Octo!knig - Tumblr Posts
Y'all i came.
My September
Do you able to kill the king?

Hello liebe....did you miss me?....i take the silence as a yes....and remember....I'll be with you...until the end of "Eternity."
-@Grimm Knight 016's comments
a little fun fact.. an octopus have blue blood!
Octo!konig spying on his prey
Stranded - Octo!König (Part 4)
Hello! Here's Part 4, as promised even though it's the next morning for me :)
1.5Kwords, 18+ non-humanoid sex toys and obsessive behaviour in this chapter
AO3 link
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3

(stole pic from google sorry)
Once again, you were going weeks without properly seeing König. You’d catch his shoulder disappearing around a corner or the sound of suckers echoing in an empty hallway but no actual sightings of a giant man or bright octopus. For you, life was mostly normal. Patching up soldiers, bandaging up Soap after he gave himself happy tail again and hanging out with the rest of the taskforce while on downtime,
“Soap, you cannot rocket jump in real life. You. Would. Die.” If this had been the first time you’d had to explain this to the canine hybrid you might have had a little more patience but seeing as it was not, you were ready to throw something at him,
“But whit if we weren’ human?” Soap’s enthusiasm at least was endearing. So giving him an exasperated smile you just shook your head and moved on while noting to refill your supply of painkillers and burn salves.
It was currently just you and Soap in the small kitchenette in the taskforce’s assigned rooms, you had no patients to see and Soap had the day off given his ‘extensive injuries’ so the two of you had taken over the games console and were having a competitive tournament in Mario Kart, loser has to steal a piece of clothing from Ghost. Currently it was 2-2 and you were on the last match so now it was getting dirty,
“So was the LT around when you broke your tail?” you teased, hoping for him to take his eyes off the screen,
“Oi! At least I wasn’ the one wi’ hickeys all o’er their neck,” he fired back, smugly like he’d been expecting your teasing.
“They weren’t hickeys! …They were bruises…” you refused to look at him, knowing exactly the expression on his face having seen it far too much for your liking,
“Isnt that what hickeys are?” you decide that driving off the edge of Rainbow Road was the better option, take the loss and deal with the consequences later.
Seeing as you have 24 hours to steal from Ghost you left Soap to his gloating and went off to find out where Ghost was before breaking into his room. After finding out from a passing corporal that Ghost was in a meeting with Price, and double checking the hall was clear so no one else would catch you breaking into your superiors quarters, you picked the lock on his door before quickly running in and grabbing the first item from the laundry basket, a shirt with his name on it. Perfect for your bet, not so great if anyone else sees however. Ignoring all of that you run back to Soap, completely missing the seething bright orange octopus attached to the ceiling above you.
Retreating to you room after dinner without having to take a mountain of paperwork with you was a luxury but seeing as the 141 hadn’t been called out in several weeks, you’d had plenty of time to catch up on it. Which means your plans for the night were finishing your current read and maybe starting a new one if there was time. Of course those plans depended on you getting to your room, it seemed like every four or five steps you were stopped by a Kortac soldier,
“Do you know where the colonel is?” “Do you think you could look at something for me?” “I want a second opinion on this rash,” “Could you..?” “Would you..?”
By the time you escaped them your plans of finishing your book were out the window. However as you approached your door, all your plans went out the window. There was a box outside your door, plain brown, not small but also not massive. It looked like it held a water bottle or something. The hallway was empty and there wasn’t anything to tell who had left it but given that you were on base you were pretty sure it wasn’t anything dangerous so as you closed your door you decided it could wait until after you’d gotten changed into comfier clothes and out of your uniform.
The nondescript box didn’t have much weight to it so you were expecting it was maybe mislabelled bandages or some other medical dressing so when you scored open the box you were surprised by the nice stationary. High quality textured paper, a subtle peach colour with typed lettering;
Think of me My Heart
An odd note but what was even odder was the other object in the box. A bright orange tentacle. About as big as your fist, with a marbled look of orange and teal, and made of silicon. Someone had left you a tentacle shaped sex toy. Upon recognition a yelp leaves your mouth and you’ve thrown the box across your room before you had even realised you’d moved. You know exactly who sent it, you just couldn’t understand why. You barely know each other, you don’t even think he’s said more than 10 words to you outside of missions or commands. You’re the medic on base with the most aquatic hybrid training, that’s the only reason you see him so often so why would he do this? Or maybe he didn’t, maybe it’s a prank? It could be Soap getting back at you for teasing or even Ghost for stealing his shirt or maybe even a Kortac soldier trying to rile up their colonel or something. It could have been anything, it was probably just a prank because you didn’t want to even entertain the thought that König had sent you this. He was a friend, it was a tentative relationship but you called it friendship as after everything you’d been through with him it was a little hard to just call each other acquaintances. It’s a prank, so you boxed it back up and shoved it to the back of your wardrobe to be never seen again.
Trying to get to sleep was difficult. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and every time you turned around it felt like the blankets were suffocating you. After an hour of this you decided to check your room, turning on all the lights, opening all the doors and doing a well-known routine to you. Unlock, open and check, relock. You did that with all the cupboards, you pulled your bed apart and reorganised your desk, kit bag and wardrobe. Nothing, there wasn’t a thing for you to be paranoid about and you’d made sure of it. Climbing back into bed exhausted, you settled into the blankets and closed your eyes. The blankets no longer heavy on you, the hairs on the back of your neck were soft and yet, you still felt watched.
In the bright light of the morning the box looked no different and thankfully your paranoia had waned, so there was no interruption to your morning schedule. Not until you had you leave your room, which is where you found another sheet of peach coloured paper, folded next to an envelope. The fear stopped you in your tracks. Once again there was no one in sight, no noises to indicate a person either and you hadn’t heard anything while getting dressed. Deciding to deal with it before breakfast seemed like a smart decision at the time because if you’d known what was in the envelope after breakfast you were sure you’d never have kept it down;
My Dearest Heart,
You must think me a cowardly man for this but I felt this was the best way to approach you. I could not hear you last night, were you holding in your heavenly sounds so that no one else might hear? You need not worry Heart, I would never let anyone else near you. Not even the feral Lieutenant you seem so fascinated by. I do hope you liked my present and that you enjoy this one too, although I admit these were more for my pleasure.
With all My Love,
Your Soul
You could feel your heart escaping from its cage with every word you read. You were a soldier, you’d been in battle, you’d nearly died. There had been scarier moments in your life than this. So how was it this is the only time you’ve ever wanted to curl up in the back of a cupboard and never face the world again? You didn’t want to open the envelope. You never meant to open the envelop but your hands were shaking as you moved to stuff the letter with your first unwanted gift. It slipped and that’s when you discovered it wasn’t sealed and its contents had spilt all across your floor. Pictures of you were scattered across your floor. You; eating, working, training, in the gym, in the shower and even in your bed. You had been watched. Someone had been watching you for months.
mini witch headcanon
Konig x witch reader

You are one of five sister witches, born from the same demon raised by the same witch who grew up together. As the youngest you didn’t have a familiar, you had seen all the familiar your sisters have. A bear, wolf, hawk, and a black panther. All majestic but very… cold.
You wanted something a little more friendly and a little less demanding…. However, the gods have deemed fit you have rotten luck. You were gifted the most horrendously ugly octopus you have ever seen. Slimy and clingy. Your first thought it eat. Deep fry it, with some nice sauces. Then the little squirt transforms. You could no longer eat it. You tried throwing it back into the ocean but the little filthy thing kept coming back clinging to Your skin. Its favorite place to hang out was your chest its tentacles touching your face. You walked the lands keeping your familiar in your hat. When the witch hunt began…. having a massive behemoth of a man on your side was very useful. ----------------
Fic here
Mini witch story part one
Part 1, Part 3,

Rua walked over to the table last to arrive, her wolf familiar probably ran off to who knows where. She looked exhausted and behind her walking in shame was her familiar, Soap as she calls him. Apparently, when he was a pup he ate a bar of soap.
“You’re late,” Cordelia chimes in a teacup in her hand. As the oldest, she was the first to receive her demonic animal familiar, a big ol’ brown bear. For an old man, he sure can move fast when he is needed.
“I think you should put him through dog disciplinary training,” Sula said, this earned a growl from the wolf.
“Enough,” Rua sighs collapsing into her seat, “we are here for you,” she turns to me. You held onto my cup of milk.
As the youngest, physically, and mentally even though we all started at the same time. You were frozen in time and space. You look around, they are so much older, and time has taken ahold of them.
“Our Sire will give you a familiar,” Ophelia spoke up setting her cup of vodka down. “Then you can leave this Forrest and explore the world.”
“Why do I have to have a familiar?” You ask.
“In your absence, the mortals began a witch trial,” Rua spoke, “your familiar is there to keep you safe.”
“In their humanoid form, they have their animal attributes.”
“Like eating Soap?” Your sisters broke out into waves of laughter and looked at the poor wolf who looked down at his feet.
“Do you have any animals in mind?” Cordelia asks.
“Fluffy. Likes to be around me. Strong. Friendly. Not so demanding… a cat.”
The forest grew cold as the trees warp around you all. Soon your Demonic sire who turned you all to witches walked from the trees. You get up and bow to him.
“Little one,” he begins, “I have your familiar.” You feel yourself blooming into a smile. From his hands, a black mass forms and falls to the ground.
“WHAT IS THIS?” You shout poking the weird slimy creature. It lunged at you and gripped your leg. You let out the most horrific scream, and kick her leg throwing it off you. “WHY IS IT UGLY?”
From the back, you hear your sister cackling at you. The little slimy black thing slithers towards you. You look up at your Demon Sire who gives you a blank stare.
“Give me a cat!”
“He is very loyal.” Your sire says.
“HES UGLY AND SMALL!” You shout back picking it up with your staff.
“It’s an octopus,” Sula stated calmly. “A delicacy in Asia.”
“I DON’T WANT IT!” You look at your demonic father only to find him glaring at you. You stare at the little black blob, his Beaty blue eyes staring up at you. You think it’s glaring at you.
It moves closer climbing up your bare legs and to your chest. It sat right above your breast and two long appendages moved to your face. Your skin crawls and you feel the ICK coming. You grab it and punt it to the ground.
“ITS A PERV!” You scream and turn to your sisters for help. Rua turns away laughing to herself.
“You can always throw it away in a far-off land.” Ophelia offer.
“Don’t be foolish, our Familiars have an innate ability to find us,” Sula said.
Fear seeps into your skin. This creepy ugly perverted little thing was attached to you forever. You wanted to cry.
Your Sire and sister left you with these things.
It kept trying to climb up your leg.
You grab it by the head and look it over. An idea hit you.
“I can eat you!” You said a creepy smile crossing your face. Its little eyes and tentacles began to thrash around. You shove it into your bag and rush off to get some sauces and some vegetables.
How would you cook it? On a stove? In water? In bread? You shrug it had eight tentacles you had eight tries.
Your cauldron boiling, cutting board ready you grab the ugly thing and a knife ready to slice it up.
It transforms. In front of you is a huge tall man. You stare at his naked form. It glared at you, through a hood, holding your wrist.
“Let go!”
“NEIN!” He growls out his voice higher pitch than you would have guessed.
“NEIN!” He said again.
“I am your master!”
“Du worst much night essen.” He snaps. He glared at him. You grab his hood and soon tentacles come out gripping your fingers. You screech and yank your hand away. He chuckles.
You wanted to strangle this man.
You finally agree not to eat him, and in return he lets you go. You also forced him into some clothes. You glared at him, and he watched you closely.
You grab your grimoire and put it into your bag. You are traveling, seeing the world! Staff in hand you walk out of the forest.
The sunset was absolutely stunning, the cliffside falls to crystal clear waters. The smell of freedom was intoxicating.
You feel the skin-crawling sensation of suction cups crawling up your legs you look down to see the disgusting thing crawling up your legs and to your boobs again. You grab it and shove it into your bag trapping it inside.
This bitch was ruining your moment. ------------
@milkywayhou full verson
taglist: @maylovesyousomuch, @trgraves-valx1f0r
Mini Witch

You have no idea where you are. You could smell salty and your hair felt crusty and icky. On the other hand, the little blob, König (it calls itself that you refer it as Takoyaki) was crawling along leading you through the trees and soon onto flat airid plans. The flatness turns dry and sandy and there is the ocean.
The little ugly brat vanishes into the water leaving you on the beat.
You could walk away!
You did.
You could smell the scent of civilization (manure). The small village is quant. You found yourself walking from one shot to another. Your sister had left you a note.
“It is easier for your familiar to protect you if they have a weapon.” You found yourself in front of a weapon smith shop. Nothing struck you until a massive axe, like an executioner’s blade.
You needed a few things and had a few money. You needed food for travel new footwear where and a new cloak for the cold.
As night falls you walk back to the ocean to find your very much unhappy and very ungrateful familiar waiting for you. He transforms into a soggy ass man.
“Here, Takoyaki,” he took the ace and stared at it. He swung it around a few times before nodding like it was for him well.
You spend the night on the beach. The cool air of the ocean keeps the summer heat off you. You awoke feeling slimy and sticky. You look down to find your stupid familiar sleeping on your breast again.
“Perv,” you gran it off your skin and drop it into the sand. He curled up as if you dropped a slug in salt. His eyes open and he glared at you.
You get up clean up your clothes and gather your things, that cloak should be done soon.
“Wohin gehst du?” He asks, I look at him, he’s in his human form. A massive hunk of a man. If he wasn’t a familiar you would have surely pounced on him.
“I bought something wait here.” He sat there and you could have sworn it was pouting.
Something was odd.
Your skin crawled the moment you walked into the Villegas. The air was tense and eyes watched you. They were judging and pointing to you. Fear creeps up your back, you stand out like a sore thumb. You kept your head low and got moving but their eyes never stopped staring at you.
You pick up your cloak and try rushing out of the village. Your heart beat loudly in your chest, and fear gripped your mind… if you had a soul your soul be grasped.
“WITCH!” a man in black yells, all the blood rushes from your face as you feel your heartbeat I your ear. You turn and to your horror men on horseback and bow and arrows are waiting.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
You stare on eyes wide like a kitten, body frozen like a baby deer. You were nothing but a child in the face of adults… even if you were a few centuries older than them. You weren’t ready!
Where were your sisters when you needed them? Maybe you should have traveled with them for the first few trips as they suggested.
Your mind went to your familiar… that little thing can’t save you…
Your hands itch and the next thing you know, staff and hand shooting out magic. Fireballs rain down as arrows fly your way. You ran, shoot magic as you did so.
You had nowhere to go! Your sisters were nowhere to protect you. You're a dead witch running.
As your lungs burn and your angry voice screams for your head and your dismemberment. You only had one way out. That stupid ugly thing.
You collapse onto the sand but you can’t find your stupid familiar anywhere.
You’re going to die.
“WITCH!” You froze and stiffen.
You have no energy left. You turn around and back into the ocean. There is a small line were archer ready to shoot you dead.
Arrows fly.
“KÖNIG!” You shout.
The waters erupted. Tentacles shoot out and you turn to find a large monstrous humanoid tentacles man. The small axe in his hand looks like a toothpick. You cast an increasing size magic on it and soon the axe fit his new size.
He swung it, cutting man and horse apart, blood oozing into the sands.
You fall into his tentacles.
“He is very loyal”
“Maybe having a familiar doesn’t suck…
taglist: @maylovesyousomuch, @trgraves-valx1f0r