Or At Least Trying To - Tumblr Posts
I just wanna say that I love this discussion and in general I DO think that Mrs. Cheng is a bit... weird, even when compared to the other people (that are somewhat peculiar) of that little corner in Soho.
That being said, the only thing I can add to this conversation is that whether or not Mrs. Cheng is God (would be interesting if she is, why else give her the type of focus shown in the show if she doesn't end up being important), is that God is dead and the Metatron killed Them (I'm only half joking)
Ms. Cheng
Okay so this might be a bit out there, but there's something about this moment that I can't stop thinking about.

Why do we have a particular moment of Ms. Cheng STOPPING and LOOKING WORRIED on her way into the bookshop? It feels like maybe she's noticing something. (s2e5 22:03)
This moment is giving me a similar feeling to another scene.

^This is the moment when Gabriel's file plays "However, I am the only First-Order Archangel in the room, or, you know, the Universe..." and we get THIS shot of Crowley. It's quite an odd shot, but it's there FOR A REASON. It has to be. The shot could've remained as a wider shot, but it didn't. (s2e6 09:22)
Back to Ms. Cheng. We don't get a lot of information about her, nor do we see her very often on screen. She's a very minor character, that's for sure, but something about that moment seems so significant. Perhaps she's just very in tune with the metaphysical (re: angels/demons), or perhaps she's not who she seems to be at all. Could she be God? Or could she be some other kind of entity?
God doesn't narrate the second season. Perhaps there's more to that than just a simple change of delivery style. Perhaps God went down to Earth after Armageddidn't and has been living on Earth. Perhaps she was curious about this little planet? Perhaps she needed to get away from Heaven? Perhaps Metatron is up to more fuckery than the audience is aware of? We all know the Metatron is an ass and throws his weight around as the Voice of God (TM), but is he actually in touch with her? Does he actually communicate with her? Or is he staging or has he staged a hostile takeover?
Or, perhaps, Ms. Cheng is someone else entirely that's been keeping an eye on Aziraphale and Crowley? Who knows!

i love this forging bonds
man between mrs westenra, mr hawkins, and lord godalming all dying, van helsing has become sole parental figure to the entire polycule
Y'all look at who pulled up!

I think this is supposed to be Amelia but her pattern isn't what I was expecting. I should have saw this coming though the one I found on ebay was like 11 dollars 💸
But I love her still!
back to your regularly scheduled program!