Feh Alfonse - Tumblr Posts
Do you ever think about how Alfonse was before Book 3? He could be serious but he was you know he was more than that. For example, being curious about us (the summoner) and what our world is like and wanting to learn more about us. He also used to smile a lot more as well.
But after Book 3 he's just become a lot more serious, moody, and grumpy. I've also noticed he's become better with battle strategies. I mean considering what he's gone through it's understandable. But still, I just miss Alfonse being cute and silly.
I feel like the longer I draw Kiran being all sly and mischievous, the more I re-examine Alfonse’s “promise you’ll never leave us without warning me first” line and realize this dude got more than he bargained for. Like he don’t know it yet but he is stuck with this silly little chaos gremlin for the next few years of his life and you best bet he will not be free from their mayhem. You thought Kiran was stuck in magic land with him but NO everyone is stuck in magic land with Kiran. No one is safe. Least of all this emotionally constipated twink. He will end up endeared and they shall end up besties and Kiran is going to attack Alfonse with hugs when he least expects it.

Pov you’re Fjorm about to witness the prince of the nation you’ve allied yourself with get brutally betrayed by his own tactician.
THANK GOD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE THINKING THESE THOUGHTS. Like Sisyphus I am forever bound by my love-hate relationship to this game and will continue to have brain rots about FEH despite it not being fully built for that.
Speaking of, Anna! I don’t sit here and psycho-analyze Anna like I do with Alfonse or Sharena. She is giving team rock. She knows who exactly she is and aint got qualms with that. Which stands in great contrast to the Askr siblings who cannot relate they be struggling. Girly is giving the Toph simplicity to Zuko and Katara complexity. But with a more cool girl who’s a grade above you energy. And I love that for her. But ma’am who are you and how did you get here?
What history does that woman have with the royal family that she was trusted with the health and safety of the royal heirs of her nation? Hell, unlike every other Anna she is actually loyal to a nation how did that happen??? Usually she’s just a glorified mercenary here to make a small fortune out of war time, but NO she’s a whole ass commander willing to put her ass on the line for this place. And it’s not commander of a non consequential platoon either. She is the commander of an elite task force managing the affairs of other worlds and works in tandem with heroes from said other worlds, even though (if my memory serves correctly) the King frowned upon involving the other world’s in their own problems. Like???? Girl????? She’s getting more special treatment from the king than his own kids are getting. There is a STORY there and I WANT it but will I ever get it probably not. So I will make all the headcannons in violent defiance no one can stop me.
It would make so much sense if Bruno and Anna were Alfonse and Sharena’s retainers at some point. It would explain how exactly Bruno got in so close to the royal family and why there is openness yet professionalism in Anna’s relationship with the royal siblings. Also it could be hilariously ironic if Anna and Bruno were friends before that and acted as duo package. So as Anna was rising above her station to the point of working directly with the royal family, Bruno was SWEATING. Trying to pinpoint when exactly he lost all control.
So I’ve been loving all your FEH stuff! Your art is very very pretty it looks like candy and I want to eat it to become all powerful. But now I got a question! Got any thoughts on Anna? She also gets pretty sidelined by the plot which is a damn shame because I find her dynamic with Askr siblings FASCINATING. With all their complications with making friends, Anna seems like the only friend Alfonse and Sharena have successfully made and I would kill to know how that happened.
EXTREMELY THRILLED TO HEAR THIS HAHAHA esppp thank you!!! That is SUCH a compliment... deeply honored to have my art achieve edible-looking status 🫡
ALSO. I'VE. BEEN ROTATING THIS IN MY BRAIN SO BAD. The unfortunate thing I'll be upfront about is that I don't have a lot of thoughts about Anna, aside from like, appreciating her gimmick and finding her funny.
But I DO agree she does have a fascinating dynamic with the siblings. Like. I think it's so interesting to see how Anna is their superior, as the commander and leader of the Order of Heroes, while at the same time Alfonse and Sharena are literally the prince and princess of Askr. Which IS par for the course for the Order of Heroes to have royalty in their ranks, but still!! It's a dynamic I can't quite put words to, but it is SO interesting to see how it plays out. (Also worth mentioning though, I feel, Alfonse and Sharena wanted to join the order not as royalty but as themselves, as people. What they stand for, believe in, and want for the future, ect -- so their status doesn't always play a huge role, but, you can't erase it completely, esppp as they ARE the prince and princess Of Askr)
AND ALSO. All that said, Alfonse isn't afraid to call Anna out when he feels her schemes are getting slightly unethical LMFAO. Despite each of their status/titles/roles, they do feel like they're on equal footing. And with Sharena, her relationship with Anna is very friendly -- but I feel like that's also just how Sharena is LMFAO.
In my head though, the way I see it, each of their relationships with Anna do feel professional in nature? Which isn't to say it can't be personal as well, I do think each have bonds with each other. But espp when I've revisited Book 1, I got the sense that Anna is more of a boss and mentor to the siblings -- esppp when Sharena starts crying recalling the disappearance of Zacharias, Anna is quick to resolve it in a professional way and also take the responsibility she felt as the commander to all three of them (WHICH. ALSO. WILD TO THINK ABOUT. Like what IS the timeline here???? I WANT TO KNOW SO BAD.)
(also also that moment Was from Book 1, so maybe I'm not accounting for character development here, I only revisit books when I'm feeling VERY autistic about something specific in particular LMFAOO)
AND HONESTLY IF I. THINK TOO MUCH ABOUT THAT I go insane, like. I know it's just a consequence of Zenith being In A Mobile Gacha Game, and the point isn't really the world of Zenith itself it's to get all the guys from the mainline games to make money LMFAOO BUT. Askr feels so lonely and empty, actually. Like I feel like we have a more fleshed out/more world building for Embla than we do Askr! A LOT of fascinating family stuff there actually. But in Askr it's just Alfonse, Sharena, their parents, and Anna. That's it. And honestly I HAVE to wonder, like! Where did Anna come from, anyway? I know each Anna has their own lore, so I suppose she could just be from Askr, herself. And I guess it wouldn't matter any which way, but I am just so. I WANT. LORE. AND TIMELINES LIKE. When did Anna become the commander. How long has she been the commander. You've given me a whole new thing to violently chew on wood over HAHAHAH

Extremely worth it. A kidney is necessary sacrifice for spooking the fuck out of local prince.

Pov you’re Fjorm about to witness the prince of the nation you’ve allied yourself with get brutally betrayed by his own tactician.

Nothing like the leaders of an elite army battalion raiding a kitchen like newborn dear cause none of them know how to actually cook.
In case it wasn't obvious I had stupid amounts of fun drawing this one. It was meant to be a silly warm up sketch but hahaha cut to a few hours later and I put my whole ass into drawing these dorks.
Gather round children it’s time for a Ted Talk about FEH and how I go about drawing these characters.
When making art for this game, I have found immense satisfaction in attempting to meet FEH on its level and remain fairly loyal to the Intelligence System’s approved content we have. This is remarkably challenging. For me, at least. I find this game’s design sensibilities run very counter to my own. That’s not a critique of any in game art of the characters (although I do think they improve greatly over time) as they fulfill their purpose really well. They are meant to be drawn 4 times max which means they can go pretty crazy on the details. But hahahaha I’m not doing that. Clearly. I’m drawing these guys by hand at different angles and posses fairly consistently, which is just not what they were built for. Don’t think when someone designed Kiran they thought of the person who’d be drawing them chilling ontop of a fridge with a bottle of mustard in their hand, you know?
So naturally I got to do some translating! And that’s the really fun part >:]
There are many things I had to find creative answers for, like Kiran’s face and Alfonse’s stupid haircut. But the one rotating rapidly in my brain atm is the Askr quartet in combat. I wanted lean hard into the fact that these four are, well, very human in comparison to every other combatant that enters Askr. They aren’t exactly helpless nor unskilled. If any of the trio raised their blade at Kiran, they’d start digging their own grave themselves. But the group are regular soldiers fighting against straight up warriors of legend. As individuals, Anna, Sharena, Alfonse, and Kiran are not that strong in comparison. No merges for these bitches they gotta work with what they got. However, they all know that. So they make up for their weaknesses through terrifyingly effective teamwork. Through the power of trauma bonding- I MEAN FRIENDSHIP they become a fucking terrifying force of nature. It’s like pissing off an ant hill or a wasps nest. A lancer goes for Alfonse and suddenly theres a swarm of five level 1 heroes making such a distraction that they don’t see Anna’s axe sweep through their Achilles heels or Sharena’s follow up shield bash.
So this means I get to convey their team composition through their body shapes and give them clear strengths and weakness for the others to cover. Which is just so god damn FUN. Like we all know Kiran is the squishiest of the squishy, so it’s really fun to show just HOW squishy they are through the immediate comparison Alfonse and Sharena. I gave those two sturdier square shapes, and thus making them shorter yet stocky. This makes it look like they could fucking launch Kiran’s bony ass to the moon and back. However, that’s on the condition that either of them could catch Kiran, as their tall slim build implies the lightweight speed they move with. Which is so!!!! Fun!!!! Aughhh big love. Kiran could literal use Sharena as cover to snipe enemies from. Meanwhile Anna and Alfonse are a bit ahead using reposition to let Anna provide swift dps without getting too beat up herself. And by reposition, I mean Alfonse using his shield as a jump pad to launch Anna at the enemy with. You know. Just bro things. Anna’s triangle shapes make her both just hearty and lean enough to pull it off, might as well go for it. Just make sure she’s properly supported and safe by the time the enemy phase rolls around you know?
And I swear, the combos just write themselves too. Like between Sharena and Alfonse, a poor soul gets caught in the worst version of ping pong as Alfonse captain America’s his shield between the two of them. Kiran could then use that same shield like Link does and surf out of enemy range, shooting at the enemy the whole way. It’s fun! These guys have the potential to really sync up during combat and be emblematic of their bonds with one another.
Example, Alfonse. Alfonse could TECHNICALLY be a stronger solo fighter if he ditched the shield. He has the constitution and skill to not actually need the extra protection, and if he decided to two hand his weapon (haha there’s a joke there) the damage he could do would be devastating. However, the shield isn’t for his protection, but to be better help to his closest friends. The shield isn’t taking as many hits for him as it is for Kiran and Anna, who can’t afford to carry shields without compromising their own effectiveness. Plus through creative (and probably not intentional) uses it helps better position them on the battlefield. It’s for THEM. The only time he’s going to stop using the shield is when they aren’t there fighting along side him.
Enter Líf.
He hasn’t had a shield for a long time now.

Behold! The homies! The squad tm!
After going on that Ted Talk about my fun with implementing more shape language to FEH character designs, I thought it'd be cool if I provided clearer examples of me doing so! And also reveal my bias towards drawing Anna because WOW girly stupid easy for me. No thoughts. Head empty. Got her perfect first try. Which is a godsent when I typically gotta redraw Alfonse's hair 30 times before I land on something I like and this time was NO EXCEPTION. She is simply a treat and gives me happy chemical. They all do. It's why I draw em.
On that note, this drawing ain't the gospel I live by. It ain't a character sheet by any means. This is mostly an experiment for fun! I'm constantly tweaking as I get more familiar with their shapes and commit more of their design to muscle memory.

i love this forging bonds

They’re in love your honor. I diagnose them as being eachother’s emotional support idiot.

Found family game night is highly competitive in the FEH household. People die. Careers are ended. Any action causes an equal and opposite *Anna Will Remember This. This a battle to the death and no one is safe.
I feel like there was a missed opportunity in book 3 to have an inter dimensional duel between Alfonse and Veronica vs Lif and Thrasir. Just constantly ripping and closing portals between worlds, trying to shut their opponents out.

What were they supposed to do? NOT take a free nap?

Hey Veronica your found family is here. I admittedly don't know how considering this is the third floor, but they're gonna leave smudge marks if you don't come out to greet them.

They deserve some time to relax. As a treat.

Well if ain't the consequences of their own actions! How we feeling about the new FEH book guys?

Pov Ymir

Well if ain't the consequences of their own actions! How we feeling about the new FEH book guys?
God the way I wish the main cast of FEH had more expressive portraits. We are getting more of them now, but I will never not weep at the wasted opportunity to elevate the narrative of book 4. Like could you imagine if Alfonse got new expressions because it’s Kiran wearing his face? Hell let’s really dive into wishful thinking and say they made character portraits for Kiran— those expressions could mirror Alfonse’s new portraits, but aren’t immediately recognizable because we are seeing their god damn eyes for once. And then, once it’s revealed that it is Kiran, they drop all pretenses in pretending and all we are left with is this dull hallowed out expression that’s distinctly not Alfonse but so PAINFULLY Kiran.

Is it time for a modern au? I think it's time for a modern au.