One Piece Katakuri - Tumblr Posts

Katakuri layouts
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charlottes!! (I already posted katakuri but I want him to be here too...)
(more icons here)

free to use with permission + credit!
(alt versions under the cut)

I posted a video with Katakuri using the audio of Luffy saying "Let me ride it" AND IM BUSTING LAUGHING FROM THE COMMENTS AND WHAT IM SAYING TOO XDDD
Someone asked me why I like Katakuri too.
My hyperfixating is just fucking Katakuri I love him so much and I wanna talk about him and see fanart

Idk if anyone does this but do you ever just listen to music and look at fanart of your favorite character? I do it all the time when I have nothing to do or I don’t write.
Then when you like Underrated characters/shows it is rare to find art.
Ack- MY heart!!~ I love katakuri and wish I could draw him this well.~

just a sketch
Prettiest boy.~ Love him.~ UwU
Great job!~

Just a doodle but Katakuri is so pretty. Sir your eyelashes
SO PRETTY!!~ (✯~✯)
He's so pretty
Your art is pretty
I wanna eat both of them-
I mean. . . WONDERFUL ART!!~

Decided to remake my previous pc wallpaper lol
💛💙Protected (Charlotte Katakuri x Female!Reader) Pt. 3💛💙
💚 = Lime/Lil Spicy
💛 = Lemon
💙 = Sad
❤️ = Angsty (won't do many of these unless prompted)
💜 = Fluff
💔 = Heartbreak (rare unless prompted)
🖤 = Normal

Part 3, as promised!~ It all comes to the thrilling conclusion, and I FINALLY get to the scene that started this whole story.~ After about collectively 18.5 k words.~ All I can say in my defense is that...THIS MAN IS TOO FINE!~ If you don't want the ✨spicy✨ part of this story, that's totally fine.~ Just stop reading at the line of star squids.~ Enjoy, dearies.~
Minors, Do Not Interact, Please.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 <- - Part 3
Although I wished for it, the silence that abruptly replaced the sounds of destruction and fighting startled me, along with the suddenly very loud shouting of Pekoms in my ear.
“Y/N! It’ll be okay-!” The pink clad mink cut himself off at the abrupt silence. Our heavy breaths were the only thing filling the new quiet. We both slowly detached from each other and looked around us to see the same semi-transparent white shield that I had created earlier. Its opaqueness varied in pulses, so I could see that everything around us had crumbled into rubble except the ground inside the bubble.
“What the fuck?” Pekoms mumbled out, looking around until his gaze fell back onto me who looked equally surprised. This sudden change shocked my panicked mind out of its frenzied state, allowing me to calm myself down. The calmer I became, the more I realized how drained I felt again and leaned against Pekoms once more.
“Is this yours, Y/N?” Looking up at my reflection in Pekoms’ black glasses, I gave a hesitant nod before responding.
“Y-Yeah, I guess it is. . . “ This new power still felt weird to me. More so the after effects of me being fatigued and suddenly so calm. It bothered me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was like the emotions just expelled from my body. Before our conversation could continue on, some movement caught the corner of my eye. A beat up, and barely moving Strawhat had crawled out of a large hole in the ground.
Once again, the bubble popped so suddenly when my heart jumped into my throat in dread.
Where was Katakuri?
With the barrier gone, the rubble around us sank into our little hole, but I ignored it and the weariness tugging at my bones, scrambling over the debris. Desperation clawed its way back into my heart and showed in my deep purple antennae as I crested the pile of rubble, searching for my husband. Tears burned my darting eyes, blurring my vision, until they fell onto the large body sprawled out beside the hole. Katakuri. No scarf in sight. My breath hitched, and the tears fell freely as I took in what that entailed. A part of me already knew what the outcome of this fight would be, but it still hurt to be right. This was the last thing I wanted to be right about.
I felt Pekoms come up beside me on the rubble, his reaction being the opposite of mine when he saw Strawhat alive. Before either of us could go to our respective fighters, the sound of those familiar spurs clanked twice through the air as Katakuri struggled to his feet in front of a crawling Strawhat. I was frozen to my spot, watching with bated breaths as he swayed on his feet. Blue light bathed either side of my face as my antennae drooped down.
"Kata. . . " I whispered out, thinking he was going to try and continue fighting. I wish I could grab the bracelet from my hair and know what was going through his heart and mind right now, but I was glued to my spot, unable to even get past the state he was in. There was blood dripping from multiple wounds, the largest being a hole in his side, fresh bruises littering his body, sure to be a nasty color tomorrow, and his entire body shaking with exhaustion.
At the obstruction, the retreating captain stood up as well, readying himself for a fight that neither of them seemed to be in the shape to continue. Pekoms growled beside me, seemingly unhappy with the fact that Strawhat was still trying to fight with Katakuri.
"That damn brat doesn't know when to quit, huh? Tch, I figured as much." And with that, my travel companion parted from my side and away from the two fighters. I was about to get up myself, to try and convince my injured husband to stop. That dying for his mother's cause wouldn't change a thing. Maybe it was selfish of me to think so, but I just knew I couldn't live without him. I barely know how I lived before him. Before I could force myself to move, my husband's raspy question stopped me.
"Are you gonna come back. . . to take down Big Mom one day?"
Huh? Was he asking this boy to. . ?
"Of course I am! Cause I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!"
Then, the most bizarre thing happened.
Katakuri smiled. He smiled at the thought of someone taking down his mother.
"You must be looking far into the future!" He exclaimed as he started swaying more on his feet. Looking like he was about to fall again is what finally spurred me to action. I didn't know what happened in that fight for him to be so open about his feelings with this enemy, but that hardly mattered now. I started sprinting across the ruined floor, tripping and falling over debris as Katakuri began falling. Onto his back, no less. He was on his stomach before.
I knew I couldn't catch him, but I'd been apart from him for too long, and he needed me just as much as I needed him right now. He landed with a resounding thud that hurt my heart. I could see Strawhat standing there in shock as I finally got to my husband's side. My knees cut on the broken floor at his sides, but I hardly cared as I frantically looked over my defeated husband.
"Katakuri! No no no, are you okay? Please don't die! I love you too much to let you die!" I wasn't sure what to do first, he was unresponsive. The first thing I could think of was to stop the bleeding from the big gash on his side. With nothing else to use, I took the skirt of my dress and pressed it into the wound. The fabric of my skirt was too sheer, though, and barely did anything to stop the flowing life force. As I thought about what to do instead, I could feel another person approaching.
Strawhat Luffy.
Meeting him face to face like this instead of through his Haki had a different effect. He didn't seem like a dangerous guy, in fact he seemed quite simple. Yet here Katakuri was, flat on his back after their battle. He had big, round black eyes that shone with determination –towards what, I didn't know just yet– and his mouth was set in a fine line. It unnerved me that I couldn’t take any emotions from his blank face. He was worse than when I first met Katakuri. Strawhat looked far more beat up than Katakuri, which I secretly relished, but was at least able to stumble his way towards us. I knew I stood no chance at fighting this guy if he wanted to finish off my husband, but I'd be damned if I didn't do anything.
"Go away! You won! Isn't that enough? He's already down, so just leave, go find your crew!" I splayed myself protectively in front of my husband. I wouldn't be much of a hindrance if this guy really wanted to get rid of me, though I could stall. If only for a few moments. He ignored me and got closer. I was shaking. Shaking in both anger and fear to make a deep magenta as he dared ignore me. When he was a few steps away, I covered half my arm in Haki –that was the most I could use even after 2 years of training– and threw a punch as hard as I could at him. Even in his weakened form, the infamous pirate caught my fist effortlessly. I strained against him, staring heatedly into his thoughtless eyes.
With the contact, I searched his emotions and intent, if only to predict his line of thought, but what I found was nothing I expected. Through the pain and exhaustion were strong threads of respect and twinges of sorrow. They were towards Katakuri. That caught me off guard, and the loss of concentration made my Haki disappear. Strawhat didn't move against me as he stared blankly into my confused eyes.
"I'm not gonna hurt him."
And for some reason, I believed him. I kept my eyes on him as I slowly took back my hand, my magenta lightening to a curious yellow. His grip wasn't very tight in the first place. He turned his attention to my still unconscious lover, and I watched as he stepped past me, took the black hat off of his namesake hat and put it over Katakuri's mouth. That surprised me even more. To think that Strawhat respected him enough to cover his biggest insecurity even after he won. Vice versa with Katakuri taking this fight so seriously that he exposed himself in full to this rambunctious teen.
The boy left after that, staggering his way aimlessly down a winding hall of the half destroyed Mirro-World. I'm sure Pekoms would find and help him. This was out of my hands now that Katakuri had been defeated. Returning my attention back to my lover, I let out a tired sigh. I'd never seen my husband look so beat up before. The thought of how much pain he must be in brought the tears back to my eyes. It was over now, his part was done, and everything was coming down.
"Oh, Kata. Your mother doesn't deserve you." My quiet words came out watery as I pet his dirty magenta hair a little, wishing I could hold him more, but I didn't want to cause him anymore pain. I wouldn't even be able to get serious help for him until Brulee came back, which I'm sure will be a while since Pekoms needed her for Strawhat's escape. I hope she's alright. My hand moved from his head to the black hat Strawhat had put over his mouth, removing it so I could see his full face. He was still the most handsome man ever. With a sad smile, I bent over and kissed his forehead hoping he would feel the love in it even while he was asleep.
Looking around, I saw my abandoned medical kit lying on the ground a bit of ways away slightly under some rubble. For hopefully one of the last times today, I made myself get up to retrieve it. My tears had slowed, but when I came back and began cleaning up my husband they streaked down my dirty face again. The warm rivulets of tears dripped from my chin and nose onto his chest as I leaned over him. Starting with his face, I used alcohol wipes to wipe away the dirt and gently clean his cuts. This medical kit only had basic things, so I used all the candy design bandages where I could, and the gauze on his big gash. After about half an hour of quietly working, my silent cries had been reduced to the occasional sniffle here and there.
The appearance of Katakuri had improved, and everything was at least cleaned, though he looked a bit silly with all the cutesy bandages covering his face and torso. With a weary sigh, I turned my attention to the pile of dirty and bloodied wipes with a grimace. As I began stuffing them into the basically empty medical kit, a groan interrupted the deafening background noise of the Mirro-World. My attention immediately snapped to my husband whose face was contorting from peace to pain. His large hand came up to his dirty locks, grasping at his head as he let out another sound of pain. My breath caught in my throat at the sound.
"Kat. . . Katakuri. . !" My throat closed up before I could get anything else out, and let myself fall down onto his free arm. I could feel him freeze as I let out all my pent up emotions. Everything oozed out of me like a toxic slime with each shuddering sob. Pain. Sorrow. Fear. Relief. All the tension I was holding in my chest slowly drained out of me. I was weak in the presence of my protector.
“You’re okay! You’re alive! Everything was rumbling and falling apart, I saw you fall and he came over and I thought he was gonna. . . he was gonna-!” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. I didn’t want to think about it anymore. Not right now at least. Maybe never again. Wave after wave of tears fell in fat blobs down my face, and I couldn’t stop shaking as I held on tight to Katakuri’s arm. I could feel his regret, pain and shame mixing in with my turbulent emotions at the sight of me crying. My antennae settled into a deep cerulean blue that lit up my crying visage. It wasn’t long before I felt his free hand come to my back and rub it gently. That only encouraged my breakdown, enticing me to hug his arm in my hold tighter.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ve put you through too much today. I’m sorry I couldn’t win. I’m sorry I wasn’t enough. I’m sorry-”
“No! Be-Be quiet!!” I shook my head in a childish manner, not wanting to hear those remorseful words misplaced in his mouth. His voice was shaky and his chest shuddered with every regretful word he pushed out, seemingly on the edge of joining me in tears. Whether that was my doing or his own sorrow showing itself, I didn't know. The sound of him being so defeated brought back the anger I felt earlier towards Strawhat, but this time it was aimed towards the real culprit: Big Mom.
None of this would’ve happened if she hadn’t taken that blonde cook. He obviously wanted nothing to do with Germa, not that I blame him for disassociating from those monsters. Yes, Katakuri would always protect his family because of his own sense of responsibility and love, but she created and invited this threat, just like every other danger, to the family. I knew he could feel my silent anger, but I didn't dare bring up that topic right now. For the moment being, I was just worried about my husband, and only him.
Lifting my head up, my mouth was downturned in a frown as I subdued my crying and swallowed my indignation to continue talking. I saw the suspected tears in Katakuri’s eyes as he moved his shiny gaze from the ruined ceiling to my indignant face. Oh, how I hated that self-loathing look in his beautiful red eyes.
“None of this is your fault. You did your best, I know you did, Katakuri. Why are you apologizing to me when you took on such a powerful opponent with everything you had? You were lying here in a bloody heap at the end of your battle, all because of that damn Strawhat boy. You are more than enough. More than your mom or I deserve. The only thing you should be apologizing for is making me think you died.” The last part of my rant was whispered quietly, the words being the biggest fear I’ve had all day. I swiped at my face, trying fruitlessly to wipe away some of the wetness coating it. His sharp toothed mouth hung open like a fish out of water. He had nothing to say to my rebuttal, but the swelling of tears slipping down his face said it all.
The tight feeling of anger was washed away completely by that soft face. The face of a man who’s been given the grace he deserves. Seeing him crying made me smile. He would have never shown this type of emotion to anyone else in his family since he wanted to be seen as an immovable force that protects them, but now that image was shattered. And I'm starting to think it's a good thing he lost. I threw myself down onto his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. A watery laugh escaped me as I buried my face into his strong neck and his large arms enveloped me in their comforting embrace. Even though he lost, he was still my protector. In his arms was still the safest place I felt I could be.
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Muffled voices prodded at my subconscious. I couldn’t discern anything as I pressed my face closer to the warm, squishy thing I lay upon. One of the voices was deeper and closer than the others, the vibration of their words humming through my body. I tried to just ignore it and go back to sleep, but the longer the voices continued the more awake I became. And with my resurfacing consciousness came the pain of my body as I tried moving. The soreness everywhere and sharp pain on my knees made me grimace in regret.
“Shh. . . sleeping. . . don't wake. . .”
“. . . eeping? . . hard as a rock. . . she won’t wake. . .”
The two other voices that weren't the soothing rumbling began to argue, and until I opened my eyes I wasn't sure where I was, or who was talking. The first thing I saw was pink. Bleariness had my mind as slow as a tortoise as I peeled my face away from the squishy pink thing. Pulling away further, I realized it was a person’s chest. My husband’s chest to be exact. Finally, everything came rushing back and anxiety shot through me like an archer’s arrow. Despite my sore body’s protests, I sat up and looked around wildly.
I was in Katakuri and my’s room, lying in our bed. Katakuri sat propped up beside me with a lot of large pillows behind him and heavily bandaged. On either side of our bed was Cracker and Brulee, who was the source of the “hushed” bickering. Everyone froze when I popped up like a gopher. I probably looked like a mess right now, and acting so crazy definitely didn't help that rap. Brulee was the first to break the deafening silence.
“Y/N-nii! You're okay! I was so worried that you weren't gonna wake up just like Katakuri-nii! It was horrible what you two went through! That damn Strawhat, I'll kill him myself!” The large, wispy woman had pounced on me when she started her blubbering, holding onto me tightly by my waist while crying into my stomach. Her tight embrace didn't do my aching body any favors, but the familiar touch made me relax. Her feelings of relief and joy gave me a small boost of energy.
“Sorry to worry you, Brulee. It's okay, I'm fine.” I wheezed out with strained breaths.
“Get off of her, you witch! You’re really gonna kill her like that!” Cracker came to my rescue in his own little Cracker way. His instigation made the emotional woman let go of me and engage in yet another bickering match, but this one was full volume now that they didn't have to worry about waking me up. I rubbed at my tender muscles while letting out a few amused chuckles. With his siblings’ distraction, I had forgotten to address my husband beside me.
“I'm glad you're awake.” His baritone voice commented quietly. My heart leapt to my throat, and I couldn't turn around fast enough to fully focus on him. There he was, in all his handsome glory. The fact that I could see his whole face caught me off guard. I glanced from him to his two siblings with a silent question before scooting back to his bare side. I decided to voice my obvious question when he said nothing.
“Why aren't you wearing-?”
“I don't need it. At least not with them, and not right now. Mama has decided to continue pursuing Strawhat who is heading to Wano. Some of our siblings are going with her while the rest of us stay to recuperate and rebuild the kingdom.” Despite his serious words, there was a small smile on Katakuri’s face as he talked about his mother going to chase Strawhat Luffy. It made me think about the question he asked that boy. The connection made me giggle.
Cracker and Brulee stopped their argument at my tinkle of laughter. I couldn't hold it in, and my giggles grew into a full on laughter. Katakuri smiled happily at my joy, soon joining me with a few low chuckles of his own that blossomed into one of his rare laughters as well. We couldn't see it, but Brulee was smiling fondly at our seemingly random laughter with Cracker looking bewildered between all three of us.
“What the fuck are you both laughin-”
“Come on, let's go check on our other siblings, Cracker.” Brulee grabbed Cracker by a bandaged arm, eliciting a pained cry from him, and dragged him from his seat to our nearby full length mirror. With a hefty push from the tall woman, Cracker was sent into the Mirro-World. Before she went through herself, she spoke to us as we came down from our laughing high.
“You two should rest. I'll tell everyone to let you have your time alone today, wiwiwi.~” And with that, we were alone. I sat there catching my breath as the peace settled in our room. A deep breath quieted my emotions into content, and I could feel the same coming from my paramount husband. My arms snaked around as much of his chest as they could and gave him a tight squeeze which I was sure he barely felt.
“I'm glad you're happy. Happier. Maybe now. . . you could be more yourself. No more hiding and putting up that omnipotent facade.” Hope for my lover’s possible boost in his self-image bloomed in my chest as I slowly tilted my head up to look at him. He wouldn't look me in the eye, and there was a solemn doubt in his eyes and heart.
“Perhaps. Though, things of this matter are not so easily changed. Especially not in my family. You know this.” His comment procured a furrow on my brow. Not wanting him to fall off into a dark place again so quickly, I moved into his lap, straddling his waist as my small hands reached up to direct his face to mine.
“What if you were the one to change that?” That simple question held a few different meanings. Meanings I'm sure the man before me could easily decipher after three years of marriage. He’d never admit it to anyone, but I felt it. I felt his relief when he lost. The joy when Strawhat said he’d come back. The buried hope that Big Mom would fall. Every burden he’s been caused was because of his mother, as is with his siblings. It was a sure bet that Katakuri would be voted the captain of the Big Mom Pirates if his mother fell. Then he could begin to heal his family and himself.
Katakuri stayed quiet for a good few moments, but I didn't need a verbal answer. I knew the answer of his heart. With my hands on his jaw, and us finally being alone after such a long, draining battle, I couldn't help the beckoning I felt towards him. Even all bandaged up and bed ridden, Katakuri still had my heart and body in a hold. The pain of the cuts on my knees were no match for the yearning burning in me. With deliberate movements, it didn't take long for my lips to slowly mesh into his. The familiar feeling of his sharp teeth prodded at my chin and upper lip, but it just spurred me on. He tasted like donuts, as usual.
Katakuri seemed to have no qualms with my choice of action since his large hands were soon encompassing my hips. Lithe fingertips danced from his jaw to the back of his neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps along the way. His semi upright position on the bed made it easier for me to lay upon him fully and deepen our sweet kiss. My heart raced faster, and I already knew my antennae were a deep rose pink as they lowered against my head. With flushed cheeks, I minimally pulled away to catch my breath. Upon opening my eyes, my lust filled ones were met with the love littered ones of my husband. The look he gave me, made me a bit shy for being so forthright with my desires. Though, the tent I felt against my butt suggested that it was not unwelcome.
After a brief spell of bashfulness, I willed myself to continue. It was too late to stop, and I had done enough holding back during the day of the wedding. Not to mention the time I've been asleep. With that thought in mind, I crashed my eager mouth back into Katakuri’s, wrapping my arms around his muscled neck. I could feel him taking in a deep breath through his nose but didn't pull away. In fact, he pulled me closer by my hips. Kata was as needy as I was, but still maintained his self-restrictions. His apprehensiveness to indulge himself in me had my clenching insides groaning in exasperation. It wasn't long before I was pushing myself back against his growing sex with apparent longing.
“Kata.~ Please, I need you so bad. I know you want to use me.” My usually modest voice rang with sultry desire as I whispered into my husband’s ear. My teasing yanked another seemingly pained groan from him, making him press his sharp nose to my shoulder. Those sharp teeth were just a hair away from my own neck. The thought of what he could do to me with them made me shiver.
Our passionate kiss devolved into one of sloppy desire until I wrenched my lips from his to latch onto his neck. With it being covered all the time, it was an easy weakness I could exploit. Just a soft faux bite right below his jaw had him squeezing my hips tighter. A restrained groan hummed against my mouth as Kata let out hot, heavy pants against my shoulder. I continued my soft bites into his warm skin. My teeth sunk into his flesh, tasting mochi and showing that he allowed me to do this. The feeling of his large muscles straining against me as he still held himself back drew out soft whines from my throat.
“Don't do this to me, love. I can't. . . I might just. . .” He growled out his labored warning to me. Usually, I would back off and continue to set the pace, but today was different. Today, I wanted to press all the wrong buttons to get the “punishment” I've always been threatened with. For once I wanted my husband to be the one in pure sensual bliss. He deserved it after everything he’s been through. This was my gift to him. If he couldn't unapologetically be himself anywhere else in his life, I wanted him to be completely open with me. Emotionally and physically.
Deciding upon this course of action put a tingle in my spine. I could finally do all the teasing I wanted and say all those things that drove him crazy. Katakuri had been preoccupying himself with kneading my bare thighs from under my nightgown and leaving soft kisses along my now exposed shoulder. Soft mumbles of praise from him to me sung into my ears, only making me more excited for what was to come. He was already teetering on a thin edge.
I continued to roll my hips back and forth against his fully hard bulge. Slowly and deliberately. A soft whimper escaped me each time I rolled just right over my sensitive spot, clinging to him like he was my lifeline.
“You can't leave me like this. I want it all, I know I can take it. Just fuck me all you want. It'd be so easy and feel so good.~” Yet another growl rumbled against my chest from his as I continued whispering dirty nothings in his ear.
“Y/N. Stop. Please.” He used my full name. He was serious, but despite his firm tone, I could feel his raging lust banging on the grates of his body. Screaming from the sewers to let it come out to play to its heart content. I was dangling the key so carelessly above the ravenous hands stretching through the gaps. My own lust had already taken over my body. It was in control with the rest of my emotions tied up and left to watch with morbid curiosity how this would end. All I did was smile and run my hands down his chiseled chest.
I didn't respond to his plea and demand, but instead continued my dangerous game. I detached myself from him and led my lips on a trail from his neck to his waist band. As I looked up at my needy lover, I could see the dangerous glint in his red eyes. Not the one he got when he was fighting, this was different. It felt more animalistic and unkempt. Something I hadn't felt in him before. It was like there was a whole new part of him that had been closed off, and I was the first to experience it this way. My butt swayed restlessly behind me, my lower stomach begging for relief of this infernal itch deep inside me. And there was only one way to get rid of it. Excitement overrode my momentary fear as I held his warning gaze while making quick work of his pants and boxers.
Finally, the thing I pined after stood before me, lighting my body abuzz and cheeks ablaze. Precum had darkened a wet spot on his boxers and showed no signs of stopping as his cock twitched and pulsed in my hands. A giggle bubbled out of me as I pressed my cheek to the shaft and kissed my way up to the soft, wet tip. I hummed in satisfaction when the soft pink head slid into my mouth, my tongue swirling around his sensitive glands. Just with this much, my mouth was half full, but I knew that other parts of me could handle him just fine. I felt like I could handle anything as long as it satisfied him. This progress had Katakuri moaning and gently holding my head. There was no push of his hands or buck of his hips, but I knew he wanted more. Well if he wanted more today, then he’d have to take more. I let go of my tight grip on his head with a pop, licking my lips as I swallowed his stringy fluids.
“Doesn't my mouth feel good? You know what would feel even better than my little mouth?” I called out once again to Kata, bringing him out of his haze of pleasure. I continued to slowly pump his full length with both hands, but only rubbed his tip along my now wet cheek.
“Ka-ta-kur-i.~ Why don't you wanna make your wife feel good?~ I'm begging you.~ I promise it will feel great for both of us.~ Please?~” A faux pout puffed my cheeks when he didn't respond, just letting out those deep, restraining growls and grunts. I knew it would take more than a little teasing to get him to let loose. I let go of his cock fully and sat up on my bandaged knees. The adrenaline pumping through my hot body nulled the pain from them as I took the straps of my nightgown and tugged them leisurely down my arms. The thin, flowy fabric of the gown already showed my perked up nipples through it, but I knew he liked seeing the real deal. The small straps fell off my fingers, but bunched up on my hips, unable to completely fall off without some assistance.
I crawled back on top of my heavily breathing husband, his sharp eyes hooded with lust, hovering my gooey entrance over his weeping tip. The urge to slide down on it, and ride us both to completion was tempting, but kept my eyes on the prize. Or eyes on the punishment, more like. With us face to face again, I could feel the hot breaths emanating from his mouth and fanning against my face. He could feel my awaiting sex so close as well. Those dangerous eyes trailed from my exposed breasts to my still covered lower half leaving me feeling vulnerable under their piercing scrutiny. He was expecting me to continue my undressing and, subsequently, start riding him like usual. All I did was give him a smile.
“Need some help?” He asked lowly and gruffly. There was a gravel to his voice that brought back the urge once again. It was so close. No. I had a plan. I reserved the right to give my husband what he needs. Even if he doesn’t think he needs it. I gave a nod, unable to talk as his hot gaze stayed on my face. Wanting to ignore his commanding stare, I moved closer to his face. I knew something that he fell apart at. My damp lips pressed against the clammy skin of his cheek, adorning his scar with a kiss. I didn't stop at one, and softly placed a kiss all along his left cheek’s scar. The skin was smooth but raised and was as sensitive as his neck, if not more. He sucked in a sharp breath, held it, then let it out shakily.
“Do you need something, dear?~” I moved to an innocent facade, but I knew he saw right through me. I was excited and the way my legs wrapped around his waist and positioned his head at my awaiting entrance was proof of that. He didn't respond yet, and just moved his right arm above me to hold himself up as his left hand moved underneath my lower back to hold me tight. Not too tight to hurt me, but I couldn't hope to get out of his grip. Not that I wanted to.
I could feel his hands squeeze at the damp skin on my thighs closest to my entrance before languidly sliding up to my silky gown. Suddenly, with little to no effort, he grabbed both sides of my clothing and tore it in two along with my panties. The sound of the threads snapping so quickly had my breath catching in my throat. Pulling back from his cheek, his eyebrows were furrowed like he was angry, and he was. Angry at the built up sexual frustration and my teasing. Gradually, he sat up, making me quickly hug onto his neck and press my fully naked body to his chest. It didn't take long for our positions to be switched with me underneath Katakuri, and him huffing above me. His hands were quick to push down his pants more and tug them off of himself fully, but swiftly went back to caging me against the bed.
“You want to take me whole? Want to make me feel good with your little needy hole? Is that what my pretty little wife wants?” Katakuri hardly ever talked dirty to me. Usually it was just praise and sweet talk as we took it slow, maybe the occasional innuendo. But this was him listening to my wants and his needs obliging. This new side of him had me half scared of the consequences and half begging for the pleasure. The duality wasn’t hard to choose between. He was standing on the wire, and all I had to do was blow him one way or another. This was probably my last chance to turn back.
“I need an answer, love. Tell me to stop.” His now soft voice was begging me to tell him no. He was scared of hurting me still, even though he so clearly wanted to fuck me to his heart’s content. I had convinced a part of him to act on his wants for once. The sweet side of him that I was used to was barely holding back the ravenous animal that was clawing its way to the surface. All I could do was smile and put a hand to his clenched jaw as I raised my lips to his ear.
“Do what you want.~” A silent beat. Two. A deep, almost pained, groan erupted from my husband. Soon, my twitchy insides were being stretched to their limits. His impossibly hard cock was already halfway inside of me, bullying its way to my cervix. The suddenness knocked the breath out of me with a gasping moan falling from my lips. I clenched hard around his member, telling him to continue. My efforts were met with a deeply pleasured moan from the giant man above me. Before now, Katakuri would have told me to stop here to keep me from hurting myself. That worry was nowhere to be seen now as his hips pulled back slowly only to snap forward once again, burying his cock deeper inside of me still.
“Fuck! Oh my gosh, it's so good! Kata!” My words slurred together as the disarming pleasure rolled through my body like a riptide, sweeping my wits from under me. I never knew sex could feel this wild. My reactions to his movements reassured the part of him still worried about my well being, allowing him to more assuredly continue his pace. A steady rhythm was set, faster than one we’ve had before. His large hand encapsulating my waist moved me back and forth in sync with his hips. I felt like a ragdoll being used for his pleasure. Each deep pound felt like I was being split apart, but I could hardly keep up with every one as my head spun with pleasure.
Katakuri was in no better state than I was, seemingly drunk on the bliss that fucking me like this brought. His face was buried in the pillow above my head, and I could hear him mumbling to himself. It was hard to pick up every word, but I could tell it was about how good he felt. The satisfaction of hearing him sound so lost in the pleasure only made every snap of his hips feel that much better. I explored his sweaty chest with my hands as my legs clung to his sides. One hand traveled up to his damp, magenta locks, raking their way up and down his scalp. This enticed him to lower his head from the pillow to my face and engage me in a sloppy yet passionate kiss.
I desperately sunk my fingers into his hair, holding him to me as we made out. I craved him, every last part of him I adored and I wanted all of him to be mine. Needy whines and whimpers of mine sounded into our kiss as I departed to talk.
“Don't stop. Don't stop until you're satisfied. I love you so much, please, feel so good for me. You're so deep in me and I love it!~” The confident attitude I had earlier had dissipated in the face of Katakuri’s raw power, and now I just wanted to please my husband. His whole cock was almost fully sheathed inside of me every time his hips hit my thighs. My insides felt so gooey and stretched out already. I had already cum once, and everything was getting to be too much. We hadn’t gone this long before, and I wasn't used to the power of his full thrusts.
Katakuri stared down at me, locked onto my blissed out face contorted erotically as I begged for him. That seemed to spur him up again, and I could feel a burst of love and sexual fervor rush from him to me. With renewed energy, he sat up on his knees, taking his member out of me. The emptiness I felt without him made me fuss and shake my hips in dissatisfaction. Without a word, I was flipped over onto my stomach and returned the fullness of my husband’s cock but from behind. His hot tip dragged along all the right places as he slid inside me again. Involuntarily, my eyes rolled back, and a loud groan escaped me. The same hand returned to its spot around my waist to hold me in place as Katakuri restarted his pace in this new position.
“I have such a beautiful wife. I'm so lucky to have you, I'm sorry I'm so selfish. It just feels so good, you feel so good. Thank you for letting me feel so good with you. I can't stop until I make you feel the best. I love you too, Y/N, I love you.” He continued to repeat snippets of that as he got sloppy with his thrusts. Despite the slower pace, each thrust slammed into my butt like a sledgehammer, bringing out my second orgasm. This one was more intense as tears sprouted to my eyes and my walls spasmed hard around his cock. The overstimulation left me a wreck as I blubbered out, “I'm cumming, cummin’, cumminggg!~” deliriously.
This turn of events knocked the breath of me again, and I was left wheezing as he lay on top of me, pressing me into the bed with his hard chest at my back. Nails gripped the sheets, toes curled, but I couldn't let out a single word. I didn't have to because he began mumbling again, but this time in my ear so I could hear.
That was the last straw for Katakuri as he grunted loudly a few times before quickly pulling out and making a mess of my back with his own cum. Harsh breaths from both of us filled the muggy, sex smelling air of our room. It didn't take long for Katakuri to finish letting everything out, so soon he collapsed beside me on his back. We both took a good amount of time calming down from the heated sex we just had. I was fully satisfied, if not overly so, as I lay there covered in cum and with my orgasm leaking out of me. I could already feel my back hurting from the arch it was forced into by my lover's thrusts and weight, but none of that mattered.
All that mattered was the dazed look of full satisfaction in Katakuri’s eyes as he came down from his high. He always held himself back when we had sex. This was the last wall he had up in front of me, that deep rooted fear of hurting me keeping him from entirely enjoying himself. I was grateful for the amount of vulnerability I was able to see from my paramount husband on a regular basis, but call me greedy because I wanted every last part of him on display for me. We were two very opposite people when it came to sharing our wants and needs, but as we’ve proved over the past three years, opposites attract.
“Can. . . we do that more?” Asked a meek Katakuri, his deep voice cutting through the silence. My face was buried in the mattress, but I turned it towards him with a lopsided smile.
“I thought you'd never ask. Though, maybe next time we should use protection so you don't have to pull out.” I winked at him as his already red cheeks darkened. An embarrassed groan escaped him and he quickly got up to head to the bathroom.
“I'm getting a towel for you and running a bath. Maybe once you're clean you'll stop instigating such dirty actions.” He grumbled, making me pout. I opened my mouth to retort, but he beat me to the punch.
“Don't say that unless you’re ready for the punishment.”
Damn his future vision. With a huff, I stayed silent and just waited for my towel. For now. As I waited, my gaze drifted over to Katakuri’s nightstand. On it sat that dirty black hat that Strawhat put on his mouth after their battle. My eyes softened at the memento. I'd have to thank Strawhat one day for what he did for Katakuri.
My antennae turned dusty pink.
And with that, This little unexpected mini series of my favorite mochi man ends.~ This won't be the last of him, but I have other wonderful characters that are calling my name.~ Thank you, dearies, and see you, hopefully, soon.~
Part 1 <- - Part 2 <- - Part 3
If I could implode from the cuteness of this, I would!~ He looks so cute and snuggable!~ Wonderful job, dear, I commend your efforts and resilience in this project!~ I'm not sure exactly how you made this, but I'd learn whatever skills necessary to make one of my own!~ Orayne I'll just throw money at you for one, haha!~ Love it!~
Commissioned otter plush based off Katakuri from One Piece. Added the concept art for the plush and the fanart that it was based off of (obviously turned out very different from the original lol). He's a lil heftier than I thought he'd turn out but it works tbh. It ended up being a mix of embroidery, crochet, and hand sewing- for the scarf I made it detachable by putting magnets in it to pull a part (however it didn't turn out as strong as I'd like and will probably have to use a safety pin for extra security to hold in place. I also gave him lil beans on the paws which might be my favorite part of his appearance lol. This project took way too long cuz I kept changing the pattern and school so ended up being a couple months. However happy with the results though there are things I'm still picky about mainly just glad to finally be done because I was gonna lose my mind after remaking the base plush four different times bc it wasn't turning out the way I wanted until the last try yippee🤡🥲

Anyways rant over enjoy the lad :P
Make that the WE Katakuri simps.~ I loved this man before I even made it to Whole Cake, and I giggled like a school girl seeing all the pictures.~ 🥰🍩
lord the second this man was on screen, i was already on my knees pulling back my hair ready for him 😭

consider me THE katakuri simp 😌
I did it!~ I feel like I drew a few things badly, but I missed drawing him!~ He's in pencil, my worst medium, because I didn't feel like sitting at my desk to draw digitally.~

Day 6: Warrior
But I definitely want to do more drawings for #katatober!~ Can't wait for the teeth prompt!~
(Ignore the little mob in the top left corner, I didn't have the heart to erase him.~ He's just admiring Katakuri's muscles, hehe.~)

Day 7: Fangs
This is definitely cutting the wire, but I had this idea for today's prompt stuck in my head all day at work!~ Two smiley Katas for good measure!~
Missed a few days of Katatober because of a hurricane, but I'm back!~ Got tired of my subpar traditional drawing skills, and got on my drawing tablet, so voila!~

Day 14: Merienda
Pretty proud of the mini Kata, honestly.~ I'll try to keep up with the rest of this month's prompts!~
I decided to post something and it’s gonna be a one piece wip because I have no inspiration to finish Katakuri and this is my first time drawing him, so I don’t know if I like how I’ve drawn him or not due to this not being my normal art style (I’m trying to broaden my style)