Op I Am So Sorry For The Rant; I Just Had To Get That Off My Chest - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Context: I work at a PetSmart, “part time” as a cashier and animal care associate. I’m also a trans guy and a therian

Below the readmore bc there’s a lot

I’m pretty tolerant of most bullshit because I understand people have shit going on in their lives that I don’t know

But godDAMN please have your payment ready before you come up to my lane, I’m usually the only mf on register and I get ugly looks for having to call for backup

I don’t have time for you to count out 300 in small bills, and I probably don’t have change in the till for it either

and don’t look at me like I’m the ass when my shitty terminal crashes for trying to scan your stuff- this thing’s running windows xp on a touchscreen with the world’s most potato-ass router giving it internet access

like bro I’m here for 8hrs standing up doing an opening shift at 9am when I closed at 9pm last night; I got NO sleep, I’m being paid minimum wage because my hours are *just* below the border of full time but the company cucks me out of it over and over

I’ve been doing this so much that my shoulders are slipping out of their sockets and my skin is tearing at the waist from my uniform’s belt. I wouldn’t be surprised if my legs had stress fractures and that’s why my phantom shifts hurt so much lately

only reasons why I’m staying: my coworkers are cool, leaving would look bad on my resume, everywhere else is the same (or worse), I get to see cool pets every day, I get to be out and masc-presenting without my manager being an ass, and I get employee discounts on stuff that gives species euphoria

For any followers of mine who are retail workers, what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to your customers?

Personally I hate when customers are talking on the phone while I’m checking them out. To me it’s so fucking rude.

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