On New Beginnings - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago
she was one of the first friends I made when I moved schools. we didn’t hang out all the time, but I love her company, always laughing. I was nasty. I think I still am horrible to her. I know I'm too sensitive. I am so sorry. I don't think I knew her all that well, and I miss her. I wish I knew her better. I know my life is different from hers. I hope she is angry with me; she should be. I hope she still sees me as a friend, at least some of the time. I don’t want to lose touch. I miss her. I wonder what she thinks. I hope she doesn't miss me. am i too late? did i change for the worse? could you tell me if too much time has passed? am i too late?
Tags :
on friendship
on longing
on leaving
on new beginnings
i'm okay. just being emotional for no reason
anderson don’t talk out loud. you lower the iqueue of the whole street.
i wish i knew how to be a better friend then
i wish i knew how to be a better friend now
please don't let go of me. i'm learning.
i know im very insecure with attachments. im learning.
ineptias loquor
non necessaria notitia