Original Tmnt Iteration - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
Well Since People Seem Mildly Interested, Here Is Donnie. He's Uh, Not The Best Brother I Guess. His
Well Since People Seem Mildly Interested, Here Is Donnie. He's Uh, Not The Best Brother I Guess. His
Well Since People Seem Mildly Interested, Here Is Donnie. He's Uh, Not The Best Brother I Guess. His
Well Since People Seem Mildly Interested, Here Is Donnie. He's Uh, Not The Best Brother I Guess. His
Well Since People Seem Mildly Interested, Here Is Donnie. He's Uh, Not The Best Brother I Guess. His

Well since people seem mildly interested, here is Donnie. He's uh, not the best brother I guess. His bo staff is made of titanium, though he doesn't care enough about fighting to make it more advanced or have other features.

I'll get to the other three later, if this gets enough interest lmao. Feel free to ask questions. Motivation is the main thing I need right now to make this iteration 💀

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10 months ago
WOOHOOO Here They All Are In COLOR
WOOHOOO Here They All Are In COLOR
WOOHOOO Here They All Are In COLOR
WOOHOOO Here They All Are In COLOR

WOOHOOO here they all are in COLOR

Still unofficial I'm not sure what I'm doing tbh color pallettes are HARD

Donnies feet are cut off because I draw traditionally and he was too big for the page 💔

Yeah anyway the poll I made got some decent attraction and a great ratio of yes to no so I thought to hell with it and I'll actually do this thing ‼️

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10 months ago


D: He said he didn't want "Nerd glasses" like mine.

And he said the contacts were too..."itchy." So..

I made him goggles that double as-

R: Yeah whatever who cares.

Protection, eyesight, and coolness.

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10 months ago
Recreations Of Old Panels I Did For My Iteration
Recreations Of Old Panels I Did For My Iteration
Recreations Of Old Panels I Did For My Iteration
Recreations Of Old Panels I Did For My Iteration
Recreations Of Old Panels I Did For My Iteration
Recreations Of Old Panels I Did For My Iteration

Recreations of old panels I did for my iteration

Hooray! Improvement!

(bottom three are the old ones)

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9 months ago
My Unofficial Splinter Design For My Tmnt Iteration

My unofficial splinter design for my tmnt iteration

He was a scientist :)

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9 months ago
My Unofficial Baxter Stockman Design Since My Splinter One Did So Well Lmao
My Unofficial Baxter Stockman Design Since My Splinter One Did So Well Lmao

My unofficial Baxter Stockman design since my splinter one did so well lmao

He's supposed to be just a little nerd guy I love him

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9 months ago
Unofficial Design For My Personal TMNT Iteration Character, Vixen!

Unofficial design for my personal TMNT iteration character, Vixen!

I'm not sure if I'll have an April, and she'd basically fill that position anyway. She is a yokai ferret :)

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