Pact Web Serial - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

reading pact (2.5) n its funny seeing blake call out rose for it being a hatchet and than he calls it an axe when hes stressing, funny.

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1 year ago

very excited to make the connection between pact and chainsaw man when it comes 2 incantations and devils and how they sorta gain powers as ideas and doing what they do best...

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1 year ago

was reading pact erlier as i do and its fun seeing how evans unlucky number is 3 in short burst but for blake he states that he ahcived 6 major wins and failed on the 7th (15.1 or 14.9)... poor guy

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1 year ago

do you think that connections (lease from blakes pov) are red because they could represent blood, a sort of power in pact that is used quite a bit. but also because they are needed for life to not be abysed, could this be why when he leaves said place, he still has some of him thanks to mags... thinking hard about this.

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1 year ago
A Remake Of My First Pact Fanart Cause I Wanna Print Some Stickers For Myself
A Remake Of My First Pact Fanart Cause I Wanna Print Some Stickers For Myself

A remake of my first pact fanart cause I wanna print some stickers for myself

Listen, they were supposed to be covered in blood and scars but I forgot to add it and I already merged the layers, so let’s pretend it’s okay

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11 months ago

Me: "Sigh... my third flop in a row, I'll never make it big in Jacobs Bell."

My stereotypical boogeyman friend: "You know what cheers me up when I'm feeling down? Eating someone!"

My stereotypical naive bird familiar: "I calculate that, You plus Motorcycle equals Fun!"

Me: "Thanks guys."

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11 months ago

pact thought that aint 2 profound but blake seeing and under stadning connections as a "thread" seems to server quite a bit of themetic meaning to his relationship with rose... seeing as how they were seperated with something akin to scissors you could say that a strong connection between them (a thread) could lead to them being sowed back together... could also be why rose says the only way for her to live is to consume whats left of him

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10 months ago
A drawing of a homestuck cherub. He's a humanoid person with dark green skin and a skull-like head with red cheeks and eyes. He is wearing jeans, a dark grey shirt with an image of a red dove holding a green twig, and a dark red jacket with short sleeves. Tattoos of branches and red birds can be seen on one forearm. He is holding an axe; a reflection of another cherub with dark eyes and green cheeks can be seen in its surface. She is wearing a green skirt and a dark shirt with a simplified luther rose colored red and green. The cherub is backed into a corner of a grimy room depicted in dark red and orange blotches.
A collection of text formatted like a Homestuck pesterlog, showing Courier New font in different colors. First line, in harlequin green: 
Second line, highlighted and in white:
Yes. Ornias. He once placed stars in the firmament, but he now calls them down to earth. Say his name seven times.
Third line, in green:
Fourth line, in grey: 
UU: jegUs penis fUck adi no

Fuck it. Celebrating 413 with some cherub-ified Thorburns.

Drawing of the red spiral-cheeked cherub without his hoodie. He is holding a jagged broken sword. Above him floats a green strife specibus card reading "1/2bladekind" with a silhouette of a broken sword on it, leaving a lot of obvious negative space at the top. Next to him is a sparrow with a ghostly tail. It is drawn in orange lineart.
Drawing of a cherub girl. She looks the same as the red-cheeked cherub, except she has a green skirt, green eyes and cheek spirals instead of red, a luther rose instead of a dove on her shirt, and gingerly holding a shotgun instead of an axe. Her strife specibus says "shotgunkind" and has a silhouette of a shotgun on it.

Why yes, I did steal the lineart for the Evansprite from an unrelated piece of fanart I started months ago and still havent finished.

Don't have anything super complex in terms of lore for the crossover. Cherubs whole motif of being two opposing "siblings" sharing a body that fight each other before one dominates the other in maturity fit the Barbatorem deal perfectly. Honestly most of the thought process went into finding names that fit the 8-letter-word-starting-with-"cal" rule. Blake's cherub name would be Caladium (or "Adi"); a vibrant plant whose leaves are red "trapped" inside green fits the cherub color symbolism as applied to the Thorburns rather well, and the heart-shaped leaves fits with his sister's symbol well. Rose Jr would be Calyptra, after the plant hood that protects immature flowers. I felt that fit with her being the sheltered one who's supposed to keep them safe and secure, who didn't get any of the personality traits that would allow her to bloom.

Having shirt designs based from christian iconography seemed obvious for diabolists. The dove holding the twig obviously fits with Blake's symbolism, and Rose having the Luther Rose is in line both with her name and with her obvious Protestantism.

Homestuck fans read Pact.

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1 year ago

reading pact (2.5) n its funny seeing blake call out rose for it being a hatchet and than he calls it an axe when hes stressing, funny.

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1 year ago

very excited to make the connection between pact and chainsaw man when it comes 2 incantations and devils and how they sorta gain powers as ideas and doing what they do best...

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1 year ago

was reading pact erlier as i do and its fun seeing how evans unlucky number is 3 in short burst but for blake he states that he ahcived 6 major wins and failed on the 7th (15.1 or 14.9)... poor guy

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1 year ago

do you think that connections (lease from blakes pov) are red because they could represent blood, a sort of power in pact that is used quite a bit. but also because they are needed for life to not be abysed, could this be why when he leaves said place, he still has some of him thanks to mags... thinking hard about this.

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1 year ago
A Remake Of My First Pact Fanart Cause I Wanna Print Some Stickers For Myself
A Remake Of My First Pact Fanart Cause I Wanna Print Some Stickers For Myself

A remake of my first pact fanart cause I wanna print some stickers for myself

Listen, they were supposed to be covered in blood and scars but I forgot to add it and I already merged the layers, so let’s pretend it’s okay

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11 months ago

Me: "Sigh... my third flop in a row, I'll never make it big in Jacobs Bell."

My stereotypical boogeyman friend: "You know what cheers me up when I'm feeling down? Eating someone!"

My stereotypical naive bird familiar: "I calculate that, You plus Motorcycle equals Fun!"

Me: "Thanks guys."

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11 months ago

pact thought that aint 2 profound but blake seeing and under stadning connections as a "thread" seems to server quite a bit of themetic meaning to his relationship with rose... seeing as how they were seperated with something akin to scissors you could say that a strong connection between them (a thread) could lead to them being sowed back together... could also be why rose says the only way for her to live is to consume whats left of him

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