thanks for reading you guys!

I’ll tag @ankicacicero , @small-white-bird , @curseofbunny , @whateverafterhigh , @everafterbi , @everafterblog , @wehiddendesires @demigirlravenqueen

+ anyone who wants to do it!

20 questions tag

hello!! i was tagged in this by @aqua-girl-4ever so thank you for the tag!

Nickname: ezzy! or banana if yall are into that ig

Zodiac Sign: cancer. i am crabbo

Height: 5'10" i think?? maybe 5'9"??

Last Movie I Saw: in theaters i think was Frozen 2 but in general the last movie i watched was Vertigo

Last Thing I Googled: ‘how to sleep’ for my friend so they stop texting me at fucking one in the morning about their insomnia

Favorite Musician: don’t have one! i don’t listen to a whole lot of music other than show tunes or disney songs but i think just about every song i hear is a good song. but also Freddie Mercury.

Song Stuck In My Head: surprisingly it’s actually kinda quiet in my head right now, but Maybe This Time from Cabaret and Maybe from Annie are both kind of floating around somewhere in the back

Other Blogs: none babeyyy y’all get everything here. one stop shop.

Blogs Following: i just follow back people who follow me. so. y’all can check that list if you’re interested.

Sleep Patterns: as of now it’s usually about 3-4am to 2pm. i always wake up at 2 because i have an alarm but i can fall asleep basically anywhere between 3 and 5 am

Lucky Numbers: 8 and 28 but not 18. also i hate the numbers 7 and 10

What Am I Wearing: my jammies! which aren’t actually jammies just comfy clothes. kk slider socks, black leggings, undies, and a big t-shirt

What Would I Do If Capitalism Didn’t Exist?: fucking live man. go places. be happy. but if we’re talking careers i would kill to be, like, a mattress tester or smth. i just like to rest

Dream Trip: y’all i live in ohio just get me out of here and i’m happy. but i’ve always wanted to go to norway, or somewhere in south america

Favorite Food: nearest. but also strawberries and pasta. not together tho

Instruments I Play: uh… i was a percussionist in band in middle school so… drums, and i also play handbells and sing. and also i played piano for like two years but i never practiced so i don’t know how to play piano

Languages I speak: English. and i studied Spanish for like four years but it was also in the american public school system so we all know what kind of quality that had, and i’ve tried duolingo just so many times and never gotten past a certain point

Favorite Songs: pretty much anything i listen to! i’m not big on rap and things like that bc i have auditory processing issues and can’t understand what they’re saying but if i can understand it i usually like it

Random Facts About Me: ooh um… i have chronic hiccups, i just chopped off a lot of my hair for charity, i have a cat, and i have a lot of weird ancestors/relatives

tagging @etchedstars @primordialsoupy @imperatrixtumby

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