Papilio Anima - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know? (for both Chongyun and Kami)

for chongyun

i wouldn't say it's not well known, but it doesn't get the attention i WANT it to get. but chongyun has an earring! i really liked drummer!chongyun aesthetic, especially the tassel earring he's got. so, i took that earring and applied it to any verse i shove chongyun into. he has an earring, and i also headcanon that when he and xingqiu traded tassels, they also made sure both tassels were earrings.

chongyun also, blog canonically, has hair long enough to pull into a ponytail. it's not a super long one, but it's long enough that there's enough hair to pull back and keep out of his face! (he also has mini fangs because i said so.)

for kaminari

kami is a HUGE reader. he loves getting lost in a good book. but even further than that, if kami favors a person well enough, and they have a favorite book, his love language is taking that book and getting it rebound to something far more extravagent and beautiful. he probably did that for cyno and cyno's 'king of invocations' book, at least the first one.

kami doesn't show very many ways in which he does care, still having several walls up. but there ARE little ways in which he's like "you mean something to me, have a special edition book."

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5 months ago

"And when's the last time you slept?" (for Chongyun)

"And When's The Last Time You Slept?" (for Chongyun)

What's he supposed to tell Hu Tao? They're not used to being confronted so directly over what should have been obvious from the beginning ― even if Chongyun would rather they never said anything.

"And When's The Last Time You Slept?" (for Chongyun)

"Uh." Chongyun blinks slowly at her, before lifting a hand and glancing downward, to PHYSICALLY count his fingers. "Two...nights ago?" Two days, really, as Chongyun has the unfortunate habit of working through the night. "I napped," he continues to explain, hastily. "Please don't yell at me, I know this is a terrible habit. People just keep commissioning me, and I hate to let them down."

Chongyun makes a mental note to sleep later, or at least take an extended nap. He has a feeling that if not Hu Tao, then Xingqiu definitely would.

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5 months ago
Chongyun Probably Shouldn't Have Insinuated She'd Yell. He's Used To Getting On The Wrong Side Of People

Chongyun probably shouldn't have insinuated she'd yell. He's used to getting on the wrong side of people though, or perhaps that's just his own perception of the world. Hu Tao is really easy-going on a good day, and at worst, she expresses disappointment. Time to trip over his words, on TOP of being tired.

"Not yell, exactly," Chongyun tries to explain. "Maybe that'd be more Xingqiu? I don't know anymore. I just know I feel guilty when I push myself. I know I shouldn't? But sometimes I forget."

He pauses to wipe his mouth. Not that he's doing anything gross, but his mouth feels dry, and Chongyun wonders if he's thirsty. No, he DEFINITELY is. It's been over an hour since he had a drink, and he can feel slightly shaky.

Chongyun Probably Shouldn't Have Insinuated She'd Yell. He's Used To Getting On The Wrong Side Of People

Chongyun also feels the yang energy pulsing dully in the back of his mind. It's suppressed for now, but it probably won't be forever. "I'll take a break, I promise. I just need to get something to eat, and then I'll probably go take a nap just outside the city, where it's grassy and cool."

He should probably go sleep in his own bed, but ― the thought of getting under his bedding and getting unnecessarily warm doesn't sound appealing to him.

"Thanks, Hu Tao." He offers her a smile. "I'm glad you understand me better than others."

@oficeandwind / Chongyun (cont.) "I napped," he continues to explain, hastily. "Please don't yell at me, I know this is a terrible habit. People just keep commissioning me, and I hate to let them down." Chongyun makes a mental note to sleep later, or at least take an extended nap. He has a feeling that if not Hu Tao, then Xingqiu definitely would.

Sure  it  was  on  a  whim  that  she  wanted  to  visit  the  exorcist.  After  all,  Chongyun  was  a  close  friend.  It  was  upon  arriving  she  noticed  those  signs.  Dark  circles  under  the  eyes.  A  hasty,  jitteriness  in  his  mannerisms.  The  slow  finger  counting.  Hu  Tao  scrunched  up  her  face  slightly  knowing  very  well  how  exhausting  insomnia  could  be.  She  saw  it  in  her  clients  who  experienced  restlessness  nights  due  to  either  a  haunting  or  unpleasant  nightmares.

@oficeandwind / Chongyun (cont.) "I Napped," He Continues To Explain, Hastily. "Please Don't Yell At

"Two  nights???"  while  her  voice  didn't  exactly  raise,  there  was  a  hint  of  concern  from  the  funeral  director.  Her  expression  soon  softened  and  she  let  out  a  sigh.  "Aiyaaa…What  makes  you  think  I'm  going  to  yell  at  you?"  she  asked.  The  question  almost  sounding  rhetorical.

With  that  Hu  Tao  took  a  spot  to  sit  beside  him.  In  truth,  she  had  been  feeling  tired  herself.  The  idea  of  not  wanting  to  let  others  down  was  too  relatable.  "I  would  be  an  absolute  hypocrite  if  I  told  you  to  stop  staying  up  so  late  at  night.  But  still,  you  should  at  least  give  yourself  a  break  once  in  a  while.  Those  commissions  can  wait,  right?"

@oficeandwind / Chongyun (cont.) "I Napped," He Continues To Explain, Hastily. "Please Don't Yell At

Actually  Hu  Tao  knew  that  it  wasn't  too  easy  to  solve.  She  could  sense  his  yang  energy  had  just  crashed  or  was  about  to.  "I  do  understand  your  work  is  important,  Chongyun.  But  you  can  do  it  effectively  if  you  push  yourself  too  much"

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5 months ago
"Oh!" Chongyun's Eyes Widen At The Mention Of His Popsicles. He'd Completely Forgotten About Them They're

"Oh!" Chongyun's eyes widen at the mention of his popsicles. He'd completely forgotten about them ― they're probably all a melted mess right now. Quickly, he's bending over to rummage through his pouch, and in dismay, finds that he'd guessed correctly. "They melted," he tells her dramatically. It IS dramatic, considering how tired Chongyun is right now. It's never a huge deal in the first place, but in Chongyun's current state, it's easier to play around a little more for those sympathy points.

"I'll come with you. I'm not so far gone that I can't walk." They're taking their pouch off their waist and holding it in their hands. With the liner inside, Chongyun isn't worried about the contents inside leaking, but it's still better to keep it off their clothing just in case. "What are you thinking as far as food?" They're even tipping it over to let the liquid inside spill out.

If they can avoid Wanmin Restaurant, Chongyun will be pleased. He's only eaten Xiangling's cooking a handful of times; he knows her pechant for creating spicy dishes. Chongyun is too tired to play 'guess the outcome' where anything outside his comfort zone and yang energy is concerned. "Maybe rice? Pork fried rice. Fish." They're definitely hungry. As if the naming of food isn't enough, Chongyun's stomach grumbles. "―I haven't eaten for a few hours, either," they admit. "Not that I haven't had food, I mean. I ate fruit and nuts, mostly."

"Oh!" Chongyun's Eyes Widen At The Mention Of His Popsicles. He'd Completely Forgotten About Them They're

He moves closer to her, wearing a more genuine smile. Feeling slightly more awake than before, too. "You are being a good friend. Thank you for helping, Hu Tao, I appreciate it."

Fortunately  an  expression  of  disappointment  from  the  funeral  director  was  never  with  ill-intentions.  Most  of  the  time  it  was  merely  a  firm  request  for  the  other  to  take  better  care  of  themselves.  "As  much  as  I  would  love  the  support  for  my  business...."  her  voice  trailed  off  slightly  before  she  tch'd  out  a  short  laugh.

"Funny  enough  the  Yuheng  herself  was  going  through  her  own  bouts  of  insomnia  a  few  months  ago.  And  mostly  for  the  very  same  reason.  Overwork."

Regardless,  she  knew  Chongyun  wasn't  doing  any  of  this  on  purpose.  More  that  it  was  a  difficult  habit  to  get  over.  She  took  pushed  herself,  even  taking  on  jobs  that  she  could  have  just  handed  to  her  undertakers.

It  seemed  that  the  pure  yang  energy  was  both  a  curse  and  gift.  That's  how  she  interpreted  as.  As  for  herself,  while  it  wasn't  exactly  pure  she  did  display  qualities  of  having  the  contrasting  yin.  Usually  she  could  go  with  the  flow  and  be  open  to  any  changes.  However,  when  it  was  too  much  she  became  more  lethargic  and  often  isolated  herself.

Fortunately An Expression Of Disappointment From The Funeral Director Was Never With Ill-intentions.

She  turned  to  the  exorcist  "Oh?  Did  you  run  out  of  those  popsicles  you  usually  carry  around?"  She  had  noticed  the  signs  of  both  thirst  and  hunger.  She  made  a  soft  hum.  Liyue  was  mostly  known  for  its  spicy  dishes.  Or  at  least  ones  that  were  cooked  hot.  Still,  she  wasn't  just  going  to  sit  there  and  do  nothing  about  this.

"I  can  go  find  ya  something..."  His  next  compliment  might  have  caught  her  off  guard  for  a  moment.  She  breathed  out  a  small  smile  in  return.  Her  hand  moved  to  scratch  absentmindedly  at  the  back  of  her  head.  "Aiyaaa...isn't  that  what  a  friend  is  for?  ~"

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5 months ago
"ah, The Teahouse!" Chongyun's Head Lifts Up With Widened Eyes. He LOVES The Teahouse How He'd Completely

"ah, the teahouse!" chongyun's head lifts up with widened eyes. he LOVES the teahouse ― how he'd completely forgotten about it in his state is beyond him. the atmosphere is infinitely more calming than most other locations in liyue. while still bustling with activity, chongyun still enjoys the stories; they distract him from everything happening elsewhere in the city. plus, the staff there had always taken care to cater to his needs by often serving him lukewarm at best tea. "the teahouse is a good idea. maybe we'll hear a story while we're there."

"i also like the thought of grilled tiger fish." chongyun nods, the thought of food doing more to perk them up than anything else had previously. the nap is still on the table, but hu tao is doing an excellent job of reminding chongyun about all their options. how is it that they've lived here all their life and still struggle to remember even the most basic commodities? too much time outside the harbor, that's for certain.

"and for the record―" chongyun lifts a finger, tilting his head at hu tao. "my yang energy isn't taking control right now. i'm too tired for that." he stops advancing when he sees the expression on her face. the blush. part of chongyun feels bad, like maybe he'd overdone it a touch, but then again, maybe she's not used to receiving such compliments. especially from him.

"ah, The Teahouse!" Chongyun's Head Lifts Up With Widened Eyes. He LOVES The Teahouse How He'd Completely

chongyun really should be nicer to his friends, shouldn't he?

"i meant what i said," chongyun says, feeling awkward now. they're rubbing at the back of their neck, glancing downward briefly. but movement catches their eye, and chongyun is glancing back up in her direction. hu tao is smiling and reaching her own hand out. "oh!" the grin is back on their face, and they clasp her hand.

"i meant what i said," they repeat. "you are a good friend to me. but uh. ah ― i'm hungry. we should get going."

"Melted??"  Oh  she  was  indeed  perplexed  at  this  outcome.  She  leaned  over  examining  the  contents  of  his  pouch.  Or  rather  what  was  left  but  the  watery  remnants  of  a  few  popsicle  sticks.  "And  here  I  was  thinking  you  used  some  of  your  cryo  vision  to  keep  them  cool  somehow."  That  was  totally  how  it  was  done,  right?  Unless  there  was  another  way..

The  funeral  director  made  a  thoughtful  hum  to  herself.  "Actually  when  we  needed  to  keep  things  cool  at  the  funeral  parlor  we  often  used  mistflowers."  It  wasn't  much  of  a  suggestion  but  it  was  better  than  none  at  all.  Regardless,  Chongyun  was  certainly  being  successful  in  garnishing  sympathy  points  from  her.

"Ah!  Are  you  sure  you  can  walk?"  she  asked  once  he  had  made  the  offer  to  tag  along.  Sure  he  claimed  he  wasn't  'too  far  gone',  but  in  a  profession  such  as  hers  it  was  always  a  habit  to  not  take  any  slight  ailment  too  lightly.

"I  think  it  would  be  best  to  find  something  nearby,"  she  paused  placing  her  hand  under  her  chin  as  she  tried  to  recall  the  various  restaurants  as  well  as  keeping  in  mind  of  the  exorcist's  favorites.

"Melted??" Oh She Was Indeed Perplexed At This Outcome. She Leaned Over Examining The Contents Of His

"There's  that  place  over  by  Second  Life  that  does  sell  grilled  tiger  fish.  Not  much  places  to  sit  nearby.  Sooo  the  next  bet  would  be  Heyu  Teahouse.  Their  food  is  still  the  warmer  side  but  it  won't  be  spicy  like  at  Wanmin.  I  admit  I  like  going  there  cause  I  can  always  catch  one  of  Yunjin's  performances  from  time  to  time  .  What  do  you  think?~"

Just  near  the  end  of  her  informative  ramble  about  food  she  had  noticed  Chongyun  had  moved  closer  to  her.  This  was  pleasantly  different  than  what  she  was  use  to.  Most  would  have  done  the  opposite  and  edged  away  from  the  funeral  director.  There  was  an  attempt  to  hide  to  pink  shade  that  cascaded  over  her  cheeks.

"Aiyaaa.  I  don't  know  if  that's  just  the  over  abundance  of  yang  energy  talking  or  not...but  really  it's  the  least  I  can  do,"  she  remarked  with  a  returned  smile.  With  that  she  slowly  stood  up  more  extending  out  her  hand  toward  Chongyun.

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5 months ago
Chongyun Laughs A Little At Her Concern. Not That It's Funny, But Because Chongyun Isn't Used To People

chongyun laughs a little at her concern. not that it's funny, but because chongyun isn't used to people caring so much for them. at least, not in this kind of way. "i'm well enough," they reassure hu tao. "don't worry about me." as tired as chongyun is currently, they're not so tired that they're on the verge of collapsing right then and there. maybe they were, but going to the tea house sounds like precisely the thing they currently need to let their body rest first before resorting to sleeping.

"and..." chongyun puts a finger to their chin as they follow along, taking in the sights and smells of the harbor. everything smells delicious, though chongyun is still hung up on the idea of eating fish. nothing else sounds quite as good. "if you want to learn more about yin and yang, i can teach you what i know sometime." not now ― that is a lesson chongyun is going to need notes on themself. even with their own yang energy, chongyun never fully got the hang of what exactly it is. those particulars had simply gone right over their head, like most teaching. the only lessons that really stuck were the physical training and the mantras.

Chongyun Laughs A Little At Her Concern. Not That It's Funny, But Because Chongyun Isn't Used To People

"i don't know much about them myself, but i know bits and pieces," chongyun continues. "everything my parents tried to teach me went over my head. i was always more interesting in learning how to fight and how to use my claymore, over any ailments i was born with." there's another sheepish expression on his face. "i know we still have books at home, if you'd ever like to stop by sometime. i plan on staying here for awhile at least, before i have to pick up and get back to work." leaving liyue harbor for several days.

"but we can enjoy the rest of today, i'd rather not force my brain to work too much if i can avoid it." he points at the teahouse. more specifically, chongyun is pointing out a still empty table that the pair can sit at.

"The  teahouse  it  is  then!"  she  affirmed  with  a  smile.  The  director  maay  had  been  hoping  he  would  choose  that  option.  It  seemed  this  was  another  thing  she  had  in  common  with  Chongyun.  As  well  as  their  love  for  a  good  story.

"Maybe  we  can  actually  hear  a  conclusion  to  those  usual  cliffhangers~"  Hu  Tao  mused  in  reference  to  the  storyteller's  habit  of  forgetting  where  they  left  off.  Not  that  she  minded.  She  found  the  quirk  rather  fun  and  endearing,  hence  her  frequent  visits  to  the  teahouse.

Moving  back  to  the  present  moment,  she  found  there  was  a  lingering  closeness  between  the  two.  Not  to  mention  a  sense  of  awkwardness.  And  yet,  she  didn't  instinctively  back  off.  Of  course  the  exorcist  was  being  nothing  but  genuine  in  their  sentiments  toward  her.  She  knew  that.  Still  he  was  correct  in  his  thoughts  that  she  wasn't  use  to  such  kindness  in  general.

"The Teahouse It Is Then!" She Affirmed With A Smile. The Director Maay Had Been Hoping He Would Choose

"Ahh..I  suppose  I  have  bit  more  to  learn  about  those  yin  and  yang  energies,"  she  remarked  letting  out  a  soft  sigh.  "You  really  are  much  too  kind,  Chongyun."

With  that  she  grasped  onto  his  hand  helping  to  pull  him  up  onto  his  feet.  She  didn't  doubt  what  he  had  said.  Not  at  all.  The  exorcist  had  always  been  such  a  kind  friend.  Even  since  they  were  kids.

The  mention  of  food  did  elicit  her  own  stomach  to  growl  slightly.  Yep,  she  was  hungry  as  well.  Though  her  face  did  scrunch  up  with  a  bit  of  embarrassment  that  she  simply  overworked  herself  she  forgot  to  grab  something  to  eat  earlier.

"Come  on.  The  teahouse  isn't  too  far  from  here.  Just  right  past  the  funeral  parlor  even"  she  began  to  tug  at  him  in  an  effort  to  lead  but  then  paused  turning  her  attention  back  toward  Chongyun.  "You  are  well  enough  to  walk  there,  right?  I  mean  here.."  she  stepped  a  bit  closer  over  a  shoulder  for  him  to  lean  on  in  case  there  was  such  a  need.

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5 months ago
Chongyun Browses The Menu, Not Sure What Sounds More Appetizing. Jade Parcels Had Always Looked Tempting,

chongyun browses the menu, not sure what sounds more appetizing. jade parcels had always looked tempting, but as they contain the jueyun chilies, chongyun also isn't willing to risk it, especially not when he's already not at his peak right now.

"i think i'll get the mooncakes and the lotus crisps," chongyun says, setting the menu down on the table. "and cold tea." that's still a fair amount of food, but chongyun is hungry, and eating that much is going to help give a return of some of the energy he is missing.

"you really don't have to pay for this, but thank you." TECHNICALLY, hu tao isn't paying for it. her funeral home is paying for it, which still isn't a huge deal. though chongyun can see mr. zhongli being confused about the expenses later on, maybe.

"to go back to your earlier statement―" chongyun almost hesitates here. it's not that they can't get the words out, or that they're afraid hu tao wouldn't understand. chongyun's just never been vulnerable with friends very much, too independent and even lonely to realize how healthy relying on others can be.

they suppose this is a good time as any to trust their friends a little more.

Chongyun Browses The Menu, Not Sure What Sounds More Appetizing. Jade Parcels Had Always Looked Tempting,

"― it's not that i can handle things on my own. it's more that i've never really learned how to rely on others." there's an awkward pause after this, even more awkward when the server comes back to ask for their orders. chongyun gives his, before waiting for hu tao to order.

"there's a lot i tend to keep to myself, because i never really learned how to open up. my parents never really..." chongyun waves his hand around. "i don't know. taught me to work with others?"

"How  can  I  not  worry  about...~"  her  voice  trailed  off  mid-protest.

She  couldn't  blame  Chongyun  for  finding  humor  in  her  state  of  concern.  Immediately  she  straightened  up  hearing  his  polite  decline  for  help.  "Ahem..Right,  of  course.  You  always  could  handle  stuff  on  your  own,  haven't  you?"  she  remarked  as  she  continued  walk  along  side  of  him.

Such  an  idea  was  something  she  learned  overtime  when  hanging  out  with  the  Liyuian  exorcist.  Partly  from  her  own  mistakes  even.  Hu  Tao  knew  he  wanted  to  be  trusted  with  what  he  was  capable  with.  Especially  when  it  came  to  his  work  and  fighting  skills.

As  always  the  sites  around  Liyue  Harbor  had  both  an  invigorating  and  yet  calming  effect  to  the  funeral  director.  If  the  winds  blew  just  right  you  can  almost  taste  the  sea.  Similar  to  Chongyun,  fish  based  dishes  were  always  a  favorite.  Then  again,  the  teahouse  was  just  as  good,  if  not  a  bit  better  with  its  ideal  atmosphere.

The  mortician  elicited  a  soft  hum  as  Chongyun  relayed  his  own  experience  with  yin  and  yang  as  well  as  his  training.  "I  think  I  get  what  ya  mean.  Not  only  is  it  your  own  way,  but  it's  one  you  want  to  prove  is  just  as  good.  "  Right  that  made  sense.  Her  face  scrunched  up  slightly.  Was  she  giving  unwanted  advice  again?  Much  more  sounding  strange?  It  almost  wasn't  like  her  to  be  stumbling  over  her  own  thoughts. 

"How Can I Not Worry About...~" Her Voice Trailed Off Mid-protest.

"Nearly  everyone  expects  me  to  act  and  behave  a  certain  way.  The  belief  got  to  my  undertakers.  They  barely  speak  a  word,  because  of  how  others  perceive  our  business.  I  respect  those  traditions.  Really  I  do."  Again  another  pause.  It  was  a  selfish  mix  of  trying  to  relate.  Yin  and  yang  energies  were  something  to  be  balanced  like  the  concepts  of  life  and  death.

Fortunately  such  heavy  thoughts  were  whisked  away  when  the  empty  table  was  pointed  out.  "I'll  definitely  consider  visiting  your  home,  but  until  then  I  must  admit  I've  been  starving  quite  a  bit,"  the  director  said  as  she  sat  down  on  one  of  the  rounded  chairs.

It  wouldn't  be  long  before  a  server  dropped  off  a  pair  of  menus.  As  expected  there  was  a  plethora  a  tea  listed  included  the  popular  chenyu  brew.  As  well  as  complimentary  dishes  including  lotus  flower  crisps,  jade  parcels,  rice  buns,  and  full  mooncakes.  All  of  which  looked  appetizing.

One  item  in  particular  caught  her  attention.  "Ah!  They  are  having  crystal  shrimp  dumplings  here  again  ~  I  mean  of  course  you  should  order  what  you  like.  And  don't  worry  about  the  cost.  I'll  put  it  on  the  funeral  parlor's  tab  to  cover  it"

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