Panther Hybrid Yoongi - Tumblr Posts
A Place Called Home | Chapter 1
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Before heading home for the day, you were making rounds around the wards when you saw the emergency team rushing to wheel in a gurney. As they passed you, your eyes glanced over and immediately, you knew what you had to do.

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A Place Called Home | Chapter 2
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
Yoongi has been acting weird since you came back from the hospital but he refuses to tell you anything, not wanting to worry or burden you anymore. You and him go visit someone and you can only hope that the person can cheer Yoongi up.

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Hybrid AU : Full House (of troubles) KNJ+MYG
Summary : You who studied abroad moved back to Seoul after you graduate. You didn’t know what’s going on with your house until you arrive.That was when 2 men opened the door and stared at you confused.You were angry when they told you that your brother sold this house without your permission.You made a deal and undured living under the same roof.Soon you came across all of their secrets.

Author POV.
The people are busy walking around all over the place.These days lots of students interested in study abroad and Y/N is one of them.You dreamed about it since you were young and now her dream come true at last.
Walking along the ailse,you are looking for the suitcase section.After 4 years,you finally graduate and come back to your beloved homeland.When you pick up everything,you call a cab.Wanting to surprise your brother,you decided not to call him for picking you up.
“Go to xxxx please.” You tell the address of your house.The cab then depart from the front gate of the airport.
You notice there are a lot of changes while you are gone.The skyscapers spread though area from here to there,new malls,some part of town get the renovation and many other things change.
“What’s the schedule for tomorrow?” You mumble with yourself while checking on your phone.You remember tomorrow you’ll enter your parents company for like first time after 5 years.
The cab park infront of your house.You thank him before get off the car and get your luggage from the back.When you reach the door,you press the door bell. Waiting surprise your brother.
“Surpri- who are you?” The door open and reveal 2 men.
“That should be us asking.Who are you?” The pale guy turns the question back toward you while the other tall one behind him stands there and blink.
“No you guys answer me.Who are you and Why are you guys are in my house?”

(A/N : thanks to @kookscrescent because of this gif,I decide to write whole story so thank you.Let’s continue.)
“Your house?Uhhh miss,this house we bought it for 3 years now.” Now the tall one speak.
“What?But this is my house and I didn’t sell to anyone.How is that suppose to be happened?”
“Well if you want an answer ask the ‘Jin’ guy instead of tresspassing our house.”
“Jin sold this house to you?” Both of them nod.
Now I’m fuming,you must talk to him why on earth he sold your house without your permission.Trying to call that guy,the car arrive infront of the house.When he get out of the car,you run and grab his collar.Making th other 2 inside the house shock.
“How dare you surprise me with this?” Then you point toward the house.
“You’re here and sorry hehehe.”
“Tell me before I charge into your face,why did you sell my house?!”
“Better to talk about it at home.”
“But this is my house!”
“Please,get in the car first and we need to head home before father get angry. This is serious please.”
You sigh and get in the car like he says.This is a family matter again I guess. After that Jin goes to the door and apologize to the guys before come back and drive the car to the ‘main’ house.
“So tell me my lovely oppa,why did you sell the house?”
“It’s not me,I swear.It’s farther who sell the house.” You turn your face to him and stare.Although he didn’t face you now due to the driving,guilt is written all over his face.You sigh and turn back.
“What’s with the old man this time,try to force me go back to him?”
“I don’t really know.During this 3 years,I romed around for work and all.I didn’t get to know he sold the house until I came back from Australia.I knew this before you for a month.”
We arrive the place,my used to be home sweet home.We enter the house and some of the guards,housemaids and butlers greet me.I smile in return.Not gonna lie but I miss them.They were the ones who kept company and helped me all the time when I still lived here.
“Oh well,look like someone finally accept the truth.”
“And someone still interfer the others’ business.How’re you,still being a gold digger?”
Curious right? That’s my aunt or should I say my father’s wife.My father remarried for third time and I didn’t expect to be her.My house seems to be complicate but,I didn’t care anyway.
“Noona....” The boy runs down the stairs and hugs my waist.I pick him up and kiss him on the forehead.
“Hi,how was my boy doing?”
“Miss you so much.” I chuckle.
“Come back here Taehyung,you aren’t suppose to talk with her.”
“But she’s my noona.”
“She isn’t your sister,come back here before I get rid of your money in your credit.” He only pout and sigh before bid me a little good bye.
“Don’t worry,I’ll transfer to you.Give your account later.” I whisper and he smiles.
“Dinner is ready.”
One of the maid walks in and informs us.I nod and my brother walk inside the dinnning rooom.I walk after him with Taehyung and his mother.Soon the old man arrive and take his seat.
“How was your day mr.Kim?” His wife asks while stare at me.What’s with her?
He then turns toward me and start speaking.
“You’re finally here.”
“Better to explain to me why you sold my house,old man.”
“Well that’s my money,I do what I want.If I want to get rid of it,I do it.”
“As far a I know,the house belong to my mother.She bought it for.If you have permission from my mother which is lying in the grave,then I have no problem.”
“Why do he need to as-”
“Don’t interfer this,shut it and eat your meal.” I turn toward my aunt and glare before continue.
“I want you to be back here.”
“What’s for?Don’t tell me you miss me and feel guilty for what you’ve done with mom.That’s not you,old man.Tell me,what’s the point of me being here after all those years that you didn’t want to see my face.”
“Still straight foward,just like your mother.”
“Tell me now!” I start to get angry.The atmosphere tense along with my mood change.
“You’ll be married.”
“Are you deaf,you’ll be married t-”
“No,I’m not deaf.Second if this your problem,solve it yourself.Not using me to whore around to get money.I’m leaving.”
“Where’re you going?” This time Jin ask me with worry.
“I have my place.Get rid house doesn’t mean I’m homeless and needs to run back here.”
Time Skip : Namjoon POV.
I’m sitting in the living room with Yoongi hyung.After the incident this morning,i still thinking about that girl.What’s going on with her?I felt worry toward the girl but, why?
“Hyung can we change the chanel,it starts to be boring.”
“Bring the movie,I think I probably gonna sleep if I watch it further.”
I get up from the couch and go to the shelf.Finding a movie,I ask him and he only tell me pick one.Scrambling along the shelf and find the DVD,the door bell ring.
“I’ll get.” Ihand him the DVD and walk toward the front door.When I open,I stand there with wide eyes.
“Yeah can I uhh come in?” The girl asks.Her body shivers from the cold outside. Without thinking,I open the door widely and accept stranger into the house.
“Who is it Na- What is she doing here?”
“Hyung calm down.”
“No! I’m not gonna calm down when you accept the stranger into our house.”
“But h..hyung w-”
“Please let me stay.” Finally the girl speaks.Yoongi hyung shut his mouth and look at her instead of me.He squint his eyes and start growling.
“I need your help.Let me stay here at least,like as a rent.I need to live here.I have nowhere to go right now.”
Poor girl is pleading.I look at hyung then her switch back and forth.Hyung still growl but lower his voice now.I only gesture her to take a seat and start talking with her.
“Hyung please,let her stay.”
“Namjoon,I know you are kind heart to everything and eryone but this is another level.This is problem.How we suppose to let her live,don’t you remember our secret?”
“I know but,she also has a problem and she seems like an innocent who has a fight with her parents.Another point is this house belongs to her. According to the law,she can kick us out since she didn’t agree to sell this house.It’s the other who has no right yet look at her,begging 2 strangers to live inside her house,isn’t it a bit cruel?”
Hyung doen’t reply.He seems to think through what I’ve just said.The girl also listen to us the whole time but she faces the floor.Her luggage is beside her.No matter what,she still has the right in this house.
“Okay dude,fine.I’ll let her in.”
Day 1 : Author POV.
The first day for 3 of them are akward.Sitting in the dinning room,eating the breakfast with no one talk to each other.You try your best to talk but only Namjoon would aswer you.
“You need me to buy something back in here.I’ll go to the mall after my work.”
“That would be great,I think the list is on the fridge.Anything else from that depend on you.” He then turns to Yoongi.
“Hyung want something?”
“No,I’m good.”
You nod and take the list from the fridge afterward.Bid them a goodbye and leave the house to your work.
The whispers are everywhere when you enter the company.Some of them smiles while the others don’t.You greet the one who greet me,that’s all.When you arrive my office,you see Jin sitting in the room.
“How was them so far?”
“Not good and not bad,surprise I think.”
“Perhaps it’s because I tell them,you’re my sister.”
“You don’t need to tell them that.This gonna be akward day ugh.”
Jin only laugh at you and you stare with your dead cold eyes.He raises his hands up in defeat and leaving.telling you someone will arrive and give you a tour.
Day 3
Everything is in its place so far.You didn’t get any disturbance from your father. You live with these 2 men without problem and Yoongi start to talk a bit.Tiny bit like ‘Hi’ , ‘Good’ and any other short phrases.Well it has to start somewhere,isn’t it.
“Hello boys,I’m ho- huh?”
You see only Yoongi is on the couch,sleeping.However,that wasn’t the thing that makese you surprise.It’s because of the fluffy ears on his head that lay flat on his umber brown hairs.The second you notice his ears,you also come across his tail that swing gently at the end of the couch.
“That looks fluffy.” You don’t know got into you.You reach your hand and gently scratch his ears and hairs.He awakes immediatly and hiss.In the blink of an eye, blood oozing out from your hand.
“Hyung I think Y/N i- is back...”
You clutch your hand and startle.Namjoon quickly find the fisrt aid kit and treat your wound.Yoongi still hiss.His claw has a stain of blood on it.
“You’re a panther..hybrid?” Y/N quietly ask.Still scare of Yoongi who is now widely awake.
“Well yeah basically both o-”
“You too?” Namjoon only nod and look down.Taking of his beanie.His ears reveal,2 fluffy white ears.Snow tiger?
“I know you won’t like hybrids like others but please we need home.”
“I didn’t say anything,did I?”
Namjoon eyes sparkle with hope.You didn’t mind the fact they were hybrid all along.You just confuse how they can buy this house and live among people. Even though the society accept the hydrid and have the law protect them,a lot of people aren’t please with the idea.
“I surprise,yes.I hate you,no.Now tell me,how can you guys be able to find this house and bought it?”
Week pass
It’s been a week now that you live under the same roof as them.You guys share a lot of things.After you found out about them,you shared what happen to you to be fair.
“Boss this is the file for today’s meeting.”
“Thank you and just call me miss.I don’t really feel comfortable with that word.”
Your secretary nod and left.Working here for a week,changes make you surprise.All of them now more friendly toward you and get along really well.They thought I might be like my aunt which is understandable.Everytime she enters my section,she tries to boss around everyone.I always need to remind her who is the boss here.In fact,I tell all of my employee to not let her in my section without permission.
“The sales of our company by far is good.However,I want to change some product since it’s out of season.”
“Well sir,I think we should redesign the package and change the promotion as well.It might attract people more.”
“But we need to make it new and as quick as possible.A lot of company try to copy us from the observation for 2 years now.”
“So why don’t we let ms.Y/N handle with this.Isn’t she the best in this marketing idea?” Now my aunt speaks while glare at you.
“Okay if you want me to handle this project with my team,I will.Anything else sir?”
You accept the challenge and now turning to your father.Jin didn’t like the idea but,respect your decision.Taehyung sit there and watch,he clutch his mother arm since longtime ago.As a sign to not say anything or picking me up.
Yoongi POV.
I’m doing my music inside the studio.I’ve been doing this since the day before yesterday so basically I didn’t sleep for 2 days straight.I here the sound of the door open and someone enter.I think it must be Y/N.
“Hmmm smell weird here,where’s the smell from?”
I pause my work and get out of the room.Namjoon must smelll it too since he also walks down the stairs.We look at each other before enter the living room together.
“Hyung why are you so stress?”
“No I swear,it’s not me this time.”
“Y/N?” We look at each other.
We walk along the corridor and follow the smell.We arrive at the door which is wide open.Did this house has a wine cellar?For all those years I live here? No, this isn’t the time to think about the wine.Namjoon enter first and I follow in. Seeing Y/N sip the wine continuously make me worry a little.
“It must be her.” Namjoon whisper and I nod.
“Oh gents here you are.Take a..*hiccup*,enjoooy.”
“She’s drunk.”
“I think we ahh!”
Namjoon exclaim all of sudden,the poor boy get drag by Y/N to sit on the couch. I sit to the right of her and take a sip as well.Who’s gonna say no to fre wine, right?
She’s blabbering her day out like an idiot.None of us speak.Nodding as a sign of understanding,she continue.Namjoon then reach his limit in no time.I’m now a bit light head.
“You guys are hot,you know that?”
“Same to you baby girl.” Namjoon say with his flirt voice.
“Want to rpove it huh?” I spit,she nods.
I smirk.This girl ask for it.I start kissing her collar.Sucking on that smooth skin while my tails clutch around her waist.Namjoon seems to start his own move. Licking her cheeck,before kissing it.
“Here or bed?”
I pick her up and carry her to our room,mine and Namjoon.Putting her onto the matress,we continue where we left.Me and Namjoon take our shirt off and continue to kiss her.We are into it so much that didn’t realize she already sleep.
“Seems like we should stop here hyung.Our princess is tired.”
“Very well.”
I woke up because of my head.It’s pounding like crazy.Why it’s so hot in here,I swear I open the aircon too the point it couldn’t get any cooler.Wait,tails?How on earth the tails strangle around my waist.I still move my hand along it until I hear the growl voice.
“Holy shit!” I spring myself up and rest against the bedframe.
“Why so loud?”
“What’s going on?”
I’m fully awake.Looking the surrounding,I notice lots of things.First this isn’t my room.Second,why I’m on their bed? Third,Why they only wear pants?
“Oh you wake up.” Namjoon speak.
“5 minutes.” Yoongi reply.
“Guys,get off.”
Now we’re all in the dining room.Sitting under the silence,the air seems to tense more than usual.
“I..uh...we are sorry.” Namjoon mumble.
“We shouldn’t take advantage of you.” Yoongi continue.
“No,It’s my fault.I shouldn’t let my gaurd down in the first place.Anyway,can any of you explains these?”
You lower your shirt to show your collor bone.Covering with pinkish+purple and red everywhere.Namjoon point toward Yoongi while Yoongi lift his eyebrow. Then he start speaking.
“I thought you like it last night.”
“Yoongi...what should I do with you?”
“Ooohhh our princess gonna punish us because we gave her hickeys last night?”
“Not you too,Namjoon.”
“Not a bad idea.”
They smirk and look at each other before turn back to me.They suddenly throw themselves onto me and I start pushing them.It all turn into pillow fight.Giggles and chuckles can be heard everywhere.All of sudden the door bell ring.
“I’ll get it.” Yoongi disappear from the room and walk to the front door.The silence appear for awhile before run back with the boy he carry on his shoulder.
“Hyung what’s that?”
“Taehyung?No no,you are going to be ok.Dont’ die,guys we’ll go to the hospital.”
We get Taehyung to the hospital.I didn’t know what happen but,worry about him to death.Namjoon and Yoongi try their best to comfort me.When the doctor come out,he inform me he has a fever and somes injuries.He can leave after wake up and a few check.
“She did it to you again,didn’t she?” I mumble while caress his hand.He’s a good boy and always happy.
I remember since young,he never get to live his life like the others.Me and Jin needed to be there for him all the time.His mother force him to be perfect in every way since she afraid I’m gonna take my father company.
“Tae you awake?” I hug him.Namjoon insist to call the doctor for him.Yoongi prepare a glass of water for him to drink.
When everything is alright.All of us come back home.Taehyung beg me to live here for awhile.The boys don’t have any problem with it.I prepare the guest room for him and call Jin about this.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t pick up your phone.”
“It’s fine hyung.I have noona now.”
He tell me and Jin everything.How he struggle to persue his dream,study film, and work a part time job for it.He with his friend,Jungkook,work at the cafe.When that lady find out,she force him to quit the job and send someone to ‘warn’ Jungkook.He was with Jungkook and tried to help but end up like this.
“From now I’ll be your guardian and I’ll help you with what you want.”
“I’ll help you fee until your graduate Tae,don’t worry.”
“Hyung..noona...” He cries and hugs us tight.Yoongi with Namjoon prepare the dinner.All of us have a nice meal afterward with delightful atmosphere.
Months later : Author POV.
They all live happily.Taehyung study hard,Jin come to visit us every weekend and me is living with the boys very well.You aren’t gonna believe that 3 of us date each other right now.They claim to me that you were their ‘mate’.Tae and Jin seems to be happy with me.
Jin also come by one day and invite all of us to his mother’s party,well my father’s first wife.She is kind like always and enjoy the hybrids’ company.At first it’s a bit akward but,they get comfortable around her at last.Yoongi in that day talk the most with Jin’s mother.Jin even claim his mother has just got a new son.
“Y/N someone is at the door?”
“I’m busy,can someone check who’s there?”
“Me and Joon hyung will get it.” Tae and Joon then go to the door.Jonn look outside and sense something wrong.When Tae twist the nob,Joon grab his hand immediately.
“Everyone come here.I think something’s fishy.”
Yoongi come out of his studio while Y/N walk up to them.When they gather around and Y/N check the door,her eyes widen.
“Tae,you need to hide right now.Your mother send some men to get you.”
“But noona...”
“Call Jin and tell him.We’ll handle this,go.”
Yoongi open the door.Namjoon and you step out as well.Talking to the guard whether they have anything to do with you guys.When they try to break in,Yoongi start to growl out.They get the guns out.Namjoon charge at them and start fighting.It’s a mess.However,those two manage to beat them down.
That night 5 of them gather in the house and start planning what’s to do. Taehyung wouldn’t be safe anymore as well as them.Jin prepare a pent house for Tae.Asking his mother to let her men take care of it.You,Jin and the boys now continue to discuss what can they do further than guar Taehyung.
“I’ll need to do some documents for yu guys.I think she’ll find the way to get you guys.”
“I’ll let Hoseok deal with the documents.” Jin reply.
“I don’t know if it’s allow here but..”
“Me and Namjoon is thinking that maybe you should become Tae’s guardian like officially his guardian by law.” Yoongi continue what’s Namjon pause.
“I don’t know if I can.However,I do know who can.” Y/N look at Jin and he nods as a sign of understanding the situation.
Weeks has passed.You guys leave the house temporary and live with Taehyung at the pent house.Taehyung become Jin adopt brother under the name of his mom.You are the second guardian along with Jin,the third.Everything seems to fall in place until...
“Hyung!Noona!” The boy run toward you house.Knocking the door like crazy. Yoongi open up and feel unfamiliar with the face.He growl at the poor boy who is sweating like waterfall.
“I need you guys.He..he is missing.”
“Who’s there love?” You ask before reaching the door with Namjoon.When you see the boy,you immediately recognize him.
“Jungkook,what happened?”
“Noona! Taehyung...hyung got caught.” He show message that he got after found things out.
“Get in the cars everyone.We’ll track Taehyung down and get him back.”
“Jin about him?”
“Kook tell him and let him deal with the police.Yoongi,be fast.I won’t stop you this time.Namjoon I trust your sense.” You talk with the others.Kook call Jin. Namjoon’s tracking down while Yoongi drive the car to the full speed.
“What happened next with appa?” The little boy ask Y/N.She smiles and continue the story.
“Well let says that it’s a mess.Your appa is strong though.He fight for what he wants.Me and your uncles can save him that day.That lady end up in jail and we live peacefully until now.”
“And appa meet eomma and married.Then they have us.”
“Yes,minhyun.Alright kids,time for me to go.”
“Will you come to meet me and mina again?”
“Of course,I’ll bring my trio as well next time.” They cheer up and bid you a good bye.You take your leave.Taehyung come inside the room,hug you before you go. His wife then bid you a good bye as well.
Arriving your house,you enter.The boys run to you and hug you.Their tails swinging with joy.The fathers soon comes out and kiss you as a greeting. Welcome you back after take care the twin for Taehyung.
“Mama will we get to see them next time?”
“Yes dear,you’ll.We’ll have a picnic.”
“Yeah I love picnis.I’ll get a beautiful dress.” You grab your daughter up.
“You’ll always be beautiful princess.” Yoongi kiss her cheek and she giggles.
“Appa up.” The twin now try to clime Namjoon.He then picks up the boys.
“Who’s ready for a movie time.” I speak and they cheer.Their fathers just giggle. Let they leave us and prepare thier own snack.
“Be careful Soobin,Yeonjun and take care Eunbi as well.” They replay afterward and go into the kitchen.
“We miss you.” This time Namjoon come forward and hug.Yoongi join him and kiss me at his mark,the collarbone.
“Let get in,the kids are waiting.”
“They won’t notice trust me.Beside we’ll get to enjoy our night afterward.Jin hyung gonna pick them up to his mother again.” Yoongi speak.
“And we gonna have our quality time with our princess.” Namjoon start kissing but interupt by the sound of arguing from the living room.
“Seems like they’re in trouble again.” Yoongi walk in and Namjoon follow.You admire them for awhile.Yoongi deal with his princess,Eunbi,while namjoons deal with his boys.
“Full house of troubles.” You enter the scene.
Hi guys,finally I write something again.The last one seemed lik no one enjoy.A little sad but nevermind.Okay first,thanks to @kookscrescent for an inspiration of Namgi fanfic.I hope you guys like this oneshot.See you next times,thanks for reading.