Tired Reblogs - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

everyone always sayin to me "not to be weird" you have to be weird. you have to be weird for your health

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1 year ago

Joint pains for supernumerary limbs (wings, tails, extra arms or legs)

Uncontrollable shapeshifting, either whole or partially (spikes, wings, arms, eyes, etc)

Bad vision across more than two eyes

Seer’s migraines (basically you looked into the future too hard and now you have both constant deja vu and brain-splitting headaches)

Brain fog that manifests physically as well as mentally (cloud around your head)

Your memories literally escape you and you have to run around your house to catch and remember them

What are some chronic illnesses that can only occur in a fantasy setting?

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11 months ago

Reblog to let your followers know that they’re safe from jumpscares/screamers/etc from you on April 1st but they are NOT safe from getting boop’d like an idiot amen

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11 months ago

ideas for tumblr staff

dont remove the boop button

stop banning trans women for no reason

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11 months ago

since i fully expect tumblr to monetize booping at a later date like they did with the crabs, here's your reminder to not give them any fucking money until they get their asses in gear and not only address but fix their moderation policies surrounding racism and transmisogyny and bigotry in general

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11 months ago








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10 months ago

here is an ask game based off destiny 2 exotics! 🟡 feel free to reblog and have fun

Riskrunner - What was the very first weapon that your Guardian knew was truly theirs? Do they still use it?

Sunshot - What is your Guardian's temper? How do they handle stressful situations? How do they relax?

Ace of Spades - What's your Guardian's relationship with the Vanguard?

Crimson - Does your Guardian often compete in the Crucible arena? How successfully?

Le Monarque - How does your Guardian feel about puzzles and mysteries?

Ager's Scepter - Does your Guardian enjoy hunting down lore, transmissions, stories? Do they know much outside of the Vanguard network?

Touch of Malice - Is your Guardian often participating in raids?

Hard Light - Is your Guardian proficient in all subclasses or do they specialize? Do they have a favorite subclass power?

Gjallarhorn - Was your Guardian risen during the D1 or D2 events, or even earlier?

Black Talon - What is your Guardian's aesthetic?

Malfeasance - Did your Guardian side with the Vanguard or the Drifter when he asked? (or what would they have picked if didn't get a chance back then)

Witherhoard - Does your Guardian wield the Darkness? How does it make them feel?

One Thousand Voices - Is your Guardian lucky with loot drops?

Outbreak Perfected - Does your Guardian have any body modifications? Do they want any?

Trinity Ghoul - Does your Guardian prefer to work alone or do they have a fireteam?

Huckleberry - What is your Guardian's approach to combat? Are they subtle, all guns blazing or prefer to avoid it altogether?

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10 months ago

Context: I work at a PetSmart, “part time” as a cashier and animal care associate. I’m also a trans guy and a therian

Below the readmore bc there’s a lot

I’m pretty tolerant of most bullshit because I understand people have shit going on in their lives that I don’t know

But godDAMN please have your payment ready before you come up to my lane, I’m usually the only mf on register and I get ugly looks for having to call for backup

I don’t have time for you to count out 300 in small bills, and I probably don’t have change in the till for it either

and don’t look at me like I’m the ass when my shitty terminal crashes for trying to scan your stuff- this thing’s running windows xp on a touchscreen with the world’s most potato-ass router giving it internet access

like bro I’m here for 8hrs standing up doing an opening shift at 9am when I closed at 9pm last night; I got NO sleep, I’m being paid minimum wage because my hours are *just* below the border of full time but the company cucks me out of it over and over

I’ve been doing this so much that my shoulders are slipping out of their sockets and my skin is tearing at the waist from my uniform’s belt. I wouldn’t be surprised if my legs had stress fractures and that’s why my phantom shifts hurt so much lately

only reasons why I’m staying: my coworkers are cool, leaving would look bad on my resume, everywhere else is the same (or worse), I get to see cool pets every day, I get to be out and masc-presenting without my manager being an ass, and I get employee discounts on stuff that gives species euphoria

For any followers of mine who are retail workers, what’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to your customers?

Personally I hate when customers are talking on the phone while I’m checking them out. To me it’s so fucking rude.

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10 months ago

My main Lancer, Ashton-212, was cloned from the near-obliterated remains of a legendary Lancer in a foundry’s attempt to make an army, but ended up as a battle-coward because while the biology persevered beyond death, the personality did not.

My Main Lancer, Ashton-212, Was Cloned From The Near-obliterated Remains Of A Legendary Lancer In A Foundrys

His hardsuit is modified to accommodate his cat ears and tail. He learns to overcome his cowardice via large explosions and mind-melting cockpit temperatures- courtesy of [THERMALLY CHALLENGED], his NHP-sentient Everest with a broken heat vent and a short-fuse personality

One of my favorite things about Lancer is the canonically accepted body modification. Like first of all trans people are fully written into the setting but also you can just put furries in there.

Like yeah this person went and got their body turned into a humanoid ermine. It's fluffy and it's going to fix your reactor. Your commander has cat ears. The pilot in the impossible probability machine next to you has a fat gator tail.

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9 months ago

Friendly reminder that you should

Write that fic

Draw your OC

Redesign that blorbo

Plan that comic how you want

Create the content you want to see

Be cringe

Be free

The only thing that matters is you having fun! Not what others think!

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9 months ago

Thinking abt how Osiris, Misraakskel, and Nimbus would interact

Like, imagine a season where Osiris and Nimbus reach out to Misraaks for help with a Vex invasion on Neomuna

and the three of them find assimilated!Asher in the Vexnet commanding an entire legion of “corrupted” frames to wage war on the Sol Divisive or some shit

Could be an opportunity for Vex allies, even if temporarily

Seasonal armor could be similar to the Undying ornaments- Vex shit- but mixed with Splicer stuff, Neomuni tech, and maybe aspects of the Mercury sets

Weapons could be reprised Mercury and Splicer weapons, or even fusions of the two

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8 months ago
a poorly drawn version of the D2 gun UI, showing a handcannon. The gun has Headseeker/Dragonfly as its main perks, and a unique intrinsic icon of a bird. At the bottom right of the image, a png of a yellow and green parakeet blocks most of the weapon stats.

rough recreation

Had a dream last night that Bungie reissued Splicer weapons and the foundry perk was them talking to you. There was a Splicer hand cannon that had the voice of an angry bird named Carrot (?).

(The perk icon for the speaking parrot intrinsic was literally just a crunchy jpeg of a bird superimposed over the bottom right of the inspection screen. I remember it was green and yellow, looked kinda like a parakeet, and had a very smug aura about it.)

Also for some reason, the Splicer auto rifle had a different perk- there was a chance for some of its bullets to fire like the weird drifting projectiles that some Eliksni guns have

Also Misraaks was there at one point but I can’t elaborate on my sfw blog /hj

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7 months ago

I have SO MANY Risen OCs it’s insane and I can’t pick one so imma rapid fire one fact per Risen under the cut

Bitrik, my main Risen and Young Wolf (Awoken Hunter), is afraid of water. Season of the Deep was a nightmare for him lmao

Enjik-3, my in-game Exo Warlock, has metal wings that light on fire when she pops super. She always smells like burning metal

Alanor, my in-game Human Titan, used to be horribly racist towards Eliksni until he met an Eliksni Lightbearer named Ristrek who he developed a mad crush on

Speaking of Ristrek, he’s one of three Eliksni “brothers” who all wield the light. Ristrek himself is a bubble Titan and gives good hugs

Kirik is one of Ristrek’s brothers. He’s a multiclass Hunter, mostly doing arc but slowly learning others. He looks up to his big brother and Bitrik in equal measure, and has anxiety attacks that knock him out with the arc surges it makes

Tithariks is the youngest of the brothers, and is a pure Arc hunter. He has a hat made of an old shank chassis he found shortly after being rez’d for the first time. He also loves fishing, much to Bitrik’s chagrin

Ekira and Bonnie-21 are lesbians. Ekira is an Awoken Voidwalker, and Bonnie is a blade barrage Hunter. Ekira is perpetually freezing, so Bonnie acts as the space heater to her AC unit.

Qui’ora is a Psion Hunter who uses a specially-made Celestial Nighthawk to accommodate for her single eye. Her favorite planet is Mars, but she can’t really tell you why.

Rory is an Uluran Titan who specializes in arc. He also gives good hugs, and he’s trans! His helmet is modified to accommodate his tusks

Rorark is a Scarlet Hive Knight Titan that I haven’t fleshed out yet, but he and his partner Anviok are hired guns around the City

Anviok is a Scarlet Hive Acolyte Hunter and acts as Rorark’s cool head. They were killed in their first life by another Scarlet Hive for aligning with Savathûn during the swarm’s schism in Shadowkeep

Mazerunner is a weird dude. He’s not human (idk what he is), and he’s half Hunter half Warlock. He has ten eyes, gills, slits for mouths with mandibles underneath, and SO MUCH autism. He likes exploring the backrooms and going OoB.

Shifter isn’t human either. He’s a chimera, with limited shapeshifting. He has a HUGE crush on Misraakskel, and totally isn’t a self-insert


Nyariks is an Eliksni who founded a tattoo and decal shop in the City. He’s pioneered carving and painting Exo chassis

Aetis-1 is an Exoliksi who escaped from House Salvation and looked for shelter with House Light. She’s queer-platonic-partnered with Nyariks, and the two of them run the shop.

Routrisk-2 is a Splicer Devil Baron who was also Exo-ified, but unfortunately his model is half-working and stricken with mood swings from hormone imbalances prior to his conversion. He frequents the Exo repair shops in the city to try and fix himself, but it’s not looking good

Kiran Vastis: Human female, civvie, Exo “surgeon.” In WAY over her head, has no idea how Eliksni biologically operate. Ends up with a “deal” with Routrisk-2, but I’m not elaborating here ;)

Iphaksis is a Salvation vandal who’s kind of a dick. He likes to snipe, idk he’s just a reoccurring heel like Rahndel

Malisovek is a Scorn pseudo-Baron who leads a pack of Scorn Wretches. She specializes in glaives and being a nuisance.

Bal’akan is an inert Psion and Rorark and Anviok’s “handler.” He gets them jobs around the City. Real sleazy type dude, butts heads with Spider a lot.

Phoebetor is a Vex Goblin who learned to simulate and eventually wield the Light. It partnered with a pack of Risen who eventually purged an errant Taken swarm in the Infinite Forest

Might be silly but let me try. I want to hear about other people's guardians. A random fact about them, maybe just something as simple as what they'd carry along everywhere or a joke they like to tell

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7 months ago

Please don't use the Patreon app on any iPhone. Apple is charging Patreon users an additional 30% fee.

Patreon is the main source of income for many creators and not everyone can afford an extra 30% on top of what they're already paying.

This is 100% corporate greed and it hurts all of us. If you can avoid using the iPhone Patreon please do so.

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7 months ago

you need to surround yourself with more transgenders ok

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6 months ago

please can we do inbox trick-or-treating this year. can we make that a thing on tumblr. please please please please please

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