Old Trashy Scrapped Art - Tumblr Posts
Now That I Got My Tumblr Page Updated...
I was gonna write something here, but I forgot what.
Dang, when was the last time I posted anything on this?
I’m a lot more active on Instagram (ailingamnemonic) and Deviantart (AilingAmnemonicTSS) tbh
Have an old, unfinished, never posted drawing of Funtime Freddy and Bonbon:

It’s a lot newer than anything previously on this blog, but it’s still ugly ;-;
The printer ruined the colours :((
I could might post more unfinished drawing later, idk...
(Holy crap my cat’s eating a dead bird in my sister’s room-)
Update on the bird; it’s gone, if you get my drift.
Also, more unposted art!
I don’t think anyone on Tumblr ever heard of my love for Fandomstuck and/or Food fantasy, so I once drew my design of Fandomstuck Food Fantasy~

He’s kinda pretty... I guess.
He was suppose to have a whole design page, but I remember becoming too lazy to do it.
Okay I swear this is the last for tonight
I have this sort of... FNAF Fan Game... But it’s more of an AU than a Fangame, cuz I can’t code...
I always had general ideas for the characters, but never full on drawing finished.

This was the closest digital thing I had finished for that AU before I just gave up cuz I’m a lazy piece of dodo poo. The AU took place in an Amusement Park and this human-robot-thing, Rosaline Ring, was the mascot of it.

I also had some drawing of nightguards :\/\/
There were meant to be four, but you can tell that after the third one, I kinda just lost the motivation to continiue :’))
But they’re names, from left to right to bottom are Cassidy Emily (Radio Girl), Akira Hamasaki, and Nakia Southers

Last drawing is of this absolute cinnamon roll.
By far, my most favourite OC in that AU, Gideon Upp! All the animatronics in that location are amusement-park-ride themed and although his twin sister represents the carousel, he himself represents the ever-running wooden horses on their tracks. This muffinhead by far was and is my favourite.
I may draw more, who knows?
Should I post actual art I finished and posted on Insta and DA here?
You know what I said in the last post’s title? Yeah, that was a lie.
Oh lookie here, more old, trashy, scrapped art! :DD

This was a drawing I drew for this roleplay I did with my Senpai (NightWitch14) where we shipped her Human! Candy Cadet with my Human! Mr Hippo and let me tell you, it was great X33
Unfortunately tho, I never finished this drawing ciz the proportions were ugly >:((
Okay okay, I swear this time, this is the last post of the night
Remember how I said I love Fandomstuck?

I don’t know much about Dead by Daylight, but I love Identity V! So here are my Fandomstuck designs of those two~!
Also if you’re wondering why they look so much like that scrapped drawing of Bonbon and Funtime Freddy from earlier, it’s ‘cuz I reused the same pose when I drew Funeddy and Bon cuz I knew this drawing was most likely not gonna see the light of day
And I just exposed myself
So... How’s y’alls mornings going?
Bad? Fair enough, have an old scrapped chibi sketch of my designs of William and Henry from Fnaf.

Why are they wearing casual clothes? This drawing was for another roleplay I did with Yoru-Senpai (NightWitch14 on DeviantArt) and it was absolutely freaking amazing
Haha, my wrists and ankles hurt so baad QAQ
I should be seeing a doctor, but like, I need adult supervision and I’m just, too lazy :PP
So, who wants more scrapped art?

Knowing me, I’m genuinely surprised I finished Springbonnie, especially after I messed up their shirt and had to use white-out to make it white again :’))
The real reason I gave up on this drawing was because I didn’t have the right colours for Springtrap :’((
Scraptrap and Glitchtrap were also meant to be here, but like, I gave up after Spring and never looked back QwQ
I don’t know what I’m doing with my life anymore
Just as the title claims.
Who came for more scrapped art?

If y’all saw one of my previous posts, y’all would probs be aware that I love Identity V uwu
Most of my OC’s come from the Victorian Era, with some in the roaring 20s, the 40s, or perhaps a lot earlier, but I wanted to make a futuristic OC, and Danganronpa gave me some idea >:33
So this is Kiibo, The Saviour, alongside his very corpsy friend :))
I hated the pose but it was a good drawing.
I just lost interest in it :PP
When you almost finish a drawing
But your motivation give out last second and now it’s scrapped?
Yeah, that’s what this poor drawing had to go through;

They were so close... and yet I said “Screw it!”
So here’s another drawing of my Identity V OC’s uwu
The one on the left is Henry Bennett, the Novelist, and my very first Idv OC and I absolutely love him, he’s my child :))
The gall on the right is Rosanna Moore, the Detective >:33
She was my second OC and always holds a special place in my heart, but I cannot, for the life of me, think of a super cool skill for her :’33
Y’all can probably tell I gave up around the time I was working on ‘Vengeful Daughter’ :PP
The background for Rosanna’s part was too bright for the glitter ink and I didn’t have the right colours for her dress ;-;
Menace on Oranges
Or in other words, my kitten is sitting in the orange basket.
Have more scrapped art

It’s Springbonnie, Springtrap, and Scraptrap!!!
Glitchtrap was gona be there too, but I kinda gave up :PP
This scan was taken before I started outlining this, but basically, I effed up Springbonnie’s outline and therefore gave up :’))
(My kitten tried to eat my sister’s earphones and when she blocked them out with a blanket, the kitten started freaking out ._.)
I almost forgot it existed, and I wished it never did.
What I am about to show you comes from a few years ago and will scar you for ife, it’s that ugly.
The drawing you’re about to see are of my early Fandomstuck days were I wanted to incorporate them into Tarot Cards
‘Cuz I love tarot cards
But by god they are so freaking ugly.
Anywho let’s start!

First up is my design for the Dreamtalia Sub-Fandom as the Fool. Dreamtalia is a Hetalia fangame by KyoKoon64 and had this whole thing with tarot cards, so I thought it was suitable for him to be here. Not many other reasons why he’s here, he doesn’t really fit the definition of ‘The Fool’ but like, meh. The pose is ‘eh’ at best and the design ugly AF.
I should redraw the boi later or something idk

Next is the Harry Potter Fandom as the Magician. I thought it was cool at first. Still hate it now tho lmao.
To be perfectly honest, I don’t really know anything about Harry Potter and literally just chose them because ‘Witches and Wizards’. Problem is, as far as I know, the Harry Potter Fandom doesn’t really fit with the definition behind ‘the Magician’ ://
I guess the pose isn’t too bad tho.

Third is the BBC Sherlock Holmes Fandom as the High Priestess.
Pretty self-explanatory,
But tbh, I never actually saw Sherlock Holmes either so idk :PP
I was hoping to make the drawing look cool by having their head zoomed in through a magnifying glass, but it’s just ugly, especially his hair :’))
Moving on,

Fourth is the Nyotalia Sub-Fandom as the Empress, and I guess by this y’all can probably tell this was during my Hetalia days.
Now time for the criticism, I never noticed until now, but her face is weird and the crown is too big >:((
I hate it.

Fifth is another Hetalia AU, 2P! Hetalia as the Emperor.
Yeah, I hated this two, but hey, at least the background looks kinda cool.
Lmao I’m running out of things to say :’))

Sixth is the Supernatural Fandom as the Heirophant.
Yeah I haven’t watched Supernatural either.

Seventh is the DRAMAtical Murder Fandom as the Lovers
I was also having a DMMD phase back then.
Clear is my son, I would die for him.
This design is also really ugly.

Eighth is the Five Nights At Freddy’s Fandom for the Chariot.
I love Fnaf OuO
And even though there was a canon Fandomstuck design for Fnaf, I humanized them ‘cuz I love humanizing crap and this specific design was based off of Pole-Bear’s designs, cuz I think their designs were one of the most popular at the time :PP

Ninth is the Persona Fandom for Strength.
I still need to watch a playthrough of Persona 3 :’DD

Tenth is another Hetalia Fangame, Hetaoni for the Hermit :PP
I should say something here, but I’m lazy.

FINALLY, the last one I made before I got bored was the Detroit Become Human Fandom for the Wheel of Fortune
Never got around to scanning it, cuz it was ugly like all the others.
Not gonna lie doh, I do feel a little nostalgic looking at these and I’m tempted to sort all the fandoms I’m familiar with to certain Tarot Cards
I have no self-control :))
Oh lookie, more ugly art
So, back during my Homestuck days, I decided to make a gijinka for Derse and Prospit, and I just found the drawing today and it’s so freaking hideous.

In retrospect, I guess the designs were kinda okay, but by god,
These two are def on my “To redraw one day again” list :PP
Also earlier I made a post asking for suggestions on which Fnaf character to draw, and plz I need help :’))
Lmao have not posted scrapped art in forever
Finally back to scar Tumblr with my old, ugly art.

I had the idea to humanize John/June’s (From Homestuck) planet, LOWAS, and tbh, they’re pretty cute. May redesign them later, who knows?
No thoughts, head empty
I found this other scrapped art in my hard drive, and this one, I remember being one of my favourites!

It’s an unfinished drawing of my human designs for Lil Seb and Liv Tyler from Homestuck!!! :DD
Looking back at this, I definitely feel as if I should do something about the proportions, but the designs themselves were not too shabby!
I feel as if I could have done a much better job with Lil Seb, but Liv Tyler was just *Chef kisses* at the time, I loved drawing her and I definitely want to redraw these two in the future :))
I need to post more :’))
Finally putting my PhD in sadness to use

I tried to draw a drawing for one of my OC’s birthdays back in Oct 1st, but I never got arounf to finishing him :’((
Still looks kinda cool tho... I think
Today, I am made of depression
I’ve been working on an interactive murder mystery on Instagram, but freaking, Gacha Club won’t behave and I can’t post anything :’\\
Oh well, here’s some old, scrapped art.

My friend once asked me to draw my sona in a casual outfit, So I drew this.
This, this is basically how I dress in real life, like a freaking anime character.
This is what Homestuck Fanfiction Inspired Me to Create Long Ago
So there was this Homestuck fanfic on Ao3 called ‘Once More’ where the aspects were basically voice deities that can speak to the players and like, the consorts are characters to.
Basically, like, god knows how long ago, I wanted to draw humanizations of some of the aspects and consorts, and jegus chrust, the designs were so ugly and the proportions so off, it kills me to see :’))

Breath and Bal the Salamander
Can’t tell if this is horrifying or just plain ugly.
Maybe might redraw this one day who knows.

Time, Larry the Crocodile, And someone who I don’t know but I think might have been Davesprite?
Yeah this drawing is probably, a lot worse than Breath lmao XDD
I hate it so much

And this is Light, thankfully the final nightmare of the group, and funny enough, she’s has to be the one I hate the least design wise.
But oh my god I still hate these old drawing with a firey passion.
My last brain cell is ready to nope out soon
I’m so tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

I remember back in like... my first year of high school, my STEM teacher mentioned the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, and I was like; “I wanna draw the bridge... but hooman!”
That was also me trying my hand at chibi.
(I’m so tired ;-;
I don’t wanna go to school QAQ)