Outlander Fantastic Princess - Tumblr Posts
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Going to the spa decreases waiting time for stamina increase ( from 5 minutes to 3 minutes or so - depending on how long is the spa session )
It costs 2 crystals for 1 hour at the spa, which will keep running even though you have close the game.
You can only upgrade the spa to the next level after spending a certain amount of hours there and later buying the upgrade.
Every upgrade of sauna level until max, unlocks a character where you can have a relaxing time in the sauna and a new image ^_^
Click here to view the Spa CGs

New Update for Outlander Princess : Invitation Code + Fixes (?)
Here’s my invitation code : w68nq7
Invitation code list :
Feel free to share yours at the Post Office and I'll add them in the next update :)
In Outlander Fantastic Princess, are there good and bad endings? Or are both endings good but different?
Hihi there owo/For the character endings they're both good endings.But there is a neutral ending where you hold none or lack of affection for anyone, this ending is considered the bad ending ( at least for us playing the game ).
Outlander Fantastic Princess - Invitation Code List
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This list is created to help players of Outlander Fantastic Princess find other players to send/receive gifts and complete their invitation achievements.
There’s no limit on how many invitation codes you can enter o_o so feel free to add as many friends as you like !
Please double check to see if your code is in the list before submitting by pressing Control+F key or Find in Page option under settings - thanks ^_^
If you wish to add your invitation code here, go to the Post Office to submit and I’ll add them on the next update. Have fun !

gcc95y 2c8xv8 8jru9a faa9dy upz8k3 dh8zgm 7n5hwq sq9n3b m5qdqc
ejv5bx cspvee cfneje bprjb2 adh3cc a83w2m 9qpdxg 89u2nw 83aj7k 6wqwcr
r96bwx efm3ke 366q2m sqsvtz u2ghdf qusaxf v84ssn dwyypu wvkp88 mjmzuc
f8xu48 gevexm m7wn5v d3z4mk ww8dq7 n7n7bu ty6e6h v9dtk9 xwt62v dc3d5q
wv76w9 lmao358 232wa2 jn2dgp kssz3r 2c2zbn a2sc6b vrpe9r Dx5edx p3u288
2yvs9z gyk389 8yukbp 2kd7pm p7exu3 x96cyq mh5dxw 6nmmcv urs6yp dfqyxr
k3xjsg eewusr 658p7r ygvjyz f7hbbj T5t9ah 8x783f axaeve 89c6sc 6dsu9u
smb52s 83jy8k vdsqkm xzjmmv vvwjvr r3xn4y 4cypsx cjwj45 erhsqp quf577
rtc5g6 sp48f5 t9pxub ycmnqy twg827 3efdqy nsru5z 3j8hyg 53s6cg
wfm5gt 95ay5g 4ka7te be8zf8 vwnqev wah8r6 vuh7r3 j9en5m 5kh3bw h4j4b9
gmxj8j nbam36 zdvt2w 7xdyuy ksgmks atdezr 9hhadp czhvdt y4h4je dvc4nc
7tm65c vf7ztt hk99zt rh82bm cvryrf tvfjuh xzhmff 66rh3j dms4mn
5pgjhj 584hw5 572tpj 4szxut 48psdp 3u4mx3 3pvn2x 365rpx f7tj3u hap68k
222njr yhenmf 3bmh8h 53tmjc 3rshyt fr8ezg Kpw67n ypu8nj rje6d9 cuteha
z38e4f 3n6ztv svbn9k gj8b8n rbp73q 2hdmt3 kzzk3m 6s48ew ug833m 53ftrv
7juhwu Helge13 b8c7bp pfuf2t 4d2z6a c3k4gz hqjeqc e4yf8u 3b3fvm tzgfur
spqpa2 wnf7ee tfqfua 6tyvz5 e8vfgq 5xuhm9 zggnr7 qq54qc rubbc5 ahtmus
qf4jym uks6wy gbhu4r jyu5h6 zzjz6d bf9zet kueczb vjx5c4 jn5aj2 bj8xbr
pnta7x z62vb2 qwnnuf ppu9yq 6ssc9b r5t37c gu252x rmpp3y pjs8sd xamanq
w68nq7 yaucfu x9z3za x8kkx5 wpdwr4 uwr5qq tzwwcu tnncpn sqju72 rvvgye
rk4dcv r7b3ep prx8r7 n7jqst kq9xpr jdntvp j8vuq3 h7mn33 gmj65s ggvy78
jc2qav gkfnxy WZTTYV sjdsak ecj5fa
- 8888888 ( dk if this is the actual code but I’ll include it anyway qwq Update : there seems to be multiple players with this code, not exactly sure what’s going on. )
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Click here to go to Character Routes & Endings
~Contributed by crimsonmoonz, lumiele, Sun and Moon
Get CG for character with the highest like %
Get CG only if you choose Tiger to fetch Cana
Sound of wind: Yee
Sound of running water: Phoenix
Sound of snoring : Tiger
Sound of speaking: Gabriel
Sound of singing: Kirin
Move to a quieter place: Lancelot
Ignore and keep sleeping: None if you haven’t bought Shadowmort pack
All these choices above come with a CG.
Someone please help! : Character with the highest like %
This does ring a bell.. : Shadowmort
Hall - Dragon ( CG )
Eastern wing room - Kirin
Western wing room - Storm ( CG )
Garden - Phoenix
Stay in the same area - Gabriel
Corridor - Lothar
Kitchen - tiger
Yard - Yee ( No CG )
Back at the room - Cana
Outside of the Mansion - Lancelot ( CG )
Additional Information :
From Pi’s Mansion onwards, it’s pretty much the same places for all of the encounters ( except Shadowmort’s route ) as long as the affection for the chosen character is the highest, the encounters will automatically appear.
One common thing that I noticed many players believe is that when making the final choice after beating Shadowmort, going back to your own world is a ‘bad’ or lonely ending where you end up with nobody. In actual fact it is not, and the male you romanced will end up with you in your own world. BOTH ending options give CGs for ALL routes.
~Sun and Moon
Q & A Corner
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This Walkthrough
I couldn’t get the ending I wanted! Help!
Feel free to ask me at Curious and Curiouser on this blog or send a message. I’ll be happy to help you out :3
I have images/information but where do I submit them?
You can either submit them to the Post Office on this blog or send them to my e-mail, chowqing@ymail.com
How can I add my invitation code to the list here?
Just send the invitation code to my Post Office on this blog and I’ll add them to the next update ! Check the list here.
The Gameplay
Are there good and bad endings? Or are both endings good but different?
For the character endings, they’re both good endings.
But there is a neutral ending where you hold none or lack of affection for anyone, this ending is considered the bad ending ( at least for us playing the game )
What happens if you get 120 affection with more than one guy in the same playthrough?
Either, you get the neutral ending or get one of the endings of the guys you reach the highest affection with. Most likely, neutral ending. Don’t recommend doing this as it’s not worth the amount of gifts spent and you might lose the auto CGs ( the ones that trigger depending on who has your highest affection ) along the way.
You still get the clothes though if you reach 120 affection for the first time with any of the characters. Best to just play at your own pace by focusing on one character.
How to get coins faster without spending on crystals?
To get coins faster, I highly suggest replaying any of the previous stages - which resets everyday and you can replay them up to five times a day. It also gains exp which allows you to level up. Use pairs like Tiger and Yee or Cana and Gabriel as your farming team of two. You can also try unlocking the minigames - Cana, Lancelot and Storm by getting their endings first.
Which one is better, healing or upgrading?
Upgrade is better than healing. Not only does it increase your characters stats, it also fully heals them but yea, they do cost more than healing and your character’s level cannot exceed your player level. You can still use healing in times where only one character gets seriously injured by critical hits ( it will happen often later in the game )
What happens when I beat the game? Do my crystals and coins carry over?
After you beat the game and get the ending, these things will happen :
Your spa level, clothes, items, crystals and coins carry over. CGs too.
Your achievements reset ( except for spa levels, endings and invitation )
Your stamina increases by 10 ( the original is 50 so it goes up to 60, 70, and so on every gameplay finished )
You gain extra speed in skipping the battles ( original x1 to x2, x3 - u can find it on the lower left during the battle. )
All character levels and your level resets back to level 1. Affection too.
If you complete one of either Lancelot’s, Cana’s or Storm’s endings for the first time, you can unlock their respective mini-games. It stays.
How to defeat Phoenix on stage 5 - last chapter ?
To defeat that stage, you need minimum level 15 for all characters in your team of four. Any lower will just kill your team or put it close to death. You can replay the previous stages to gain coins and exp to level up.
By the time you reach Phoenix, there are about 4 pairs which has combo skills that can be used in battle : Tiger & Yee, Storm & Yee, Storm & Lancelot, Gabriel & Cana.
When arranging your team, always put a character from a pair which has combo skill in the first slot so they can use their combo skill faster. If you have a second pair of characters that can use combo skill, put one of those characters in the second slot so the second combo skill can be use right after the first one.
However, becareful of the pairs as some pairs conflict with each other like Storm & Yee, Storm & Lancelot and Tiger & Yee.
Example : if you arrange like this
Yee Storm Lancelot Tiger
Yee & Storm’s combo skill might activate, leaving Lancelot and Tiger unable to unleash their combo skills and have to wait for Yee & Storm to regain energy again.
Best way to arrange them :
Tiger Lancelot Yee Storm
This way activates Tiger & Yee first, which allows Lancelot & Storm to activate their combo skill next.
What level should I be at at the last chapter to get 3 stars?
All character levels have to be around 55-60 to be on the safe side, 45-47 is enough to beat the final boss with min 1 star.
Misc & Others
How long does it take for support team to answer e-mails ?
They’re quite active so you can try contacting their developer e-mail which can be found in the game’s description.
At the mean time, do not reinstall the game because it clears the data, means you may lose progress and any possible transactions.
I have a problem with the game force closing on me. I couldn’t start or play the game. What should I do?
For players having the force close /start app problem for the Outlander : Fantastic Princess game, here’s a possible solution to make the game playable for you.
Go to your Phone Settings -> Applications -> the Outlander - Fantastic Princess app -> Permissions tab.
Allow all permissions and start the game.
You should be able to play the game normally. However, if you re-install the game in the future, you’ll have to repeat the steps all over again in order to play.
If it still doesn’t work, check your device and android version, it may not be suitable for the game ( updates may be needed and usually gets fixed by dev ).
Can I transfer data from one device to another?
Hm.. about that, I can’t say for ios but for android, they don’t have the option for transfer data at the moment.
Usually, games with that option uses cloud/server/device storage or player codes ( which most of the time comes with password - they’re not invitation codes ) or social network login like facebook that allow players to access and transfer data
Are all the contents in Chinese version available in English version?
No, some contents require time to get them translated and ready for play.
CG Gallery ( Spoilers ! )
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Warning : This gallery will contain spoilers. Do not click any of the links below if you don’t want to get spoiled or have yet to play any of the routes in the game.
This gallery is a collection of image contributions submitted by players of the game who wish to share them with everyone.
Please support the official release of the game if you can. Thank you and have fun playing (✧ω✧)
Character CGs
Other CGs
General CGs
Heal CGs
Spa CGs
Clothes CGs
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ ヾ(^ω^* )
Clothes CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to yuminee for contributing the following CGs : Brocade, Dragon - Soul, Lothar - Fallen Flower, Gabriel - Dance, Yee - Heroine Style,Tiger - Fluffy, Phoenix - Scorching and Kirin - Gold Scale ʕ ᵔᴥᵔ ʔ
Thanks to udon-nun for contrbuting the Winter Blue CG (o^ ^o)
Thanks to midnightshinki for contributing the Black Clothes CG ☆~☆
Thanks to Black Tulip for contributing the Purple Clothes, Phoenix - Scorching and Green Style CG ∑d(°∀°d)
Thanks to Sun and Moon for Tort - Broad Sky CG ~(˘▽˘)~
Thanks to ReynardIA for the Dark Gray and Orchid CG ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ

Spring Red


Autumn Cyan

Summer Green

Winter Blue

Black Clothes

Purple Clothes

Green Style




Kirin - Gold Scale

Cana - Sand

Lancelot - Charm

Yee - Heroine Style

Storm - Storm

Gabriel - Dance

Lothar - Fallen Flower

Tiger - Fluffy

Phoenix - Scorching

Dragon - Soul

Tort - Broad Sky

Shadowmort - Stonegarlic


Dark Gray

Spa CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
The CGs are uncensored and shows skin, so viewer discretion advised.
Looking for information on Spa? Click here.











Lancelot CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to udon-nun and Mouri for the Return Ending CG (´。• ω •。`) ♡
Looking for information on Lancelot? Click here.

1~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

2~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

3~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

4~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

5~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

6~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

7~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

8~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

9-Return Ending~Contributed by udon-nun and Mouri

10-Stay Ending~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou
Cana CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to yuminee for contributing the Stay Ending CG owo/
Thanks to midnightshinki for the 5th CG n_n
Looking for information on Cana? Click here.

1~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

2~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

3~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

4~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

5~Contributed by midnightshinki

6~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

7~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

8-Return Ending~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

9-Stay Ending~Contributed by yuminee
Storm CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to marloninda for contributing the Return Ending image (◕‿◕)
Looking for information on Storm? Click here.

1~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

2~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

3~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

4~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

5~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

6~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

7~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

8-Return Ending~Contributed by marloninda

9-Stay Ending~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou
Heal CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to Carol for contributing these images ^_^
The CGs are uncensored and shows skin, so viewer discretion advised.

Kirin CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to Carol, yuminee, Canthima and pallasjoannas for contributing these CGsヾ(^ω^*)
Looking for information on Kirin? Click here.

1~Contributed by Carol

2~Contributed by Carol

3~Contributed by Carol

4~Contributed by yuminee

5~Contributed by Canthima

6~Contributed by Canthima

7-Return Ending~Contributed by yuminee

8-Stay Ending~Contributed by pallasjoannas
Yee CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to yuminee, Carol and ReynardIA for contributing these CGs
Looking for information on Yee? Click here.

1~Contributed by Carol

2~Contributed by yuminee

3~Contributed by yuminee

4~Contributed by yuminee

5~Contributed by yuminee

6~Contributed by yuminee

7-Return Ending~Contributed by ReynardIA

8-Stay Ending~Contributed by yuminee
Gabriel CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to yuminee for contributing these CGs (~‾▽‾)~
Thabks to mystical-demon for contributing the Stay Ending CG ☆~☆
Looking for information on Gabriel? Click here.

1~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

2~Contributed by yuminee

3~Contributed by yuminee

4~Contributed by yuminee

5~Contributed by yuminee

6~Contributed by yuminee

7~Contributed by yuminee

8-Return Ending~Contributed by yuminee

9-Stay Ending~Contributed by mystical-demon
Lothar CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to Carol, yuminee and Blacktwig for contributing these CGs
ヽ(≧◡≦)八(o^ ^o)ノ
Looking for information on Lothar? Click here.

1~Contributed by Carol

2~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

3~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

4~Contributed by yuminee

5~Contributed by yuminee

6~Contributed by Carol

7-Return Ending~Contributed by Blacktwig

8-Stay Ending~Contributed by yuminee
Tiger CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to yuminee, mystical-demon and Carol for these CGs >~<☆
Looking for information on Tiger? Click here.

1~Contributed by Carol

2~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

3~Contributed by Chiyuki Suishou

4~Contributed by yuminee

5~Contributed by yuminee

6-Return Ending~Contributed by yuminee

7-Stay Ending~Contributed by mystical-demon
Phoenix CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to yuminee, mystical-demon, Black Tulip and Carol for contributing these CGs (^w^)
Looking for information on Phoenix? Click here.
The first CG is uncensored and shows skin, so viewer discretion advised.

1~Contributed by Carol

2~Contributed by yuminee & Black Tulip

3~Contributed by yuminee

4~Contributed by yuminee & mystical-demon

5-Return Ending~Contributed by yuminee

6-Stay Ending~Contributed by mystical-demon
Dragon CGs
Click here to return to Main CG Gallery
To view the CGs, click the Keep Reading button below.
Thanks to Mouri and yuminee for contributing these CGs :)
Looking for information on Dragon? Click here.

1~Contributed by Mouri

2~Contributed by Mouri

3~Contributed by Mouri

4-Return Ending~Contributed by yuminee

5-Stay Ending~Contributed by Mouri