Julie And The Phantoms X Reader - Tumblr Posts
forever & always [reggie]
word count: 1.2k
pairing: reggie peters x fem!reader
warnings: pure angst. there's no happy ending.
a/n: i just finished jatp this morning and was feeling angsty so here u go. also haven't written anything in months so pls be nice !
request: n/a
25 years. that’s how long they’d sat in the black abyss, nothing but the sound of alex’s cries filling the void they’d known as death. reggie couldn’t believe it. he should be worried about his afterlife, he knows that, but only one thing was on his mind. her.
y/n. the girl he was set on marrying. he hadn’t proposed yet, of course - they were only 17. still, he was sure she was the one. after everything they’d been through, he couldn’t see himself being with anyone else. they were each other’s, completely. and they were supposed to have their entire lives together.
that night, she was waiting at the venue for his return - at the orpheum. of course she was there, she was always his biggest cheerleader. the thought brought tears to his eyes. his precious y/n had to live 25 years without him - and the worst part was that she probably moved on.
the thought of her with someone else made him feel like he was dying all over again, but he had to know. for his sanity, he just had to make sure she was okay.
he waited until he could sneak away unnoticed, and to his luck, luke had snuck off to visit his parents and alex had left to go hang out with willy - leaving him alone. he sucked in a breath, attempting to calm himself before teleporting outside of her old place.
much to his delight, it hadn’t changed all that much from what he’d known it to be, aside from a few additional paint scratches here and there. his eyes took in every inch of the familiar scene, though a light on in one of the top floor windows caught his attention. though normally he would find it rude to intrude, his mind was clouded with the thought of her, and her only.
teleporting into the room without a second thought, he felt tears spring to his eyes. there she was, in all her beauty. y/n. his y/n. only an older version of the girl he loved. a sharp pang washed over him at the realization that this was what his future was supposed to be, with her. the one he’d never get to experience.
she looked so content, gently bobbing her head to the music playing from her laptop as she folded some laundry. even through blurred tears, he couldn’t help but watch her in pure awe. only she could make such a mundane task look so appealing.
a sudden idea popped into his head, and before he could think logically, he walked over to the computer and pulled up a performance on youtube of julie and the phantoms. she was far too distracted to notice, until the song she was listening to abruptly changed to something she didn’t recognize.
reggie watched her sit up straighter, the confusion evident on her face. he watched as she glanced around the room, before turning to the computer screen. her eyes danced over the title of the video, and she mouthed the words as she read. reggie smiled at this - it was an old habit of hers, and it brought him comfort. some things really never change.
she pulled out the desk chair, pausing to watch the video, her curiosity clearly sparked. reggie watched anxiously as julie’s solo came to an end, cueing the arrival of the three boys she once knew.
he held his breath as he flashed onto the screen, and he watched as she instantly tensed, her hand flying to the spacebar to pause the video. she furiously rubbed her already teary eyes, swallowing hard as she studied the screen in front of her.
“regg?” her voice broke, and another jolt hit his heart. he reached out, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, even if she couldn’t feel it. at contact, however, he felt her shiver, and immediately sit up straight. she hesitantly turned her head, and looked right at him. or rather, right through him. somehow though, he knew, she knew he was there.
“reggie?” her voice was softer now, almost inaudible. “are you there?” reggie nodded, attempting to wipe away the tears falling down her cheeks - only for his hand to pass right through her body. he sighed, looking around for something he could use to tell her he was there.
his eyes widened when he looked back to the computer, quickly reaching over and typing into the youtube search bar the words ‘sunset curve’.
a sob escaped her lips, slipping out of the chair and onto her knees on the hardwood floor. reggie couldn’t bear the sight anymore, and slid down next to her, wrapping his arms around her tightly.
he could’ve sworn she felt his presence, because in the next second her hand was grasped on her arm directly where his was placed a moment prior. it was only a few minutes later when he noticed she was mumbling.
“why’d you have to eat that stupid hotdog, regg? why? it’s not fair. you died so young, and you left me. why’d you have to leave me?” her words were jumbled and mixed with the hot tears, but every word reggie heard loud and clear. each was like a fresh stab to the heart, because she was right - he left her and the life they had behind. it wasn’t his choice, of course. but it didn’t mean it hurt any less.
an idea occurred to him, and he quickly teleported back to the garage, grabbing a pen and a piece of paper. he quickly scribbled a note and jumped back, unsurprisingly seeing her in the same position as before, though her tears had slowed slightly. he gently slid the note in front of her, watching as she looked up, and shakily pulled it towards her. she sighed, before beginning to read it out loud.
“dear y/n,
i’m sorry. i wish things had gone differently - we all do.
i want you to know it’s okay. i’m okay. i’m with the guys still - luke and alex - that is. you probably knew that. you also know i’m not great with words.
we joined a new band - julie and the phantoms. the group i played for you. it’s so strange - when we play, people can see us! but when we stop, we’re invisible. isn’t that crazy?”
she laughed at this, and shook her head. reggie smiled, desperately trying to permanently imprint the sound in his mind.
“anyways, enough of my rambling. please remember i am so proud of you angel. never stop being you, for my sake if anything.
i love you. you and me, forever and always.
love, reggie”
he watched as she clung to the letter, a sad smile on her face as she lifted her gaze directly towards him. “forever and always, reg.” she whispered, and he choked out a sob, repeating the words back to her.
he stood, looking down at her one final time before coming to terms with the fact he couldn’t see her again. it physically hurt him to be near her, knowing this is everything he had wanted in his life that he would never get the chance of having. he leaned down, leaving one last lingering kiss on her forehead before he turned and muttered the dreaded words. “goodbye, y/n.”
and with that, he left behind the woman he so dearly loved.
only just missing her whisper back a small “goodbye, reggie.” in return.
My absolute favorite series😍😍
Step Into My World Masterlist
A masterlist for my Luke Patterson x reader series, Step Into My World
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Moments from Parts 1 and 2 from Luke’s POV
Camp Rock Movie Night
Behind the Scenes
A sequel series, Two Worlds Collide, coming soon!
Cheer Up
Owen x Oc
Request from: @teti-menchon0604
Warnings: Cat calling, Making out
Englisch is not my first language
I wake up and look at my watch it's already 7.30 Am and I habe to be at work at 8.00 Am. I jump up, run to the bathroom brush my hair and teeth. I quickly throw over my work clothes, grab my purse and Keys and run to my Car. I arive 20 minutes late to work. I begin to work fast. Finally after after 4 hours and 40 minutes I habe a little 10 Minute break, but I forgot my Lunch at home, just great, so I get up get a bag of cookie chips from the vending machine and a cup of coffe, my fourth one this day, then all of sudden I hear Tonys voice, he's a coworker of mine.
T: Hey Stephanie !
I turn to him.
S: Yes ?
He stands by the water with some other male coworkers of mine.
T: You wanna go some were with me ?
I raise my eyebrows.
S: N-no, I actually I don't !
He steps infrot of me.
T: You Bitch don't know what your missing !
He walks past me and bumos into my shoulder and my coffee spills all over my white shirt, I look down pissed , get back to my desk and try to get the coffee of of my shirt but it's not working so I just eat my Cookie Chips and then start working again. At 18 Pm I'm finally free to go so I get my stuff and Walk out of the office. I start walking to the Parkinglot as I want to cross the street a car speed past me and almost Hits me shooked I look after it, it was Tony. I start walking to my Car and sit down and drives home. Finally hone I kick my shoes of an call my boyfriend.
Phone Call
O: Hey babe.
S: Hey can you come over, I had a really bad day and just need cuddles right now.
O: I'm on my way, love you.
S: Love you too.
I hang up, go take a shower and get in my Pyjamas wich include Joggers and one of Owens Hoddies and then the door opens.
O: Hey babe.
It's owen with a bag of Chick-fill-A ( which I actually never had because we don't have one in germany) he gives me a kiss.
O: I got you some Chick-fill-A, a Sprite an all three High school Musical movies.
He puts the stuff on the couch table and hugs me again.
O: Wanna tell me about that bad day ?
We get on the couch and start eating.
J: So first I over slept, then I only had a 10 minute break all day and I forgot my lunch, then I got Cat called by my Coworker, then I spilled my Coffee all over my self and the I was almost hit by a Car
At the end of my Rant we had finished eating. Owen Pulls me into his arms.
O: Ok, that is a really bad day, but I'm here to make it better so ...
We cuddle and watch the first two Movies out of nowhere Owen starts to kiss my neck, I start blushing.
S: What are you doing ?
O: Cheering you Up.
He pulls me onto his Lap.
O: No need to be shy.
I look at him and smile.
S: I love you.
O: I love you mire Stephanie, all of you, your beautyfull blue eyes and your pretty brown hair and just all of you.
I start to blush and look down but he puts his hand under my chin and pushes my head up and kisses me with mire passion I let my hands wander through his blonde locks.
O: Oh I just love you too much to ever loose you.

I know it's not very long. I hope that this is Ok, It is the first request that I ever worked on.
Requesting Informations
Julie and the Phantoms Imagines (Closed)
Hey guys,
I’m going to make some JATP charakter Imagines and if you like you can request. Just text my Tumblr.
I just need to know what you want in your story, how you look, your name, your personality, the Charakter you want.
It can be about anything you want Fluff, Angst and Both
I don’t do shipping Imagines, probably won’t write for Bobby and only Alex x male or sister same for Willie. I’ll do shippings for the story line like if you request it e.g Luke x reader with Willex and Julie x Flynn or something.
Big Masterlist

Long days and Cuddling
Luke Patterson X Reader
Englisch is not my first Language
Today has been an awful long day, at first I over slept and was late for a History Test, then I acedently rammed into one of the school jocks an spilled my lunch over myself and had nothing to Change into, but I got a spare shirt from Julie. Then on my way home my backpack broke and all of my Books fell out so I had to carry them. When I got home my Mom screamd at me because I forgot to buy the grocerys, after everything that happend today I was happy when I arived at Julies. I went straight to the Garage where Julie, Reggie, Alex and Luke already were.
J: Hey guys.
Ju: Hey Jane.
I give her her shirt back.
J: Thank you again for letting me Borow it.
Ju: No problem.
I sit down on the couch and listen to them practice, after Practice Julie, Reggie and Alex go inside and Luke sits next to me.
L: Hey babe.
J: Hey.
I lean onto his shoulder.
L: Every thing alright ?
J: Yeah ... No not really, today has been the worst day ever.
I tear up a little an Luke puts his arm around me.
L: You wanna tell me about it ?
Bevor I can answer my phone rings its my Mom, I pick up.
J: Hello.
M: Get home this instand, you were suposed to be home 10 minutes ago !
My eyes widen.
J: I'm on my way.
I hang up and turn to Luke.
J: I have to go home.
L: I'll bring you.
After we say our goodbye to the others and procede to go to my home, a little before my home Luke turns to me.
L: I'll be wating in your room.
He gibes me a kiss on my forehead and then poofs away. I take a deep breath before I walk the little way up to my house and then walk in.
M: Where habe you been ?
J: At Julies.
M: And let me guess that stupid Boyfriend of yours was there ?
J: He is not stupid, he may not be the best at school but he's perfect and unique in his own way, so stop talking about him like that like you know who he is and I fucking love him for that !
I stomp up the stairs an go in my Room, where Luke lays on my bed.

L:So, you think I'm perfect and unique ?
My face grows red and I look down.
J: Y-you listend ?
L: Hey no reason to be embarrassed, I love you too
I look at him and drop next to him, he pulls me into hos arms and gives me a kiss
L: So wanna tell me about that bad day of yours
So guys this is it hope you like it As always feel free to request something