Octaviusxreader - Tumblr Posts
Chapter 1 Mermaid!Octavius x Reader
The rest of the story can be found on my Wattpad account Engraved in the stars. @Strawberrypockey. It would mean a lot if people read my stuff, I usually do this for my enjoyment, but it’d make me feel better knowing others like me, approve of my stuff. Some feedback wouldn’t hurt either. Okay i’ll shut up, read now :/
"Hey fish face! Want some more sardines? Haha!" My face continued to be stuffed with slimy sardines as the giant hands from the crispy henchman held me against the filthy brick wall in the dark ally. I tried to scream as tears rolled down my scarred face but I was just met with more fish slime "Aww, what's wrong? Trout got your tongue? Hahaha!" Dirk dropped the tin can as he heard the cop siren around the corner "Shit! the pigs! Hurry lets go!".
As they held me up a few inches in the air, I was quickly dropped on my ass and almost immediately started coughing up the putrid fish "Y/n? again? How much trouble are you gonna get in?" I look up to see my uncle in his ridiculous sheriff uniform and his neatly groomed porn star mustache.
"Trouble? Really? I Just had fish shoved down my throat! And your gonna say it was my fault!?" he helped me up and dusted me off "You know that's not what I meant. You really gotta step up to them, I know you can kick some ass but why do you refuse?" I push past him and open the passenger cop door "Because I refuse to be like your brother!" and slammed the door behind me.
When he gets in he locks the door and looks at me "I mean it Y/n. You need to start whooping their asses. They're not gonna leave you alone until you do, no matter how much you think they deserve mercy, assholes will always be assholes" I take a sip of his pop "but that doesn't mean they deserve to be hurt! They could have something going on at home, so they take it out on others. It's not their fault".
As we grew closer to the light house he continues "you do realize Dirk has a perfect life right? His dad is the governor of our town and his mother owns every makeup store and business on the south side. He's a spoiled little punk ass, they don't even abuse him. He's living a life of fucking luxury!" The car came to a stop, but the doors still didn't unlock "I mean it Y/n".
He gently grabs my arm and looks at me "please be nice to your dad, he tries hard to make you happy, even though we aren't the richest, we make enough to get through" I feel the cold September air rush through me as I deeply sigh "I know. I just wish he understood why I don't want to be a stupid fucking fisherman".
He slaps my arm lightly "Hey, I was a fisherman at some point. Look at me now! Sheriff of this little town we call home" "Yeah, and because it's a small town there's literally no crime" "Hey! This was a big dream of mine and your crapping on my birthday party? I don't think so little girl!" we laugh and as I try to leave once more he stops me "before you go girl. Here" He reaches in the dash compartment and pulls out a blue box "it was your moms. She told me to hold it for you, for the right time, before she went to the clouds".
My breath hitched and it felt like time stopped "but I thought everything was burned in the fire?" I opened the box to find a sparkling white pearl necklace "It was found in the safe with a letter saying she wanted you to have it" I felt tears roll in but I stopped them "Thank you Uncle Jay. This means a lot to me" He smile was genuine, but as I clipped it on, everything seemed to change, my breathing seemed cleaner, and I felt like I could see better?
I got out and walked towards the lighthouse where my dads boat sat "Y/n! Where the hell have you been! The high tide is getting low, and we won't be able to find any fish!" I ignore his angry banter and step on to the boat "I got caught up with Morgan at the tackle shop, sorry, lets go" He tries to start up the motor but keeps failing "I filled the bitch up with gas, c'mon!" I push him to the side and try to start it up.
"C'mon baby, start up for me. One more time baby, I believe in you. You can do this." And like magic, she purred to life on the first yank. My dad slaps my back "Alright boat whisperer, HA!" I huffed and sat back down "You need new blades, they're rusted and the engine is covered in barnacle" the matured man grumbled as he steered us away from shore, "You know we don't have the money, I wish we did, man I would make Sally here as good as gold if we did".
I watched our small town fade into the fog as our dog Bucky whimpered at the edge of the deck, staring at us. Like he knew something was wrong. Or. Something wrong was gonna happen. God I hope this wasn't a mistake.
Mermaid!Otto Octavius x Reader Chap 2
"RAISE THE SAIL AND PUT YOUR LIFE JACKET ON!" my fathers voice, almost unheard through the destructive thunder and deadly waves "WE NEED TO TURN AROUND DAD! OR WE'LL NEVER GET BACK!" "I'M WORKING ON IT!!" waters soaking us both as our slippery bodies held onto Sally, but it seemed like she was kicking us off with her own mind.
I held my breath and closed my eyes as I held on to the mast "C'mon baby. Bring us home. Bring us home" I watched as the fear in my fathers eyes drowned him in panic, I cave in and start to chant with him "Bring us home. Bring us home. BRING US HOME"
It was quiet. Too quiet. Eyes still closed I try and reach for my dad, which in reply he clutches for dear life "Are you alright?" I sigh In relief "heh, y-yeah. I'm alright" I open my eyes to find his wrinkled crows feet and his tanned face be pulled into a smile "You alright da- AD!?" I look down to find my own poor father be skewered in his arm with his own spear.
I felt myself shut down "DAD! OH MY GOD! DAD ARE YOU OKAY?" As the short lived breaths raced in and out of my lungs my brain started to go numb and I couldn't feel my fingers, everything started to spin and the salt water dried on my face started to sweat again. I looked around to find we were magically on shore again "UNCLE JAY! UNCLE JAY!" I turn back to my dad whose caramel skin now looks like a ghost.
"It's okay! We'll get get you fixed up. I promise!" his smile never leaving his face "It's okay Y/n. I'll be fine. It's just my arm. I'll be fine sweet heart" The realization setting in, I look down to see the bottom on the boat being covered in thick deep red blood. I didn't know what to do.
So i ran. I ran to the Sheriff's office. My heart pounding in my ears and my face flushed, I have to get there, his life is in my hands, I have to save him, I have to save him! The same words pounding in my skull like a bad Taylor Swift song.
As I busted through the doors, every cop, busty mom and creepy criminal were staring at me. "Where's Officer Jay!" I almost scream my voice was so filled with panic. Everyone pointed towards his office. I run in and find him making out with some brunette on his desk "Y/n!" His flustered face.
I tried to get the words out but I was still trying to catch my breath "What is it Y/n! Spit it out you idiot!" tears running down my face I grab him by the collar and snatch him away "DAD!" his eyes dilated and shoved past me, leaving the woman dazed and confused. I run back to the main office and yell at the other officers "Get an ambulance by the docks" They looked at me like I was psychotic "HELLO ARE YOU STUPID FUCKS DEAF? CALL A GOD DAMN AMBULANCE! SOMEONE IS DIEING!" they then started running around like maniacs, picking up phones and typing on their computers.
Once I get back to the docks, my father was just barley conscious "Jay! I'm so sorry! I don't know what to do?! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" His back was turned to me and nothing was said. The day was coming to an end when finally the ambulance came, they swooped him up and took us with him.
Jay held his hand the whole way, I was too scared to touch him, as if I would break him. I felt his rugged fingers reach for mine, "Don't cry dear." his sunken weary eyes looked deep into mine, like it would be the last time he'd ever see me "I'm okay. I can take it. It's just a spear. I've had worse" I chuckle but the tears don't fade, they stain my face with the rest of my scars.
"you know I met a mermaid once?" Jay scoffed "C'mon Michel now's not the time for your stupid stories" he lifted his arm to flick him off but was unsuccessful because of obvious reasons "They're not stories you moron! I met one! His name was Otto Octavius!" My dads eyes were filled with wonder and hope, it made me think that he could make it, it was just an arm, nowhere vital.
He will live, I know it. I have to keep hope. Like mom. "Lemme guess. Was he an octopus?" he laughed like a little kid "yes! His bottom half had tentacles! and his upper half was huge! His eyes were a bright gold! and his hair was a dark brown" Jay looks at me with a half smile "He's been telling this story for ages, I think after all that blood loss he's finally lost it".
He finally got the strength and smacked his brother "If you say they are fairy tales one more time I will take this spear out and kill you myself!" He turns to me and wraps his finger around the pearls Jay gave me "Octavius gave me these pearls! He told me to give them to a person I loved more than my own life. So I gave them to your mother." I smiled and held them in my fingers "Octavius was my best friend." He held my hand close.
"He saved my life. I almost drowned and he took me to his home. Deep in the pacific waters." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small key with a gold plate on it, the numbers 000 read on it "If I die-" "Your not gonna die Michel!" Jay interrupted.
"If I die. Find this mail box. It'll have the very thing that keeps their existence alive" I gulped and looked at Jay "Dad?" I sighed and looked down in shame, should I really tell him? He seems so hopeful "Mermaids... Don't really exist dad? I thought you of all people would know that as a fisherman?" He groaned in annoyance.
"I should have known. Society has rotted your brain. There is a kingdom out there filled with mer-people! I've seen it myself Y/n! Please you have to believe me! I'm on my friggen death bed!" I slapped his arm "Your aren't going to die dad! I won't let it happen!" He slouches into his hospital bed.
"Please. You have to find it" He looked into my eyes with tears "You have to find Octavius" He grip tighter "I knew this day would come, but I didn't think so soon." he looks out to the sea in a distant voice "We are all in danger" I looked down at the key again, something felt familiar, like I've seen this key before.
"well" Jay and Michel looked at me "I always wanted to become an adventurer?" Jay looked shocked "Y/n? Seriously? You're gonna get yourself killed going on this stupid trip. They aren't real! Your going to be running in circles!" I stand to stretch my weary bones and try to put on a bright face for my dad "Are you sure they are real dad?" His eyes have never been happier, not since mom passed, they we're so filled with hope and happiness.
"Please. When you find him. Tell Otto that Michael says we are in trouble" I let the deep sigh flow in and out as I look to Jay and shrug "There's no harm in just having a little look see" The Sheriff plops down in the hospital chair "Well I'm not falling for your two's bull shittery. While you are off in lala land playing with captin' hook and peter pan lookin' for mermaids. I'm gonna be here paying for your stupid bills to get you better" I grab my bag and put the keys inside "Where's the box dad?".
He sits up and points towards the town "Go to Ruby. She will give you the lock box at the café" just in time the nurse walks in with her clip board. "Mr Jay, Ms Y/n. Michael will be just fine. We'll keep him a few more days to monitor his health to make sure and we will send him on his way" Jay takes his phone out and starts dialing numbers "I'll take care of Michael, just go and do your dumb mission so we can leave".
30 minutes later
"Thank you Ruby really it means a lot that I can do this for my father" she continued serving people "No problem dearie, just make sure to bring back something good from your adventure hehe" As the moon slowly rose to shine, I felt at peace, like everything was going to okay. But I knew something was wrong, I need to find this guy, and fast. I don't know why, but I need to.
I pulled out the white polished marble tablet, but the writing had nothing but gibberish on it, "fuck. How am I supposed to read this?" as I looked up again the moon seemed to shine on the tablet "Is this a fucking Disney movie?" The light shone into a dark close book store.
"You want me to go in there? Great. How the fuck am I supposed to get in there? There's alarms dick head" I walked to the dusty glass door and peeked through. Looks like no one had been there for years, "I am so no Indiana Jones". As the door creaked open, a thick cloud of dust could be seen.
After what felt like hours of aimless wandering around the dusty book store, I saw something that peeked my interest. "Forgotten Languages. How fucking ironic" After following the directions of how to decode this bullshit, It told me to follow the red coral on the south shore. It also said to bring the cave monster an offering to stop it from ripping out and eating your intestines and taking your heart as a sacrifice to the ocean gods.
How pleasant. Octavius sounds like my cup of tea.