Oda Sandayu X V - Tumblr Posts
Here the new base drawing of both Valcorian and Vex

Vexrin Vincent

Vex Vincent was my first character and I love him very much, he's my Corpo character. He's a very easy going character. He use to do alot of drugs and alcohol before he gets kicked. He's a trans man who just want to get his life in order and see his brother for family movie night.
Other info
Full name: Vexrin Malvern Vincent
Age: 27
Gender: trans male
Mother: deceased
Father: deceased
little brother: Dustin
Relationship: I ship him with Takemura I'm sad i cant romance him. Vex and Takemura originally didn't get along well at all to begin with but Vex trust Goro with his life now and is also willing to take a bullet for the man.
Valcorian Vale

Val was my second character who my brother plays. He help me design him. Valcorian is a Street kid who is raising his infant daughter Altira. He meets Jackie doing work to try and help his friend Pepe.
Other info
Full name: Valcorian Lith Vale
Age: 24
Gender: Trans Male
Ex boyfriend: deceased
Daughter: Altira
Relationships: Val originally had a boyfriend who he had his daughter with before he disappeared and never came home.
Johnny silverhand is the character I ship with Val. They have a very strange relationship. Val is petrified of disappearing and never being able to raise hsiblittle girl or watch her grow up. Johnny has a soft spot which he won't show much me he loves watching Val sing to Altira as he rocks her to sleep. Johnny isn't as much of an asshole to Valcorian but they both have alot of back and forth banter.
In the end he doesn't want to lost his life but he also doesn't want to lose Johnny either.
Mantis blades and Gorrila fist.
Oda Sandayu x male V
Oda Sandayu didn't like V that was something he made very clear on multiple occasions such as thier first meeting,the time they tired to kill each other, the time Oda looked ready to kill him the moment he had walked in beside Hanako Arasaka and now of recent with Oda standing in his doorway of his apartment at 10 at night.
V didn't know what to do, it was a surprise to have Oda show up on his door step at all and here he stood demanding a rematch fight.
It had been nearly a year since V recovered from the chip and Johnny. Sometimes he still caught himself trying to talk to Johnny even tho he wasn't there anymore, so there wasn't alot which could really surprise V.
But to seemed Oda just knew how to, after all it wasn't everyday he had a handsome Arasaka ninja at his front door.
But having Oda Sandayu wanting to fighting him again was something V wasn't ready for.
so in his better judgement he declined the request only for Oda to barge into his apartment not happy with that answer.
"Look Oda I don't know why you are so desperate to fight me now. You lost, just take the embarrassment and deal with it like a normal person" he said while trying to push the other man back out the door. Eventually it got him nowhere and he decided to let Oda in
moving away from the door only to have Oda follow him.
"You do not understand Vexrin, I was trained and raised to protect Hanako yet I was bested by a Street Thief"
he growls looking to the blue and red haired man as if he wanted to rip him apart.
V mumbles under his breath about Oda and Goro with their constant talk of honor, why did all the good looking men have to be either crazy or care only about work.
Finally he decided if he couldn't get rid of Oda he'd try and apease him.
"Come in and Sit down and we will talk about it"
V moved to the couch before dropping onto it and waits for Oda to come and sit down.
Oda doesn't move straight away he continues to glare at V. "Take a picture it last longer" V says and Oda continues to glare at him.
Eventually deccided Vexrin snaps his fingers to get odas attention and break him out of his trance like state.
"If it makes you feel any better the only reason I really won against you was becuase I had gorilla arm upgrades. If I didn't you most likely would have won. Not only that I was running off instinct of not wanting to die, so I was doing the best I could to stay alive"
V grabs one of the cans of soda off the table in front of him and offers it to the other man.
Oda eyes the can suspiciously and shaking his head deciding not to take the drink, V shrugs his shoulders and cracks the can open and takes a drink or the sweet beverage.
"I still want a rematch" Oda says with pure determination and fire in his pale grey almost white eyes.
V groans in annoyance once again and makes up his mind.
"Fine! If I give you a fucking rematch with you sit the fuck down and stop having a stick up your ass!"
With that said Oda huffs and takes a seat on the couch opposite of V. Vexrin closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose are he tries to calm himself down.
'Don't kill him, you promised Goro you wouldn't kill him even if you really want to'
They both sat in silence for a while before Oda speaks up.
" What are the trems for this re match, time and place"
gods he really does take after Takemura with his constant talk for business and never just casual convosation.
"The terms are you have a drink with me and don't attack me while I'm in my apartment other then that have at"
V grabs another can of soda and holds it out to Oda.
" and you have to have the drink with me or it's a no go, even tho I doubt that would stop you"
Oda nods and takes the can of soda. He cracks it and takes a big mouthful. His eyes are now back on V.
" Understood watch you back Vexrin Vincent"
Tag list is @clarisse-la-fuck-you @dartheldur @inkrabbit
Let me know if you would also like to be tagged in any up coming art or fanfic
Cyberpunk peeps quickly I need ideas to draw. Like anyone or any character. Like tell me what to draw. Takemura, Jackie, Kerry, Oda and so on. Or if you have an oc you want drawn with one dm me. Plez I'm begging you I need ideas to draw.
All ships are open I just need ideas to draw.
Having this closed for a moment but it will be back open as soon as I've caught up with all the art and have an update for both of my fanfics.
Hey peeps wondering if anyone had head cannons for Sandayu Oda I'm looking for some more bits and pieces to add into my fanfic for him and I'm kinda having a block and need some ideas. It can range from his favourite foods, to a nickname you think he would call you or you would call him. Just all up some ideas for him.

I adore this smug bastard and need help.
Mantis blades and Gorrila fist pt2
Here is chapter two I'm quite happy with it and I hope you all enjoy
It had been nearly three days that Oda had been watching V's apartment after dark and each time V had not left his apartment at all.
It was starting to get on his nerve, Oda had enough work as it was and having sat for two nights until it was nearly midnight.
Oda was about ready to just storm into Vs apartment and for go Vexrins rule of not attacking him in his apartment but instead he knocks. He can hear movement and the occasional swear before The door to Vs apartment opens and out steps the man Oda had been waiting to fight for over a week now. Oda scoffed under his breath looking Vexrin up and down, the young cyberpunk looked like hell. 'How was I bested by this mess of a man'
he thought to himself. "Oda... if your here to fight I'm on a have to say I'm in my apartment so I'm still safe" V had said with a yawn. Oda pushed his way back into Vs apartment.
"You haven't left your apartment in the past three nights, that makes it difficult" Oda says before taking a seat over on the couch. "Oda most people sleep when it's 12 in the morning" V moves around the small apartment picking up rubbish as Oda observes him, he tries to determine Vexrins weaknesses and best way to take him down.
V can feel The Arasaka ninjas eyes following him around everywhere he goes. Eventually V takes a seat near Oda. " Look Oda if it's that important to you come back in 2 days this time and I'll fight you here in my apartments that way I can get this out of the way and we can both go back to our own lives and leave it in the past. Is that subtle?" V asks letting out another yawn and rubbing his eyes.
"What's to stop me from taking you now? I could snap your neck right here and be done with this wait" he says eye Vex up.
V let's out a laugh before shaking his head. " three things actually. One, it goes against what you believe in and there would be no honor in killing someown who's dead on thier feet. Two I have faith that your not a compete asshole. Three Goro would be pissed if either of us killed one another and I don't think either of us want to be on his bad side" Oda tense up at the uses of his mentors name.
Even he didn't call Takemura by his first name. "Do not uses Takemura-Sans name as if you know him!" Oda growled with anger in his eyes.
"Fine Takemura would be pissed off to the hells and back if we killed each other, He's my friend Sandayu and your his student do you really think he'd be happy with the death of either of us?"
V said with venom glaring at the other man as if he had hit a nerve. Both Oda and Vexrin were riled up waiting for the other to lunge or attack. Oda breaks the silence.
"Forgive me, I lost my temper" v shakes his head. "No I'm sorry I've been hiding away most nights been trying to avoid this" V admits as he looks to the floor.
"It's silly, I'm actually afraid to fight you again, hells I was shit scared of the first time we fought I thought you were going to over power me in under seconds and that scared me. I thought I'd never get to tell my little sister I love her, never get to tell Vik how thankful I am and that I wouldn't get to tell Goro how much I look up to him" he vents out dropping his head into his hands.
Oda goes quite and his eyes soften as he looks over the man who had lost so much. Oda stands up before walking over to Vex and bowing.
"Two day and we begin sparing and then when I feel that you are to a decent standard do we.. how do you say it.. go ape shit?" This made V laugh till he couldn't breath.
With that Oda felt some what more satisfied. " two days time? I can do that, I look forward to it then Oda" Vexrin says as he holds his hand our for Oda to shake.
It has now been about 2 hours since Oda had left V's apartment. V layed on his bed still unable to fall asleep while staring at the ceiling.
"Johnny does it make me a bad person for letting Takemura help me?" He asks knowing he won't get a response he laughs to himself imagining what Johnny would say if he was still here.
He smiles feeling that he and Oda may finally have a mutual agreement and that they may become friends. He knows it's a little selfish but he wants to get yo know Oda and maybe even grow closer.
Tag list
@inkrabbit @dartheldur @clarisse-la-fuck-you
Mantis blades and Gorrila fist pt3
The two days had passed very quickly for both V and Oda.
Oda had decided that if they were to spar it was best he come prepared with his gear.
And that is how he ended up sneaking into V's apartment over taking the front door as he normally would.
Vex was sitting in his small lounge room waiting for his new sparing partner to arrive.
He was fidding with one of the many empty cans on his coffee table.
He had felt the Arasaka ninja before he saw him and it made him jump a little.
"Hello Sandayu" that had taken the other off guard, V only called him that if he was really pissed off or showing respect.
Oda bowed to him as V stood up. "挨拶 Vincent " (greetings). V groaned as he stood up.
"Ok please if your gonna call me anything just V then, I know you don't do the first name unless your friends with someone so can we just keep with V please" Vexrin had asked hoping he didn't have to be called Vincent again.
"Very well then, Vさあ始めましょう (let's Begin).
Most of the sparing with Oda was hand to hand combat.
They had been doing this for about 2 weeks now.
V was quite happy with where he was with it.
Eventually they both got to weapons Oda used mantis blades and V was doing his best hardest to avoid them.
He had now nearly tripped over a mat, coffee table 3 times, and fallen face first multiple times but he had yet been hit with either of the blades.
" You better try harder Sandayu" he taunted. Oda heldhis stance waiting for the right moment to strike.
That came sooner then he expected when V backed into the lounge only to finally fall over it.
Oda took this as his chance and tackled V over it trying to pin him down.
The one thing he had learnt while sparing with V it is that the purple and red haired man is very slippery and time and time again gets out of his grasp.
Tho this time he was determined to finally pin and make V time out. Oda had one of his blades near Vexrins face and he could feel the heat radiating off but the blade and Oda.
Pale grey eyes met with white and black cats eyes. And Oda thought he had finally pined V only for Vexrin to finally you his arm implants to over power Oda.
And this is how they had ended up with V holding Oda's arms and flipping him to be on the ground.
"Like I said Sandayu got to do better then that, I think Takemura would be a little disappointed to see me take you down again" Vex bragged.
Oda decided headbutt V and in the end they both ended up laying out on the floor of V's apartment trying to catch their breath after calling a truce.
V lighting laughed and Oda let out a groan in annoyance. "Vexrin please take this spars seriously" he huffs out as he stands up and moves over to V, he holds his hand out for Vex to use to get up.
"Sandayu you don't have to be so serious all the time. You can lighten up a little, it won't be the end of the world for you" V takes his hand and pulls himself up and makes his way to his fridge, pulling out two cans of real water he throws one Oda's way.
"Think fast Sandayu-sama" Oda catches the can without trouble but he looks to V.
" when did you ever call me that わるがき" (brat) that makes V laugh.
And Oda breaks a small smile. The small banter between then had become something of a normal thing to Oda.
And V never took any of the insults personally. "Oh would you prefer san-san becuase I will go that far Oda!" V says back to him only to get a small clip up the ear for his sparing partner.
" 行動する" (behave yourself) V waves him off as he takes a drink of his water. They both sit in a comftable silence for a while.
"くそ, it's later then i anticipated" (fuck) Oda says, V checks the time as well to see it was 12 past 3 I'm the morning.
"You have work tomorrow afternoon don't you Sandayu?"
V ask only to receive a nod and Oda trying to get his gear all put away and back on.
"You can stay the night, I'll take the lounge" V pipes up and Oda turns around.
"I won't force you to host for me V it will only take me maybe am hour to get back" Vex flops down on the couch and continues.
"It's not a problem at all Sandayu-sama and it means youdon't have to do the trip until tomorrow, and I have some spare clothes if you wish to have a shower" Oda stands there thinking about to for a little.
" Very well but you are not sleeping on the lounge that thing is uncomfortable just to sit let alone sleep on V" the next 20 minutes is both V and Oda arguing about who sleeps wear after Oda had a shower.
"V your bed has plenty of room So I don't not see why we can not share" eventually Oda won the argument and sleeping arrangements had been set.
It was just after 3:30am that the had both settled into bed. "Good night Sandayu-sama, sleep well" おやすみなさい よく眠ってね Vex" (Good night, sleep well"
Author notes
Hey everyone just a heads up I don't know Japanese but I'm also trying to stay away from Google translate. So again in so sorry if any of the Japanese isn't what it means front he translations I was given.
And lastly I'm writing this late at night becuase o couldn't sleep so there most likely spelling errors.
Tag list if you want in on the list let me know.
@inkrabbit @dartheldur @clarisse-la-fuck-you

Well this is one of the pieces I'm very happy with I made a few mistakes and had to try and fix them without an eraser but I'm still pretty happy. @clarisse-la-fuck-you I hope you enjoy some Oda
Guys if at some point o be of you or someone does Sandayu Oda in Rivers scene let me know I will pay for vids of that becuase damn I love this man and him in his armor makes me feel things I shouldn't feel.
So please if you do tag me I need Oda as River replacement.
Decided I'd share my music play list for Sandayu Oda it dosent have much atm but it will eventually this is just what I listen to when I'm working on art or stoires for him.

Since I had a bit of a break I made this

And also Sandayu Odas playlist has some more stuff bit this is my boys playlist so I hope you enjoy
@simping-for-sandayu-oda @gvitch @clutch-nixon
Decided I'd share my music play list for Sandayu Oda it dosent have much atm but it will eventually this is just what I listen to when I'm working on art or stoires for him.

Why is it that I get art block but I can still draw Oda and Takemura yet as soon as I try and draw johnny I have to try nearly 7 times and he still doesn't look right ;-;
So now I'm doing some Takemura and Vishnu and then hopefully I can do Denny and V, misty and Jackie,Judy and Johnny, Fem V and Johnny.
Let's home my art improves after some V x Takemura.
Mantis blades and Gorrila fist pt 4
This contains Smut, sexual themes,
This took me nearly 3 hours to write so I hope you all enjoy
V normally wasn't an early riser but he also didn't sleep really late. But when he woke up at 5am and couldn't move from his spot he was worried that the chip was playing up.
I took him a few to come around to remember that he wasn't dying or paralyzed, he just had someone asleep on him.
He moved his head a little to see a messy mob of black hair right under his chin, his arms and legs are tangled up with both Oda's and the sheets and he realises his doesn't have much hope of getting out of bed.
He can feel Oda's breath along his neck as the other man curls up around him more and moves his head closer to the nape of Vexrin's neck. Oda let's out a soft hum and snuggles closer and V wraps an arm around his companion.
V tries desperately to fall back asleep but everytime he even got close to it Oda would move again. Whether it be him pulling at the sheets. Moving his legs or his lips brushing against V's neck each time, that was until Oda bit him. V moans before throwing a hand over his mouth and hoping to what ever God exist that Oda didn't hear or wake up.
Vexrin decided against his better judgement that he was going to try and move Oda before he ended up doing something he would regret.
"Sandyau, wake up" he says lightly while trying to pull his arm out from under Oda's head, Oda groans and pushes his head further into Vexrins neck and gripping his shirt trying to pull him even closer.
"Oda please I need you to make up" Oda moves to look at V with tried eyes that could kill.
"V it is 5:13 am let me Sleep!" He growls before dropping his head back down but this time onto V's chest and grumbling to himself.
V let's out a sigh before moving he's arm to try and get the pins and needle feeling out of it. Vex once getting feeling back to his arm moves a little which gets him a glare from the tired man once again.
V brings his hand to Oda's head before gently running his fingers thought it, pulling out knots here and there but making sure to be gentle. Oda hums and buries his face into V's chest, V eventually after about ten minutes closes his eyes and stops. And that was when it happened again, Oda had made his way back to having his head in V's neck.
Vexrin groans loudly which causes Oda to look up once more with a death glare. "Vexrin I am trying to sleep!" He growls and V bites back.
"So am I but I can fall asleep with you latches on to my neck" Oda rolls over back onto the bed and off V with his back to him.
"If you wake me again before it's 9am I'm going to kill you" and with that Oda lays his head back down. V lays there on his back for a while and then he makes up his mind that if Oda wants to cuddle he can but Vexrin is already gonna make it a challenge.
V grabs Oda and pulls him back into his chest with his face close to the back of Oda's head. Oda doesn't protest and hums again. Vex lightly rolls some of Oda's hair between his fingers just playing with it and giving it little tugs before letting go of it. He finally brushes Oda's hair away for his neck and presses his lips again it he knows it most likely won't have the same effect with it being chrome but it's worth it.
He runs his fingers back thought the ninjas hair and he moves closer to Oda's ear before pressing his lips right behind his ear. He can feel Oda shiver, he leans close to the raven haired man and chuckles lightly.
"Oda" he whispers before pressing another kiss to the same place as he moves more hair dragging his nails along Oda's scalp and whispering his name once more.
"Your Dead Vexrin" he moved faster then V could even consider and that's how he ended up with a pissed off and very flustered Arasaka bodyguard holding him down by the throat a he grows in frustration.
Vexrin could feel Oda against him he could feel how flustered the other man was as he glares down at him. "I warned you Vexrin!" He yells only to moan as V grabs a handful of his hair and pull it back. Not enough that it would hurt but enough that Oda was held in place.
The look of horror on the bodyguard as V let go of his hair. Oda sat there for a good 30 seconds before he moves getting off the bed and grabbing his gear before walking got he bathroom.
"Wait Sandayu!" The door closes as Vex gets up. "Sandayu-sama please don't leave fuck! I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you!" V's yell was muffled thought the door of the bathroom as Oda quickly changed back into his Armor hoping he could hide his shame behind his helmet.
" ファック、ファック!馬鹿野郎" (fuck, Fuck! Idiot!) Vexrins translator picked up right as Oda stormed out of the bathroom head to toe in his Arasaka Armored uniform.
"Sandayu please I'm sorry let me explain!" V rushed over and grabbed onto Oda's arm. Oda tried to pull his arm away from V and walk out. " You have nothing to apologize for, I shouldn't have started this" V moves in front of Oda before pushing him back a bit.
"Then let's talk this out!" Oda growls "I fucked up!" He goes to push past Vexrin only to be thrown now into the floor and for V to be sitting on top of him.
"Oda! Do you want this yes or no?" He stiffens at the question, wasn't he the one who tried to push himself of V?.
"Please take the helmet off" it was barly a whisper and Oda compiled. He tried his best not to look Vex in the eyes but he wasn't having it. Vex moves his hands to Oda's face turning him to look him in the eyes. Pale grey met white and Black cats eyes.
" Oda do you want this, me? I dotn want to hurt you but please don't push me away.." the raven haired man shakes lightly looking up at Vex.
"More then anything" and V leant down and kissed him, it was hot, angry and relief so much emotion. V pulled away holding Oda's face. " You know what your getting into right, you've read my files. Do you think you can handle me not being 'compete'?" V asked as he painted waiting. "Stop talking and get on the bed" Oda growls looking like a hungry Panther.
V grabs the front of Oda's uniform and pulls him into another kiss, he runs his hands back over Oda's chest before pushing him back onto the bed and climbing onto his lap. "Just becuase I'm missing certain parts doesn't mean your in charge" V says running his hand down Oda's chest and to his crotch.
He smirks as Oda let's out a hiss at the touch. V runs his hand over the head of Oda's cock thought his trousers, dragging his fingers up and down his length as Sandayu let's out choked moans.
Vexrin moves off of Oda's lap and down between his legs finding a spot on the grown before finally undoing the belts and clips on Oda's trousers.
"Lay back and enjoy let me do this" he feel Oda lay down as he finally have the Odas cock out he begins to work the length with his hands. Oda let so it choked moans and wimpers as Vexrin runs his tongue along the tip.
Eyes meet as Vexrin takes Oda's length in to his mouth and a profanity is slurred. V takes the raven haired man cock down as far as he can before he gags. Oda's hand had made it's way to Vexrins face and then his hair pushing him further onto Oda's Cock.
V moans sliding one hand down into his sweats to toy with himself, his body feels so sensitive as he pinched his clit between his fingers. Oda groans loudly as he slowly fucks V's mouth watching V as he also fingers himself. Oda finally pulls out of V's mouth not wanting to lose himself.
"Vexrin, strip now" V clenched around his fingers hearing those orders from Sandayu. But he complied, quickly withdrawinghis fingers. "Yes Sandayu-sama" he says quickly ripping off his tee shirt and pulling down his sweats.
"Get on the bed now" V nods moving to lay down his body felt like it was on fire and that he couldn't do anything without Oda's approval. And here he was crawling his way over Vex still in full armor.
"On your hands and knees V" and V rolled over onto his stomach and then got on his hands and knees, and the feeling of Oda leaningover him made him want to yell at the man to stop teasing and just fuck him.
When he felt one of Oda hands on the back of his neck pushing him down to hold him he doesn't fight, he relaxed as the other hand moves to his him before ghosting over his most sensitive area. He can feel Oda lining himself up and rubbing up and down his slicknes.
"Fuck Oda please just fuck me!" He wimpers. Oda chuckles in his ear. "Looks like your not the one in charge" wirh that Oda slowly pushes into Vexrin groaning loudly, V moans and Oda runts against him pulling his hips back onto him. Oda's grip doesn't falter.
He holds both V's neck down and his hips up thrusting into him at a slow and agonizing pace. "Oda!" V cries out only to get a slap on the ass. " 立ち振る舞う" (behave).
V whines as Oda slowing moves in and out, V was almost in tears from how slow Oda was going. " 〜を請うそれ Vexrin Beg" (beg for it)
"Fuck please!, Please Oda!,Please go faster, use me, Fuck break me if you have to!" V cries out only to choke on a moan as Oda rails onto him.
Oda let's out a moan as he slams into Vex pushing him down more as he starts to move faster panting as me rocks back and fourth into Vex trying not to lose himself with how tight V is. "So tight fuck! Vexrin!" V cries out as Oda hits just the right spot and the build up he had comes crashing down.
Moans and swears from both of them. Oda trying desperately not to cum right as V organism. " Vexrin where do you want me to finish" he pants out runting agaisnt V. "Fuck any where I'd so dont care, Fuck!" And Oda moans loudly as me finishes in V panting as empties himself. V withers and wimpers as Oda pulls out and lays down pulling V onto his chest.
Oda let's out a hum as he drags V to sit up. "Let me finish you off" V wasn't expecting what Oda did. Hell he didn't even know Oda could lift him as if he weight nothing. And then he felt Oda lips on his opening. Oda hums as he begins to eat Vexrin out.
His thumb rubs against V's clit and he plunges his tongue into Vexrins entrance. "Fuck Oda!!" V closes his eyes one hand in Oda's hair the other covering his mouth as he moans. Oda grabs V's hips and holds him in place about him, and works his lips and hands as much as he can.
Licking, sucking fingering all until he feels V clench around his head. He holds him steady thumb flicking his clit faster and faster.
"Oda!, Fuck shit, oh gods" V meets Oda's hungry Eyes as he comes on the mouth of the raven haired man.
They both pant and as V is lowered to the bed. " Fuck Oda I don't even know what to say" V laughed as he lays his head on Oda's chest. "How about you go back to sleep while I change it's only about 7 and I want to get some more sleep after that" V nods and watches as Oda makes his way back into the bathroom.
Tag list @simping-for-sandayu-oda @gvitch @v-is-for-witch @hippiefricked @inkrabbit @shitposting-for-the-soul
Here's a really quick and small piece of Oda and Vexrin for one of the up coming chapters. I hope you enjoy

Oda peeps I need some cool ideas to draw since I'm on a roll atm some any and anything involving Oda is acceptable let me know what I should draw for our Arasaka pretty boy?
Can be nsfw, sfw, soft, angst or all up just funny plez I need some ideas.
@inkrabbit @simping-for-sandayu-oda @gvitch @clutch-nixon @v-is-for-witch
Enjoy this little unfinished piece of work which I'm still working on of Vexrin and Oda. But I want your opinon on if I keep Oda without a shirt and if so do I give him some ink or no?

Art tag list @simping-for-sandayu-oda @inkrabbit @clutch-nixon @gvitch
Let me know if you also want in on tag list
Welcome to Vexrins and Oda's Date night in Japan. I know this piece is a big spoiler of what's to come in mantis blades but I wanted to draw some soft stuff before I go to drawing Vishnu and his family.
So enjoy the boys

Tag list @inkrabbit @simping-for-sandayu-oda @sandayuoda @clutch-nixon @gvitch @tobacco-flowers
So while I'm gonna work on more of mantis blades so I was wondering if you guys want more of Vexrin's backstory or more of Vishnu's backstory so far these two are my most popular of my V's. And yes it will also involve more art of which ever one is voted along with their Romanced character.
Such as if Vexrin it will be about him and his little brother along with more on Vexrins realtionship with Oda.
While Vishnu will be about how he got to this point in his life. About his son and his granddaughter. Along with art and more on his relationship with Takemura so wanna know who you want more of.
Vexrin or Vishnu
How my different V's react to sparing Oda
Oda: why.. why haven't you killed me?
Vishnu: thank Takemura and the face fucking he is getting later for me to spare you.
Oda: what :/
Takemura: V I am still on the call.
Vishnu whispering: fuck I forgot to end the call
Oda: why haven't you killed me?
Vexrin: becuase I owe Takemura for my life. So this is my payment back to him. Otherwise I would have don't something that I would regret.
Oda: and what is that?
Vex: sit on that handsome face of yours and see how long it takes you to pass out.
Oda: ○_○
Oda: why haven't you killed?
Vesper: Honeslty I don't fucking know? Like shits a giggles, maybe so you have to live in shame the a Nomad kicked your sorry Arasaka ass
Kerry: fuck yea there goes my fucking boyfriend, break his back V!
Oda: why haven't you killed me?
Valcorian: becuase you most liekly have people waiting for you to come home safely same as I and it also pisses johnny off enough that he might rail me later
Oda: the fuck :/
Johnny: oh your getting a railing later I'll throw you over one V
Hope you all enjoy
Oda and Vexrin laying around the apartment enjoy life.
Vexrin: Sandayu can you get me a cup of water.
Oda looking up from his food wide eyed: what did you call me?
Vexrin smiling softly: Sandayu?
Oda blinking while looking at V: am I in trouble?
Oda stares at V looking like he might cry: what?
Oda looking at the callander: what is today?
Vexrin trying not to laugh.
Oda going back to stare at Vexrin: why did you call me Sandayu.
Vexrin: giggling.
Oda getting worried: Vex please speak to me, what did I do??.
Vexrin getting up and kissing him on the forehead: nothing handsome :)
Welcome to NC99 becuase I need to do a parody of B99. Hope you all enjoy.
Vexrin calling Takemura: well rememebr when you told me not to burn down the hideout.
Takemura closing his eye ready: you burnt down the hideout?
Vexrin shocked: no!, I had the fire put out almost immediately. This is a success story!
Vesper to Kerry: I wasn't hurt that badly the doctors said all my bleeding was internal. Th st where the blood is supposed to be.
Johnny: trust me, it's gonna be fine
Valcorian: really? Becuase you said that about 'just talking to Rogue' Johnny
Johnny: oh!, well its not gonna be fine
Vesper, Vexrin, Vishnu and Valcioran all about their significant other: I've only have them for a day and a half but if anything happens to (Kerry, Oda, Goro, Johnny) I'm killing everyone in this room and then myself
Vexrin: Vishnu I screwed up, big time.
Vishnu: Vexrin given your daily life experiences, you're gonna have to be more specific
Vesper: what are these?
Vexrin: these Vesper are STDs
Kerry: what are you talking about, buddy?
Vexrin: Save The Dates for Oda's and my wedding.
Everyone: .....
River: I'm not a thug, I'm police!!
Valcorian: okay, then name one law
River: don't kill people
Valcorian: that's on me, i set the bar too low
Vishnu: why is no one having a good time? I specifically requested it
Vishnu: and how exactly will you stop me.
Vexrin: we'll call your husband
Vishnu looking shocked and kinda proud of Vexrin
Oda being picked up by Vishnu: do I weigh anything to you?
Vishnu: no. it's like holding a couple of grapes
Panam: you need to man up
Vesper: sexist
Vesper: sorry but I don't see gender, Sir
Vexrin: anyways, I'm gonna go cry in the bathroom. Peace out chooms
Oda angry and crying: I'm sorry
Vishnu: oh... Sandayu. crying I don't know what to do.
Vishnu starts patting his head: this feels wrong
River: I need someone to fill line up. Will you be psycho Vishnu?
Vishnu: oh, I love being psycho Vishnu, he says what normal Vishnu's thinking.
I'll make some more but enjoy these