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1 year ago

What Is Sonic The Hedgehog Afraid Of?

Aquaphobia: Fear Of Water

Thantophobia: Fear Of Losing Someone/Death

Philophobia: Fear Of Loving Someone

Cherophobia: Fear Of Sadness

Dystychiphobia: Fear Of Accidents

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1 year ago

Y’all Ever Realize How Strong Kurama/Kyuubi/Nine-Tails Chakra Is? Go watch •the Guardian Shinobi Arc• before reading this, Ok I know what you’re probably thinking ‘Ichiro we already know what Kurama can do his capabilities are limitless!’ I agree with that, but have you ever stopped and thought about Sora, and the impactions of a Fake Jinchūriki? You probably haven’t because the Sora arc is filler but he’s still important so let’s explore why: Sora maybe a Jinchūriki but unlike others, he’s a different type of disastrous! Now I don’t hate Sora, I actually really like him, He’s fun to watch! But something’s are hard to ignore. Like attacking the Hokage, attacking fellow Fire Country Residents, claims of wanting to take over the Village[not become Hokage no, take over the Village by force], trying to assassinate Certain people, amongst other things, so he’s not a good kid, but he’s also a troubled Kid, as anyone can guess being a Jinchūriki means not having a good childhood, as you can tell from someone like Garra, but unlike most, He had a chance at life, he wasn’t mistreated at first, that was until He unintentionally Used the Kyuubis Chakra destroying the fire temple, then people began to fear him and see him as nothing more than a monster , due to the harsh treatment at the temple, He has the same traits as most Jinchūriki: Loud, Brash, Sneaky, Embracive, Angry/Hateful. He still has respect for his surprisers. When First met Naruto it led to a Altercation, He is one of Asumas apprentices, He’s vary Easily manipulated as shown quite a few times, you’ll have to check out [Jacub Two2]s YouTube channel to learn more, I took inspiration from him! ——————————————————————————— Let’s get onto the actual reason why you’re here, Kurama! I’ll make this short, Sora almost turned into a second Kurama, He was stopped at 4-5 Tailed Mode, if he kept going he would have reached 9-Tails[if his body didn’t give out first, he’s not a Uzumaki] and turned into a second Nine-Tails! Although I like Sora, he’s a menace! He had not even a fraction of the Kyuukis Chakra and That was what he was able to accomplish.

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1 year ago

• Why The Core Failed • A Horrortale Theory

[ The Six Human SOULS ] This One Is Self Explanatory, If Six Human SOULS Can Break The Barrier, Then They Can Probably Power Something As Important As The Core, The Problem With This Theory Is Nobody Knows When The Core Was Built, It Most Likely Was Built Before The Human SOULS Fell Underground, And Its Probably Way Older Than Asgore. [ Boss Monsters ] It's Been Established That Boss Monsters Have Unique SOULS And Abilities, Their Magic Is Very Powerful And Hard To Overcome, So It's Safe To Say That They live Up To Their Role As The Royals Of The Underground, So They Could Theoretically Power The Core With Their Mere Presence Alone, Now, I Want To Get This Out Of The Way, Asgore & Toriel Have Parents, How Else Would They Be Alive? [ That A Discussion For Another Day ] The Point That I'm Trying To Make Is That; If Asgores SOUL Did In Fact Power The Core, Then Frisk Killing & Taking His SOUL Would Leave The Underground With No Means To Survive. It Also Explains Why Alphyus Wanted To Use Sanses Eye To Power It, Sanses Magic Is Strong, Not As Powerful As A Boss Monsters Sure, But Strong Enough To Power The Core For A Significant Amount Of Time, At least Intel She Can Find Another More Permanent Solution Can Be Developed Or Discovered.

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1 year ago

• Why Undyne Is So Vile • A Horrortale Theory

Undyne; The Tyrant Of The Underground, That Being Said; There Is A Reason Why She Is This Way. [ Corruption ] The Corruption Of The Underground, Think About It; If Sans Didn't Suggest Eating Humans Then Maybe She Would Have Taken A Different Approach? I'm Sure In The Early Stages Of The Famine They Were Still Kinda Sane, But Now? Their So Unrecognizable That It Hurts Me To See Them That Way, Take Grillby As An Example; He's Literally Burning In Hell! The Only One Who Can Be Considered Sane Anymore Is Papyrus, But Even With Him, Trusting Him Is Unwise. Anyway Back To The Topic At Hand; Maybe Along With Alphys Input And Manipulation, She Became The Way She[ Undyne ] Is? Now, I'm Not Trying To Excuse Her Actions And Behavior, The Way She Acted To The Other Monsters Is Despicable And Vile. [ Eating Humans ] Eating Humans Has Negative Effects On Monsters, I'm Not Joking About This, To Me It Seems That The Taste Of Human Flesh Is Addictive After Consumption Like; Once You Taste It You Can't Get Enough; Maybe Like A Drug? Or They Just Keep On Doing It Out Of Desperation To Stay Alive And After Awhile They Just Got Use To It? Maybe Both, Either Way The Point Still Stands; Something Set Her Off, I Just Don't Know What.

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1 year ago

Why Sonamy (Amy x Sonic) Makes Me Uncomfortable

This Isn’t Meant To Be Taken As Hate, You Can Ship Whatever The Hell You Want(Within Reason)

I don’t like this paring, I think of Amy as an Annoying Little Sister to Sonic. To me they have a Brother and Sister relationship, Sonic goes to jail, Amy breaks him out, Amy gets suck in eggmans glass prison robot[Idk what it’s called] in Sonic X? Sonic defeats Knuckles to save her, sure Amy may like Sonic in that way, but that doesn’t mean Sonic returns those feelings. She also reminds me of Sonia. Bet you can’t unsee that can you?

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1 year ago

Why G.U.N Doesn’t Appear In Sonic Media Anymore

Shadow destroyed the place, he’s had enough of their Bullshit, besides he’s still angry about them killing Maria, and Eclipse coming into his life and making it more difficult, So he just snapped one day because the commander decided to talk about the ARK, and Decided ‘If you want something done right you gotta do it yourself’ and slaughtered everyone inside.

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