Of His Past - Tumblr Posts

" Really fucking hurts when it happens to you, doesn't it Lu? Didn't you tell me for centuries to fucking get over it since it's ancient history?

Try taking your own advice sometime."

( Adam rubbing salt xD)

" Really Fucking Hurts When It Happens To You, Doesn't It Lu? Didn't You Tell Me For Centuries To Fucking
" Really Fucking Hurts When It Happens To You, Doesn't It Lu? Didn't You Tell Me For Centuries To Fucking

Not a good time, really not a good time.

"Adam, is that really all you ever got out of it?" Oh, he really can't deal with this in any typical diplomatic way right now. He's not sure if Adam's terrible timing is intentional or coincidental but he's not in a good place right now and emotional outbursts are bound to take place moreso than any rational reactions.

"You still haven't gotten it through that incredibly thick head of yours — that everyone made their own damned choices! What a time to try and compare apples to oranges! No one ran any of you through with blades and spears! No one physically ended your life or Lilith's or Eve's! It's just not the same!"

"Of course it hurts! You got your laughs now just... just leave me alone!"

" Really Fucking Hurts When It Happens To You, Doesn't It Lu? Didn't You Tell Me For Centuries To Fucking
" Really Fucking Hurts When It Happens To You, Doesn't It Lu? Didn't You Tell Me For Centuries To Fucking

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