Ahahahaha - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
I Shouldnt Think Bad Thoughts Or Else The Mythologized Saintlike Version Of My Late Friend That I Invented
I Shouldnt Think Bad Thoughts Or Else The Mythologized Saintlike Version Of My Late Friend That I Invented

I shouldn’t think bad thoughts or else the mythologized saintlike version of my late friend that I invented in my own brain will be disappointed in me

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5 years ago

Game of Thrones characters as weird out of context Riverdale quotes:

Arya Stark


Jon Snow


Sansa Stark


Robb Stark


Bran Stark


Daenerys Targaryen


Tyrion Lannister


Cersei Lannister


Jaimie Lannister


Theon Greyjoy


Stanis Baratheon


Margaery Tyrrell


Loras Tyrrell


Olenna Tyrrell




Brienne of Tarth


The Hound


Lord Frey


The Night King


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4 years ago
I Asked My Lawyer If I Could Make That Joke And He Said, Let Me Call Another Lawyer, And That Lawyer
I Asked My Lawyer If I Could Make That Joke And He Said, Let Me Call Another Lawyer, And That Lawyer
I Asked My Lawyer If I Could Make That Joke And He Said, Let Me Call Another Lawyer, And That Lawyer
I Asked My Lawyer If I Could Make That Joke And He Said, Let Me Call Another Lawyer, And That Lawyer

I asked my lawyer if I could make that joke and he said, “let me call another lawyer”, and that lawyer said yes. 


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4 years ago

*group activities are canceled across the country, traveling is shut down, cities are quarantined, people are fist-fighting over toilet paper, entire countries are put on lock-down*

me: huh… I am once more living through a History Book Moment as I go to work, file my taxes, and do dishes about it. Wild.

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4 years ago

After calling it “China virus” during the presidential debates, Trump got COVID on 中秋節, a Chinese holiday. This is what happens when you tempt fate this hard.

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Does anyone else just randomly feel like they're annoying everyone around them and that they should just disappear for a while to give everyone else a break from their existence, or is that just me?

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1 year ago

having a tumblr blog is for those of us who could never manage to keep a diary for more than two weeks when we were twelve

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4 years ago

for the oc interaction thing, 1 with my oc piper and choco/nassir! and also 12 for them lol

For The Oc Interaction Thing, 1 With My Oc Piper And Choco/nassir! And Also 12 For Them Lol


Anyways for @/eclipsezero first question

Nassir: She definitely has a soft spot for cheerful persons like he most likely thinks shes pretty cool and already flirting with her hhahaha.Plus he charming that despite so much success shes still humble.

Choco: Her levelheaded and calm is a sence of comfort for her with many things go on in her life she finds her very soothing to be with,so she think's chatting with Piper is always nice.

Now for question number 12:

Nassir already a "I'll take you under my wing" person if he sees you as someone he should take care of,bad habits for someone who always took care of people but if he really had to adopt someone by force,guess it will be the usual cheerful people like Samara @the27th and Viviane @randomikemendegen who can also defend themselfs will be his pick,since if he had children,self defense and ways to help themselves get out of sticky situations will be his way of parenting while still being doting.

Choco on the other hand hardly likes the idea of having children or even the thought of taking care of someone(helping?yes! Raising someone,no.),For several reasons of course but since they are being forced to take adopt I'll say someone who's dependent on their own but still need some guidance that she is capable to provide but right now head empty,I'm sorry! Not sure who to pick!

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8 months ago

The parallels between Sally and Poseidon and Percy and Rachel are going to make me scream. Girl meets guy and her world is changed forever but he just gets to go back to his normal life... One summer that changes everything.... Cursed by higher powers so they can never be together.... Girl help I'm going to lose it

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5 years ago

Play your level 20 character from the last campaign, but they have amnesia, and don’t remember any of it or any of their abilities.

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5 years ago

idk how mentally stable i am but i think i’m not doing well cause likeee i just cried by watching a dog video aaannd idk why

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2 years ago

Is it just me or would Jungkook and Ten be really good friends? like I have this feeling that they would bond over tattoos, talk about their music dreams, maybe even work out?

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2 years ago

To be fair to Jin Mu, if I suddenly found myself in a new body I, too, would stubbornly insist on doing my hair and makeup in exactly the same way as I always have done

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8 years ago

No I'm not okay this epilogue is in reality ly epilogue as in the end of my life because if the brain tumor they gave me and also the end of my social life cuz I'm gonna sulk at my friends! Please let me fangirl with you over Jin and rainbows~

let me help you. theory as explained by me.

No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

jin is crying because he can smell/see the bbq chicken through the fence but this maze is very hard to get through. it’s ok jin, you still look aMAZEing. *badum tss*

No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

just climb the fence you say? princess jin was not raised by wolves. there will be no climbing of the fence in this mv.

No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

look he is so done with your “just climb the fence” suggestion. do you even know who he is? this is kim muthafckin seokjin, you uncultured swine. jin the type to have others lay their coat on a puddle so his shoes won’t get dirty.

No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

oh look this is an old picture of him because jin likes to have his picture taken and tbh i don’t blame him if i had a face like that i’d hire someone to take pictures of me all day long too damn

No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

they set this picture on fire to show how hot jin is. symbolism in its purest form.

No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

model jin strikes again. is he even trying to get out of this maze or ??

No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

“im not a model, the camera turned on by itself” - jin, probably


No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain


No I'm Not Okay This Epilogue Is In Reality Ly Epilogue As In The End Of My Life Because If The Brain

epilogue: they missed their plane because jin was too busy modeling in the maze so they didn’t get to their terminal in time 

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4 years ago
He Wears Only Glasses To Mimic The Style Of A Famous Archaeologist
He Wears Only Glasses To Mimic The Style Of A Famous Archaeologist
He Wears Only Glasses To Mimic The Style Of A Famous Archaeologist

“he wears only glasses to mimic the style of a famous archaeologist”

Oh wait

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