Otto Octavius X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Chapter 1 Mermaid!Octavius x Reader

The rest of the story can be found on my Wattpad account Engraved in the stars. @Strawberrypockey. It would mean a lot if people read my stuff, I usually do this for my enjoyment, but it’d make me feel better knowing others like me, approve of my stuff. Some feedback wouldn’t hurt either. Okay i’ll shut up, read now :/

"Hey fish face! Want some more sardines? Haha!" My face continued to be stuffed with slimy sardines as the giant hands from the crispy henchman held me against the filthy brick wall in the dark ally. I tried to scream as tears rolled down my scarred face but I was just met with more fish slime "Aww, what's wrong? Trout got your tongue? Hahaha!" Dirk dropped the tin can as he heard the cop siren around the corner "Shit! the pigs! Hurry lets go!".

As they held me up a few inches in the air, I was quickly dropped on my ass and almost immediately started coughing up the putrid fish "Y/n? again? How much trouble are you gonna get in?" I look up to see my uncle in his ridiculous sheriff uniform and his neatly groomed porn star mustache.

"Trouble? Really? I Just had fish shoved down my throat! And your gonna say it was my fault!?" he helped me up and dusted me off "You know that's not what I meant. You really gotta step up to them, I know you can kick some ass but why do you refuse?" I push past him and open the passenger cop door "Because I refuse to be like your brother!" and slammed the door behind me.

When he gets in he locks the door and looks at me "I mean it Y/n. You need to start whooping their asses. They're not gonna leave you alone until you do, no matter how much you think they deserve mercy, assholes will always be assholes" I take a sip of his pop "but that doesn't mean they deserve to be hurt! They could have something going on at home, so they take it out on others. It's not their fault".

As we grew closer to the light house he continues "you do realize Dirk has a perfect life right? His dad is the governor of our town and his mother owns every makeup store and business on the south side. He's a spoiled little punk ass, they don't even abuse him. He's living a life of fucking luxury!" The car came to a stop, but the doors still didn't unlock "I mean it Y/n".

He gently grabs my arm and looks at me "please be nice to your dad, he tries hard to make you happy, even though we aren't the richest, we make enough to get through" I feel the cold September air rush through me as I deeply sigh "I know. I just wish he understood why I don't want to be a stupid fucking fisherman".

He slaps my arm lightly "Hey, I was a fisherman at some point. Look at me now! Sheriff of this little town we call home" "Yeah, and because it's a small town there's literally no crime" "Hey! This was a big dream of mine and your crapping on my birthday party? I don't think so little girl!" we laugh and as I try to leave once more he stops me "before you go girl. Here" He reaches in the dash compartment and pulls out a blue box "it was your moms. She told me to hold it for you, for the right time, before she went to the clouds".

My breath hitched and it felt like time stopped "but I thought everything was burned in the fire?" I opened the box to find a sparkling white pearl necklace "It was found in the safe with a letter saying she wanted you to have it" I felt tears roll in but I stopped them "Thank you Uncle Jay. This means a lot to me" He smile was genuine, but as I clipped it on, everything seemed to change, my breathing seemed cleaner, and I felt like I could see better?

I got out and walked towards the lighthouse where my dads boat sat "Y/n! Where the hell have you been! The high tide is getting low, and we won't be able to find any fish!" I ignore his angry banter and step on to the boat "I got caught up with Morgan at the tackle shop, sorry, lets go" He tries to start up the motor but keeps failing "I filled the bitch up with gas, c'mon!" I push him to the side and try to start it up.

"C'mon baby, start up for me. One more time baby, I believe in you. You can do this." And like magic, she purred to life on the first yank. My dad slaps my back "Alright boat whisperer, HA!" I huffed and sat back down "You need new blades, they're rusted and the engine is covered in barnacle" the matured man grumbled as he steered us away from shore, "You know we don't have the money, I wish we did, man I would make Sally here as good as gold if we did".

I watched our small town fade into the fog as our dog Bucky whimpered at the edge of the deck, staring at us. Like he knew something was wrong. Or. Something wrong was gonna happen. God I hope this wasn't a mistake.

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2 years ago

Mermaid!Otto Octavius x Reader Chap 3

As I grew closer I felt like something was following me, but I brushed it off because I always feel like that. Once I finally left the towns premises, I felt compelled to walk a certain direction. I looked back at the tablet and started my journey forth.

I called Jay and told him "it might take a day or two. Take care of dad while I'm gone. I'll be as quick as possible" he texted me back "dad wants pictures" I snorted and put my phone away. When I finally got to the so called cave I dropped my things and slouched against  the inside wall  "What the hell did you get me into dad" my voice echoes off the walls like distant memories.


A small rock suddenly comes rolling my way


"H-Hey! Who's there? If there's someone there fucking with me? I'll kick your ass!" I quickly stand and grab the nearest rock, "C'mon you little shits! See who's laughing now!" As I turn the corner, a. Fucking. RAT! "AHH! UGH YOU LITTLE SHIT! Ugh. I'm gonna give myself a heart attack" The rodent sits up and looks at me "What do you want you little shit?" he sniffs up and behind me, like it's telling me something. "behind, behind" wha-? "AHHHH!!!"

Arms suddenly wrapped around my throat and pulling me back "Whatcha coming all the way down here for Fish face! Haha!" panic Panic PANIC! "Stop! Stop! Get off! Please! AGH!!" the beautiful shimmering lights of all colors bounce off every wall and into a fuzzy haze, this is it, no one to hear me cry, no one to save me, all because I was too scared to hurt someone.

"Come on Fish breath! Get up! Fight back! Haha!" throwing me on the ground I felt something crack. The ugly leather boots of Dirk, Bret, and Frank, the ugly zit covered freaks surrounded me. "p-please. I'll give you anything. Just leave. please... leave..." they're guttural snotty laughs echoed amongst the cave walls "Now why would we do that? We're just getting started? hehehe. How about we start with that pretty little necklace of yours? I bet pearls would get us the big bucks".

Crawling away from the under sized ogres I held my now bleeding mouth "Why, you're already rich Dirk? Why more? Why is it always more?" grabbing my bag and umping all my things out, and the tablet, it almost immediately catches his eye "Ahhh, people will be coming from France and Israel for this junk! The more money I get, the more respect, and power I hold. Then again what would you know about money? It's not like you have anything? hahaha!".

I attempt to grab the fragile piece "Ah ah ah!" waving a chubby finger in my face, he hands it to  Bret "Some one like you shouldn't be handed money? You fishy friend need, to WORK FOR IT" his crooked teeth inches from my face, he pulls away and raises his foot to stomp.

Here it comes. Prepare yourself! Look away!


I open my eyes to see... a giant... man... SQUID!?!?!? His skin was pale and his... tentacles... were deep deep blue, almost a shimmering black. His curly locks were and dark as dad said and his golden brown eyes glowed emerald in the water's reflection. His body glittered like stars, the most defined muscular... creature? His body was covered in knarly scars and his teeth as sharp as razor blades-

"AHHHHH!" Oh shit! Dirk! He had Dirk pinned up against the wall with his tentacle wrapped around his throat. Wait, where's Bret and Frank- oh... oh my god th-they're dead. Their necks. I'm gonna be sick. So much blood.

This is such a risky move. God I hope Dirk pays me back for this. I used all my strength and mustered up the stability to stand. Everything was spinning. Focus, Focus! On what? His face, Yes! Focus on his face!

It's smooth, pale, pristine, perfect, alluring, close?

Close, I was close to his face. I was touching its face- erm, his face. He was looking at me. His eyes we're so much more brighter up close. Almost a royal blue? I tried to force up the words, as Dirk was still pinned, just watching us. Struggling to breath, his face turning blue.

My left reaches for his face, my right, his tentacle that was holding Dirk. "Please... Don't... Hurt..." was all I could muster, before blacking out. All I could do for the next 5 minutes was listen to pitter patter and the occasional slurp.

Was this how I die?

Or how I survived?

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1 year ago

Absolutely well said!! POC readers and writers, including myself, have had to either imagine the reader or Y/N through a Eurocentric lens. As wonderful as some fics are and how talented the writer is, seeing ourselves represented in some way makes us acknowledged in a space that may otherwise leave us behind.

Write us with our fros and our braids. Write us speaking our first languages. Write us with cellulite and stretch marks.

Write. Us.

While we’re on the subject on inclusivity:

Inclusivity in your mood boards is just as important as inclusivity in the fic itself. Please try to include poc and curvy images in your mood boards as well! Please!

Your moodboard is the introduction to your story and sets the mood and the vibe. When you only have skinny white girls in your moodboards, you’re communicating a message that’s all who you thought of while writing and that’s the only type who is attractive and desirable to the characters. Poc deserve to feel seen too and feel like they were thought of while writing. Especially so when you’re writing for characters of color!

You don’t even have to use *only* poc or curvy pictures for your mood boards. Including different skin tones to show that you made the effort is much appreciated. You could also use shadow images or fully blacked out silhouettes to hide the skin tone altogether. There are plenty of resources and images out there that you should be able to find more than just skinny white girls. I know is it takes a little extra digging but it’s very much worth it to show inclusivity!

I know Pinterest is the bane of image finding, but it can be a good resource to find poc images. Just search (whatever aesthetic you’re looking for) + dark skin or person of color or something similar and you’ll find plenty of images. And the more you save the more images will show up in your feed. I constantly collect images to have references later when I need them.

Unsplash is another good resource to find poc models and images. And there’s also models of color pages right here on tumblr! There are resources out there it just takes a little effort to find the right images!

And as an ending note: using only skinny white girls in your mood board and then putting a disclaimer like “images do not represent reader they’re just fitting the aesthetic” isn’t the work around you think it is. I understand it’s not done in purpose and you most likely don’t realize it, but saying that says poc don’t fit your aesthetic and it’s still alienating and hurtful. Just something to keep in mind.

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8 months ago

Trying my hand at Otto fluff. Hope y'all like it! 💜

Little Reminders

Trying My Hand At Otto Fluff. Hope Y'all Like It!

This is Pre-Incident Otto for context.

Even a meticulous man like Octavius can overlook a few things every once in a blue moon. When it happens, it leaves him pondering the oversight for hours if you don't reel him back from the whirlwind of thoughts he has for the day.

Why did he forget certain things that seemed so obvious? So clear as day? Was it because of his preoccupation with finally completing his magnum opus of a machine?

Or did all of his late night tinkering finally catch up to him? He'd be damned if he told you were right. As much as you mean to him, he's not giving you bragging rights. He'll never hear the end of it.

But he loves it when you come in the check on him. The way you gently rubbed his shoulders as he hunched over his desk on the verge of progress. Your soft hands gliding up and down the fabric of his lab coat on rough days were heaven.

But there were days where you meant business. The faint yet chiding taps on his back were your way of making sure his posture was straighter, and he'd indulge your request to appease you and your insistence on sitting up.

It was done in good faith, though. Otherwise, you'd be hearing him lament about aches in his back and neck for the next few hours.

When he forgets to come down for dinner, he always finds a plate of his favorite meals and endearing notes to enjoy it, on his desk.

He'll smile at them, save them in their own little folder, and then thank you for being a darling with an appreciative kiss before resuming his work. He was so caught up on the reactor that time just got away from him.

When Otto does finally have downtime, your efforts to make sure he doesn't neglect himself and his needs don't go unrewarded.

In the wee hours of the morning, he shuffles off to bed to join you, eventually. Pressing a small kiss on your forehead and briefly catching the scent of your soft hair, before wrapping his arm around your side and whispering hopes of sweet dreams and a bid goodnight.

During the day, Otto's brain goes a mile a minute, trying to get everything accomplished. But in the evening, he'll never have to be reminded to wish his darling goodnight. That's one thing he'll never forget.

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