Palease Requests R Always Open For U - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Can I request some Stu Macher domestic Headcanons :D


pls i hope u like this i don’t think i’m good at headcanons lmao

•Big oof!

•You know how goofy Stu is.

•Could you imagine you guys trying to cook together???

•Food fights and a big mess resulting in ordering out to your favorite place instead.

•Movie nights that could last forever in a big cuddle of blankets,

•Sometimes on the couch.

•(mostly on the floor)

•Do you guys ever sleep in an actual bed?

•HAH no

•Stu is absolutely your biggest supporter

•Always no matter what it is

•While a complete numbnuts

•He’s still the most down to earth and sweetest boy

•When it comes down to you especially

•Will he attempt to cook for you?


•Will it end well?

•Ask the fire department L O L

•Seriously, he seems like the clumsy type to me

•BUT that’s why he’s the best

•You gotta love all the smartass comments

•The dumb jokes

•His big bear hugs

•Oh, you’re not hungry?

•Too bad

•He’s a feeder especially if you’re in a sad boi shmood

•He thinks food fixes it all

•Piggy back rides and tickle fights

•Hide and seek in the mall

•This man likes to have fun and istg if you’re not having fun

•The day is cancelled until you are

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