Breath - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Poem: Breathing

She told you to take deep breaths –

throw a few minutes of air at your problems

and watch as they sink into the ground –

but you stretched your face into a yawn

and roared your deepest breath in her direction

in peaceful protest of her airy approach.


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6 years ago

Poem: Breathing

She told you to take deep breaths –

throw a few minutes of air at your problems

and watch as they sink into the ground –

but you stretched your face into a yawn

and roared your deepest breath in her direction

in peaceful protest of her airy approach.


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10 years ago

Aspect Keywords

The 12 Aspects all mean significantly more than their literal meanings. Supposedly, collectively, they encompass all of reality.

Here are some keywords that can be used as substitutions for the actual Aspect names. Not only are they useful for understanding the Aspects themselves, but they're also useful for classpecting purposes, for understanding the meaning of a Hero Title.

When paired with my Classes Chart, these Aspect keywords provide broad, basic, simplified information on what a particular role might do.



   Space   physicality, creation, (trans)formation, matter, beginnings, (re)birth, concreteness


   Time     timing, destruction, endings, inevitability, death, abstractness, meta



   Light     information, importance, relevance, fortune, luck, agency, visibility, clarity


   Void      nothingness, lack, irrelevance, submission, misfortune, unknown, obfuscation, invisibility, mystery, secrets, shadow



   Hope     belief, possibility, options, wish, realness, imagination, ideas, conception, sexuality


   Rage     fear, anger, lack of options, fakeness



   Heart    soul, inner self, emotion, desire, love, will, motivation, passion


   Mind     thought, reason, logic, decision, choice, façade, outer self



   Breath  wind, (mis/re)direction, freedom, escape, quest, detachment, disconnection, distance, flight


   Blood    bonds, relationships, pacts, responsibility, duty, loyalty, unity, attachment, connection, groundedness



   Life        life force, energy, growth, power, persistence, wealth, boldness, enthusiasm, efficacy


   Doom    sacrifice, rules, limits, boundaries, decay, restraint, consequences, punishment

Edit 2/21/15: Added keywords to Space, Time, Hope, Breath, and Blood. Changed "self" to "inner self" for Heart (for clarification).

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10 years ago

Doomed vs. Void Timelines

A doomed timeline is associated with time travel. It is an offshoot timeline, branching from the Alpha Timeline. It is destined for failure, for an ill fate. It can never succeed because, by itself, it cannot propagate reality's existence. A doomed timeline invariably ends when someone travels in time to undo its events.

So what happens when someone retcons events? Retconning is different from time travel. It doesn't create a doomed timeline because the timeline is the Alpha, not a branching offshoot. It doesn't create a stable time loop, either, because events are actually changed, as opposed to linked by causality. Doomed timelines and stable time loops are the results of time travel, not retcons. So what is the result of a retcon?

A retcon, instead, creates a void timeline. When the Alpha Timeline is changed, it renders previous Alpha (or canon) events null, void, ineffective, cancelled out.

The Alpha Timeline is the timeline of Light; it is the most important, significant, and relevant timeline, the path that successfully propagates reality and existence itself. Retcons turn the Alpha Timeline's Light to Void, making previously canon events unknown, irrelevant, ineffective, and as though they do not exist.

So, to clarify:

Doomed timeline = Offshoot timeline events undone via time travel.

Void timeline = Alpha timeline events undone via retcon.

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9 years ago

Hi! I was wondering if a Knight of Mind, Heir of Blood, or Seer of Heart would be a better leader?

Well, it would depend.

A Knight of Mind would be good at using façades and choices, exploiting and maximizing the usefulness of thoughts, rationale, and the outer self in order to get things done. If balanced, they could also use their Rogue of Heart inverse to obtain, redistribute, and share souls and inner desires.

An Heir of Blood would be good at influencing and inviting change relating to bonds, pacts, and connections of a group. If balanced, they could also use their Mage of Breath inverse to understand what direction the team should take—their goals and quests—and use that knowledge to act or lead.

A Seer of Heart would be good at understanding the core of each person in the group, such as their strengths, weaknesses, fears, and inner desires. They would then guide the team using that knowledge. If balanced, they could also use their Witch of Mind inverse to change others’ minds—their rationales and decisions—and their outer selves.

I’m inclined to think an Heir of Blood would make one of the best leaders in general, but there are a lot of factors to consider. It’d depend on the individual leading, the group dynamic, the purpose and goal, and what the team actually needed. It’d also depend on how “realized” (and competent) the person is.

Certain classpects are probably naturally better skilled and equipped to lead than others, but each classpect has the potential to be a good leader (or a poor leader), depending on the circumstances.

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9 years ago

John the Wizard

Remember after the Trickster arc (A6A5A2), how the story returns to A6A5A1? Caliborn yells at Hussie for going "BACKWARDS BY AN 'ACT'." He thinks the Trickster shenanigans were "erased," to which Hussie responds:

What are you talking about? I didn't erase it. It was still a thing that happened. Do you really think I have the power to make something unhappen?? I would have to be a wizard to do that.

Well, it turns out someone does have that power:


Which means John Egbert is a wizard.

John already has plenty of wizard allusions:



An obvious reference to the Wizard of Oz saying, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."  

JOHN: let's all go see a big pompous wizard to solve all of our problems.

JOHN: we didn't realize it at the time, but there were still a bunch of problems waiting to happen. [...] JOHN: but don't worry, i'm working to overcome all those problems right now. JOHN: that's why i'm here!


  Frigglish bothered his beard, as if unkinking a hitch in a long silk windsock. [...] As a matter of fact, his cadre of fellow wizards were all putting similar moves on their beards as well.

Thanks to John's god tier hood (wind powers help, too), others (mostly Roxy) continually mention windsocks with reference to John.

ROXY: im all ears johnny windsock

Even the Magician's Hat John wears as part of his "Clever Disguise" and the Bunny Sassacre Fedora---one of the first items he alchemizes---are wizardly.


  One of the very first snippets of information we learn about John is that he's "an aspiring AMATEUR MAGICIAN." While it appears to mean a magician in the sense of an "entertainer who is skilled in producing illusion by sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.," a magician is also a "person who is skilled in magic" or a "sorcerer"---in other words, a wizard. Couldn't it mean both?

If Heir is indeed the passive counterpart to Witch, both classes who "change, manipulate, and control (with/through) their aspect"---which I like to call the Magician Classes---wouldn't that make the Heir of Breath a magician or wizard, anyway?

John and others continually refer to John and his abilities as "magic":

EB: everyone i know is turning magic, it's ridiculous. EB: including me! i'm magic now.

("Everyone" specifically alluding to Jade and Rose, an actual Witch and a Seer with the inclination toward Witch inversion.)

John calls his retcon abilities "weird retcon magic," and describes it as "some kind of surreal, history altering... reality hopping... magic power.” Roxy calls it “magic ‘fix literally everything' powers.”

Although John aspires to become a SKILLED MAGICIAN and a CUNNING PRANKSTER, he is “neither of these things” for most of the story.

At first, John has no control over his magic powers (first wind, then space-time jumping retcon abilities). However, eventually he learns and masters his powers, becoming a SKILLED MAGICIAN.

JOHN: i've noticed whenever i learn to do new things with my powers, it's usually in response to something. like something important that has to be done.

JOHN: i learned how to turn into wind and swoosh around about a year ago. [...] JOHN: i thought for sure i was a goner, when suddenly i poofed away from his tentacly grasp like houdini's slippery ghost. later i rematerialized to seize the tactical advantage!

JADE: he dispersed every drop throughout existence

JADE: leaving a little mark for anyone who might notice, signifying his final mastery over his confining reality

Thanks to his powers and Terezi's scarf instructions, John becomes a CUNNING PRANKSTER, as well.

JOHN: i am like the ultimate prankster now... nanna would be so proud!

Previously, John was neither a skilled magician nor a cunning prankster. Now he is both.

John, a magician, the wizard with the “power to make something unhappen."

Bonus points for shipping fodder: Roxy LOVES wizards.

John = Wizard. CONFIRMED.

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2 years ago


The FIRST PICTURE is the one that my Being upgraded with her in multicolored clothes, and a three pyramids background.  Also my Being changed the appearance of her staff, and her ankh brighter: also, her face and eyes brighter; also, my Being gave her an halo.


The SECOND PICTURE below is the original, created and designed by, ARANTXACOSPLAYER.DEVIANTART.COM 

Let my Being know what you guys think about my upgrades.


HER STORY:  The Egyptian frog goddess Heket, is known to be the very breather of life; she is also known to be the goddess who birthed the gods.  She’s mentioned indirectly in the book of Exodus, of the Bible; in whereas, during the second plague of Egypt with the frogs, the magical practicing priests must've invoked Heket to replicate the same miracle plague, in where she did made her frogs come on up also, in the same manner that Aaron (Moses’s Brother) did, and made her own frogs probably go onto the land of Goshen, where the Hebrews resided, and plagued them in the same manner as well.  It had to be, otherwise, why would then the God of Hebrews place a demarcation between its people and the people of the pharaoh (after plague no. 3 or 4,) so that the plagues would no longer reach the Hebrews also?  Also, before the demarcation was established, the Hebrews complained to Moses that the magical practicing priests did the same thing; probably, suggested that the plagues are in vain when the gods of Egypt are doing the same thing.

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8 months ago
Ideal Suit For The Slave To Enjoy Hot Summer Weather

Ideal suit for the slave to enjoy hot summer weather

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6 months ago
Lotus Goddess Everything Around Us Is Connected, All Part Of Something Beautiful. The Quiet Moments Bring

Lotus Goddess 💗 Everything around us is connected, all part of something beautiful. The quiet moments bring peace and harmony. Take a deep breath and notice the small details. Appreciate the beauty that’s always there, just waiting for us to notice.

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5 months ago

Ready to Receive 💜 I am ready to receive from the universe, accepting all the good things and opportunities coming my way. With an open heart and mind, I trust in the endless possibilities around me and know I am in alignment with growth. Each day, I move forward with confidence, ready to manifest my dreams and welcome the abundance that the universe has prepared for me.

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10 years ago

You don't understand, And I can't explain it. I feel like I have this hole inside me. I feel isolated, Unable to reach out and touch. I have friends and people I care about, But its like I've lost connection. Contact. I feel like the world is spinning and still All at the same time. I have brief moments of clarity, But they are just lost between hours of doubt. I feel like there is a grey cloud above me. Not touching me or raining upon me. But just there. A presence I can't shake. But what's worst. I feel like crying every second, But I can still fan happiness in public. Contort my lips into a smile, To please the world And hid my misery from it. And my self. But most of all, I’m tired. I want to go into an endless sleep Take an extra step further Try and hold my breath a little longer. But I wont. Because I’m a coward, Just waiting for a moment of bravery.

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12 years ago

B2ST vs. Big Bang - Fantastic Breath (Mashup)

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