Pokemon Adaman - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I have absolutely no clue if this is too OOC or not because I never played PLA. I just wanted an excuse to draw some Irida and Adaman friendship moments for Pokemon Masters.

Please spare me. :'D

I Have Absolutely No Clue If This Is Too OOC Or Not Because I Never Played PLA. I Just Wanted An Excuse

I Have Absolutely No Clue If This Is Too OOC Or Not Because I Never Played PLA. I Just Wanted An Excuse

I Have Absolutely No Clue If This Is Too OOC Or Not Because I Never Played PLA. I Just Wanted An Excuse

I Have Absolutely No Clue If This Is Too OOC Or Not Because I Never Played PLA. I Just Wanted An Excuse

I Have Absolutely No Clue If This Is Too OOC Or Not Because I Never Played PLA. I Just Wanted An Excuse

I Have Absolutely No Clue If This Is Too OOC Or Not Because I Never Played PLA. I Just Wanted An Excuse

I know that they were bickering a lot in the game and they definitely had their differences, but I liked to imagine that as time passed by, they continued to make peace between their clans and the two strengthened their growing friendship. (Or maybe that already happened in the game. Oof)


Adaman's just learned how to take pictures. He will happily brag about this to Akari and Rei when they get back. Lol

I Have Absolutely No Clue If This Is Too OOC Or Not Because I Never Played PLA. I Just Wanted An Excuse

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5 months ago
It's Always In My Head When I See A Picture With Clan Leaders And Volo
It's Always In My Head When I See A Picture With Clan Leaders And Volo
It's Always In My Head When I See A Picture With Clan Leaders And Volo

It's always in my head when I see a picture with clan leaders and Volo

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2 years ago
You Make Me Angry.. Yet I Can Never Remember Why.

You make me angry….. yet I can never remember why….

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2 years ago


What if during their missions the hero befriends this pack of hitsuian zoarks and zoras?

They have helped this pack many times during their missions and the pack has grown to care for their dear human friend.

But when you get banished hell has frozen over and what if you were seriously hurted during the banishment?

On top of the mountain everyone even thoughs who helped you will see an illusion of you dying body as the leader of the pack inches towards kamado scarring him for his actions!

Enjoy my fuckery!

Reader is gender neutral, the only she is the alpha Zoroark. Mentions of blood but nothing descriptive.



You don’t know what you did to deserve being banished, you only did what you were told.

No matter who stood up for you, they were instantly silenced to threatened with war, and that wasn’t something you wanted for any of those you still care for.

You didn’t know what else to do.

You weren’t given the chance to pack your things, or anything at all really, just whatever you had on you at the time.

The clans nor their leaders could help you.

So you wondered around, trying to find something, anything that could help you prove you innocence.

That drive lead you to the Alabaster Icelands.

Snowpoint temple seemed old enough to carry some secrets, maybe you could find something there?

While you set up your own little campsite in a cave you hear something, a curious sounding whine before it morphs into a happy yip.

Looking behind you, you see a little zoura you helped a while ago, if the cut out of their ear was anything to go by.

“Hey little buddy.”

You coo softly, but the small Pokémon senses something wrong, letting out a small whine, more zouras show up.

Ah, it’s the entire pack you’ve helped over the months.

You remember healing them when you found them and handing them back to a very angry and cautious alpha.

Speaking of, a louder, deeper grumble greets you.

The other zouras and Zoroarks of the pack form a soft circle around you, just as the alpha Zoroark makes her appearance.

“Hello to you too mama.”

The family looks at you, all letting out various sad or comforting sounds. The larger Zoroark curls around you, in an effort to keep you warm.

“Thank you.”

It’s funny being held like this. Your thoughts begin to tumble and before you know you, you’re sobbing into the fluffy mane of the Zoroark around you.

You cried your heart out to the whining pack, venting about all that has happened.

Your banishment.

You betrayal.

Your heartache.

They left it all.

The alpha Zoroark rubbed her cheek against your, wrapping herself up in your scarf before moving away. She stood up, speaking to her children before most of the zoroarks left, not without giving you a nuzzle.

One Zoroark was left to keep watch over you and the zouras.

You cried a little more, hugging and cuddling with your new family before falling asleep, surrounded by their fluffy warmth.

You sleep safe and protected, completely unaware of what is yet to come.

The pack of zoroarks quickly move in towards the village.

The have arrived by the next night.

The alpha looks down at the scarf you have yet to notice she took.

They hurt her pup.

They left her pup abandoned in the wilderness to suffer the same fate as her.

They will not be forgiven.

The meeting between the commander and clan leaders was dragging on.

It was late but no progress was being made.

Kamado sighs at Irida and Adaman’s stubbornness, the two were still upset about his ruling over you.

“It’s been almost a week! No one as heard from them, let alone see them!” Adaman’s patience is wearing thin.

“What if something happened to them? These lands aren’t exactly kind.”

Irida was worried, she heard from Lian that the day of you banishment you asked for her, but due to Kamado’s orders he couldn’t help and you left.

You are her dear friend, she hopes you’re safe.

Adaman’s anger is only to mask his fear, Irida is right, these lands aren’t kind, and with you by yourself, with no guards or professor on the look out for you, who knows what could happen.

The door to the side suddenly flings open.

A powerful burst of malicious pressure forcing it open.

Red claws grip the door frame, the Zoroark lowers herself to enter the office.

Before any made a move the gasp.

That’s your scarf, that’s your galaxy uniform scarf that you never took off.

Slowly the Zoroark morphs into you, a blood stained you.

“…..hero?” Irida’s voice breaks, her hands over he mouth with tears stinging her eyes.

Adaman and Kamado stand shocked and horrified at the realization.

It’s you.

“Why did you do this to me?” It’s your voice, it sounds so uncanny.

Your eyes however stay that stark yellow, glaring down the commander.

“I-I didn’t!- I-“

“I will give you a fate like mine.”

The threes face’s paled, neither clan leader’s teams were strong enough to take on such a strong, angry foe.

A part of them didn’t want to. It was you after all, you had every right to be angry.

They stare at the Zoroark’s illusion. It had to be you, the creature had your scarf after all.

You didn’t seem to have any open injuries, but the blood showed just where you were hit.

Adaman felt like puking at the thought of your pain.

With all the commotion, Cyllene and Laventon burst in.

Laventon’s loud cry startled the Zoroark, bringing her attention toward the other door.

Was that your pack mate you spoke fondly of?

“Everyone get back! Abra!”

Ah these the strict one you spoke of as well.

She lunges, breaking her illusion and going for Kamado’s throat.

But Abra teleports him out of the room just in time.

With a loud snark and howl, the village echoes in several howls.

“If you hadn’t banished them this wouldn’t be happening!”

“How was I suppose to know they’d be killed and turned into THAT!?”

“Are you so closed off you don’t see the world you live in anymore!?”

Kamado argues with Irida and Adman, he didn’t think this would happen.

“Enough! We need to take ever safety precaution we have. Zoroarks are dangerous, we won’t know who’s one until they slip up.”

Cyllene quickly takes over the situation.

“Lock down the village and get everyone inside this building state!”

“Yes ma’am!” Galaxy guards run out to round everyone up, alarms are being signaled and the lock down commences.

Hours into the lock down, well into the next morning, everything seems fine.

Kamado spent most of it dealing with the villagers, ignoring the harsh glares being sent his way by the other leaders, Cyllene, and Laventon.

His mind only replaying what happened yesterday.

You couldn’t be dead…could you? Though why else would a pack of zoroarks come to his village? They always stay in the Icelands.

The realization that he had a hand in your demise, seeing a ghostly you, so angry at him.

It made his heart sink.

The commander does his best to make sure that side door stays locked up tight. He always checks to make sure it stays that way, in fear it’ll open and you’ll be standing there, ready to finish the job.


With food secured and their mother’s actions done, the pack heads back to their den.

The alpha lets out a soft coo at the sight of you playing with the other pups.

“Oh! Welcome back.”

You holy in surprise when each Zoroark drops human food by you.

“Is that what y’all left for?”

You look at them confused as she nudges you towards it.

“Well, thank you!” You gave some of them some pets before eating some of the food.

Looking over to the mother of the pack you chuckle.

“I was wondering where my scarf went, though you can keep it, it matches you!”

Your chuckle turns into a laugh as she licks your face, fully trying to give you a bath.

Maybe staying here won’t be so bad.

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5 months ago

Wandering Spirit: the tale of Dawn the Baneful Fox

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Full text below ↓


When Arceus sent Dawn back in time to Hisui, her spirit became separated from her body. To preserve the timeline, Arceus created a simple consciousness in control of Dawn's body capable of completing His tasks. The Galaxy Team named it Akari.

Dawn, a wandering spirit, has nowhere to call her home. In the Icelands she meets Akari for the first time. That's her body, and she will get it back.


“Who are you?” Dawn asked, her raspy voice echoed against nothing as she circled her prey. Dead eyes followed her around and around.

For months she had wandered the island that was so familiar yet not. Pokemon she had and had never met before called it their home. People she never heard of made it their domain.

No matter where she went, she was reviled. Rejected from the Pearl and Diamond clans as a bad omen. Chased off from the Galaxy Team as a beast. Driven away from the lush river valleys of the West, the vibrant woods of the South, and the verdant shores of the East.

The dreary North is where she stopped running and made her claim on the world.

“This one is called Akari,” the imposter droned. Her voice was as flat as a windless lake. Dawn recognized her voice, despite the even tone.

Dawn first noticed the imposter from afar. People who wander the Icelands are brave or foolhardy. And yet the imposter waded through its mountainous snow drifts as if they were mere diglett mounds. The imposter captured pokémon with nary any effort, throwing balls at the wild pokemon without sending any out to fight. The imposter had an efficiency that hinted of something... extraordinary.

Dawn had some skills in sneaking around. In the earlier months, she was not strong enough to overpower her enemies, so she had to learn to slink around unnoticed. The imposter was not fooled in the slightest. Any time she watched the imposter, the imposter watched her, empty eyes locked with hers. Uncaring. Unnerving.


The imposter was the only one on the entire island who didn't react to her with revulsion.

It was miraculous how one could adapt to circumstance. When Dawn first awoke after meeting with Arceus, she expected... she didn’t know what she expected. Waking up as a ghost was not what she expected. A free spirit in the truest sense, not tied to anyone or anywhere. Untethered, and yet, incapable of anything.

When she awoke, she saw herself as she was. A Research Partner of five years to Professor Rowan, assisting him in the research of Pokémon evolution, living in Sandgem town, going to Jubilife on the weekends. Pale skin, dark hair, and fair voice. As she moved across the island, this self-image had changed. Changed to something she had never seen before. On her head was a long tuft of white fur, flapping gently in an unfelt breeze. Behind her, a poofy tail tipped in red. In her mouth, many sharp teeth. A Zorua. A perverse one of ghostly constitution.

She lost her midnight blue hair. She lost her dainty nose and small lips. She lost her height. She lost her clothes. She hardly noticed the change until it was over.

The imposter, though. The imposter had her face. The imposter had her voice. The imposter had her body.

“Tell me who you are, Akari,” she asked again, spitting out the imposter’s name like a curse.

“This one is a six star surveyor in the Galaxy Team,” the imposter answered. It didn’t tell Dawn anything she didn't know. She had seen enough of their clan to know how their uniforms worked.

It was in the Coronet Highlands that Dawn stood upright for the first time in months. She knew that Spear Pillar was associated with Arceus. It was a faint hope that she would find Him there. For all the anguish of being rejected by human and pokémon alike, nothing hurt as much as the barrier surrounding Mt. Coronet's summit.

The betrayal of it all was far sharper than the sting of touching the barrier. Of all the misery she had endured, the rejection by Arceus was the most heartbreaking. She agreed to his quest, and He spurned her. It was there, on the top of the mountain, throwing herself against the barrier over and over, that she changed again.

“When did you join?” She prodded.

“This one joined the Galaxy Team in spring,” was the imposter's dull response. 

Dawn narrowed her eyes. That's when she awoke, separated from her physical form. She stood up straight. Her large mane of hair twisted and coiled as if suspended in water, and wrapped itself around the imposter. She leaned in and put her paws on the imposters shoulders, claws digging in slightly. “You took my body,” she whispered, her teeth snapping centimeters from the imposters face. “Why?”

The imposter was not cowed.

Dawn pushed in closer to the imposter, their eyes millimeters apart. “I will have it back. That is a promise.”

“Promises are for the gods and the dead.” The imposter said. Oh the irony.


“We were warned of you,” the Diamond Clan leader said.

The imposter's pokémon had defeated the goddess of death twice over. An incontestable outcome. The barrier around Spear Pillar, the one sure sign of Arceus's indifference, fell with Her. It hardly mattered that Dawn blamed the wrong god. The pain had ossified long ago.

With the fall of the barrier so too did the imposter, onto the stone floor of Spear Pillar. Dawn ran to her body, to find the imposter had fled. What lay before her was a pile of flesh and bone without spirit. Free for the taking. Dawn screamed and laughed and sobbed at the cruelty and irony of the world. She clutched her limp body to her chest like a doll, mindful of her sharp claws. Finally, she had her body back.

“Oh?” Dawn had the smallest of hopes in her voice. An inflection the imposter never had. She fiddled with her sleeve. A nervous tick the imposter never did.

Dawn learned many things as a ghost, all in service of a single goal: take back what was hers.

Dawn learned to craft illusions. To disguise one's entire self as something other. To perceive it so resolutely that reality itself believes it. She imagined how she would utilize it on the imposter.

Dawn learned to summon the chill of death. The humans called it ‘bitter malice.’ It matched how she felt. She envisioned how she would unleash it on the imposter.

Dawn learned to manipulate the spirit. The intangible consciousness that empowered human and pokémon. She couldn't wait to oust the imposter.

Power isn't free. To call forth the Beyond was to embrace the Beyond. It changed you irreversibly.

In the end, it was power she didn’t need. The imposter had abandoned her body before she could force the imposter out. Her plans and sacrifices were moot.

“‘The one wearing Akari's face,’” the leader quoted. “‘Her visage is only skin-deep.’”

Dawn had heard this before.

When her emotions had run their course on Spear Pillar, Dawn finally entered her body. She could experience the world as she never could as a ghost. The chill of the air, she had not felt in a long time. The breath she drew in her lungs, she had not needed in a long time.

Finally she had her body. Finally she was more than a lonesome spirit. It was a long time since she had felt happiness. She had joy at last. She ran all the way to Jubilife Village. A roof, a bed, a warm fire, a tasty meal. These were just over the hill. Her days in the Icelands were over.

Dawn never felt more alive.

She was hopeful. It was this that alerted the Galaxy Team. She would not mimic the imposter. The imposter’s mannerisms were too strange. Too robotic. Too dead. The leaders were suspicious of her immediately. Missives were drawn up to alert the clans.

Dawn ran before the messengers could depart. She ran straight to the Diamond Clan. She didn't run fast enough.

She had the tiniest of hopes that, by seeking out the Diamond Clan, she might receive an audience with Dialga. That she might convince Him to send her to her own time. Her desires were simple. To return to her loving family, to return to her pokémon friends, to return to her important research. It would be nice to do so while she drew breath.

“This is my face,” Dawn hissed, offended at the mistake. An emotion the imposter never felt. “It was stolen and now it is returned.”

"Begone, Fox. You aren't welcome here." The point of a sword said the rest.

The imposter’s eyes never turned a sickly yellow in rage, and the imposter's hands never formed wicked claws of anger.

How naïve she was to think that returning to her body was what she really wanted. How foolish she was to think that carrying through on her promise would complete her. Life is more than flesh and blood.

The Diamond Clan's reaction was disappointing, but only a small setback. She was a free spirit after all. Not tied to anyone or anything or any body. She could get back to her family the long way. For now, she would return to the Icelands. She would not seek out the Pearl clan. She had enough of hoping for one lifetime.

As Dawn Walked away from the Diamond clan camp, she never felt less alive.


“You’re beautiful,” Carolina said as she worked the brush through Dawn's soft fur.

“It’s a sign that our time together will soon end,” Dawn cautioned.

A baneful fox’s life is a life of torment. Cursed to keep walking the earth in search of what they missed in life. Dawn was unique amongst them. Her life in limbo preceded her mortal death by several years. It did not matter in the slightest.

When Dawn’s body died alone in her shelter, it was sad in the way finishing a meal was sad. Mortality was simply a habit she was now free of. She reacclimatized to her zoroark form quickly.

“Why?” Carolina asked.

“Eventually all things must end,” Dawn said, cryptically.

As a being between both life and death, a baneful fox consumes both flesh and spirit. The Icelands made an ideal hunting grounds. It was easy finding a creature caught out in the elements. All she had to do was bide her time and it would perish on its own. Sometimes she amused herself with illusions, pretending to be a meal, or a shelter, or a lover. The cold and desperate fell for it every time, be they pokémon or human. Sometimes she had to defend her prize from other hungry beasts. She didn’t mind; she would eat double those nights.

Her compassion had burned out long ago.

“But why?” Carolina's youthful curiosity was insatiable. Dawn laughed.

A ghostly zoroark is a harrowing sight. Matted white fur on graying skin stretched tight over exposed muscle. Claws cracked and gray, and hair dull and faded. Face a perpetual snarl of agony and rage. A walking corpse.

It was this figure that greeted Carolina's parents a year ago. A horrifying beast with a small child in its arms.

Dawn was south of her normal hunting grounds when she met young Carolina for the first time. It was near one of the mountain villages that sprang up in the past century. Pokémon attracted to the promise of food and warmth, and livestock stuck outside of their stables, they made for a quick meal.

“A baneful fox like myself has a hole deep in their heart. It’s what makes us look so ghoulish,” Dawn explained.

“But you don't look ghoulish,” Carolina protested. Dawn held up a smooth black claw for silence.

Maybe the child couldn't see properly. It was the simplest explanation for why it would ask for Dawn’s help.

She pretended she didn't hear it. Nobody asked her for help, not even the most desperate. They saw her for what she was, a hungry pokémon that had spotted its next meal.

The child asked again. Dawn chose to act.

“When we find what's missing,” Dawn continued, “and it fills that hole, that’s when we heal.”

Dawn had to hurry to save the child. Her body made no heat, so she could not warm it, and the falling snow would soon cover its tracks. She was racing against time.

She prepared herself for the worst. A rifle in her face. The slam of the door. The call for a hunting party. She had seen it all before. If that was repayment for her good deed, it would smother the last embers of her humanity. But she would persevere. Even if doing so only brought more pain, she would save the child.

The child was lucky it hadn’t wandered far. It was lucky that the snowfall had abated. Dawn was lucky too. She knew that, should her charge expire, she would only hesitate briefly before consuming the dead child and its spirit. She knew it would break her.

“When we’re all healed, that’s when we move on.”

When Dawn found the house, the child's parents had just stepped outside to begin searching. They were initially shocked at her appearance, but with the child held outstretched for them to take, with the assurance their child was still alive, they understood.

Nobody thanked her freely. It was... nice. Nobody gave her food willingly. It was nice.

“You, your mom, and your dad have healed me a lot.” Dawn smiled softly. Her pristine coat glowed in the afternoon sun. White fur glistened like fresh powder snow, shifting to the rich red of haban berries. With Carolina's persistent love and care, Dawn looked and felt regal.

Dawn met little Carolina after she woke. The spark of recognition she had was impossible. She was dying. She could not remember Dawn.

Nobody hugged her lovingly. It was more than nice.

“Thank you,” Dawn whispered. She caressed Carolina's hand tenderly. 

Her time was coming. She wouldn’t get to see Lucas or her mom or dad or Rowan, at least, not in this life. In some ways, she regret that it was over so soon. In others, she couldn’t care at all. She yearned for this, and she finally had it.

The call of the Beyond was growing stronger. White light filled her vision, beckoning her. The time for regret was over. “Goodbye, Carolina. I'm glad I met you.”

“You’re not gone forever. I will see you again. That’s a promise,” Carolina said as resolutely and solemnly as a child could.

A tear of happiness slipped free, splashing quietly on the ground, and Dawn entered the Beyond for the final time.

This was an interesting side project to work on. I saw this post by @halfling-myth-lady and I had to write about it. I originally intended it to be a single scene, but I tagged the reblog as "snippet" instead of the "one-shot" I was looking for. I wasn't backing down though, and I had an idea for the second chapter. Then I had an idea for the third chapter. There's a lot to be explored still, in the framework of the original post and the framework of this story, but I think this is an ideal stopping point for this story. If you liked it or hated it, please comment. Thank you for reading.

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I know i could of drawn a pokemon but I was watching MLP >-<

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1 year ago

I am now Playing Pokémon Arceus but there is a twist I am doing my Second Persona which is Sora and that I would keep you updated about what I’m doing since It is gonna be like a Self insert thing and also when I do post


But first thing first I gotta make myself another Twitter since I can’t share my post on the other one cause I don’t have a password on it.

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1 year ago

Guess who finally finish the completion of the dex to get the Shiny Charm in Legends Arceus


Guess Who Finally Finish The Completion Of The Dex To Get The Shiny Charm In Legends Arceus

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8 months ago

Adaman when Melli is right about something.

Adaman When Melli Is Right About Something.

Inspired by this fic series (specifically the last one):

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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