Owen Joyner Imagine - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago


Cheer Up

Owen x Oc

Request from: @teti-menchon0604

Warnings: Cat calling, Making out

Englisch is not my first language

I wake up and look at my watch it's already 7.30 Am and I habe to be at work at 8.00 Am. I jump up, run to the bathroom brush my hair and teeth. I quickly throw over my work clothes, grab my purse and Keys and run to my Car. I arive 20 minutes late to work. I begin to work fast. Finally after after 4 hours and 40 minutes I habe a little 10 Minute break, but I forgot my Lunch at home, just great, so I get up get a bag of cookie chips from the vending machine and a cup of coffe, my fourth one this day, then all of sudden I hear Tonys voice, he's a coworker of mine.

T: Hey Stephanie !

I turn to him.

S: Yes ?

He stands by the water with some other male coworkers of mine.

T: You wanna go some were with me ?

I raise my eyebrows.

S: N-no, I actually I don't !

He steps infrot of me.

T: You Bitch don't know what your missing !

He walks past me and bumos into my shoulder and my coffee spills all over my white shirt, I look down pissed , get back to my desk and try to get the coffee of of my shirt but it's not working so I just eat my Cookie Chips and then start working again. At 18 Pm I'm finally free to go so I get my stuff and Walk out of the office. I start walking to the Parkinglot as I want to cross the street a car speed past me and almost Hits me shooked I look after it, it was Tony. I start walking to my Car and sit down and drives home. Finally hone I kick my shoes of an call my boyfriend.

Phone Call

O: Hey babe.

S: Hey can you come over, I had a really bad day and just need cuddles right now.

O: I'm on my way, love you.

S: Love you too.

I hang up, go take a shower and get in my Pyjamas wich include Joggers and one of Owens Hoddies and then the door opens.

O: Hey babe.

It's owen with a bag of Chick-fill-A ( which I actually never had because we don't have one in germany) he gives me a kiss.

O: I got you some Chick-fill-A, a Sprite an all three High school Musical movies.

He puts the stuff on the couch table and hugs me again.

O: Wanna tell me about that bad day ?

We get on the couch and start eating.

J: So first I over slept, then I only had a 10 minute break all day and I forgot my lunch, then I got Cat called by my Coworker, then I spilled my Coffee all over my self and the I was almost hit by a Car

At the end of my Rant we had finished eating. Owen Pulls me into his arms.

O: Ok, that is a really bad day, but I'm here to make it better so ...

We cuddle and watch the first two Movies out of nowhere Owen starts to kiss my neck, I start blushing.

S: What are you doing ?

O: Cheering you Up.

He pulls me onto his Lap.

O: No need to be shy.

I look at him and smile.

S: I love you.

O: I love you mire Stephanie, all of you, your beautyfull blue eyes and your pretty brown hair and just all of you.

I start to blush and look down but he puts his hand under my chin and pushes my head up and kisses me with mire passion I let my hands wander through his blonde locks.

O: Oh I just love you too much to ever loose you.

Cheer Up

I know it's not very long. I hope that this is Ok, It is the first request that I ever worked on.

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4 years ago

Cheer Up

Owen x Oc

Request from: @teti-menchon0604

Warnings: Cat calling, Making out

Englisch is not my first language

I wake up and look at my watch it's already 7.30 Am and I habe to be at work at 8.00 Am. I jump up, run to the bathroom brush my hair and teeth. I quickly throw over my work clothes, grab my purse and Keys and run to my Car. I arive 20 minutes late to work. I begin to work fast. Finally after after 4 hours and 40 minutes I habe a little 10 Minute break, but I forgot my Lunch at home, just great, so I get up get a bag of cookie chips from the vending machine and a cup of coffe, my fourth one this day, then all of sudden I hear Tonys voice, he's a coworker of mine.

T: Hey Stephanie !

I turn to him.

S: Yes ?

He stands by the water with some other male coworkers of mine.

T: You wanna go some were with me ?

I raise my eyebrows.

S: N-no, I actually I don't !

He steps infrot of me.

T: You Bitch don't know what your missing !

He walks past me and bumos into my shoulder and my coffee spills all over my white shirt, I look down pissed , get back to my desk and try to get the coffee of of my shirt but it's not working so I just eat my Cookie Chips and then start working again. At 18 Pm I'm finally free to go so I get my stuff and Walk out of the office. I start walking to the Parkinglot as I want to cross the street a car speed past me and almost Hits me shooked I look after it, it was Tony. I start walking to my Car and sit down and drives home. Finally hone I kick my shoes of an call my boyfriend.

Phone Call

O: Hey babe.

S: Hey can you come over, I had a really bad day and just need cuddles right now.

O: I'm on my way, love you.

S: Love you too.

I hang up, go take a shower and get in my Pyjamas wich include Joggers and one of Owens Hoddies and then the door opens.

O: Hey babe.

It's owen with a bag of Chick-fill-A ( which I actually never had because we don't have one in germany) he gives me a kiss.

O: I got you some Chick-fill-A, a Sprite an all three High school Musical movies.

He puts the stuff on the couch table and hugs me again.

O: Wanna tell me about that bad day ?

We get on the couch and start eating.

J: So first I over slept, then I only had a 10 minute break all day and I forgot my lunch, then I got Cat called by my Coworker, then I spilled my Coffee all over my self and the I was almost hit by a Car

At the end of my Rant we had finished eating. Owen Pulls me into his arms.

O: Ok, that is a really bad day, but I'm here to make it better so ...

We cuddle and watch the first two Movies out of nowhere Owen starts to kiss my neck, I start blushing.

S: What are you doing ?

O: Cheering you Up.

He pulls me onto his Lap.

O: No need to be shy.

I look at him and smile.

S: I love you.

O: I love you mire Stephanie, all of you, your beautyfull blue eyes and your pretty brown hair and just all of you.

I start to blush and look down but he puts his hand under my chin and pushes my head up and kisses me with mire passion I let my hands wander through his blonde locks.

O: Oh I just love you too much to ever loose you.

Cheer Up

I know it's not very long. I hope that this is Ok, It is the first request that I ever worked on.

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